Sera Martell?

I know that maybe its stupid but I think that Sare COULD BE Oberyn's bastard :P
1.Her skin is olive like Oberyn's.
2.He said that he fucked lots of womans.
3.Sera said that he is handsome(I know that its not a clue, but its somethink about him.)
4.Sera is really similiar to one of his bastards(that prettier one with long hairs.)

I know that she could be bastard of another Dorne's man, but I think that she's a Martell girl ; p


  • Flowers is the bastard name for Reach bastards. So I doubt it, but it could be possible.

  • edited April 2015

    Not if he goes out of character. Considering he seems to personally father a majority of his bastard children, as shown in the TV show when I think he said he had eight children which he all loved and knew.

    Sera said she never knew her father, so this is sort of out of character.

  • Very unlikely verging on impossible, she isnt even from dorne her mother was still from highgarden.

  • Yeah, but i Oberyn could go there, or Sera's mother could go with Ollena Tyrell to Dorne or somewhere wher he was. :p

    Very unlikely verging on impossible, she isnt even from dorne her mother was still from highgarden.

  • She was born there, who said that her mother 'did it' with someone somewhere in Reach?

    Flowers is the bastard name for Reach bastards. So I doubt it, but it could be possible.

  • Eh, possible, but I somewhat doubt that her mother was rich enough to travel far.

    She was born there, who said that her mother 'did it' with someone somewhere in Reach?

  • Oberyn looks after all of his bastards, it's very unlikely he would abandon one of them. And since when addmiting that someone is handsome suggests some kind of family bond? :>

  • But what if he didnt know about her? :D

    fallandir posted: »

    Oberyn looks after all of his bastards, it's very unlikely he would abandon one of them. And since when addmiting that someone is handsome suggests some kind of family bond? :>

  • I think it wouldn't be canon..

    But what if he didnt know about her? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN XD

  • PS. Hey bro, are you Polish? Pozdrawiam :>

    But what if he didnt know about her? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN XD

  • Cza było od razu po polsku :DD

    fallandir posted: »

    PS. Hey bro, are you Polish? Pozdrawiam :>

  • Umknęło mi "PL" na końcu nicku :>

    Cza było od razu po polsku :DD

  • [removed]

    fallandir posted: »

    Umknęło mi "PL" na końcu nicku :>

  • I love Oberyn but I doubt it. People in Dorne usually had a very dark skin tone and complexion. They look a long the lines of a Native American or someone from the middle east. I may be wrong but I believe other than The Purple Wedding the only time Oberyn was in King's Landing was when Tyrion was first born and he was still a boy at that time. And c'mon everyone thinks Oberyn is handsome ;)

    Alt text

  • I'm sure there are lots of olive-skinned Lords fucking women all over Westeros. It's a bit of a stretch.

    Also Oberyin was probably not welcome anywhere within the Reach, due to the Martell-Tyrell rivalry. He's not likely to have had many occasions to father any Flowers, although I admit it's possible.

  • edited April 2015 long, can't post

    znixx posted: »

    Witam rodaków

  • Look at Nymeria Sand and Sera ;)

    Clemenem posted: »

    I love Oberyn but I doubt it. People in Dorne usually had a very dark skin tone and complexion. They look a long the lines of a Native Ameri

  • Nah. It wouldn't add anything to the plot...

  • Season Two ;)

    Nah. It wouldn't add anything to the plot...

  • I realy can't think about how it would add anything to the plot but if you can change my mind please try it :D

    Season Two

  • There'd really be no point in going in that kind of direction. Also, like people have said, it would be out of character for Oberyn.

  • In the books Oberyns children all look very different with Tyene being blonde. Also Pedro Pascal's skin tone is actually very light about the same as Sera's in fact.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I love Oberyn but I doubt it. People in Dorne usually had a very dark skin tone and complexion. They look a long the lines of a Native Ameri

  • Its not just about skin color the only time other than when he was there other than The Purple Wedding was when Tyrion was born and he was a kid then

    StrawHuman posted: »

    In the books Oberyns children all look very different with Tyene being blonde. Also Pedro Pascal's skin tone is actually very light about the same as Sera's in fact.

  • edited April 2015

    Sera is from the Reach not Kings Landing or the Westerlands. We don't know how many times Oberyn has been there. Oberyn has been there at least twice in the books since one of his children was born to a woman in Oldtown a city in the Reach.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Its not just about skin color the only time other than when he was there other than The Purple Wedding was when Tyrion was born and he was a kid then

  • He's been there in the books. Obara was from there.

    Klionheart posted: »

    I'm sure there are lots of olive-skinned Lords fucking women all over Westeros. It's a bit of a stretch. Also Oberyin was probably not we

  • That was Casterly Rock, not Kings Landing.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I love Oberyn but I doubt it. People in Dorne usually had a very dark skin tone and complexion. They look a long the lines of a Native Ameri

  • Both are pretty much Lannister property

    Dwainxx posted: »

    That was Casterly Rock, not Kings Landing.

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