In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane
In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane
In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia
BOOKS ~ Barristan Selmy, if only by reputation alone.
SHOW~ Tywin. Charles Dance really brought the character to life, and his presence i… mores sorely missed in the Lannister clan.
GAME ~ Talia. She's always fighting and willing to fight, even if you play Rodrik like a complete wimp.
In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane
In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia
Since I only play the game, I'd have to say Rodrik, especially if you decide to get up every single time.
In the show/books? Plenty of them. Tywin, Brienne, Ygritte, the Hound, Tyrion in his way, Jaime, Jon Snow, and Arya Stark to name a few.
In the game? Rodrik followed by Asher or Beska. Let's not forget Ryon either, he's gonna grow up to be the next Jaime Lannister.
In the game. Rodrik Forrester
In the show/books: Far too many to name, but I pick Stannis.
Define "badass".
Since i'm asking a question, the definition is up to you
Alright. Syrio Forel because of his fighting skills. Brienne because of her dedication. Jaime because of perseverance in facing with incomprehension.
Asher i like his charming "lets go for it" personality
Barristan Selmy.
Show: Jon Snow, Brienne, Tyrion, Arya, and Jaime.
Game: Asher, Beskha, Rodrik, and Gared.
In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane
In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia
Cool username you have there, friend.
Ramsay Snow, because Ramsay Snow.
In the Game I would pick Asher, in the show I would Stannis
Game-Gared, Show-Bronn, Books-Arya.
One true choice

She can kill Lannisters guard, she can invade to the Master Of Coin's chambers to get what she want.
She can annoy Whitehills if she want!
BOOKS ~ Barristan Selmy, if only by reputation alone.
SHOW~ Tywin. Charles Dance really brought the character to life, and his presence is sorely missed in the Lannister clan.
GAME ~ Talia. She's always fighting and willing to fight, even if you play Rodrik like a complete wimp.
I admit that I feel proud of her standing up to Gryff.
I guess you mean 'in the game'.
I don't watch the show really but I recently watched some YouTube clips and I thought this entire scene was amazing.
In the game: Rodrik
Played only the game: Rodrik. You can play him as a guy who doesn't take shit from his enemies.