How Picked Up Items Could be Used
I've noticed that there are several chances to pick up items in this game and only a few of them have ever been given a purpose so far. Here's the list of what I remember:
- Medicinal Herbs and/or Bandages as Gared in the Great Hall
- Seal and/or a Key as Mira as she waits for Margaery's help
- The Lannister guard's knife as Mira
- The corpse's gold as Asher
- The royal decree as Mira
I'm unsure if Rodrik still has the dagger Duncan gave him when meeting with Gwyn. So far, only the seal, used if you're forging a letter to the Glenmores, and the gold, used if you're trying to pay Croft for his services, are revealed to have a purpose that I know of. It makes me wonder what the other items will be used for. What I think:
The key, since it can only be picked up if you asked Margaery for help in Episode 1 and I don't remember needing it so far, could be important in a decision to go behind Margaery's back again (similar to the seal) such as looking into a locked chest for something that can help you. If you didn't ask for help, perhaps she'll be more willing to help you now and give you what you need, removing the need for the key decision. If you didn't steal her key, you'll have to find another riskier way around.
Gared's bandages and herbs might come in handy if Finn or Cotter become injured, and may strengthen loyalty (or their lifespan) if you decide to use it on them, in a way similar to giving Rebecca/Luke the stolen medicine in The Walking Dead, only more effective. A harder decision would be if they're both hurt, or both you and Finn/Cotter is hurt, and you have to choose which person will use it, though I doubt such a big decision would come out of an optional item pick-up.
I think Asher's gold won't have much consequence. Some people either overlooked the gold or gave it to Croft, so a good portion of people probably don't have it anymore. I think another option to buy something helpful or sneak a bribe might come up, but won't matter much.
The knife on the other hand probably has huge consequences. I personally kept it, since I would have more control over where it is and could use it again for self-defense. I'm anticipating I might use it again, but there's also a big chance it could be used as damning evidence against Mira. I also kept the decree (I'm apparently really bad at letting go of incriminating items) because I thought it could still help my family in the future. But it could also have the same bad consequence as the knife.
What are your thoughts?
The decree is not a incriminating item anymore... It's a royal decree not a Tyrion decree so once it is away from Tyrion room its fine that you have it
(I think)
This is what i'm counting on too.
I threw the knife away last episode, but i made sure that Margary didn't know what i was speaking to Tyrion about, so I kept the Decree.
OMG! I t old Margaery that i was talking to Tyrion... I'm screwed
You never know friend. It could work in your benefit.
I was just so tired of putting Margary and her problems ahead of mine, and i just said Fuck it. I'm doing this.
same. i asked marg for help twice and both times she either helped it and it went nowhere or she just said no outright. she's not going to get anywhere if she just waits for marg or serves as her handmaiden.
I agree, especially with how everything shakes out in the future with Margary and Cersei's Trials.
If she hasn't helped us yet, she probably wont (or will be unable to) offer much help in the future. And the closer we are with her the more chance Mira will be accused or drawn into the problems with Margary.
I wish there was an option to be more fierce with Margary, and tell her, "if you wont help me, your supposed 'friend' or my family, I'm afraid i must resign from your service and find my own allies and aid, wheresoever that i might!" Then turn on my heel and stalk off, with a "thanks for Nothing, my lady!"