Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • <3

    :begrudgingly upvotes:

  • edited April 2015

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    (The hell is spirk?)

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys carries this around with him.

  • Apparently Spirk is Spock x Kirk.

    I guess we can add Clever Bot as a member of our church.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    (The hell is spirk?)

  • Oh...shouldda known.

    Yep, say hello to our new loyal supporters!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Apparently Spirk is Spock x Kirk. I guess we can add Clever Bot as a member of our church.

  • True enough. At least I know where to find fan art now...for research purposes, of course. (only joking...maybe...)

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Well to be fair tumblr is 100% more likely to ship gay pairings so Rhaughn and Rhack are much more frequent there than on the forums

  • But what about Vhys? (Vasquez and Rhys would be a little interesting)

    It's interesting but it's kinda... more of a gag pairing than an actual pairing.

    Though I have to admit all that Vasquez said at the end of ep 2 is unexpected and lol, so touching. :D

    I know right! You just can't decide because they all have some trait that you love...if only you could have all 3 characters mixed together

  • Yeah, I personally don't ship them together either I just thought it would be rather funny to see them in a relationship. After Vasquez has taught Rhys all the rules but not Rule number two being about number two because that is just disgusting. God what goes on in my mind? (?) Starting to freak everybody out now. please stop.

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    Eh... I personally don't like that ship. But I can see where people who do are coming from with that.

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    Trust me, I´m a doctor.

  • Yeah, he did say some pretty sweet stuff to Rhys but then again he did say that he would turn him into a wallet, which is a bit...you know. And it'd be interesting to see the mental effect on Rhys, lol.

    DeityD posted: »

    But what about Vhys? (Vasquez and Rhys would be a little interesting) It's interesting but it's kinda... more of a gag pairing than

  • By the way, Welcome To The Forums!

    Okay so everyone on here has been going on about Rhyiona, Rhysha and Rhack but no-one has mention Rhaughn so I'm going to do it. And the

  • edited April 2015

    Well, he only says it if you provoke him by being rude first so... If Rhys stays neutral he'll promise to make his death quick. That's just adorable. I guess.

    But man, so many playthrougs it took me to actually understand what Vasquez was trying to tell us there instead of just being pissed at him and discarding everything he says. Same thing with August btw.

    And it'd be interesting to see the mental effect on Rhys, lol.

    Ahaha, I'm sure Rhys was also only half-listening too.

    Yeah, he did say some pretty sweet stuff to Rhys but then again he did say that he would turn him into a wallet, which is a bit...you know. And it'd be interesting to see the mental effect on Rhys, lol.

  • Thank you. It's great to be here with a lot of nice people (including you!) (Seriously some forums out there can tear a man to pieces).

    By the way, Welcome To The Forums!

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    Yeah, I personally don't ship them together either I just thought it would be rather funny to see them in a relationship. After Vasquez has

  • Well maybe Rhys wouldn't have been such an asshole to Vasquez if he didn't demote Rhys, try to make him sell out his friend, teach Rhys lesson number 1 and threaten lesson number 2. I don't know Vasquez just doesn't seem right in the head. I'd rather take Jack on then him. And August just needs to let Sasha go. I don't think she could handle him with the state she's in currently. But you do make a valid opinion about both.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well, he only says it if you provoke him by being rude first so... If Rhys stays neutral he'll promise to make his death quick. That's just

  • Yeah I'm also pretty new to the forums (my profile says I joined in November but I haven't really been active until last week) and for the most part people have been pretty nice. Welcome! :D

    Thank you. It's great to be here with a lot of nice people (including you!) (Seriously some forums out there can tear a man to pieces).

  • Thanks! ;D Welcome to you too! I wish you enjoy the forums as much as I have been for the past hour or so.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Yeah I'm also pretty new to the forums (my profile says I joined in November but I haven't really been active until last week) and for the most part people have been pretty nice. Welcome!

  • edited April 2015

    [insert creepy, awkward smile here]

  • I'm actually curious now (more than anything) what would've happened if Rhys didn't steal the money. Just imagine, if Vasquez was actually telling the truth. And actually wanted to see how Rhys will handle it to promote him or something like that, but later. Wasted! xD

    Well maybe Rhys wouldn't have been such an asshole to Vasquez if he didn't demote Rhys, try to make him sell out his friend, teach Rhys less

  • I'm actually wondering that now. But if he wasn't telling the truth. Or what if Rhys still went through with it but the money didn't blow up. Would Vaughn actually sell Rhys out? This is the problem with Pandora, you just don't know who to trust.

    DeityD posted: »

    I'm actually curious now (more than anything) what would've happened if Rhys didn't steal the money. Just imagine, if Vasquez was actually t

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    [insert creepy, awkward smile here]

  • Yep, I think that does the trick. Rather nicely if I do say so myself.

  • Me asking if Evie ships Rhyiona:

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    "Jason is me my name!" - Evie 2015

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    (The hell is spirk?)

  • You gotta be more charming, Poogs.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Me asking if Evie ships Rhyiona: "Jason is me my name!" - Evie 2015

  • Nah, that's not a problem. Just trust no one. Problem solved.

    I'm actually wondering that now. But if he wasn't telling the truth. Or what if Rhys still went through with it but the money didn't blow up. Would Vaughn actually sell Rhys out? This is the problem with Pandora, you just don't know who to trust.

  • edited April 2015

    I was but she told me to yuck myself...

    What does yucking yourself even mean

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You gotta be more charming, Poogs.

  • But then what happens when you have to choose one person or another and you can't choose yourself. (you know what I'm on about) Who do you choose then?

    DeityD posted: »

    Nah, that's not a problem. Just trust no one. Problem solved.

  • I'm only 22 years old

    I love Rhyiona so much, I saved all the videos and fanfiction

    I pray to Rhyiona every night, thanking it for the ship I have been given

    "Rhyiona is love", I say, "Rhyiona is life"

    The Rhyshas hear me and call me a zealot

    They are obviously jealous of my devotion to Rhyiona

    I call them peasants

    They try to rek me and reply to my posts

    I am crying now, because mercy on their souls

    I go into this thread and it is very warm

    I feel a bright light moving towards me

    I feel something touch me

    It's Rhyiona

    I am so happy

    It whispers into my ear, "This is my thread"

    It grabs me with its powerful ship canonness and puts me on my knees

    I'm ready

    I put my hands up in prayer for Rhyiona

    It blesses me

    I feel undeserving but I accept it for Rhyiona

    I can feel my tears burning my eyes in joy

    I bow down to Rhyiona

    I want to make Rhyiona proud

    It yells a war cry as it gives me its holy power

    The Rhyshas walk in

    Rhyiona looks them deep in the eyes and says, "Your ship will sink"

    Rhyiona leaves me to defend it

    Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life

  • Oh, that's fairly easy. Cause, you know...

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    No matter what we chose we're probably gonna regret it either way. So might as well just flip a coin or something next time, I dunno.

    But then what happens when you have to choose one person or another and you can't choose yourself. (you know what I'm on about) Who do you choose then?

  • Charm her more Poogs. Be smooth like Rhys.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I was but she told me to yuck myself... What does yucking yourself even mean

  • Or you just use another save slot like I did. When I went through the second time around though I found a lot more things to note especially something to do with Fiona's handmade grenade/s that she has. (I don't want to spoil it unless you actually know.) Just curious who did you trust?

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh, that's fairly easy. Cause, you know... No matter what we chose we're probably gonna regret it either way. So might as well just flip a coin or something next time, I dunno.

  • Holy Rhyiona!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm only 22 years old I love Rhyiona so much, I saved all the videos and fanfiction I pray to Rhyiona every night, thanking it

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    Linsepins posted: »

    Holy Rhyiona!!

  • edited April 2015

    I was talking more about roleplaying, hehe. Like from Rhys' point of view.

    Yeah I have three saves I think and every one is different. In short one is a "goodie save" where everyone's alive, the main characters are playing it safe and not trying to wind up dangerous people more than it's necessary (like not being rude, not stealing things (things like Aspis I mean) and stuff), so here goes trusting Fiona and keeping HJ a secret. The second one is slightly asshole-ish, with opportunist-like characters so here goes telling about Jack and trusting Jack decisions. And the last one is a 100% "douche save" so here goes generally cocky and rude behavior and moraly grey choices like not telling about HJ and trusting him.

    I can't really decide what's better because I can't tell what Rhys himself would do. That's probably the first time when I can't say what character is thinking because he's goddamn inconsistent.
    But I think I chose Fiona the first time I played. It's not that I trusted her but um. I guess Jack just scrares the sh*t out of me and everything screams it'll be a big mistake whenever I look at him.

    Or you just use another save slot like I did. When I went through the second time around though I found a lot more things to note especially

  • May Rhyiona be with you.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm only 22 years old I love Rhyiona so much, I saved all the videos and fanfiction I pray to Rhyiona every night, thanking it

  • And with you too, my brother.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    May Rhyiona be with you.

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    Cleverbot knows the truth.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    (The hell is spirk?)

  • Yeah, I get what you mean. I have 3 saves too. Along the same lines as you but one is what I'd do if I was in that situation, another is a really meek Rhys and doesn't have any courage and the last one is just plain douche (which is hilarious such as the who called the whaambulance dialogue line) And for my first run through I decided to trust Jack because I personally like Jack and at the beginning of the episodes both Fiona and Rhys seemed fine so I just went with it. Also have you noticed something to do with Rhys' eye. I mean it might be fairly obvious and no, I'm not actually talking about how one of his eyes were orange and before that it was blue, however it is related to that. I'm also curious to which character you like more between Rhys and Fiona.

    DeityD posted: »

    I was talking more about roleplaying, hehe. Like from Rhys' point of view. Yeah I have three saves I think and every one is different. In

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