Game of Thrones: Shipping

This is a Thread for these nasty people who want to ship Game of Thrones characters.

Make it the Show, Books, or the game.




  • Please God no, I've already witnessed the TFTBL section fall to shipping, I can't see GOT fall as well.

  • You have to admit that Cotato is a great ship.

    Please God no, I've already witnessed the TFTBL section fall to shipping, I can't see GOT fall as well.

  • Clearly the answer is Rhyiona, no matter what game

  • Lol you think GoT hasn't fallen yet?

    There were shit ton of posts where people would ship Tyrion and Mira.

    Please God no, I've already witnessed the TFTBL section fall to shipping, I can't see GOT fall as well.

  • Really, I haven't seen anyone ship Tyrion and Mira together.

    Lol you think GoT hasn't fallen yet? There were shit ton of posts where people would ship Tyrion and Mira.

  • True, I'll give you that, those two are meant for each other.

    Tombstoke posted: »

    You have to admit that Cotato is a great ship.

  • You spelled Rhysha wrong

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clearly the answer is Rhyiona, no matter what game

  • Cotato, Rodna, Gryna, Gryli.

    In fact, Gryff x everyone.

  • While I disagree with the ship, I am willing to admit that this was a really cool video, Poogers did a nice job with it.

    bloop posted: »


  • Arya x Gendry. ;_;

  • Poogs does a great job with everything he makes. Shout out to Poogs btw

    While I disagree with the ship, I am willing to admit that this was a really cool video, Poogers did a nice job with it.

  • His other videos are great as well (even if they are Rhyiona related) but this one blows everything out of the water by far.

    Green613 posted: »

    Poogs does a great job with everything he makes. Shout out to Poogs btw

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    Poogs does a great job with everything he makes. Shout out to Poogs btw

  • "When the last of them were gone, Ramsay Bolton turned his smile on Reek. He clasped him by the back of the head, pulled his face close, kissed him on his cheek, and whispered,
    “My old friend Reek. Did they really take you for their prince? What bloody fools, these ironmen. The gods are laughing.”
    "All they want is to go home, my lord.”
    “And what do you want, my sweet Reek?” Ramsay murmured, as softly as a lover."

    • A Dance with Dragons, don't remember the chapter.
  • edited April 2015

    Rhys and Fiona GoT AU pls

    They both die tragically in each other´s arms. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Onnnn topic...uh Gared x Maggots. OTP.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clearly the answer is Rhyiona, no matter what game

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text

    This has taken me so much inspiration and work to do.

    Here is something for you Rhyiona fans to enjoy.

    (Also, my art skill has been greatly improved. Better than the last one.)

  • Alt text

    This has taken me so much inspiration and work to do. Here is something for you Rhyiona fans to enjoy. (Also, my art skill has been greatly improved. Better than the last one.)

  • This thread has given me ideas for a new 50 Shades....

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  • Sansa and Margaery ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    In all seriousness though, I still think a possible Gwyn/Asher marriage will help a lot of things

  • edited April 2015

    Well in the show I ship Jon Snow and Daenerys and Brienne and Jaime.

    In the game I ship Gwyn and Asher.

  • Books and show: Jon and Ygritte, in game: Asher and Gwyn.

  • Gared and talia, despite the age difference. And beska and asher, despite asher loving another girl and the fact that beska calls him brother....

  • Rodrick and Gwyn. I don't know, it just seems like she and Asher don't have much feelings left for each over. And every interaction between Gwyn and Rodrick just gives me that trembling feeling inside.

    Mira and Morgryn. Not likely to happen, but it's surely a thing.

    Well, speaking about slash... (the foloving is crazy to the point when it starts to hurt, you've been warned)... Gared and Britt, Gared and Frostfinger, Gryff and Rodrick, Cotter and Finn.

  • Gared and Frostfinger

    maybe Gared wanted to be steward after all

    Krapinka posted: »

    Rodrick and Gwyn. I don't know, it just seems like she and Asher don't have much feelings left for each over. And every interaction between

  • Alt text

    This has taken me so much inspiration and work to do. Here is something for you Rhyiona fans to enjoy. (Also, my art skill has been greatly improved. Better than the last one.)

  • Rodna

    Rodrik x Talia?


    Gryff x ???


    Gryff x ???

    Cotato, Rodna, Gryna, Gryli. In fact, Gryff x everyone.

  • Asher and Beskha!!!

  • When Gryff said Talia should be punished.... oh boy, talking about Gryffia

  • Pardon me for my unclear ness.

    Rodna = Rodrik x Elaena

    Gryna = Gryff x Elaena

    Gryli, should be Grylia. = Gryff x Talia

    Rodna Rodrik x Talia? Gryna Gryff x ??? Gryli Gryff x ???

  • what have you done

    This has taken me so much inspiration and work to do. Here is something for you Rhyiona fans to enjoy. (Also, my art skill has been greatly improved. Better than the last one.)

  • Alt text

    When Gryff said Talia should be punished.... oh boy, talking about Gryffia

  • edited April 2015

    well, this is the shipping thread what else would you expect?

  • True... at least your ship is better than the one of EthanXTalia. Necrophilia and incest in one...

    well, this is the shipping thread what else would you expect?

  • maybe WalkerHunterMark is actually notacop and is checking which one of us like underage shipping

    True... at least your ship is better than the one of EthanXTalia. Necrophilia and incest in one...

  • "Oh crap you caught me!"

    Alt text

    maybe WalkerHunterMark is actually notacop and is checking which one of us like underage shipping

  • Shubbalubbadingdong = Cat CONFIRMED

    "Oh crap you caught me!"

  • Spooki

    Shubbalubbadingdong = Cat CONFIRMED

  • edited April 2015

    Rethan (Ramsay and Ethan)


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