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  • edited April 2015

    The big day. Time eventually heals all wounds....

    Gren and his brothers occupied the bakyard. All four of the kids leaned against the fence and watched their father prepare for training. Liam, along with his sisters, cheered Gren on; in true form, the mighty Grendel circled his opponent and prepared to attack. Thomas, although ailing and older, still had some fight left in his old body. Towering over his youngest son, the spikes along his spine, legs and shoulders popped out like Pansies in the fields of green. Isaiah stood back and watched; Robert, not impressed to say the least, watched his younger brother try to take on such a beast before him.

    While the men participated in Grendel rituals, Rosie and Emily stayed in the kitchen and began preperations on lunch. Emily was craving her famous brown sugar and honey coated Porkchops. Junior's wife, Mary, sat in the kitchen and aides Lyla with the peeling of potatos; Georgie, drinking a Beer, stood beside Isaiah and observed his first Grendel Alpha training session. Michelle and Ethan were on their way to Emily's home; Ethan took the day off to assist Michelle with Erica's doctor's appointment. Peter and Katie remained back at the Business Office and did their part to locate Carla and hope she had SOME answers...

    Mary holds up a peel and places it under her lip. "Hey, Emily-Ems, look. Who am I?" Mary stands up and grabs Emily's hips. "UGH yes, Emily! Me Gren! Me going to plow you and give you lots and lots of babies! Ooga Booga!"

    "Woot the fook, Mary?" Emily chuckles, trying to pull away from Mary. "The bloody devil did the ooga booga come from?"

    Lyla holds up her knife. "Mary, please! That is between GREN and my daughter! I don't need to hear about their sexual adventures and the rumble in the jungle."

    Rosie turns a bright red. "Oh God, ew!" She covers her ears. "Emily! Mary! That's my dad! Ew!"

    Mary leans on the table and points her peeler at Rosie. "Yo, Rosie Posie. If you have not figured it out yet, babies come from sex. Emily got plowed and-"

    Emily throws a potato at Mary's back. It slams right in the middle. "Hush ya' fookin' mouth, Mary! Don't go givin' the poor thing nightmares now!"

    Rosie laughs. "Too late. There they are!"

    Vivian quietly sat in the back and watched the women prepare the meal. It was wonderful to hear their booming laughter and voices. So much heartache and devestation happened in a short time and moments like this made Vivian appreciate how connected and strong Emily and her family had become. She was proud of Emily. She did, however, notice Rosie glaring out the window more then usual. Emily saw this, too.

    "Rosie-" This startled Rosie as she dropped a potato. "Oh fook, love! I'm sorry! Didn't mean ta' scare ya'!"

    "No, its' fine, Ems." Rosie picks up the vegetable and rinses it off. "I was just....looking outside the window."

    "Well, DUH!" Mary laughs. "Ya' keeping an eye out for Ethan or ar you curious about that circus going on outside?"

    Rosie looks over at Lyla; continuing to peel her final potato, Lyla nods and grins. Mary and Emily are aware of this.

    "Woot is goin' on, ya' two?" Emily wipes her hands on her apron. "Mum....Rosie-"

    "Go ahead, baby girl. Emily does not bite. Your father might, though..."

    "Aunt Lyla!" Rosie covers her face. "It's bad enough he does not know and-"

    "Does not know woot, Rosie?"

    Rosie plays with a strand of her hair before speaking. "Um,, uh....boyfriend is coming over for lunch, too."

    "Great!" Emily continues seasoning the meat. "That will be wonda'ful! Ya' dad and I 'ave been meaning ta' meet this fella' now! Woot is he-Fable, mundy, Wolf?"


    "Alright. Woot kind?"

    "My dad knows him. Papa and nana know him, too. So does your mom and dad and-"


    Before she could answer Emily, all of the women hear a loud roar and several men trying to speak. Emily looks out and sees Robert and Isaiah hold back Gren. Georgie was pulling about another fellow; he wore a plaid shirt, dark brown pants and boots. He was bald but had a massive beard on his face. In his hands, he held a container. Gren continued to claw in his direction, while Robert and Isaiah did their best to control their brother. The quads, in a group, ran inside the house. While Lyla comforts the kids, Rosie runs outside; Emily quickly follows, while Mary whistles, slaps her side and laughs.

    "MAN! This is going to be good, eh Lyla?"

    Rosie manages to run towards her uncle Georgie. Georgie nearly falls to the ground, as Rosie's boyfriend now had both hands creating a fist and prepared to fight. Gren claws the ground, kicking up dirt and roots.

    "Dad, stop! He's my guest!"

    "What's he doing here, Rosie?! Please tell me this is NOT your boyfriend!?"

    "Yes, daddy! This is him...."

    "HIM!?" Gren bellows in her direction. "Rosie, no!"

    Rosie inhales and looks at her uncles. Emily catches up; she stands before Gren, stroking his face and doing her best to comfort her fuming husband. Lyla and the quads join; the girls were nervous around the stranger, while Liam was ready to find out who this mysterious man was. Rosie clears her throat.

    "Everyone....this is boyfriend...."

    Liam had difficulty lifting the axe; he was taken back by the item and the markings it had along the blade. The girls were more interested in his facial hair and Viviana swore it would look pretty with beads and pink ribbon. Gren, however, had other thoughts for the man sitting before him, holding his daughter's hand. It had been years since Gren last saw Woody. He looked the exact same as the final afternoon her saw the Woodsman. He held the axe proudly beside his shoulder and wandered off into the sunset. Only thing missing was his noble white stallion and a going-away party. Since their last altercation in the bar, Gren was left with a bad taste in his mouth. Woody seemed to vanish and like the others, Gren thought he either died or went insane. He knew Rosie was seeing someone for some time. Gren could not believe WHO it was.

    The entire home quickly smelled of freshly brewed coffee and lunch in the oven. Emily made both Gren and Woody a cup and took her usual seat beside Gren. Emily coaxed her husband with the gentle sway of her soft, slender fingers. If anything, Emily knew what Rosie was dealing with;
    Georgie was not exactly welcoming of Gren or excited knowing he and Emily were not only dating but expecting a family. It took the men much needed time before coming to the conclusion of what truly mattered in the end. Gren appeared to be thinking the same thing. Without words, he nods to Emily; he couldn't see past Woody and what took place between them but the way his daughter grinned, it was enough for the beast to hold back and accept. Everyone seemed to glue their eyes on Gren and his next move.

    "Daddy..." Rosie touches Gren's hand. "Are you going to talk or are we going to sit in silence?"

    "I'm going to talk." Gren leans closer. "Just...this is so fuckin' sudden, Rosie. I mean...Woody."

    "Gren." Emily grabs his arm and pulls close. "Please, love. Remember...."'

    Woody clears his throat and places the coffee on the table. "Gren. It's nice seeing you again. I'm...I'm sorry for what happened. You know-that night at Holly's bar and-"

    Gren shakes his head. "I don't give a fuck 'bout that night, Woody. To be honest, I'm here because of one thing-that little red haired beauty sittin' beside ya'."

    Before either could speak, Seraphina and Chloe approach Woody; the sisters hold hands and stare at the burly man with the plaid shirt and beard.

    "Are you dating my sissy?" Chloe smiles. "Rosie makes really good cookies."

    "Does she now?" Woody scoots closer to the girls. "What else does your sister do that is pretty neat?"

    Liam furiously waves his hand. "Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh! She can make these really delicious deviled eggs, sir, with this green stuff on the top! Yum!"

    Chloe continues. "She can tell really awesome bedtime stories, too."

    Woody chuckles, glancing at Rosie. "Well, looks like I'm due for cookies, deviled eggs and stories."

    Emily sits up and collects the quads. "Alright, babies. Away with ya'. Daddy, Rosie and Woody need ta' have adult time."

    "Ah, mom!" All four look up. "But, we wanna talk to Woody and-"

    "I'm SURE Woody is stayin' fa' lunch-" Emily faces Gren. "RIGHT, love?"

    Gren does not say a word. Instead, he fishes his fingers into his jean pocket, pulls out a lighter and pack of cigarettes.

    "Care to join me outside, Woody?"

    He watches Woody embrace Rosie; the way he carried himself was different and he looked happy being with his daughter. That smile. Something Woody rarely did back then. Same with Gren....The men head out to the front; Thomas, Isaiah and Robert lean against their cars and wait in anticipation. Gren notices Sunflower standing hear the mailbox. This was nearly the entire group of people coming to the house. Gren was not too sure if the guests were there to witness Gren's training or material for their stories when others would ask. Either way, as he and Woody smoked, word travels fast.

    Woody points. "Neat arm. New?"

    "Yup." Gren pounds it with a fist. "Isaiah made it. My other one was...holding me back for some time, Woody."

    Woody agrees. "You look good, Gren. You look happy. The four younger ones are precious. Rosie, too..."

    Gren sighs. "She looks so much like her mother now. Fuck. I thought it would be easy but things changed so quickly."

    "She told me." Woody looks out to the open fields. "She rarely talks about her, though. Or the brothers. She speaks about Emily as if THAT was her mother."

    "Rosie and Emily were always so close." Gren chuckles, shaking his head. "Who would have known, eh Woods?"

    "These things are funny like that, Gren. Bigby was Sheriff, married Snow and had all those kids; Holly marries and has a little girl with the eldest son of Bigby. Georgie Porgie got a second chance and married a beautiful young lady and together, they gave you your second chance at life. Emily is beautiful and a wonderful person. You did good with Rosie, Gren. She's stronger then you think."

    "She's so much better then her mother..." Gren kicks a nearby pebble. "It fuckin' hurts my heart, Woody."

    "No one said it would be easy to do, Gren."

    "What ARE you doing these days, Woody?"

    "Well, got a studio apartment in Queens. Working in a Grocery store, stocking in the mornings. That's how Rosie and I met. She needed a gallon of Vitamin D milk and the damn thing was way in the back. I thought she was beautiful the moment I laid my eyes on her. I needed to know this mysterious woman with the charming personality. We went to dinner two days later and slowly, she revieled her story to me, as did I to her."

    "No hookers?"

    Woody laughs. "No, Gren. No hookers. Just Rosie. She's doing good, too, with Michelle and her daughter. Her heart is so accepting."

    Gren nods, wiping away a tear. "Yeah...that's my Rosie."

    "You have a beautiful family, Gren. She told me about the situation and I want to help. If, you'll allow me, that is...."

    The old Gren, the one back then, would have caused a huge scene and fought the Woodsman. Why? Becasue its what Gren did so well and was known for. He had 'violent tendencies' on his forehead in bright, red letters; fighting the Woodsman would have been a slice of cake and
    that was all to it. Looking around, however, things were different. Glancing at his new arm, he beams. Gren shakes Woody's hand and pats him on the shoulder.

    "Come on, Woody. My wife makes the best fuckin' Porkchops you'll ever taste."

    As the men head back to the house, the wind picks up. Gren knew he'd made the right decision.

    'I'm better than you knew me, I'm better than I should be, better than I was when you walked out that door. I don't think you know me anymore. I'm better then you left me.'

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 Also, this just made my freakin' day! :D Thanks to dirtbag over at tumblr! You're a rockstar, man! They look awesome! LOVE my Gremily! :D :D

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  • First off, welcome to the thread! :) Nice seeing a new face pop on through. This was interesting and very detailed. I look forward to seeing more, should you post it, that is. :3

    An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to s

  • edited April 2015

    Chapter 3: Wunderbar aber freundlich nicht Oz ist.

    A weapon from Oz.
    This was a peculiar item to find in the Black Forest, especially in the Nordenland. Never in Bedburg has such an item been seen. The law of Oz decrees that no items of weaponry value are to leave Oz unless the subject item is part of a military operation.

    Military operation.

    No, why would Oz attack the Nordenland? We had precious little. Nothing of interest to Oz could be found here.
    Then I smelt something else made out of the same alloy.
    Running towards the scent, I found it on a crossbow bolt buried in the side of a person’s head. I could not tell if it was a man or woman due to the charring of the corpse.
    I could smell it once more: another crossbow bolt. Again: a long sword. Then another crossbow bolt, then an arrow, another long sword, twenty more crossbow bolts and then an ornate raiper.
    All of these items were borne of the emblem of Oz.

    Oz was invading the Black Forest, but why?

    “You” ordered a voice from behind me. “State your business.”
    I turned to see a trinity of soldiers, each with the gold-coloured alloy from the Items I found armouring them. On their Torsos were the same emblem: “Oz’
    I spoke in a very accusative tone, the alveolar trill distinct in my accent and consistent with all of my "R's". “My business here? What of yours. I have found countless objects bearing your e-“

    I was cut off by the soldier to the right “Hey, His accent!” What of my accent?
    “We’ve left a survivor.” Said the one to the left

    All doubt was gone. This massacre was conducted by Oz.

    Drawing their swords, they charged at me

    So dumb an action is easily avoided and predicted from the few yards that separated us.

    Instinctively, I dropped into a squatting position and rolled out of their path.
    They obviously were not expecting that, the slowness of their reaction to my evasion made that evident and gave me enough me enough time to draw and throw my dagger into one of their skulls. They turned to face me but only for a moment before noticing their comrades collapse.


    Drawing my sabre, I took the distraction as an opportunity to slit the throat of the left soldier using the tip of my blade. The one on the right regained register and swung at me. I parried his attack with ease. Stepping back to avoid a counter strike, He stood still, awaiting my move. I examined him as he did this.

    His armour was intricately carved and bore a separate plate chained to his chest plate: the emblem of Oz bordered by silver inlay. His sword was a basket-hilted rapier, the hilt gold and bejewelled with multiple emeralds and the blade a pure aqua. This man had to be an officer. Being an officer would also point to experience in swordplay. His eyes were wide in some form of fear, belying his faces otherwise calm appearance.

    He made the first move: A thrust. From our distance I could predict his attack with great ease and thus parry it. Using the motion of my parry he spun around trying to slash me. The spin was just slow enough for me to block it. Using the shortness of my blade I dragged it under his horizontal position, simultaneously squatting and forced my blade into his abdomen. He released his sword with a low whimper as I stood to meet his face. I allowed him to slide of my blade, the serrated back of it making him cry in agony.
    I came to kneel beside him
    “Help me.” He snivelled

    “Help me and I will” I demanded in a calm voice.

    He looked at me in silence.

    “What happened here?” I asked

    “Orders to kill all of the Nordenland’s inhabitants” said he “The governor did not comply to the wishes of the empire-”

    “Empire?” I interrupted incredulously “what is this empire”

    “They control most of the known lands” He said in a lower voice. He was weakening. “Where have you been to miss that?”

    I never payed attention to politics as I never had a reason to. Neither did I stay in town long enough to hear anything about it. I simply traded and I was gone in a matter of minutes. the remoteness of my cabin meant imformation and travellers were scarce seen and I had no contacts to speak of aside from those I traded with.

    “So I am guessing that Oz constitutes as part of the empire?” I questioned

    “Yes, lord obvious!” he retorted before falling into coughing bounds “I have nothing left to say.That is all I know.”

    I considered this for a moment. He was rapidly weakening and would die very soon. I was not going to get any more useful knowledge from him.

    I stood walked to the first soldier I killed. “You said you would help me, help me, please” he said in a near whisper.
    I walked back over to him “And I shall.”

    My dagger of which I had retrieved from the skull of the first soldier to die was then acquainted with the dying ones carteroid.

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: The reason why I do tthe title of the chapters in german is both due to my love of the language and a tribute of sorts to the brothers Grimm.

  • Gramercy for the welcoime

    I will continue to post on here, But with my limited access to the internet. there might be times were I simply won't be on here for periods of time. However, I can assure you this story will produce at least 9 chapters, it might take some time though.

    I thank everyone for the warm welcome I have recieved.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    First off, welcome to the thread! Nice seeing a new face pop on through. This was interesting and very detailed. I look forward to seeing more, should you post it, that is.

  • edited April 2015

    Firstly, I appreciate the fact that you write Rosies accent as it sounds.
    Secondly, the conversations are well structured.
    Maybe detail the surroundings somewhat more articually? the descriptions are already good but some more details into what these "Grendel rituals" are wouldn't hurt

    On a different topic....

    May I say that in the time prior to me joining the forums the comments made by everyone on these threads as well as the stories on this thread have been entertaining and in many cases comical. Thank you all for the enetertainment you have afforded me. That is for all on the forum.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The big day. Time eventually heals all wounds.... Gren and his brothers occupied the bakyard. All four of the kids leaned against the fen

  • 12:10 AM and yet here I sit waiting for feedback. XD.

  • Ah, that's right! He's the dude from the hospital. This explains a lot now. :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Here is Kieron, a man found at the hospital that Alice had bumped into. He has average martial arts and sword capabilities along with the po

  • I'm sure I will because I'd most likely be the one creating the discussion, lol.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    If it can be done then you should be the first to have access cuz you're the thread master (I am serious)

  • Yo @HazzatheMan I think I found your new best friend XP I'm just kidding man lol XD

    I have classes right now but I will read your stories later on dude!

    12:10 AM and yet here I sit waiting for feedback. XD.

  • I love that picture. :) Glad to see other people take in interest in Gremily.

    I love Mary. This is so her and its nice to see everyone trying to have fun, even though all this is going on. Georgie is too funny; out there watching Grendels fight, like its a game or something. XD

    I'm not going to lie....Gren's reaction to Rosie dating Woody is not what I was expecting but he said it better then I ever could: the 'old' Gren would have flipped out and he's changed and sees how happy his daughter is. Woody seems like he's changed, too and can't wait to see what you do with him, considering not a lot of people write about him. Oh and robert....chill out, man! XD XD

    I love that ending, btw. :) Can't wait for more!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The big day. Time eventually heals all wounds.... Gren and his brothers occupied the bakyard. All four of the kids leaned against the fen

  • Ouch >.< That sucks. Well, I guess you can relate to her then! I hope it DOESN'T happen to you again; from the sounds of it, it's NOT fun!

    MasterStone posted: »

    She'd moved, but not before it hit her square on her shoulder blade. She screamed out and slammed against an armoire, falling to the wood fl

  • I'll send one later today, once I have time :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    A PM would be fine The fight wasn't bad!

  • edited April 2015

    Yeah I don't think I read it then....thought I caught up but I guess there were a few I may have missed. XD I'd love to read it, if you do know which page its on. :3 Or PM. Which ever is easier. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yep. She was mentioned in a chapter past, IDK if you read it or not. The chapter basically showed that she's unknown to the community, lives

  • Yep. She was mentioned in a chapter past, IDK if you read it or not. The chapter basically showed that she's unknown to the community, lives in the shadows, and is Mayor Rutley's surveillance and secret lover. If you need more on that specific chapter, I can PM you or find the page for you where it all goes down XD

    I also mentioned who the fable was in that chapter that I mentioned. I'll just PM you XD

    Glad you enjoy it :) I'm working on getting toward the end, lol.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh snap! Is this the Mirah from Franklin's past?! :0 I recall Johnathan looking for something in the parlor in your earlier chapters; believ

  • Yep. Mirah's a vampire. She was sent by Mayor Rutley, because Rutley is also an evil bastard. There has yet to be the revealing truth behind everything, so stay tuned! And thanks, I try. The next chapter is going to be steamy though, that's for sure.

    Ah yes, I remember Mirah after all this time. She's a vampire, correct? And who sent her to kill Belinda again? I'd say you're getting pretty good at doing fight scenes - Mirah was clumsily elegant in her fighting prowess, if I do say so myself. XD

  • Ah! I forgot about Rose :( I guess I'm used to her being alive in everyone else's stories. Wow, -sadface-. Can't wait for more though!

    Tetra posted: »

    I actually have yet to name him XD This chapter was out of the blue off the top of my head random lol but I will be naming more of his child

  • I love his look; he reminds me of those skater guys I see that chill behind the gym on campus for some reason. must be the jacket...XD So, this kieron; he's becoming my favorite and having a face to a name is always nice. I like this a lot and the song was awesome to listen to as I TRY to do my homework. lol

    Tetra posted: »

    Here is Kieron, a man found at the hospital that Alice had bumped into. He has average martial arts and sword capabilities along with the po

  • Glad you like his look! Lol I never thought of that until you brought it up, he does look like a Skater XD. It's awesome that you like Kieron as this whole story was a shot in the dark for the most part! Lol I apologize on the song XD The lyrics strongly resembles his story (as does any song lyrics I show lol) so I thought I'd add it XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I love his look; he reminds me of those skater guys I see that chill behind the gym on campus for some reason. must be the jacket...XD So, t

  • edited April 2015

    Certain characters I tend to lean more towards and he's creepin' on up there. :3 Oh no the song was a good thing acutally! XD It does help but I'm being a procrastinator today. lol

    Tetra posted: »

    Glad you like his look! Lol I never thought of that until you brought it up, he does look like a Skater XD. It's awesome that you like Kiero

  • I hear ya man lol I'm procrastinating on an essay I have due tomorrow morning. That's good that the song was enjoyable then XD.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Certain characters I tend to lean more towards and he's creepin' on up there. Oh no the song was a good thing acutally! XD It does help but I'm being a procrastinator today. lol

  • Dude don't be a dick :P

    I'm a friend to everyone on this thread!

    Tetra posted: »

    Yo @HazzatheMan I think I found your new best friend XP I'm just kidding man lol XD I have classes right now but I will read your stories later on dude!

  • That's why I said I was kidding XD I apologize Hazza.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude don't be a dick :P I'm a friend to everyone on this thread!

  • Alt text

    I am not impressed... :P

    Tetra posted: »

    That's why I said I was kidding XD I apologize Hazza.

  • Oh...Alice haha...oh what a coincidence gulps you know how much I love life? Hey remember that one time I played your game it was awesome really haha...I'm dead aren't I? XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I am not impressed... :P

  • edited April 2015

    (First of all, we will give you feedback in due course, but we aren't always on the thread to read stories.)

    Now, you give beautiful descriptions and the fight had a gracefulness to it, although I want to know more about your character!

    The POV style of writing is different for sure, but who is this Hunter?

    Chapter 3: Wunderbar aber freundlich nicht Oz ist. A weapon from Oz. This was a peculiar item to find in the Black Forest, especially i

  • Alt text

    Yes... you are XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh...Alice haha...oh what a coincidence gulps you know how much I love life? Hey remember that one time I played your game it was awesome really haha...I'm dead aren't I? XD

  • It's a curious thing!

    Seems like two turned out good and two turned out bad, Lyla and Gina, Mary and Carla. It's a very basic way of seeing it, but it's just so hard to think that Lyla and Gina could be sisters to those two. You're right, though, these things do happen.

    Glad to hear Robert won't be the bad guy. He's a good guy (one of my favourites on here!) and knowing that Gren, Emily and everyone else can count on him makes things seem not as bleak! Which is another point; after reading the rest, Mary and Carla have brought everyone together in a way that they might have done otherwise. Just a shame about the circumstances.

    Going good, Pie! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    That freaks me out, too; my sister does that a lot but I had to incorporate tht for one of the kids. lol Carla is causing so much bullshi

  • As everyone else has said, welcome to thread! I apologise that I don't have the chance to read your post yet, however I thought I'd say hi. :)

    An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to s

  • edited April 2015

    Great chapter!!

    Nice to see Gren accepting Woody back into hit life, as well as into the life of his daughter Rosie :)

    Though, who did Holly marry? Was it Connor Wolf? I don't recall him being her husband :/

    (Update to the above: She's married to Peter Porgie :P That comment is just shits and giggles now)

    Anyways, I look forward to more! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The big day. Time eventually heals all wounds.... Gren and his brothers occupied the bakyard. All four of the kids leaned against the fen

  • Wait. we are friends?

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yes... you are XD

  • LOL I saw that Connor comment and was like 'Wait...DID I put him?!' I had a plan for him and Blossom coming up in regards to Mary's kids but WHEW! Thank goodness you saw Peter's name. lol

    I'm glad this works out. :) Never wanted drama for Rosie. She has enough. lmao Nick will be coming shortly, btw. :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Great chapter!! Nice to see Gren accepting Woody back into hit life, as well as into the life of his daughter Rosie Though, who did H

  • I meant that post as comical sarcasm.

    I understand that everyone else has their own lives. (but I don't XD)

    My sense of humor is quite dry so I do not think many may get my jokes at times (for example, the comment above) and for that I apologise in advance to all on this forum

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (First of all, we will give you feedback in due course, but we aren't always on the thread to read stories.) Now, you give beautiful desc

  • Yeah I was looking through your OC PM and saw Peter was married to Holly and I was like "Oh bollocks" :P

    Oh yeah, ma boy Nick! I have very high hopes for your portrayal of him dude!! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL I saw that Connor comment and was like 'Wait...DID I put him?!' I had a plan for him and Blossom coming up in regards to Mary's kids but

  • Yeah, if you saw my message, I hope you understand why I don't want to give everyone a full bio of Nick :/

    Will Mary interact with Nick? (I guess I'm just hoping Nick becomes a part of it all for a while instead of just being there for the training :P)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Not a problem, man. I've done that before. Happens to us all. That PM thing worked out perfectly, too. I hope you like it. Emily is going to get a tough lesson but its for the best.

  • Well I'm always on the thread cuz I've finished school and I have a job that grants me quite a bit of free time atm :P

    I meant that post as comical sarcasm. I understand that everyone else has their own lives. (but I don't XD) My sense of humor is quite

  • Not a problem, man. I've done that before. Happens to us all. :3 That PM thing worked out perfectly, too. :)

    I hope you like it. Emily is going to get a tough lesson but its for the best. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah I was looking through your OC PM and saw Peter was married to Holly and I was like "Oh bollocks" :P Oh yeah, ma boy Nick! I have very high hopes for your portrayal of him dude!! XD

  • And I am in the middle of school holidays and thus have plenty of time to write :)

    As for your desire to know more of the carachter, He is meant to be the hunter from "the Hart and the Hunter" by Aesop.
    He has had very little human interaction, hence his detatchment from bedburg.
    He just sees himself doing what his good at for the sake of it and has no goals in life other than to hunt and trade and repeat.

    You might say I based him loosely on Agent 47
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    "watch your back..."

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well I'm always on the thread cuz I've finished school and I have a job that grants me quite a bit of free time atm :P

  • Again, another master has graced me with their presence (I mean that as a joke and complement to those whom write on this forum if you do not get it).

    An apology is not needed.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    As everyone else has said, welcome to thread! I apologise that I don't have the chance to read your post yet, however I thought I'd say hi.


    And I am in the middle of school holidays and thus have plenty of time to write As for your desire to know more of the carachter, He is

  • Why War?

    In the real world...

    "Dad can we go see mommy?" A little boy said

    Hans picked him up. "I don't see why not. Let's go."

    At the hospital...

    "Sir we have a problem." A scientist said

    "What is it, what's happened?" The lead scientist said

    "Well it seems Kieron is in what seems to be a small coma, his last fight went too far his mental stability charts comepletely dropped but somehow has risen up. Azarias has also dropped but only slightly, she seems to take great comfort when Kieron is around. And Alice is trying to maintain her mental stability but it's slowly beginning to slip." The scientist explained

    "I see...separate them." He replied

    "But sir that'd make things worse! What if we completely lose Wonderland!? Plus everyone there will die and be erased from existence!" The scientist said

    "Then so be it, our tracks will be covered either way." He smirked

    The scared scientist turns around. "Okay sir...."

    Hans and his son arrived at the front desk.

    "Hey can we see Alice today?" Hans asked

    "No she's currently in the middle of a session." The worker said

    "But according to the schedule she doesn't have anything today." He replied

    "There's been a sudden change she took a slip and required more sessions." The worker said

    "But the last time we were here she was so happy and recovering, it doesn't make any sense." Hans said calmly

    "We're sorry that we didn't contact you sooner sir. But for now I need you to leave." The worker said

    The kid tugged at Hans' shirt. "Can we not see mom today?" He had a sad look on his face.

    Hans knew something was wrong as much as it killed him he decided to bring this to the attention to Luke and Bigby that something was wrong here. "Sorry to get you excited to see mom. For now let's run some errands huh?" He smiled

    The boy smiled "Okay!"

    Hans and the little kid left the hospital.

    In wonderland...

    Azaria woke up to see Kieron was still sleeping. She wondered why he was still asleep, he should be awake by now. The kitten stretched and woke up and rubbed his face on her cheek.

    "Oh now you want to show me some love huh?" She scratched his head. "I'm sure you know what Kierons going through don't you?"

    The kitten purred and nodded. It began to do a sleeping motion that looked forced. It then pointed at Kierons chest and made an opening motion.

    "You want me to see his chest?" She asked

    The kitten nodded. It began to make sewing motions.

    "So what? He went through some surgery." She said

    The kitten shook it's head. And then pointed at Kierons chest again.

    "I still don't understand but I'll do what you say." She said taking off his tshirt.

    When she took off his tshirt she saw scars everywhere, she saw recent cut marks and even old stitches not taken out. What had happened to Kieron? Why was he like this? These thoughts raced through her head as she saw Kierons body. A doctor came into the room.

    "Miss I don't believe I gave you permission to-" He began to say until Azaria stood up and pointed at him.

    "What the HELL is this!" She questioned him poi ting at Kirons chest.

    "Ma'am we had nothing to do with that, although we can tell that he's been through many, many surgeries." He said

    "Well of course but how many?" She asked

    "We can't tell. We would need medical files on that." He said

    The kitten jumped down from the table and climbed on Azarias shoulder. She looked at the kitten and the kitten pawned at her as if it were telling her something. She ignored him and went back to the doctor.

    "We'll why haven't you taken out those stitches and helped him? Why is he still asleep?" She had many questions to ask.

    "We'll you see he-" He was interrupted yet again but by soldiers.

    The soldiers grabbed Azaria. The kitten jumped down and went back to Kierons side.

    "Get the hell off of me!" She said trying to break free from the soldiers grip.

    "Azaria, you are requested along with Alice to be transferred to a safer place." A soldier said

    "The fuck I will! I can't leave Kieron to fight by himslef!" She said

    The soldier threw her outside the door. "Don't worry your freak of a boyfriend will be fine." He laughed

    The other soldier turned around "Sorry about the violence Doc." He said

    The doctor looked scared "I...didn't see a thing." He said

    "Good. Now let's get moving." The soldier said

    The soldier grabbed Azaria and they met up with Alice. Alice was not impressed.

    "I told you I wouldn't cooperate if you hurt them!" She said

    "Oh Kieron won't be showing." The soldier said.

    Alice crossed her arms. "Why not?" Shadow beings began to show up behind her

    "Alice there is no need for such hostility, he simply needs to undergo an operation." A man said

    Alice turned around. "And who are you?" She asked

    "I am the leader of the resistance, my name is Max" He said

    Azaria piped in "Are you going to help Kieron with this 'operation' or are you going to hurt him more?" She said

    "No of course not, we are actually using all of our resources and magic to get him to top condition." He said "We simply want to know why he has so many scars. Simple curiosity."

    Azaria looked down, nothing she said would matter he'd just brush it off. Alice on the other hand looked like she realized something. But she kept quiet. Max looked at the soldiers.

    "Transport them lower in the base where the king can't see them." He said

    The soldiers nodded and brought them lower into the base and threw them in a room.

    "Alright ladies food will be down in a bit." He said

    Azaria sat on a wall while Alice could care less what the soldier had to say. The soldier shrugged and slammed the door shut...

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

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