Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Indeed. Long live team#herkkupeppu

    (google translate it if you dare. Language is Finnish. giggles)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Indeed. Long live team#herkkupeppu (google translate it if you dare. Language is Finnish. giggles)

  • with the hat on ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sexi tiemz ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • And the sock? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    with the hat on ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • BOTH ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    And the sock? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    I don't care if you are Rhyiona, that's hilarious.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    ah yes Kenny the father, Bigby the son and Jack the Holy ghost

  • Yes please.

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    MeatBicycle posted: »

    BOTH ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

  • yeah I'm childish...and tired. let's just say that we were also debating which one of the characters had most "delicacy bottom" (I love that translation, it's so wrong and right at the same time)

    and guess who won that too..

    Sorry for that...I should go to sleep already..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Wait.

    Am I understanding this badly or were you talking about who has the best booty? :P


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    yeah I'm childish...and tired. let's just say that we were also debating which one of the characters had most "delicacy bottom" (I love that

  • edited April 2015


  • You?

    MeatBicycle posted: »


  • rhys' sock x fiona's hat?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yes please.

  • Alt text

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    rhys' sock x fiona's hat?

  • definition of "bottom"

    the lowest part of something

    Oh, okay, I thought...jeah I'm talking about booty. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Wait. Am I understanding this badly or were you talking about who has the best booty? :P BECAUSE IF THAT´S THE CASE THEN IT´S OBVIOUS WHO WON.

  • nvm i was trying to troll you all

    MeatBicycle posted: »


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    very nsfw

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    rhys' sock x fiona's hat?

  • Well, then... totally justified who won. ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    definition of "bottom" the lowest part of something Oh, okay, I thought...jeah I'm talking about booty.

  • Tomorrow...I'm gonna regret this "delicacy bottom" thing so bad...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    definition of "bottom" the lowest part of something Oh, okay, I thought...jeah I'm talking about booty.

  • Funny thing, my elder brother's on a diet right now and I'm sitting beside him in the living room with my Ben & Jerry's just scooping them spoons in. Then I ask: "u wunt som m8?"....He stands up without looking at me, and then just leaves the room. I'm so nice aren't I?

  • edited April 2015

    She lowered the cup from her mouth before taking a single sip and looked at him as if he was crazy.

    She wasn´t sure if she´d heard right. She figured she probably had but her brain needed an excuse to process what she´d just heard so she decided to make extra extra sure she hadn´t had temporary ear problems. Her voice came out higher pitched than she intended.

    "...Come again?"

    Rhys tapped his fingers on the table impatiently but when he spoke he just sounded. She wasn´t sure if he was forcing it or - she was actually unsure of what was going on at all.

    "Okay," he waved a finger in front of her face, "I know you heard me just fine but I´m gonna tell you again anyway just because I´m really excited about this."

    She braced herself.

    "I said we should move in together."

    Still the same thing she thought she´d heard before. On the bright side, she was definitely not becoming deaf anytime soon. That didn´t help with the current situation though.

    She felt like her tongue was stiff for a moment and she almost choked on her own spit when she finally got it moving to try and give him a coherent reply.

    "What the hell are you on about, you idiot?"

    She winced internally at her own tone. Okay, maybe that was too harsh. It was, afterall, just an offer, she could just say no and- she really didn´t get why he just kept grinning at her.


    He shrugged, somehow still unaffected by her flaring temper.

    "Well, what? I´m the one who should be asking that. You haven´t given me an answer."

    She found herself gripping her cup so hard that she was surprised it was still intact. Not wanting to find herself with dozens of cuts on both her hands if she kept this up, she almost reluctantly loosened her grip on it and instantly felt like her only source of comfort at the moment was gone. She tried to focus on him again.

    "You have to be joking."

    Her voice was less shaky now, but her tone remained between anger and annoyance. Possibly more than she was really feeling but she just wasn´t about to tell him that and have him shove it in her face for the rest of her days.

    Not as if she planned to be with him for that long, it was just an expression, she quickly told herself. It was just his stupid offer rubbing off on her.


    "I´m not joking at all."

    He kept smiling and she wanted to wipe it off his face. Half because it was making her feel more than she probably should and secondly because he was taking something like this so lightly.

    She figured it sort of offended her but she wasn´t quite sure why. She also didn´t want to dwell on it since something in the back of her mind told her she wouldn´t like the answer.

    "Listen," she tried lowering her tone; anger just wasn´t working with him this time, "where is this even coming from? We´re not...you know. A thing. What is this?"

    He frowned.

    Success, she finally hit a spot.

    "The heck are you talking about?"

    She saw him scratch the back of his head and she could swear he looked genuinely confused. At what, exactly, she wasn´t sure so she decided to pry.

    "You heard me," she mimicked his earlier words, "now get to explaining this."

    She saw him fidgeting with his sleeves before he lowered his head. His face was turning a few shades of pink and his movements suddenly seemed nervous. She was at a loss for words; first he seems confident in... whatever that was, and now he seemed like a bigger mess than she´s been a few minutes ago.

    "Hey," she offered, laying a hand on his metal arm, "I promise I´m not gonna snap or anything, just... get to the bottom of this, okay? I really don´t get what´s going on."


    He still refused to look at her but at least he was making sounds now (she couldn´t call that anything else, it sounded like a dying animal). His face became a few shades darker when she laid her hand on his arm and he closed his fist.

    "I just..."

    "Go on..." she encouraged sounding more patient than she felt.

    "Okay," she heard hi, breathe in sharply, "you- you said we´re not a thing."

    She nodded.


    "How are we not a thing?" his voice made him sound pitiful, "Seriously? All of this meant nothing to you?"

    "Wait, wait, wait." she held her hands up defensively, "What´s "all this"? I don´t know what you mean."

    He covered his face with his hands and shook his head. She was seriously confused and the way he was acting was making her feel like she was the villain in this whole thing.

    "See? You never took it as seriously as I did. Ever. I just made a fool out of myself."

    She rose up from the chair she was on and slammed her fist on the table.

    "Just tell me what´s going on!"

    She almost shrunk when he rose as well, not having expected it. His face didn´t match his actions, however; simply put, he looked miserable.

    "What´s going on is that I offer you my boot, I drool on you, I make a metal ball with you and you don´t even think there´s anything more between us than friends?!"

    She felt her mouth drop open on its own before she closed it to retaliate.

    "What the- you didn´t offer me your boot! I got it when you were falling off the damn caravan!"

    "And don´t you think that was fate? What about you keeping the boot anyway? You kept it! Are you gonna tell me that was all for nothing?"

    She really didn´t have an answer for that one. He took her stunned silence as an opportunity to keep going.

    "What about the drooling? You think I would drool on anyone? I was comfortable with you!"

    "Wait, you think I liked that?" she finally had something to say, "That was disgusting! I spit on you!"

    "Yeah, like you were marking your territory! Can you blame me for assuming that´s what you were doing?"

    She wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it at that very moment.

    "What...what is this even..."

    "And finally," he wasn´t done yet; for someone so nervous before he sure exploded when provoked, "we have a child together. A child, Fiona!"

    She pulled her hat deeper on her head in frustration.

    "What child? We never... forget it, you know what I´m on a-"


    He gesticulated wildly as if she should feel stupid for not realising what he meant.



    "Gortys is a robot..."

    "A robot we made together, thank you very much!"

    She dejectedly sat down again on the chair and he copied her movements, laying his head on his arms.

    She eyed him slowly. He was an idiot. And as awful as it sounded, she thought the pout he´d had suited him all too well.

    What was the point in even denying it to herself anymore? His points were stupid, his reasons for wanting to take another step were borderline idiotic but he was being genuine and she was finding it hard to keep telling herself this was impossible.

    "Is the..." she cleared her throat, "is your offer still up for grabs?"

    She could swear his eyes lit up at her question before he slowly nodded, as if he was treading dangerous territory.

    No, it wasn´t impossible, she just liked denying it. She´d been lying her whole life, why not to herself?

    "Then... then I´ll take it."

    He didn´t question her and she wondered if he´d planned this for a second. Then she remembered she was the con artist, not him. He just had to be a jerk to get to places. She just felt his hand carefully take her own and lace their fingers together and wished she´d known this sooner.

    Time to start telling the truth.


    "Wait, where the heck are we gonna live anyway?!"

    Something random.

  • Holy Fuck. I've been gone for a couple of hours and now already 154 new comments..

  • Can´t expect any less from the best thread around.

    Linsepins posted: »

    Holy Fuck. I've been gone for a couple of hours and now already 154 new comments..

  • Wow..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She lowered the cup from her mouth before taking a single sip and looked at him as if he was crazy. She wasn´t sure if she´d heard right.

  • Indeed ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Can´t expect any less from the best thread around.

  • <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She lowered the cup from her mouth before taking a single sip and looked at him as if he was crazy. She wasn´t sure if she´d heard right.

  • <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She lowered the cup from her mouth before taking a single sip and looked at him as if he was crazy. She wasn´t sure if she´d heard right.

  • HAWT.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    very nsfw

  • Why regret something so great? :^)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Tomorrow...I'm gonna regret this "delicacy bottom" thing so bad...

  • Well at least I learned what "bottom" actually means xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Why regret something so great? :^)

  • 4 hours, 122 new comments, as much as I love how active you guys are I never got used to the feed rape.

  • Which means you should ditch the filthy Rhysha ship and join the glorious Rhyiona ship

    I don't care if you are Rhyiona, that's hilarious.


    7+7+7+7 = 28, 28 divided by 3 = 9.333

    See it? 9.333

    3, 3's? 3 sides of a triangle, 3 angles in a triangle, Illuminati confirmed.

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    Quiff posted: »

    No plz no I beg!

  • my brain just melted

    Green613 posted: »

    ALSO THIS 7+7+7+7 = 28, 28 divided by 3 = 9.333 See it? 9.333 3, 3's? 3 sides of a triangle, 3 angles in a triangle, Illuminati confirmed.

  • It's for a good cause.

    Green613 posted: »

    4 hours, 122 new comments, as much as I love how active you guys are I never got used to the feed rape.

  • Worth it? :^)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well at least I learned what "bottom" actually means xD

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