Most badass character?


  • Since I only play the game, I'd have to say Rodrik, especially if you decide to get up every single time.

  • edited April 2015

    In the show/books? Plenty of them. Tywin, Brienne, Ygritte, the Hound, Tyrion in his way, Jaime, Jon Snow, and Arya Stark to name a few.

    In the game? Rodrik followed by Asher or Beska. Let's not forget Ryon either, he's gonna grow up to be the next Jaime Lannister.

  • In the game. Rodrik Forrester

    In the show/books: Far too many to name, but I pick Stannis.

  • Define "badass".

  • Since i'm asking a question, the definition is up to you

    fallandir posted: »

    Define "badass".

  • Alright. Syrio Forel because of his fighting skills. Brienne because of her dedication. Jaime because of perseverance in facing with incomprehension.

    Since i'm asking a question, the definition is up to you

  • Asher i like his charming "lets go for it" personality

  • Barristan Selmy.

  • Show: Jon Snow, Brienne, Tyrion, Arya, and Jaime.

    Game: Asher, Beskha, Rodrik, and Gared.

  • In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane

    In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia

  • Cool username you have there, friend.

    In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia

  • Ramsay Snow, because Ramsay Snow.

  • In the Game I would pick Asher, in the show I would Stannis

  • Alt text

    Ramsay Snow, because Ramsay Snow.

  • Game-Gared, Show-Bronn, Books-Arya.

  • edited April 2015

    One true choice

    In the game. Rodrik Forrester In the show/books: Far too many to name, but I pick Stannis.

  • Mira :D
    She can kill Lannisters guard, she can invade to the Master Of Coin's chambers to get what she want.
    She can annoy Whitehills if she want! :D

  • edited April 2015

    BOOKS ~ Barristan Selmy, if only by reputation alone.

    SHOW~ Tywin. Charles Dance really brought the character to life, and his presence is sorely missed in the Lannister clan.

    GAME ~ Talia. She's always fighting and willing to fight, even if you play Rodrik like a complete wimp.

  • I admit that I feel proud of her standing up to Gryff.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    BOOKS ~ Barristan Selmy, if only by reputation alone. SHOW~ Tywin. Charles Dance really brought the character to life, and his presence i

  • I guess you mean 'in the game'.

    In the books: Robert Baratheon, Greatjon Umber, Khal Drogo, Euron Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Quarin Halfhand, Ser Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane In the show: Rodrik, Beshka, Asher, Talia

  • I don't watch the show really but I recently watched some YouTube clips and I thought this entire scene was amazing.

    In the game: Rodrik

  • Played only the game: Rodrik. You can play him as a guy who doesn't take shit from his enemies.

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