Who do you trust/not trust?

The game is full of characters that seem helpful and those who are obliviously against you. But what about those that are close yet you seem conflicted on trusting? I'm gonna make a list of people I trust and those I'm divided on. I don't really have anyone I distrust at the moment. After I'm finished, you guys do the same and lets compare and discuss.

Tom( the coalboy)

That guy who offers an alliance with Mira with the ironwood (forgot his name)
Maester Ortengryn

It seems obvious why anyone would trust the guys I have so I'll discuss those I'm divided on. Lets start with Sera. She seems like a friendly character and almost seems trustworthy. But Mira is in Kings Landing and not a whole lot of trust can be given in that place. So for now I'll only tell her half truths until I'm certain I can trust her.

Next; Finn. In episode 3 I've patched things up with Finn and he seems like an alright guy. I really want to trust him, but by the looks of things, he's told Frostfinger about what happened between Gared and Britt. So my trust with him is divided but I'm more leaning towards trust than distrust with him.

Next; the guys who offers an alliance with Mira. By the looks of things, he seems like a guy who's only interested in the money and will gladly leave to you fall if it meant jeopardising his plans. But, he allows the offer to stand despite if you've allied yourself with Tyrion, but only if you get the decree off Tyrions desk. So I'm defiantly gonna keep my guard up around that guy.

And last but not least, Ortengryn. At first, I'm really trusted this guy. He showed that he was 100% in service to the Foresters. But after Gywn said there was a traitor on the council, he became my main suspect. But, I might be wrong, which is why I'm divided on trusting him.

So what about you guys? Who do you trust/not trust?


  • edited April 2015

    Wellll, the bottom line is that this is Game of Thrones we're talking about, so you have to be EXTREMELY careful who you trust. I think I'll go from each characters POV


    As Rodrik, I trust Duncan, Royland, and Gwyn. Not so much Lady Forrestor or the Maester, mainly because they're my main suspects for the traitor. Lady Elissa in some desperate attempt to save Ryon, or the Maester, just to lessen the damage the Whitehills have commited against the Forrestors. I trust Gwyn because whatever she told Rodrik matches what happened during the meeting.


    As Mira, I don't trust anyone. King's Landing is a horrible horrible place with everyone plotting against each other for their own selfish reasons. I've let Tom help Mira on multiple occasions because he's willing to. I've made Mira mostly indifferent to Sera, making her hate Mira lol. I asked Margery for help, but nothing happened, and why should Margery care anyway? I let Mira put her trust in Tyrion, but we all know that didn't work out. I don't trust Morgryn either.


    As Asher, I trust Beksha and Malcolm. That's about it. Beksha is following Asher around when she really doesn't have to, so that has to mean something. As for Malcolm, his only purpose was to bring Asher back to Ironrath, and he can't screw that up.


    As Gared, I trust Jon, Finn and somewhat Cotter. Cotter's a pretty shady dude. Finn just seems scared underneath his tough exterior.



  • Ethan

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    torkahn808 posted: »

    Wellll, the bottom line is that this is Game of Thrones we're talking about, so you have to be EXTREMELY careful who you trust. I think I'll

  • I don't fully trust anyone but I'll use the term 'trust' loosely.

    As Rodrik-
    Trust: duncan, Gwyn. That's about it. I mistakenly told lady forrester about the spy, but I don't necessarily distrust OR trust her.
    Distrust: maester. He's my biggest suspect. I'm not too sure about royland. I think he's volatile.

    Trust Tom, that's it. I DID think tyrion was good because you know he's not trustworthy and you know to be skeptical. I don't trust Sera at all and I've made sure Mira was nice enough without being good friends. I think she and Sera are similar, or the way I'm playing Mira is anyway. They both have their own agendas. Mira wouldn't stick out her neck for Sera and vice versa. Marg may as well not exist anymore as far as I'm concerned but I'll use her if I need to be in her good graces. I'm planning on working with Morgyn if given the opportunity, they got along well. I may be the only person here who actively loves playing Mira.

    The only people to trust are the ones I trust. I chose to save Malcolm because without him Asher is lost. Beshka is a worthy friend but I treat her like a female Jorah almost. Keeping my eye on her.

    When Jon asked who I trust, I said "uhh....you???" I mostly only trust Jon. I can trust Finn because he is just kind of a stupid self conscious bully who tried to be friends and then felt let down. Cotter seems shady as hell. Even though I was nice to him he stole the map anyway. I'd rather go through the forest alone than with him.

  • I don't trust anyone...

  • The only two I would say that I have "trust," in are Royland and Malcom, but by Character-

    Rodrik - As Rodrik I trust Royland almost without question, don't know why but i just really like him and would find it very hard to believe that he would betray me. As for Lady Forrester, I don't think she is a traitor like some people seem to think, but I also don't trust her. Talia is not necessarily untrustworthy, I just wouldn't trust her with any important info as she is just a young girl. Gwyn I do not trust, more out of caution to be honest, as i don't see the upside for her helping me(Idon't buy this whole "peace," thing that she wants). The Maester is completely untrustworthy in my eyes, and in my opinion the traitor. Duncan is so damn suspicious but I don't think he is a traitor.

    Mira - I really don't trust anyone, at all. I like Sera but I can very easily see her betraying me to get ahead. Morgryn(contract guy) is nice and all but no trust what so ever in him. Margaery is someone I would like to trust, but it really doesn't look like that will work out very well if i do. Coal Boy, he is the single most untrustworthy character in this game for me. I am being forced to work with him, despite my efforts not to be involved with him, and he has "friends," who want to help me... this sounds like I could end up being blackmailed by littlefinger or someone else as the Coal boy could easily put the guards death on me(even though I didn't kill him in my save) and also tell about my contract with Tyrion.

    Asher - I trust Malcolm, he seems to be closer to a father for Asher than an uncle,and seems to be the only one besides Beshka who actually gives a crap about him. Beshka is a great character, and seems to be a great friend, but there is just something about her that makes her suspicious to me.

    Gared - No one really. I don't trust or like Cotter at all. I would like to trust Finn but I can see him easily turning against Gared. I like Jon but when I end up breaking my vows, he will probably not want anything to do with me. FrostFinger is cool, but he will try and kill me when I break my vows, like I don't even question that.

  • edited April 2015
    • Rodrik: I trust Ser Royland, Talia and Gwyn, despite Duncan is my sentinel, the Maester saved my life and my mom is... my mom.
    • Asher: both Beskha and Malcolm.
    • Gared: Finn, Frostfinger (why not?) and Jon Snow, of course.
    • Mira: Tyrion (even now we can't count on him anymore), Tom and his boss, and Lord Morgryn.
  • edited April 2015

    Rodrik: Royland, Duncan, and Talia

    Asher: Both Beskha and Malcolm

    Gared: Cotter, but even then I'm not too sure. I wouldn't be suprised if he attempted to stab me in the back

    Mira: No one, maybe Tom a bit

  • Rodrick: Duncan snitched that's why everyone knows your location and strength. Only trust Family...
    Asher: Only trust Beshka when your both down and out, and the opposite w/ Malcolm
    Mira: Only Tom, however Tom should not trust Mira
    Gared: Your uncle, however ONLY on the existence of the Northern Grove. No one Else.

  • Rodrik: I only trust Talia and Duncan

    Asher: Beskha and Malcolm

    Gared: Only trust Cotter, Jon, and Duncan

    Mira: Only Tom & Tyrion

  • Mira: Tom. I only trust him because i have no clue why he try to helped since the beginning. okay first i was when mira meet him very confused and repellent. but since the guard attacked her and he helped i think he is a good guy (hope so) and i hope that he wouldnt betray her

  • Rodrik- Royland and Talia. I'm unsure about Duncan and Gwyn.

    Gared- Finn, Frostfinger and Jon Snow.

    Asher- Beskha and Malcolm.

    Mira- Just Tom.

  • edited April 2015

    Talia, Royland, Elaena, Malcolm, Beskha.

  • You aren't the only person who likes Mira.

    ellatheon posted: »

    I don't fully trust anyone but I'll use the term 'trust' loosely. As Rodrik- Trust: duncan, Gwyn. That's about it. I mistakenly told lad

  • edited April 2015



    torkahn808 posted: »

    Wellll, the bottom line is that this is Game of Thrones we're talking about, so you have to be EXTREMELY careful who you trust. I think I'll

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