Does anyone like _____

Tywin. Tywin is easily one of my favorites. I know people have hate on him but really even at his worst he's a hypocrite and selfish but definitely not comparable to Walder Frey, Roose Bolton or Stannis Baratheon. He saved Arya and stuck up for her probably due to her still being a child. He also cares for his family for the wrong reasons but cares for them and is willing to fight for them


  • Walder Frey = has a family and army murdered at wedding

    Tywin = has entire house murdered in a conquest (reynes), has a family and murdered at wedding

    how are they not comparable

  • Also the whole Tywin-Arya subplot only happened in the show. In the books, she was Roose Bolton's page. And I don't think he really cares for his children as children - I think it's just that they're extensions of him, of his name, and he wants his name to be remembered - remembered as something to be feared, true, but to be remembered at all. I mean, he's an interesting character and Charles Dance will be greatly missed, but he's by no means a decent human being.

  • I'm pretty sure most of the attacks or murder he's done has been in the midst of a war. What Frey did was dishonorable and cheating even though it was needed. And if I call it was House Reyne that started the rebellion against house Lannister and the Liege Lords so they started the war

    Walder Frey = has a family and army murdered at wedding Tywin = has entire house murdered in a conquest (reynes), has a family and murdered at wedding how are they not comparable

  • Yeah but tywin went as far as to killing them all, and the same with the targaryen family he had the mountain murder.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I'm pretty sure most of the attacks or murder he's done has been in the midst of a war. What Frey did was dishonorable and cheating even tho

  • edited April 2015

    He was probably the most competent man in Westeros. While he's a hard man to like, you'd be a fool not to respect him, and how he ruthlessly made sure his house was the strongest for years now. A badass is a badass, good man or not. Good men don't last long in Tywin's position...look at Ned Stark. Tywin knows this.

    He's also the reason the whole seven kingdoms didn't crumble to dust under the Mad King and Joffrey.

  • edited April 2015

    I think everyone was still in fear over The Mad King. The difference was Robb had no idea he pissed off the Freys so much it was a sneak attack or a setup. The Reynes started a war and knew it there is no exception for weddings in wars. Plus the Targareyans were thinning out anyway down to only Viserys and Daenerys

    Yeah but tywin went as far as to killing them all, and the same with the targaryen family he had the mountain murder.

  • I respect Tywin. He's a smart man who did what needs to be done in order to win. Does that mean I like him or what's he actually done? Nah.

  • I despise Tywin for what he's done but respect the hell out of him as a great strategic mind. He literally turned the Lannisters a mockery of a house under the control of his father Tytos into the most powerful one in Westoros. What makes it impressive is that he did through both war and strategically positioning himself in situation which would allow him to succeed, definitely one of the great minds of Westoros.

    Too bad he had such an inferiority complex.

  • edited April 2015

    The Targareyan's were....."thinning out".....because Tywin ordered Rhaegar's wife and children murdered. Horribly, brutally murdered.
    Oh, and because Jaime saved King's Landing from being torched by stabbing Aerys and his pet pyromancer to death, and because Robert bashed Rhaegar's brains in with a big ass hammer.

    So.....yeah. Pretty sure that accounts for all of them. Except for Aemon, who was a Brother of the Night's Watch, and thus irrelevant. And possibly Jon, if certain fan theories are correct.

    Oh, one last thing:
    In the books, Tywin wasn't given some of those humanizing scenes, like with Arya. And as far as his family......he cares about them as extensions of himself and his house. That's about it.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I think everyone was still in fear over The Mad King. The difference was Robb had no idea he pissed off the Freys so much it was a sneak att

  • edited April 2015

    He ordered the Targareyns death because of Aerys. Him and his entire family would be put on trial. They controlled the Throne the same way The Lannisters do now. Its similar to how Robb Stark or Stannis Baratheon came for Joffrey's head they would have went after all the Lannisters. According to Robert Prince Rhaegar was a rapist and a monster

    J_E_K posted: »

    The Targareyan's were....."thinning out".....because Tywin ordered Rhaegar's wife and children murdered. Horribly, brutally murdered. Oh, a

  • I like Tywin, in fact I like all the Lannisters apart from Joffrey.

    There so much more complex than the starks. I'd go as far to say there the main family really however having them as the main protagonists wouldnt work for most so there not

  • edited April 2015

    But according to just about everyone else who knew him, Rhaegar was pretty much the perfect prince. You know, good, noble, strong, intelligent, dutiful, honourable, all those nice things.

    Robert called him that because he took his betrothed (Lyanna Stark) off somewhere. He doesn't really know what happened, whether it was against her will or not, he just assumed that, because he was madly in love with Lyanna and couldn't imagine it going down any other way. Honestly though, just from what we've found out about how Lyanna died (a few vague recollections from Ned in the first book, along with some dying promises and whatnot that aren't exactly specified) and the kind of person Rhaegar was......more than likely they just ran off together, and possibly Lyanna died in childbirth. Which is why so many theorist's think that Jon is Lyanna/Rhaegar;s son.

    .....of course, that has nothing to do with Tywin, seeing as how he was the one dead Targaryan that the Lannister's DIDN'T have a hand in, but.....I'm not sure, I just felt like expanding on that "Rhaegar was a monster" thing.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He ordered the Targareyns death because of Aerys. Him and his entire family would be put on trial. They controlled the Throne the same way T

  • Tywin reminds me of a great person from history like Julius Caesar. He is going to be remembered no matter how many horrible things it takes. That being said Tywin is one of my favorites he is an awesome grumpy old man.

  • Despite his less fortunate personality traits, Tywin is a sheer badass when it comes to strategy and he is force of iron will. He was the King in all but name. I hate him for what he has done, but highly respect him for his intelligence and power.

  • Season 3 of the show should've been renamed "Tywin pwns everyone in King's Landing."

  • Tywin was one of my favorites. Then again, I love the Lannisters.

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