Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    Poogers555 posted: »


  • STILL the best gif that has ever existed.

  • Sorry for not commenting on your awesome work earlier. I just spend some time on the floor after having fainted at the sheer awesomeness. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I´m glad you like it, buddy. :D

    Sorry for not commenting on your awesome work earlier. I just spend some time on the floor after having fainted at the sheer awesomeness.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Of course, I´ll edit you in ASAP!

    Thanks for joining us. :)

    evangeliya posted: »

    Hey, may I board the Rhyiona ship too? ( frankly saying, I've never shipped anyone else as much as I do now )

  • edited April 2015

    Hey, may I board the Rhyiona ship too? ( frankly saying, I've never shipped anyone else as much as I do now )

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Will fix it ASAP!

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    With the council room, plus the brand new train, ship and church... I just can't handle all of this awesomeness.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • edited April 2015

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    Updating for @evangeliya and @littlemelissa. :)

  • We´re evolving, my friend. :D

    MichaelBP posted: »

    With the council room, plus the brand new train, ship and church... I just can't handle all of this awesomeness.

  • Sooo if you don`t mind, I would like to be on that train too ^^ could it happen?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just like Rhyiona.

  • Sure thing, anyone is welcome. :D

    Sooo if you don`t mind, I would like to be on that train too ^^ could it happen?

  • Done!

    Sooo if you don`t mind, I would like to be on that train too ^^ could it happen?

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Updating for @evangeliya and @littlemelissa.

  • You has reserved 2 places for me in the council room XD
    Please release one of them for other member ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Updating for @evangeliya and @littlemelissa.

  • edited April 2015

    Holy Rhyiona, I didn´t notice it, haha.

    EDIT: Fixed.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    You has reserved 2 places for me in the council room XD Please release one of them for other member

  • If this is not the best thread in the whole wide internet, then I don't know what is. You might not see me around a lot but I support the Rhyiona family now more than ever.


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    Neacht posted: »

    If this is not the best thread in the whole wide internet, then I don't know what is. You might not see me around a lot but I support the Rhyiona family now more than ever.

  • Rhys groaned.

    He could see her smirking and he knew that expression alone was enough for her to get him to do whatever she wanted.

    He reluctantly shoved his socked foot forward, feeling her grab his ankle as he moved.

    Clearing her throat, she began.

    "I wonder if you´re the lucky one. The one who´ll fit perfectly into this shoe. The one for me."

    "First of all, that´s a boot." he opted for snark to try and cover just how embarrassed he was, "And second, of course it´s going to fit me, it´s mine."

    "Oh, hush, can´t you take a joke?"

    He rested his chin on his hand, grumpily muttering about how she had to make everything more dramatic than needed be.

    "Besides," she kept going, completely unaffected by his complaints, "you´re the one that keeps losing your boot. I´m just taking advantage of the situation."

    "By pretending I´m Cinderella?"

    She shrugged.

    "Aren´t you?"

    He gasped in mock offense before adopting the girliest tone he could manage.

    "How could I be so blind?" he squeaked, "Of course I´m Cinderella and you´re my prince charming trying to give me a better life. Oh, my love, I´m so thankful!"

    He shook his head in disapproval, hoping he´d sent the message across.

    If it had, he couldn´t tell, though, from Fiona´s impassive expression. Suddenly, the corners of her mouth quirked up and she extended a hand to him. He raised an eyebrow questioning her silently.

    "Well, come on then, Cinderella, I´m supposed to dance with you remember?"

    He scoffed, waving a hand in front of her face.

    "Uh, I already lost the shoe, remember? That happens after the dance."

    She rolled her eyes dismissively.

    "Yeah and neither of us got an actual sex change either so not everything has to be exactly the same. Just dance with me already."

    "Alright, alright, fine."

    He finally took the hand she was offering him before swaying with her. He couldn´t help himself from giving her a friendly jab, however.

    "You know, dancing without music is pretty weird."

    He felt her shrug against his chest but she didn´t gratify him with a response. If she wasn´t going to say anything then he felt it was safe to continue.

    "This is supposedly the moment where you tell me some cheesy stuff about dancing to the night´s silent melody or something."

    "Ew," she laughed, "you´re the one coming up with that crap, not me."

    He felt himself redden and he was suddenly thankful that it was dark.

    "So..." he didn´t know what got into him but he couldn´t stay quiet for one second; not when she was standing so close. He felt his throat close up and desperatly hoped that she didn´t notice.

    He envied her, how was she so calm?

    "Hm?" her hum sent a shiver down his spine and he decided to be bold.

    "You know," he prayed that he didn´t stutter or stumble on his own words, "Cinderella has a happy ending."

    So far, so good.

    "Yes? What are you getting at?"

    He felt his own voice drop to a less casual tone without his permission.

    "I think you know what I´m getting at."

    He felt her hand grip his own a bit tighter than it had been and he knew she understood. She took a sharp breath before leaning back slightly to look at him properly.

    "Do I? Why don´t you show me?"

    Her voice was barely above a whisper and that´s the cue he needed to lean down and kiss her.

    She didn´t pull away and he understood.


    This is for @tessie0713. Here´s your request. :)

  • If you guys have any requests or prompts, feel free to ask.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys groaned. He could see her smirking and he knew that expression alone was enough for her to get him to do whatever she wanted. He

  • Wolf.. your never cease to amaze me.. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    Linsepins posted: »

    Wolf.. your never cease to amaze me..

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    Fiona finally realizes that Rhys has always had feelings for her sister and gives him her permission to date Sasha.

  • Rhys and Fiona go to the movies.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you guys have any requests or prompts, feel free to ask.

  • Will do. ;)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona go to the movies.

  • Fiona finally realizes that Rhys has always had feelings for her sister and gives him her permission to date Sasha.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you guys have any requests or prompts, feel free to ask.

  • I know how you feel bro.

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    MichaelBP posted: »

    With the council room, plus the brand new train, ship and church... I just can't handle all of this awesomeness.

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    Neacht posted: »

    If this is not the best thread in the whole wide internet, then I don't know what is. You might not see me around a lot but I support the Rhyiona family now more than ever.

  • edited April 2015

    Wasn't there unused audio of Sasha saying boys used to ask her for permision to ask Fiona out?

    Rhyiona confirmed?

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    Fiona finally realizes that Rhys has always had feelings for her sister and gives him her permission to date Sasha.

  • edited April 2015

    omfg that is adorable..

    I really applaud you for your infinite well of imagination! Can i have some? I'm really getting stuck on my Wolf Among Us fanfic XD

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys groaned. He could see her smirking and he knew that expression alone was enough for her to get him to do whatever she wanted. He

  • Thank you, I´m glad you liked it!

    It´ll work out for you, you´ll see. Everyone get´s writer´s block sometimes. :)

    Linsepins posted: »

    omfg that is adorable.. I really applaud you for your infinite well of imagination! Can i have some? I'm really getting stuck on my Wolf Among Us fanfic XD

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