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  • That song is too awesome XD I remember when my friend showed me this, I almost died of laughter XD

    Alright, I got a solution to your phone problem.

  • edited April 2015

    The spirits being sucked in the vacuum reminded me of Luigi's Mansion for some odd reason.

    Carla is screwing everything up for everyone, everyone's going to tear her up so bad... I'm literally thinking evilly about her demise. >:)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in

  • edited April 2015

    Magical ones, of course! Duh me! Damn, I was expecting a bloodbath for some reason.

    Ka me, ha me, haaaaaaaaaa! XD Jk, I rarely watched DBZ.

    Tetra posted: »

    Magical ones! He most certainly is! Well find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Oh I'm sure they'll be fine as long as they don't pissed Nick off XD

  • Well you never know on the bloodbath it could happen ;)

    I watched it too much as a kid, I just loved that ending phrase XD

    Magical ones, of course! Duh me! Damn, I was expecting a bloodbath for some reason. Ka me, ha me, haaaaaaaaaa! XD Jk, I rarely watched DBZ.

  • YEEEEEEEEESSS!!! KieronxAzaria is official!!! XD XD XD XD

    "Will you just carry me to bed you knucklehead." She said

    Oh man, 3 rhymes in one sentence!!! :O

    Now... Nick... >:)

    You captured his dialogue well, but the fear aspect was overdone a little. Nick is like Bigby in that some people can feel uneasy around him, the scientist literally falling to his knees confused me, but Nick picking him up sounded right :P

    Oh boy, that commander sounds pretty massive...

    I look forward to what comes next dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    The Horsemen Rode Part: Three Kieron and Azaria sat outside the Resistance base... "Couldn't sleep?" Kieron asked "No, not what hap


    Oh wow didn't even notice that o.o

    Dang but it's so cool having a dude around that'll literally having you shaking in your boots just by looking at him, I feel like everyone should be like oh shit it's Nick hide under your tables XD Don't worry people will act normally towards him from now on though :) That scientist part was sort of a it sounded really awesome in my head but absolutely should not have it put in but I put it in anyways kind of deal XD

    Hey if the King is going to win, might as well ensure his victory :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    YEEEEEEEEESSS!!! KieronxAzaria is official!!! XD XD XD XD "Will you just carry me to bed you knucklehead." She said Oh man, 3

  • edited April 2015

    So first you write something hilarious, then you rip out my heart?! >:(

    Ok, first part:

    I missed the notification for this so when I skimmed through it, I saw the name Nick and was like "Dafuq is he doing in Gremily's bed?!" But then I saw Vivian and realised it was your Nick :P

    and we WERE going to clean the sheets and-"


    I am confused by the hoover part though. If Vivian is just invisible, how did she get sucked in? And if Nick is in ghost form, how does he have visible genitalia and hands?! I was really confused by that bit, but the image of Emily using a hoover to punish them was priceless! XD

    Now the second part:

    Ethan Porgie... I don't trust you anymore, so you better be good to those ladies, or I WILL have Nick put you in that chair! >:D

    In all seriousness, I feel so bad for Michelle, she essentially lost 'her' Ethan right after they consummated their love for each other, now she has this new Ethan... and he scares me :(

    I await more from you dude! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in

  • What do you mean you take that as a no? I'll take any feedback you give me, man! I do notice now that I forgot punctuation between course and Anything, if I was misleading in any way.

    I'll take that as a no. I'm going to explain it eventually anyway, lol.

  • I know, right!? Bounce quarters off of that! Screw Nerissa, no offense-put Georgie up on the pole! I'd watch that! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Dear freaking lord that ass! XD Okay! It's Georgie's fault! I assure you all will be answered in the following chapters! I think you'll like the Georgie idea. Thanks, man. That image...XD

  • Glad you liked it ^-^ And yeah, I tried to make that part funny XD

    That's good! And I feel ya, man. That's how I am during French class XD I SHOULD know the language fairly well, and yet here I am, googling how to conjugate the simplest verbs and how to phrase what I want to say XD

    Tetra posted: »

    I've been waiting to see more of these! They're so cool and we'll awesome XD Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as

  • Lol, Nick walks through the streets and every passer-by gives him room and is like "Fuck, that guy scares me..." Then he gets home to Jayne and she's all "Hi, honey!" XP

    That scientist part was sort of a it sounded really awesome in my head but absolutely should not have it put in but I put it in anyways kind of deal

    Ok, it was funny :) I mean, Nick is a big, imposing guy so naturally you would be in shock if someone like him just appeared you know? :D

    I haven't had Nick fight a larger opponent yet... Normally I'd say "Wait until I write it first" but this isn't a big deal to me, I hope he kicks that commander's ass!! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    YEEEEAAAHH!!! XD Oh wow didn't even notice that o.o Dang but it's so cool having a dude around that'll literally having you shaking in

  • Lol XD

    I love the way she came out too! It took a while to shape her face but I think I caught the whole 'Irish' look very well. I also love Belinda; She took a while to shape too. I'm always meticulous trying to get them just right. Lol, Jonathan is pretty lucky to have her, I agree. After what he's becoming and dealing with, he'll be lucky if she's willing to stick around...
    Matthew's adorable. He may be a handful, but he's a cutiepie.

    I love babies too much lmao XD Little Gabe, he's gonna be a stunner though. He'll be my little 'Bigby reincarnated' XD I definitely know who it is, any you MIGHT know, or you might be surprised. Either way, glad you're as much of a fan of Carter as I am XD He's my favorite in terms of the children, I think. Ugh, I can't believe how old he is at this point >.< Yep, I have some nice plans for him.

    Thanks! Presented it today actually, and it went pretty well. I was the only not lazy one who decked the slides out with fancy backgrounds and fonts and I made it look cute. So there's that.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Fayde: "Remind me why I chose to sit in the same room as you two? No? Guys? Are you even listening?" @JJWolf this is you, dude! I th

  • "Dafuq is he doing in Gremily's bed?!

    Nick wants Emily and is waiting for her....XD XD Sorry, I had to after reading that part!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So first you write something hilarious, then you rip out my heart?! >:( Ok, first part: I missed the notification for this so when

  • We've discussed Nick and Emily already :D

    He obviously wonders what it would be like to bed her, but she's a taken lady, and she's like a daughter to him. Nick would never try anything with her...

    Damien on the other hand does push his luck with his comments, but he and Emily are like siblings with their squabbles and their good times :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    "Dafuq is he doing in Gremily's bed?! Nick wants Emily and is waiting for her....XD XD Sorry, I had to after reading that part!

  • I mainly said 'jk' because I don't want any fans murdering me in my sleep for messing up the ever-so-popular phrase, lol!

    Tetra posted: »

    Well you never know on the bloodbath it could happen I watched it too much as a kid, I just loved that ending phrase XD

  • Hey, cut the hate on poor Nerissa! She may have used Bigby and the rest of Fabletown, but that still doesn't give you the right to judge! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    I know, right!? Bounce quarters off of that! Screw Nerissa, no offense-put Georgie up on the pole! I'd watch that!

  • Heh XD

    Fayde, like I've said in the posts above, was a bit challenging to get right, but I think she ended up very good in the end :) I tried to make Belinda look like she could be Tim's sister, so I gave them the same hair color and whatnot. It's okay if you pictured her with black hair, it happens XD And same! Jonathan, Ethan, Peter, and pretty much all the other hunky hot guys on this forum! They're to die for <3 And thanks, little Matthew is adorable <3 I wish I could make him younger looking, he's only supposed to be four.

    Carter will finally be getting his first tastes of true romance soon enough; There may just be a bit of a love triangle between him and two other girls (I mentioned at least one of them in the PM the other day.) So this girl he's with MIGHT be her, or it might not. Who knows? I know XD I originally wanted to draw Harmony with all 4 newborns, but it's hard to have one person hold that many babies XD I ended up just drawing one, and it was the runt, Gabriel. Her and Lyla are seriously the best, I swear. Hell, ALL the Porgie girls are great mamas.

    Good to hear! And thanks, school is school. I've got Junior Cruise (It's like prom but for Juniors and it's also on a boat) coming up; Bought the tickets today ^-^ Now I need a dress and I'll be good to go.

    JJwolf posted: »

    @DragonButter (?) Robert Grendel will remember this.... now, to your comment pie, thisis me ALL the time with you. XD LMAO I loved the de

  • edited April 2015

    Yep, it was the exact error that misled me in your previous comment. I sometimes blatantly assume like that as well, sorry!

    Now, regarding Fayde, her eye color is actually gray (or blackish-grey, whatever you fancy). If you remember seeing my pics, I didn't shade her eyes with pencil because I was lazy! It was actually for a reason. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    What do you mean you take that as a no? I'll take any feedback you give me, man! I do notice now that I forgot punctuation between course and Anything, if I was misleading in any way.

  • OH man! First the hate on Robert and now, this...

    Alt text

    jk jk XD Nah, but I feel the love for Nerissa, man. But, still....dat ass! :D

    Hey, cut the hate on poor Nerissa! She may have used Bigby and the rest of Fabletown, but that still doesn't give you the right to judge! XD

  • Nick would never try anything with her...

    Robert would but then again, Carla has him under a spell...

    After reading your comment to pie about him and Carla, I can see him trying but getting a smack on the head by Gren. >:D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    We've discussed Nick and Emily already He obviously wonders what it would be like to bed her, but she's a taken lady, and she's like a d

  • If Nick was under a spell then his willpower would make him do something to tell Emily that he isn't in his right mind...

    Carla is a single lady, but also a Mundy :/

    JJwolf posted: »

    Nick would never try anything with her... Robert would but then again, Carla has him under a spell... After reading your comment to pie about him and Carla, I can see him trying but getting a smack on the head by Gren. >:D

  • Goshdangit, I wasn't hating! I should've responded to your earlier comment about that, lol, but I know we're just having fun and that's all that matters. :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    OH man! First the hate on Robert and now, this... jk jk XD Nah, but I feel the love for Nerissa, man. But, still....dat ass!

  • We cool, Dragon. We cool. I knew you were coming from a good place. No harm done. :)

    Goshdangit, I wasn't hating! I should've responded to your earlier comment about that, lol, but I know we're just having fun and that's all that matters. :P

  • OMG girl that prom cruise thing sounds bleeping wonderful and I wish I could attend! Why didn't they have these awesome themes, I'll never understand. :'( I hear you on that school, though. Nuh to the uh is how I look at it.

    I still love these sims either way. Even if you did skip a detail or two these always make us smile. Either way, little Matthew is a bowl of sugar and that Johnathan, man. Harmony needs to ask Lyla how in the Davey Jones locker she managed to cary four babies. I love those two, Harmony and Lyla. :3 I agree; they are all good mamas, same goes for your Scarlett and her daughter but they learned it from their wonderful mamas. :)

    And Carter is big pimpin' at the moment but he's got Jack as a father, Mary for his mother and a step dad, who by the way, is a GOD himself. Oh, look at that-I'm drooling.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Heh XD Fayde, like I've said in the posts above, was a bit challenging to get right, but I think she ended up very good in the end I tri

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited April 2015

    Sorry I got distracted by everything else going on! Man! Busy busy this thread is today! lol

    I loved that first part. EWW! Nick and Vivian got caught! XD XD Ah HA!!! I wonder, though, how would that look. OH man the images I'm getting right now of Nick and Viv having ghost sex. I thought that bit with the vacuum was hilarious. I'm assuming Nick had that kid's bosy again. I remember you saying he LOOKED human but still had the characteristics of a ghost. And Emily is all casual and shit. lol

    That 2nd part, however. Stop doing this shit to me, man! I was worried there for a moment until Ethan spoke and he sounds alright. I think Michelle is in shock but I wish she wouldn't blame herself. :( Poor girl had it rough...I don't SEE Ethan being a dick to the girls but I honestly see him loosing control, should he participate in the war, you know? But IDK...Georgie was not a good man before Lyla and the kids and he's turning into his father's horrible past. :( I hope I'm wrong because I'm starting to like Ethan and applaude him as a man for loving Michelle and taking on the role as father to Erica. :) Plus, I wanted these two to have babies! LOTS AND LOTS of babies to play with Nick and Vivian's ghost babies!!!!!!

    That ending, though. Shit....can't wait like always, man!!! loved this!! And can't wait for this weekend, too!!!!! :D :D :D :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in

  • It's all good man!

    Good to know! I actually don't yet know if I can take her back in Create-A-Sim and fix it, however I'll play around and If I do fix it, I'll re-upload a pic of her with grey eyes. Also, I have to send you the extra pics (as I've just remembered NOW that I haven't yet) so expect those shortly!

    Yep, it was the exact error that misled me in your previous comment. I sometimes blatantly assume like that as well, sorry! Now, regardin

  • spirits being sucked in the vacuum reminded me of Luigi's Mansion


    The spirits being sucked in the vacuum reminded me of Luigi's Mansion for some odd reason. Carla is screwing everything up for everyone, everyone's going to tear her up so bad... I'm literally thinking evilly about her demise.

  • Oh what the hell bouncing quarters!?

    Alt text


    JJwolf posted: »

    I know, right!? Bounce quarters off of that! Screw Nerissa, no offense-put Georgie up on the pole! I'd watch that!

  • I know. Seems to be the way of the Pie these days. lol

    Oh man! I can't even imagine that. lol And I totally agree with you, man! :D That does not make it beter. XD

    Oh the magical Hoover. :3 Nick has that guy's body during the sex with Vivian; he has the ability of a ghost and can do all the wonderful things like going through the walls, disappear, etc. Nick can easily be sucked in by the vacuum; Vivian is invisible but Emily, Nick and the kids can see her but the thought of capturing them in the vacuum sounds funny! :3

    Trust him. He's not going to become a bad guy. He LOVES those girls and would do anything for them. Michelle right now is in complete shock and feels responsible for his change. She loves him. She fucking loves that man....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So first you write something hilarious, then you rip out my heart?! >:( Ok, first part: I missed the notification for this so when

  • I'd probably be one of those dudes XD

    Hey I know I'd be on my knees hoping he's in a friendly mood XD

    Really? o.o Well then I'll make sure it'll be a good fight then! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol, Nick walks through the streets and every passer-by gives him room and is like "Fuck, that guy scares me..." Then he gets home to Jayne

  • You did a very good job with it! XD

    Sounds like what I was doing when I was taking Spanish classes except I could cheat way too easily, Tetra does not condone cheating remember kids do your work legit :P I am actually learning to read and write Russian at the moment since my Internet wouldn't let me on this site for the longest XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Glad you liked it ^-^ And yeah, I tried to make that part funny XD That's good! And I feel ya, man. That's how I am during French class X

  • I know that feeling man, they're everywhere o.o I haven't watched or have seen DBZ in years so I always poke fun at the series XP

    I mainly said 'jk' because I don't want any fans murdering me in my sleep for messing up the ever-so-popular phrase, lol!

  • Dude I absolutely love Luigis mansion! It was my favorite GameCube game! :D

    The spirits being sucked in the vacuum reminded me of Luigi's Mansion for some odd reason. Carla is screwing everything up for everyone, everyone's going to tear her up so bad... I'm literally thinking evilly about her demise.

  • Lol.

    I have a friend that suffered a foursome in her actual bed at that Halloween party I went to dressed as Bigby... Man, she was not in the mood for the aftermath of that party. To my knowledge there was no mess, but the thought of 4 people??? Nah man, that's bad :P

    So Nick's host has ghost properties and abilities as well? That makes sense :D

    But Vivian is a physical form right? You can bump into Vivian (seeing as she's just invisible) so how can she get sucked in? :/

    I still don't trust him... but that's just me.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know. Seems to be the way of the Pie these days. lol Oh man! I can't even imagine that. lol And I totally agree with you, man! That do

  • edited April 2015

    You don't 'look' scary dude :P People probably give you a wide birth because you give off that sort of vibe...

    Nick. Friendly... Yeah those 2 don't go together in a sentence XP Nah jk, I would be hoping that as well!

    Yep, really :/ I'm sure it will be :)

    Tetra posted: »

    I'd probably be one of those dudes XD Hey I know I'd be on my knees hoping he's in a friendly mood XD Really? o.o Well then I'll make sure it'll be a good fight then!

  • Look what Hman got!!!!:

    Alt text

    Cuz I'm so retro! I last played this easily 13-14 years ago, and my nostalgia has spread to it for some unknown reason XP

    On a side note, I am currently displeased with something that I found out happened recently. It's not a personal issue at all, but it would've been nice if said event didn't happen cuz now it means waiting for an EVEN LONGER amount of time. Don't bother asking me what happened cuz it's kinda private, and the desired outcome was for everyone here though...

    Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well :)

    (And don't be surprised if I start an unexpected selfie craze for whatever reason...)

  • Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Not a problem, my good man. Trying to get a chap a day until the move and everything takes place. I've fallen behind a few chaps myself. XD That new guy is a beast, though! XD XD

  • We appreciate how often you post chapters. It's a good thing :D

    Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

  • Glad that it is so! I have little else to do aside from cleaning the dishes and floors. It is why I post so often.

    Speaking of which there will be a break were I will post no chapters for a couple of days (familial issues). This may give those who can not keep up with the speed of my posts a chance to catch up. I will still be on these forums. I just won't have time to write.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    We appreciate how often you post chapters. It's a good thing

  • THIS is how you beat flappy bird!

    Alright, I got a solution to your phone problem.

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