Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited April 2015

    I check this thread everyday and man has it grown. Lets keep it alive all the way to episode 5.

  • Well, why would it be dead? :)

    I check this thread everyday and man has it grown. Lets keep it alive all the way to episode 5.

  • Because Rhyiona is.

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, why would it be dead?

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    Because Rhyiona is.

  • Sasha clicked her tongue as she wandered back and forth inside her (temporary) "room".

    "Seriously," she mumbled to herself, "where are you, Fiona? I've looked for you all over. Please tell me you're okay. I'm trying to be mad at you but I'm having a hard time. Now I'm just getting worried."

    She shook her head to compose herself.

    "I'm getting to the point where I'm talking to myself! Unbelievable, look at what you're making me do, sis!"

    She decided to look around the place again.

    'Just one last time,' she swore to herself, 'for good measure. If she's definitely not around I'm alerting the guys. I'll be damned if I let my sister down.'

    She glanced around every inch of their temporary abandoned shelter (she swore she even checked the closets. Who knew if Fiona had decided drinking last night was a good idea and had magically managed to lock herself in one. It was possible, right? ...Right?) and came up with...absolutely nothing

    She was on the verge of a panic attack when she heard two screams coming directly from Rhys' room before the sister she had been desperate to find all but ran out the door.

    Fiona was as red as her clothes and nervously adjusted the hat on her head when she spotted Sasha raising an eyebrow at her.

    "Uh, Fiona?" she tried, "You've been in there this whole time?"

    "I...uh, yes." Fiona moved her hair strand out of her eye, her hand shaking, "Okay, listen, I was not planning on sleeping here, don't get any wrong ideas about me, I jus-"

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sasha held up her hands, "I didn't say any of that. You're the one freaking out. But please tell me you were careful."

    "If I was careful do you think I would have spent the night in this room?!"

    Sasha gasped and covered her open mouth with both of her hands.

    "Fiona," she started, "have you thought about the consequences of this?"

    "Yes!" Fiona almost screamed, "Have you thought about how Rhys is going to react?!"

    "He's going to freak out, obviously."

    "It was his fault, I swear. I swear. I didn't mean for this to happen."

    "That really doesn't matter right now, though. Sis," she grabbed her sisters hands to reassure her, "I'll be here to help you and that baby whenever you need me, okay? Just like you helped me."

    "Yeah, thank you, Sas- wait, what? Baby?!"

    Fiona's eyebrows rose so high they almost disappeared into her hairline as she frantically shook her head.

    "Yes, sis. I promise I won't let anything happen to my niece or nephew. Thinking about it, I'm kinda actually excited to be an aunt!" she clasped her hands together with a dreamy look on her face, "If it's a girl, name her...hmm..."

    "Sasha, wait, you got this wrong! I slept with him," she facepalmed at the accidental innuendo, "okay, that came out wrong, I mean that I slept in there, but-"

    Sasha raised a hand to stop her.

    "Please no details. I don't need to know this. Too much information.

    Fiona wanted to cry.

    "Sasha, you don't understand-"

    "Anyway, gonna get some basic stuff ready for our new arrival! Gotta let Vaughn know, gotta remember that. Oh, don't forget to tell Rhys, I'm sure he'll be super happy! Maybe shocked, but happy! Oh, man, I can't wait to be called auntie!"

    Sasha kept blabbing as she walked away.

    "-I just slept in the same room as he did."

    Fiona ran her hands through her hair before pulling in frustration.


    Rhys opened the door, looking grumpy and like he'd just woken up.

    "Can you keep it down?" he complained, arms crossed.

    "This is your fault, you jackass. If you hadn't hid my hat-"

    "That," he started, smirking, "was totally worth it. You should've seen your fa-"

    "It was not funny!"

    "It was! You yelled so much that you got got exhauster. I didn't have the heart to throw you out. Aren't The best?"

    She wanted to punch him. Maybe kiss him. Probably not (totally yes).

    "Point is," she tried to control herself, "Sasha thinks I'm damn pregnant! Can you believe that?! And now she's gonna tell Vaughn and he's probably gonna tell Loader Bot and-"

    "Pregnant?" Rhys' eyes widened, "You're pregnant? We're gonna give Loader Bot and Gortys a little brother or sister? Yes! I'm so excited!"

    Rhys jumped in excitement and Fiona thought she was really going to cry.

    "Rhys. We didn't...do anything, how are you even thinking-"

    He wasn't listening.

    "I hope it's a girl, I have the perfect name!"

    And with that, he ran off too.

    Fiona hit her head on the wall in frustration.

    "Why me?"


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    I spent way too much time on this.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sasha clicked her tongue as she wandered back and forth inside her (temporary) "room". "Seriously," she mumbled to herself, "where are yo

  • Yes! Fiona's the dense one!

  • It's not dead dude Rhyiona is the Walking Dead

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    Because Rhyiona is.

  • Silly Fiona, doesnt even know how babies are made!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yes! Fiona's the dense one!

  • Rhys taught her. ;)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Silly Fiona, doesnt even know how babies are made!

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    It's on.

    naik posted: »

    I'd rather Rhys with Sasha.

  • I have a feeling they might need this.

  • Yes I believe so.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I have a feeling they might need this.

  • Basically Rhys as a father

  • He already dropped baby Gortys on its head. I think that's proof enough.

    Quiff posted: »

    Yes I believe so.

  • =)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Dirty scumbags, i'm really drawing a Rhyiona fan art xD

  • Dirty scumbags, i'm really drawing a Rhyiona fan art xD

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    Rhys can´t resist her anymore. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I forgot tumblr can be a spooky place

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  • edited April 2015

    ...Why is Athena spying?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I forgot tumblr can be a spooky place

  • Why not, iunno

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ...Why is Athena spying?

  • What a pervert.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Why not, iunno

  • Dead? Show me the active, over 1K comment post supporting Rhysha.

    Oh, wait, it doesn't exist, cuz Rhysha is a trash ship. :^)

    Because Rhyiona is.

  • Omggggg :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Behold our ship captain´s surprise. Priest Handsome Jack...coming soon.

  • I am laughing way too hard at this then I should :')

  • We don't have such forum because we reached the conclusion already. So no need to constantly go over the same over and over again.
    Rhysha is the only true ship, period, discussion closed.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Dead? Show me the active, over 1K comment post supporting Rhysha. Oh, wait, it doesn't exist, cuz Rhysha is a trash ship. :^)

  • Good, just as planned.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Dirty scumbags, i'm really drawing a Rhyiona fan art xD

  • edited April 2015

    Not to mention how carelessly he held baby Gortys. Unforgivable!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He already dropped baby Gortys on its head. I think that's proof enough.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What a pervert.


  • welcome to the battlefield

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    sunfell posted: »


  • edited April 2015

    Imagine a Wedding Day Massacre DLC for Rhys and Fiona xD that would be the funniest thing ever!!

    PANDORA vs HYPERIAN clan war!!!

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  • It would be the Red Wedding of TFTBL.

    Mercyva posted: »

    Imagine a Wedding Day Massacre DLC for Rhys and Fiona xD that would be the funniest thing ever!! PANDORA vs HYPERIAN clan war!!!

  • EVEN so The purple wedding considering Jack is inside of rhys now xD LOLOLOLOL

    It would be the Red Wedding of TFTBL.

  • I´m laughing way too hard at this.

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    Fiona imagining how happy Rhys will make her. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015

    Rather judging by her comment how Sasha and Rhys look happy together. Look in her eyes
    Despite she loves Rhys she knows that Sasha is the better for Rhys

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona imagining how happy Rhys will make her. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    Man...Rhys, Sasha, you guys look different...I don´t know what it is...

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Rather judging by her comment how Sasha and Rhys look happy together. Look in her eyes Despite she loves Rhys she knows that Sasha is the better for Rhys

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