Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • LMAO Yes it is and looking at it some more, he does look like Joel....XD XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Is that meant to be my Nick?! :O He looks so much like Joel from The Last Of Us!!!! XP

  • I don't mind it, Joel is a decent looking man in spite of his faded battle scars and older complexion :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LMAO Yes it is and looking at it some more, he does look like Joel....XD XD

  • edited April 2015

    Well, I figure I've waited long enough to make an artistic post; I've made a few sims (not as much as I was planning on, but some) and drew some things (because I occasionally like to pick up a pencil and pretend I'm Picasso) I suppose I should get started then.


    I never showed off Dragon's house in sims, nor did I share Fayde's creation, so that's what I'm going to do now! I'm slowly but surely getting around to making everyone's characters. Sometimes I don't have the time to get them all crammed in, and also you're only limited to 8 people a household and what not. So if you've not seen yours yet, do not fret! (I rhyme only on Wednesdays; today is not a Wednesday. You should be honored.) XD Joking aside, I should probably stop talking and get to the pictures.

    Fayde Everwind:

    Alt text

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    I hope I dressed her appropriately; something that can easily be fixed if not. Hope you like the results, Dragon ^-^

    The House:

    I picked a premade home, since I figured three sims was enough that I didn't have to make a customized building for them XD I renovated it a lot though (and gave them a much bigger television.)

    Alt text

    Gameplay Pics:

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    "C'mon Tez! Shake what your mama gave ya!"

    Alt text

    Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as you two? No? Guys? Are you even listening?"

    I have a bunch more pics Dragon, but I'll PM them to you later and you can do what you want with them. Hope you liked all this ^-^

    My own OC's in Sims:

    Belinda Cratchit:

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    SINCE there are no 'Old Timey' dresses in the game and I couldn't find any, I settled with what she would look like in present time. I'd say I did pretty well :)

    Jonathan Wakefield:

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    I was able to get an 'Old Timey' feel for Jonathan's look at least; Men's cloths haven't changed as drastically over the past few centuries.

    Matthew Robert Cratchit:

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    Ain't he a cutie? There's the family <3 Now, onto the last part!


    I drew some stuff because I was bored and I wanted to (great reasoning, right?)

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    THIS just happens to be out little Carter (of sorts) and a girl! Whoa, didn't see that one coming? Well, you don't know who she is yet (or do you?) but this is what I'm aiming to eventually write about after I'm done with other things.

    Alt text

    And THIS is supposed to be Harmony and Gabriel, her youngest <3 I was feeling the baby vibe (it might very well by your fault, Pie.) so I drew her and him together and added a little quote.

    That's all for now folks! Hope you've all enjoyed your Tuesdays! I haven't written, or even gone on here, all day long, because I finally had to do that damn French project (so happy I'm done with it) for tomorrow. I'm too tired and a little grumpy to write anything so, goodnight guys! I gotta go shower and sleep.

  • edited April 2015

    It's 3am on a Wednesday in England EMMY, so your rhyming counts for something over here :D

    Now the pics:

    • DAMN! Fayde is gorgeous! XD

    • Belinda looks pretty nice as well :)

    • Jonathan looks cute! Hunky cute! Belinda is a very lucky lady :D

    I drew some stuff because I was bored and I wanted to (great reasoning, right?)

    This is the exact reason why my artistic friends do drawings outside of art college, they're bored and they want to, your reasoning is shared! XD

    These were awesome EMMY, I always enjoy looking at these Sims creations :D

  • Sweet! Go international time differences :D

    I was very pleased with Fayde; It took a while though to create her perfectly. Plus, her wardrobe took a bit. I wanted to capture her perfectly, you know?

    Belinda's a cutie :) I find Jonathan very attractive XD Yes, she is lucky.

    Great minds think alike, I suppose! Glad you enjoyed these; I've been busy lately and I finally got around to posting most of these. I have more to do, more to make, and more to share, in due time.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's 3am on a Wednesday in England EMMY, so your rhyming counts for something over here Now the pics: * DAMN! Fayde is gorgeous! XD

  • I am REALLY tired though, and I need to be up by 8am :(

    Compared to Tezoth, I know so little of Fayde... I'm sure Dragon will love what you made though!

    Belinda reminds me a little of Anne Hathaway if I'm honest... Jonathan is The Rake though :/

    Did you receive my PM a while back about making Sims of Damien and Rook? Just asking of course, more than happy to wait for perfection :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Sweet! Go international time differences I was very pleased with Fayde; It took a while though to create her perfectly. Plus, her wardro

  • I've been waiting to see more of these! :D They're so cool and we'll awesome XD

    Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as you two? No? Guys? Are you even listening?"

    This was hilarious! XD

    Today was really simple for me, I only had one class today :3 I always hated doing those types of projects because they were in languages that I didn't learn on my own time so they were very tedious! -.-

  • edited April 2015

    Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as you two? No? Guys? Are you even listening?"

    @JJWolf this is you, dude! I thought of you after reading this bit! :3

    Anyways, I love the way Fayde came out. Always nice to see a face to a name! Dragon will love these! And can I say Belinda is a very stunning young lady? Man, Johnathan-YOU'RE the lucky one in this situation! I love how radiant her smile is! And Matthew is so bloody precious! GAH! He's just to die for! :3

    I love those pictures, too, btw and apologies for the recent need to draw babies. XD Babies are awesome, though!!! I adore the one with Harmony and baby Gabriel. OH dem feels, Ems! She's such a good mommy and the little saying was precious, too. I THINK I know the young lady with Carter, too! Oh Carter! I adore that kid, too! #Carterfan

    Good luck with that French project and look forward to whatever you have instore for us! :D Great work on all of it, Ems. :D

  • edited April 2015

    After much searching, I failed to muster enough information on Bavarias involvment in the war of the sixth Coalition to fit it into this story. I have thus decided to skip this point in history and move on to the revolutions of 1848. Do note that at this time in history, Berlin was no longer the capital of Bavaria but that of the Kingdom of Prussia.

    Chapter 14: Massendemonstration. March, 18th, 1848.

    Throughout the beginning of March, crowds that had been organised prior began to cluster throughout the city of Berlin, expressing their demands to the then king of Prussia: Frederick IV. These demands where for a Constitution, Parliamentary elections, freedom for the press and a unified Germany amongst other things. The military then started to work on disbanding these groups. It was the 18th of March. Many were gathered in the streets, waving the revolutionary tricolour of black, red and gold before barricades set up by the military. Gertraud and I were in the process of an errand to the bank, fetching money to pay for our glamours. Out of precaution die stumpfe Klinge was closed, Gertraud had my dagger hidden up her sleeve and I carried my Sabre.

    “Come, Traudl!” I shouted through the crowd.

    “Stand still and I may find you!”

    Staying still in the crowds, she found me after a few seconds.

    “Did you drop them?” I asked.

    She answered by holding out her hands, two bags of money in each.

    “We must get back; I have a bad feeling about this, Hunter.”


    Two gunshots rang through the air. Looking towards the assumed source of the sound, I saw the crowd had entered a charge, Tricolours waving and weapons brandished by some. From the source of the sound came many more shots.


    She obliged with evident reluctance, soon out of sight as the crowd moved about. As I moved through the crowd, trying to reach the side of the street, the crowd seemed to move as one mind in an attempt to block me. I was eventually swept with the crowd towards the now reduced sound of gunshots. I placed my hand at my sabre; ready to draw it should the moment call upon such. The air was thick with shouting, cries, and gunpowder smoke. The crowd started to thin out as I came to the source of the initial gunshots. Soldiers were wrestling with the revolutionaries in a myriad of ways. The soldiers were mostly armed with rifles and the weapons employed by the crowd were mostly consisted of fists with the odd blade or two, one of the revolutionaries even had a pistol. All over the road lay those dead or bleeding out.

    I was still trying to find a way back to the Tavern when an officer came upon me in a charge, rapier raised high ready for a slash. I ducked to avoid the blow, drawing my sabre and slicing his foot. I regained register, recognising the archway leading into a laneway. I sought shelter under the entrance. Following this route, I came to the backdoor of die stumpfe Klinge. I entered with my sword at the ready.

    “Traudl, are you there?”

    A moment of silence allowed me to hear the fighting outside.

    “Yes, by the bar.” She called back.

    I sheathed my blade before walking into the main room. True to her word, there she was behind the bar. Resting on the bar were 6 polished cap lock pistols. one was also in her hand, aimed in my direction.

    Lowering and practically dropping the gun, she walked to me before constricting me in a loving yet torturously tight embrace.

    “Are you trying to suffocate me?” I strained through the hug.

    “No, but I’m glad I am.” She chuckled. Releasing me, she pulled from behind the counter the bags of coin.

    “Why the pistols?” I asked. Ignoring the money.

    “One has to be prepared with all that is going on.”

    Riots and uprisings gripped many of the territories of Europe during the Revolutions of 1848. None were as widespread as those in the German Coalition though. Most of the German Kings (including Frederick IV of Prussia) yielded to the most basic demands of the revolutionaries during the Frankfurt assembly that year. However, a united Germany was not met until the 1871 establishing of the German Empire.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter was more of a history lesson than anything else, but because it was a major part of Berlin’s history and thus significant to Alfred and Gertraud I decided to include it.

    Historical note: The mentioned revolutionary tricolour was the inspiration for the flag of modern day Germany.

    We shall jump to 1890 next chapter

  • edited April 2015

    The reason why you don't know much is because you haven't attempted to read anything or even ask a single question about Fayde, silly!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I am REALLY tired though, and I need to be up by 8am Compared to Tezoth, I know so little of Fayde... I'm sure Dragon will love what you

  • You've made my Fayde absolutely stunning than ever, and I commend you entirely for that. Clothes and everything!

    Although... there's this itty-bitty tiny detail I may call you out on - if you're willing to hear it. :3

  • edited April 2015

    Oh god, the armpit hair.

    Alt text

    (also a related response ever since @HazzatheMan mentioned Nick looking similar to Joel XD)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    OMG and you say me and Hman's conversations are random. Lady Gaga? LMAO XD I'd love to see that! I hope to lose, JJ, just so I can see you perform that song! Sorry I had to do this! XD I see this happening between Robert and Nick a lot. :P

  • edited April 2015

    Chapter 15: Etwas Lebenzeit muss sein. März, 15, 1899.

    I woke to find Gertraud was sitting at the dresser in a frilled, dull red dress and bonnet.

    “Why are you dressing in that?” I asked.

    “We are, for once, allowing the Tavern and ourselves a day off in favour of leisure.”

    “For once?”

    She turned to look at me. “When was the last time we had a day off?”

    1689, during that snowstorm.

    “I can see your point, but what if I said I oppose?”

    “But you do not oppose.” She said. “And if you did, I would drag you out by your testicles, knock you out, dress you myself and wait for you to awaken.”

    I proceeded to the chest by which I now placed my possessions. I pulled from it my frock coat, trousers, vest, shirt and boots. Each item save for the shirt was brown in colour and crumpled. Placing each on after discarding my sleepwear, I reached back into the chest seeking my watch. Finding its chain, I pulled it from the chest. The watch was of silver, dulled by fingerprints and a lack of polish. The watch was plain save for an Imperial Eagle carved into the hunter case. I looped the chain through the middle button hole of my vest. I checked my coat pocket to see that the pistol was still in its place. It was.

    “Where do you propose we go, Traudl?”

    First, a tailor to provide you with a new suit. Secondly, a firearms shop to get you and I an upgrade from those cap- locks, A café for luncheon, then maybe a jewellers. We have had that money sitting in that vault for nearly four centuries. We might as well use it.”

    “We shall have to go to the bank for-“ I was silenced when she held out my wallet, replete with banknotes.

    “I took care of it while you were asleep.”

    I took the wallet. Upon inspection, I found Inside were several hundred-mark banknotes.

    “Thank you.”

    “It is not charity. I expect you to provide good company.” She said.


    The tailor was literally across the street. At the top, in Roman font, was a simple sign reading ‘James’ Tailoring for men and women’ in English.

    Pasted on the window was a poster advertising ‘off-the-rack’ suits for 19 marks and women’s steel lined corsets for 9 marks.

    Walking inside, I stopped to examine the surrounding’s. Around the shops floor were racks and mannequins with everything sartorial. Suits, overcoats, top hats, bowler hats, dresses, canes, women’s hats, boots, corsets and stockings filled each of these things. At the back was a counter, behind it a man in a waistcoat and shirt, sleeves rolled up and no collar.

    “Ah, Frau Jagd.” He said in an accent hinting towards Scotland. “To what do I owe the pleasure? Not another corset, is it?”

    Before anyone could speak more, I interjected. “Traudl? ‘Another corset’?”

    “I come here for my dresses and other such. Before you ask, No, he did not measure me. His wife did.” she said exasperated.

    The scot smiled at me. “Mr Jagd? I guess?”

    I nodded in confirmation.

    “Your wife made an appointment for a suit fitting?”

    Traudl winked at me as a motion to say yes.


    Exiting the shop, I stopped in front of Gertraud. “How long have you been planning this?”

    She donned a smile indicating mischief. “Last week while you were busy trying to suicide by way of over-exertion in the Tavern.”

    I decided to let it drop.

    The firearms shoppe had an array of rifles displayed on the walls. Around the place were tables with more rifles and pistols of several types: Revolvers, lever action, cap-lock and more.

    “Hallo!” came the owner from behind the counter. He was dressed in a crumpled suit not unlike mine with the exception of having a hunting jacket.

    “Was such‘ ihr?“ (Whatcha searching for?) the way he slurred his speech suggested a low upbringing.

    “Etwas.” (something) I said.

    I then saw a pistol of an odd make, with what appeared to be a sort of box in front of the trigger guard and a grip like a broom handle. Picking it up, I inspected its mechanism.

    “Das ist der Mauser C-96.“ (That is the Mauser C-96) said the shoppe owner.

    I had purchased the Mauser for 30 marks and ammunition for an additional five marks. Gertraud, unable to find anything inconspicuous yet useful and thus purchased a small pocket revolver for her purse.

    “What are we to do now, Hunter?” she asked.

    I stood there thinking on that for a moment. “My suit might be finished by now. He did tell me my figure was easy to work with and that an hour or two was all he needed.” I said as I opened my watch. It read eleven past ten. “And it has been nearly three hours.”

    “THAT is an improvement.” She exclaimed.

    I was directed to a mirror by the changing booth.

    I wore grey slacks and a morning jacket of matching colour. My waistcoat was red and accented with black pin-stripes. The shirt was pure white, borne of a silk ascot tie of a plum purple. My boots were brown polished leather of the new laced type.

    “What hat would you like?” asked the tailor.

    “A top hat. Something simple.” My answer was instantaneous.

    As he left to find a plain hat, I spied a leather overcoat. The coat was black and polished without a lapelled collar. The coat was also accompanied by a pair of identically fashioned riding gloves.

    “Your hat.”

    The tailor was to my side, holding out my hat. A black, cotton top hat with a silk ribbon around its base.

    I took the hat and placed it deftly atop my head, hiding my pure black hair. Examining my visage in the mirror I nodded in approval.

    I turned to the tailor “What is your name?”

    “Mr Tavish.” He said.

    “Well, Mr Tavish. I seem to have taken a liking to that overcoat and pair of gloves there.” I directed to the items as I spoke.

    “Let me get it for you.” He insisted.

    He returned with the coat and gloves, placing the coat in a position for me to fit the sleeves. I buttoned the silver notches down my chest before being handed the gloves.

    The high collar of the coat allowed nil of my suit to be seen aside from the trouser legs and the very end of my shirt sleeves. The gloves complimented the sleeves of the coat and made the outfit appear elegant yet foreboding.

    “Now it is my turn, Hunter.” she called.

    I caught a glimpse of her before she herself entered a changing booth.

    “When did she make an appointment?” I asked Tavish.

    “Never. Literally never aside from alterations to aesthetics. All of the clothing here seems to fit her perfectly. “

    For close to twenty minutes I awaited her outside the booth. When she did come out, I was in awe. Her dress was predominately crimson, laced in white trims. Her blouse had a black ribbon tied around the collar and was white, frilled down the chest and surrounded by a jacket identical in colour to her dress.

    “What say you?” she said.

    “How long have you been coming here?” I asked.

    “Five years.” she replied in flatly. “What do you think?”

    “I believe that that corset would be killing most women if theirs were done as narrow as your waist allows. And that it is quite pretty.”

    “Pretty? I feel undermined.” she forcefully pouted.

    “I like it.”

    “As do I.”

    Entering the Jewellers, I was greeted by a glistening of watches, rings, chains, necklaces and other such in a range of metals. The man behind the counter was a dressed in a flawless black suit and bore a gold chain that stretched across his waist under his jacket.

    “Morgen, Was kann ich tut?” (Morning, what can I do?) Asked he.

    “Nichts für mich.” (Nothing for me) was Gertrauds answer.

    I remembered my watch. Pulling it from my coat and removing it from its chain, I walked to the counter. “Ich will die Uhr gereinigt und poliert bitte.” (I wish for my watch to be cleaned and polished please.)

    Taking the watch, he requested four marks. I handed him the amount before walking over to Gertraud.

    “Let us browse.” I said

    “Yes, Let’s”

    I walked around with her, trying the different pieces of jewellery and commenting on them. We were doing this for twenty minutes roughly (I could not tell) before she found a wristwatch; silver in colour and held on by a small leather belt.

    “What of this?” she asked, showing the watch.

    I stood their trying to think of an opinion. To be honest, I felt indifferent. I could not decide wether I liked or disliked it.

    “I am guessing you cannot decide?”

    I nodded in confirmation.

    Then I heard the counterman walk back into the room.

    “I will get it anyway.” she said, walking with me to the counter.

    “Die Uhre ist sieben Mark.” (The watch is seven marks) he deadpanned. “Hier ist deine Uhre, mein gutes Mannes” (here is your watch, my good sir) he spoke turning to me, holding out my watch, which now glistened majestically. Gertraud handed the man the price before placing her watch on as I did mine.

    “Auf Wiedersehen” I farewelled.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is part one of Chapter 15. More will be uploaded within the next minute of me posting this.

    PS: Did someone get the reference? If you did, I toss you a cookie for a very good memory/

  • Jesus, my poor Fayde being compared to a sorry-ass Grendel.

    (jk, jk! I don't mean anything by that, JJ!)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as you two? No? Guys? Are you even listening?" @JJWolf this is you, dude! I th

  • edited April 2015

    Part two of Chapter 15: Etwas Lebenzeit muss sein.

    “It is nearly noon.” said Gertraud, marvelling at her new contraption. “This is so much easier than fiddling with a watch on a fob! I digress. we should eat.”

    I hummed in concurrence.

    We came upon a café simply called the Berlin café (How creative). The building was small, no larger than a single story house. Chairs and tables were lined up outside on the path. We sat down just outside the door to the building.

    “It still amazes me.”

    Gertraud was staring at something on the street I could not discern as to its identity.

    “What does?” I questioned.

    “How that we went from being absolute strangers meeting by pure chance, of feeble birth and fugitive to an entire multi-world empire to being lovers, owning our own business in a world that manages to be more comfortable than the one we left in spite of lacking magic.”

    I chuckled at that.

    We sat there in silence before being approached by a waiter wearing a suit sans the jacket.

    “Was W-“ (what do y-)

    “Nur Brot” (just bread) I said.

    The waiter was taken by surprise. “S-Sehr gut, und euer?” (V-very good, and you?)

    “Brot auch.” (Bread as well)

    The waiter walked back inside without writing a single thing on his pad.

    “Us and our addiction to bread.” I sighed, mocking the waiter’s accent.

    I managed to illicit a small laugh from Gertraud. Immediately afterwards she sat up straight, a look of wonder glistening in her eyes as they followed an object moving behind me. I spun around on my seat to find an Automatic open-air carriage, riding by its own accord, whirring and sputtering as it made its way down the street. Many a person stopped what they were doing to see this magnificent machine as it passed by.

    “I had heard of these things but I thought them a hoax.” I commented.

    “See what I mean, this world never ceases to amaze me.”

    “Ihre brot.” (Your bread)

    The waiter had returned with small loafs of bread on the table. I handed him a fifty mark note, to which he walked away with mischief in his eyes.

    “I think you just created a criminal, Hunter.” Joked Gertraud.

    “Traudl, all I did was give him money. Whether he keeps it or not is not my fault.” I countered.

    “Enough talking. Let’s eat!”

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: I think this to be my longest chapter yet. Let me know what you thought of the story.

  • Ok then, Thread Master. Enlighten me on the lovely Fayde! XD

    The reason why you don't know much is because you haven't attempted to read anything or even ask a single question about Fayde, silly!

  • Joel never did that in the game! XP

    Nick isn't meant to look like Joel, just in that image Pie drew, he did...

    Oh god, the armpit hair. (also a related response ever since @HazzatheMan mentioned Nick looking similar to Joel XD)

  • It was a history lesson, but I did find it interesting!

    I was afraid that one of our 2 protagonists would end up injured, penniless or dead at one point :O

    Great stuff dude! XD

    After much searching, I failed to muster enough information on Bavarias involvment in the war of the sixth Coalition to fit it into this sto

  • I am glad to educate. I do, after all, intend to become a teeacher :)

    I would never hurt good ol' Traudl and Al........unless.................(Hint: Very neurotic Austrian)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It was a history lesson, but I did find it interesting! I was afraid that one of our 2 protagonists would end up injured, penniless or dead at one point :O Great stuff dude! XD

  • Firstly:

    “And if you did, I would drag you out by your testicles, knock you out, dress you myself and wait for you to awaken.”

    Damn... I think even my OC Nick would be afraid of Gertraud! :O

    In spite of it just being 'a slice of life' it was interesting to see Alfred and Gertraud adapt to more modern attire, such as Gertraud's wristwatch and Alfred switching from a cap-and-ball revolver to a bullet-firing pistol.

    The Mauser was the first semi-automatic pistol to gain real recognition as well, so Alfred made a very good choice imo!! :D

    Looking forward to what comes next! XD

    (Btw, that coat and gloves combo is awesome) As for the reference? You didn't specify what the reference is linked to... Is it a Rammstein reference or what???

    Chapter 15: Etwas Lebenzeit muss sein. März, 15, 1899. I woke to find Gertraud was sitting at the dresser in a frilled, dull red dress an

  • I didn't think this needed to be split into 2 parts if I'm honest, but whatever :)

    Ah, it is now that machines are becoming even more common... I wonder what that was like back then, seeing something so marvellous parade through the streets and making it's mark on history?...

    Fifty marks sounds like Alfred over-paid the waiter by 5x the amount! Damn, they must have money to spare :P

    Also, in spite of being lovers, I would like to see more 'couple stuff' between Alfred and Gartraud; they don't hold hands, hug, kiss, or even make sweet remarks that often... Maybe I'm just used to the portrayal of other couples in Fables and on this thread :/

    Now In spite of me sounding like a dick in places with this comment, I really do enjoy this tale! So I look forward to more dude! XD

    Part two of Chapter 15: Etwas Lebenzeit muss sein. “It is nearly noon.” said Gertraud, marvelling at her new contraption. “This is so muc

  • Ah I see! A teacher of history by any chance? :)

    :O Please don't! Their relationship hasn't been shown enough yet!!!

    I typed in 'very neurotic Austrian' into Google and it came up with Dr. Alfred Adler :/

    I am glad to educate. I do, after all, intend to become a teeacher I would never hurt good ol' Traudl and Al........unless.................(Hint: Very neurotic Austrian)

  • I would be getting them to hold hands or make gestures in public, but alas, for this is the Victorian Era where the first film to ever include kissing was cited as meriting a 'police response' just for a second of smoching. they shall become more expressive in their gestures as time goes by and the ethics of public behaviour change, don't you worry.

    Also, their business has been running for 399 years since they arrived and thus their money does amount to quite a steep sum. To add to this, Alfred and Gertraud are so obsessed with die stumpfe Klinge that they (or at least Al) spend very little on themeselves.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I didn't think this needed to be split into 2 parts if I'm honest, but whatever Ah, it is now that machines are becoming even more commo

  • I never considered that :P How times have changed eh?

    Investing in their business like that has really paid off (no pun intended) Especially for a tavern...

    I would be getting them to hold hands or make gestures in public, but alas, for this is the Victorian Era where the first film to ever inclu

  • I intend to build their relationships up before anything else happens, oh, don't you worry!

    (Hint: Braunau am Inn, look it up) I will add to the reasons to hate this dick via my story.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ah I see! A teacher of history by any chance? :O Please don't! Their relationship hasn't been shown enough yet!!! I typed in 'very neurotic Austrian' into Google and it came up with Dr. Alfred Adler

  • I make my own luck.-Shay Patrick Cormac, Assassins Creed: Rogue.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I never considered that :P How times have changed eh? Investing in their business like that has really paid off (no pun intended) Especially for a tavern...

  • Glad to hear it :)

    That's where Adolf Hitler was born... WE DON'T NEED A REASON TO HATE HITLER DUDE!!! XD

    I intend to build their relationships up before anything else happens, oh, don't you worry! (Hint: Braunau am Inn, look it up) I will add to the reasons to hate this dick via my story.

  • I need to finish that game...

    I fully upgraded the Morrigan and completed a load of the side quests, but didn't do much with the main story :/

    Still, Rogue is better than Unity imo. The only good thing In Unity (for me) was the new free-running system :D

    I make my own luck.-Shay Patrick Cormac, Assassins Creed: Rogue.

  • I know we do not need another reason to hate him, but, fuck it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Glad to hear it That's where Adolf Hitler was born... WE DON'T NEED A REASON TO HATE HITLER DUDE!!! XD

  • Lol :P

    So what will Der Fuhrer do that is so bad I wonder???

    I know we do not need another reason to hate him, but, fuck it.

  • The reference is to the Wolf among Us. I made it very hard to spot so do not feel bad about it. (I am a horrible person XD)

    Yes, let's - Beast to Beauty on having a private conversation, the Wolf among Us.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Firstly: “And if you did, I would drag you out by your testicles, knock you out, dress you myself and wait for you to awaken.”

  • His utter refusal to surrender to the Red Army (No more shall be said beyond this).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol :P So what will Der Fuhrer do that is so bad I wonder???

  • Dude... that is the most subtle reference ever! :O

    Two words from Ep.4? Damn man, I bet you could come up with some pretty challenging quizzes :D

    The reference is to the Wolf among Us. I made it very hard to spot so do not feel bad about it. (I am a horrible person XD) Yes, let's - Beast to Beauty on having a private conversation, the Wolf among Us.

  • Oh, how arkward would it be if Alfred just walked past Bigby and both experience Deja vu.

    So many possibilities.......

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So WW2 will play a part in Alfred and Gertraud's lives... I wonder if they'll meet human Bigby?! He was posing as a German national during the War Is that event the Siege of Stalingrad or the Fall of Berlin?

  • edited April 2015

    So WW2 will play a part in Alfred and Gertraud's lives...

    I wonder if they'll meet human Bigby?! He was posing as a German national during the War :D

    Is that event the Siege of Stalingrad or the Fall of Berlin?

    His utter refusal to surrender to the Red Army (No more shall be said beyond this).

  • I may have to set up a thread devoted to conundrums in the General Discussion section.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude... that is the most subtle reference ever! :O Two words from Ep.4? Damn man, I bet you could come up with some pretty challenging quizzes

  • They wouldn't recognise him as a human though :/

    I look forward to what you come up with :D

    Oh, how arkward would it be if Alfred just walked past Bigby and both experience Deja vu. So many possibilities.......

  • No, I guess not. :P

    Still makes for an interesting idea though. I will have to investigate this further.......

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    They wouldn't recognise him as a human though I look forward to what you come up with


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude... that is the most subtle reference ever! :O Two words from Ep.4? Damn man, I bet you could come up with some pretty challenging quizzes

  • I'm sure it will be good :)

    No, I guess not. :P Still makes for an interesting idea though. I will have to investigate this further.......

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