Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • As much as I love Rhyiona... Wow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I can always multi-ship. Rhyionack, the One True Threesome.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Rhack is the only true ship.

  • I'm glad to see a sort of truce going on. 8D; As fun as ship-to-ship combat can get, it's best to just live and let live.

    That said, I am inspired to try drawing some Rhyiona. Needs much more love than it does now. All the love.

  • Thanks B)

    Pipas posted: »

    That's an awesome username.

  • by yhrite.tumblr.com

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  • When I was playing this scene, I felt like playing some Japanese boyfriend dating sims games, and yelled "Rhys is so Moeeeeeeeee!" in my heart, as Fiona, indeed ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 1.

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    fayescarlet posted: »

    As much as I love Rhyiona... Wow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I can always multi-ship. Rhyionack, the One True Threesome.

  • "R-Rhys, you b-baka, it's not like I l-liked you drooling o-or anything!"

    tessie0713 posted: »

    When I was playing this scene, I felt like playing some Japanese boyfriend dating sims games, and yelled "Rhys is so Moeeeeeeeee!" in my heart, as Fiona, indeed

  • Well like when Jack takes over Rhys his eye glows the same orange as the one at the beginning of the game. It could mean something but I just thought it was interesting.

    DeityD posted: »

    Also have you noticed something to do with Rhys' eye. I mean it might be fairly obvious and no, I'm not actually talking about how one of hi

  • These are so pretty I can't take my eyes off of them... I love Yhrite's art :)

    xfuriouss posted: »

    by yhrite.tumblr.com

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    xfuriouss posted: »

    by yhrite.tumblr.com

  • These are gorgeous.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    by yhrite.tumblr.com

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    Fiona blogging, take 3.

  • edited April 2015

    Oh, that. Yeah people were speculating about it for a while already, there's obviously a lot of suspicious things going on with the main characters, both of them - but for now we have zero proves and can't say what the hell is going on, where's Sasha and Vaughn, why they're arguing so much and why they look so different, especially Rhys. And personally, it's not his eye what bothers me now, it's the whole different look of his. Since his hand is also different and now we know he got all of his cybernetics because of the promotion - there's a chance that he got what he wanted in the end. Though that does not explain why he was searching for Fiona then and was alone in the desert without loader bot or someone from Hyperion.

    Well like when Jack takes over Rhys his eye glows the same orange as the one at the beginning of the game. It could mean something but I just thought it was interesting.

  • True, but it is fun to speculate. Especially when it comes to Athena's eyes and who really is the kidnapper? There's so many questions to be answered but I feel like Telltale are going to do either make more questions arise at the end or leave some of them unsolved. And I agree with his whole new attire. I mean, I like it though not as much as the other one. Also, a friend of mine thought that the suit or upgrade for his echo-eye could be Atlas tech but I don't know. Are their any theories you like and/or believe?

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh, that. Yeah people were speculating about it for a while already, there's obviously a lot of suspicious things going on with the main cha

  • edited April 2015

    Honestly I don't know what to believe. Simply because TTG can rewrite anything they want the minute they feel like it - so the more we're talking about it, the less likely it's gonna happen. :D Kinda.

    I originally thought about Atlas too - because that orange color is Atlas' color after all. And that thing that was Hyperion logo before (that label on his vest, on the left side) now looks like a GP logo a little bit. But that doesn't really makes sense. Why? How? Not a single clue.

    I both like and don't like the idea of Jack still being in his head at the end of TftB. I mean, we know that something crazy is about to happen and Lilith is gathering all the vault hunters, even pretty shitty ones like Aurelia for some mysterious war that about to happen and she said at the end of claptastic voyage (I think it was there?) that there are other monsters out there, not only Jack. So whatever they're planning to do in BL3, he kinda doesn't fit in anymore imo. I doubt they were talking about Rhys there, it must be something bigger - but then again, it might be still related to him and Gortys. It must be related.

    True, but it is fun to speculate. Especially when it comes to Athena's eyes and who really is the kidnapper? There's so many questions to b

  • Yeah, I agree with you on that.

    Simply because TTG can rewrite anything they want the minute they feel like it - so the more we're talking about it, the less likely it's gonna happen.

    Right so Fiona, Rhys, Vaughn and Sasha all die leaving Vasquez to rule over Hyperion and Pandora with his head being full of great hair. I think that worked.

    Seriously, though I would love to see Vasquez' hair go up in flames since he cares about it so much. Also I think he received to many punches to the head (face) from Jack.

    DeityD posted: »

    Honestly I don't know what to believe. Simply because TTG can rewrite anything they want the minute they feel like it - so the more we're ta

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 3.

  • When I make Tarzan and Jane you bet your arse Rhys is gonna be Jane.

  • Oh ._.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When I make Tarzan and Jane you bet your arse Rhys is gonna be Jane.

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    (by xx-playing-with-fireworks-xx on tumblr)

  • But Shirtless Rhys confirmed episode 3? ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What? Rhys would never be a Tarzan... :P

  • What? Rhys would never be a Tarzan... :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh ._.

  • He´s got noodle arms, bruh...he´s no Tarzan, sorry. :(

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But Shirtless Rhys confirmed episode 3? ;-;

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    But what does she mean?! Let´s find out.

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    She means the cupid´s arrows hit straight to the middle of the heart, duh.

  • But, what if Rhys had an exercise bike in his office too? Thats why we need shirtless Rhys !

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He´s got noodle arms, bruh...he´s no Tarzan, sorry.

  • What if you get disappointed with what you see?

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    But, what if Rhys had an exercise bike in his office too? Thats why we need shirtless Rhys !

  • I wouldnt be disappointed at all. I just wanna see them tats!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What if you get disappointed with what you see?

  • I´m gonna shop Rhys´ head on Obelix then. (:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wouldnt be disappointed at all. I just wanna see them tats!

  • Their flirting glances speak much more than just socks and boot. The conversations are probably just used to conceal their flirting as Sasha is here and they are still a bit shy to express their love for each other directly. (Seriously, this is what I actually think when I saw this scene for the first time.)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But what does she mean?! Let´s find out. She means the cupid´s arrows hit straight to the middle of the heart, duh.

  • edited April 2015

    Another series? Oh, yes! Say hello to "Gortys´ world"!

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    "Ah, yes...I´m still fairly young but I recall this as if it was yesterday. Mother and father...they, well, have a lot of petty fights. Amusing, really! But sometimes, when a poor robot just wants to take a nap, their incessant noise can get aggravating. Loader Bot is the more mellow son of the two of us and even he wasn´t in the mood for this blasphemy. Fighting over who dropped the spoon on the floor? Ridiculous. So, you see, my solution was to just tie them up. Intelligent, yes? It´s not as if it hasn´t happened to them before, from what I´ve heard. Loader Bot was reluctant but he´s easy to manipulate, my poor brother. In any case, we were grounded for a week, but at least they made up and we got our well deserved nap.

    Well, that´s all from me at the moment, but I do hope you listen to my next exquisite story. I have plenty to tell, my friends! Au revoir."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But what does she mean?! Let´s find out. She means the cupid´s arrows hit straight to the middle of the heart, duh.

  • Yeah, I also genuinely took it as a flirty conversation.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Their flirting glances speak much more than just socks and boot. The conversations are probably just used to conceal their flirting as Sasha

  • edited April 2015

    Guys, a sad day has come, Smooth Rhys was taken from us..... ;_;

    Rhsyha's took it, and I'm actually serious this time.

  • It´s okay, smooth motherfucker Rhys. You were created here...you´ll always be here.

    bloop posted: »

    Guys, a sad day has come, Smooth Rhys was taken from us..... ;_; Rhsyha's took it, and I'm actually serious this time.

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    The face of a broken man...

  • Swiggity Swooty, Rhys is comin for that booty. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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