Predict the next character death

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I think a major or minor character death is long overdue. So who do you think will check out in the next episode?

Rodrik, Lady Forrester, Duncan, Royland, Maester Ortengryn, Talia, Ryon, Elaena, Lord Whitehill, Gryff, Gwyn, Son 1/2/3 Whitehill

Gared, Cotter, Finn, Frostfinger

Mira, Sera, Coal Boy (yes, that’s his name), Lord Morgryn, Lord Andros, angry Lannister guard that suspects Mira

Asher, Malcolm, Beskha, Croft

Cookie if you describe how/why the die.



  • edited April 2015

    Rodrik's storyline: I think any of the Whitehills are fair game for the next death. I also think Rodrik himself is gonna die before the end of the season

    Gared's storyline: Cotter or Finn. Possibly both? I can't see both of them surviving the season though for some reason

    Mira's storyline: Not sure, but I figure someone is gonna die. It's King's Landing after all

    Asher's storyline: Malcolm

  • edited April 2015

    Well I think after Gared finds the North Grove, finds a way for the foresters to know, Gared will be killed ;-;

  • I also think it will strike a Whitehill to make the whole situation even tighter.

    I have the feeling Finn's going to die soon. Cotter might turn on us, our concerns are going to cross sooner or later. I guess we either have to kill or spare him.

    Rodrik's storyline: I think any of the Whitehills are fair game for the next death. I also think Rodrik himself is gonna die before the end

  • I have a feeling Telltale is gonna shape it up to be a "side with Finn" or "side with Cotter" situation, therefore based on who you side with the other one dies.

    rousseau posted: »

    I also think it will strike a Whitehill to make the whole situation even tighter. I have the feeling Finn's going to die soon. Cotter might turn on us, our concerns are going to cross sooner or later. I guess we either have to kill or spare him.

  • This would be a hard decision. Finn has the brawn and Cotter the brains to survive beyond the wall. Though Finn's easier to control I think.

    I have a feeling Telltale is gonna shape it up to be a "side with Finn" or "side with Cotter" situation, therefore based on who you side with the other one dies.

  • Yeah. For me, it would depend on how close we are to the North Grove since I'll need Cotter to help me get there (though I think that Cotter might backstab me when we're at the North Grove if he likes whats there, so that just makes the decision harder again :P).

    rousseau posted: »

    This would be a hard decision. Finn has the brawn and Cotter the brains to survive beyond the wall. Though Finn's easier to control I think.

  • If he really has to die, I hope he goes down fighting and not by getting executed due to his desertion. Man, I hate the Night's Watch.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well I think after Gared finds the North Grove, finds a way for the foresters to know, Gared will be killed ;-;

  • Malcolm, one dramatic death away from his family and destination.

  • Rodrik's' story: I'm thinking Lady Forrester will die in 1x04 or 1x05 to ensure the safety of her children. They save Ryon or something and she pulls a 'take me instead'. I'm guessing that if the betrothal to Elaena actually goes though, Elissa would have to die so we don't end up with two 'Lady Forresters'. Duncan might die around 1x06 in a heroic sacrifice or whatever as he's pretty much fulfilled his place in the story (unless he's the traitor). Rodrik, Talia and Ryon will hopefully survive the season.

    Gared's story: Frostfinger and Finn will probably hunt down Gared and Cotter. I assume Frostfinger will die and Cotter will ditch Gared or betray him in favour of his people, but I have no idea what'll become of Finn.

    Mira's story: If anyone, Tom will probably die. Sera can't because Margaery would notice and the death of a handmaiden probably would've had a mention in the show, even in a passing comment. Tom's more expendable because the bigwigs in KL don't care who he is or what happens to him.

    Asher's story: Guessing Malcolm might die, or Croft - leaving Asher in charge of his 'hellhounds'.

  • Rodrik: I think Ryon will be the next death in this story. One of Royland or Duncan will die in episode 6.

    Gared: Cotter is the next "ally" who'll die in this story.

    Mira: I think Mira will be the next one to die.

    Asher: Malcolm will die next.

  • edited April 2015

    Someone dies each episode, even if we don't see it.

    Rodrik's story: Ludd Whitehill at the hands of Ramsay Snow/Bolton.

    Gared's story: Frostfinger and Finn will most likely die.

    Mira's story: Hard to say whether the next death will be from the show or someone from the game, if game than maybe Luncan the Lannister guard, otherwise the next death will be Tyrion's champion.

    Asher's story: Most likely random enemies, but can also be Croft.

  • otherwise the next death will be Tyrion's champion.

    I don't think the KL storyline would move so far forward, especially now, when Mira became a suspect in Tyrion's trial.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Someone dies each episode, even if we don't see it. Rodrik's story: Ludd Whitehill at the hands of Ramsay Snow/Bolton. Gared's story:

  • Mira is suspected of having ties with Tyrion, which no one can now prove. And Mira is not a suspect in the King's murder, which is the main focus of Cersei.

    fallandir posted: »

    otherwise the next death will be Tyrion's champion. I don't think the KL storyline would move so far forward, especially now, when Mira became a suspect in Tyrion's trial.

  • In the books/TV show, the coucil questions every person linked to Tyrion. Margaery, Sera, and two merchants could testify in favour or against Mira (Their answers would depend on Mira's relationships with them, I guess), the same as the Lannister guard who saw her with Damien.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Mira is suspected of having ties with Tyrion, which no one can now prove. And Mira is not a suspect in the King's murder, which is the main focus of Cersei.

  • Cersei approaches everyone that would change their mind about Tyrion. No one is questioned.

    fallandir posted: »

    In the books/TV show, the coucil questions every person linked to Tyrion. Margaery, Sera, and two merchants could testify in favour or again

  • coal boys name is tom btw

  • Rodrik: I believe he will die eventually in episode 5 or 6, defending his family from the Whitehills or other threats, he won't be remembered as Rodrik the Ruined, that's for certain, Asher will be the new lord.

    Asher: I belive Malcolm will die before we get out of Essos, but I don't know how.

    Mira: I think that Mira will survive, Tom too, maybe Morgryn will die because he is acting behind the Whitehills' backs.

    Gared: Frostfinger will probably die hunting Gared (we might have to kill him) along with Finn. Cotter or Finn might die, but I don't think there will be a decision to save one of them.

  • i really dont want any of the playable characters to die... its not even that necessary to kill any of them...

    i also hope Talia lives... and Duncan...

    i really want Gryff to die and his little nameless cheerleaders...

  • Nope, its Coal Boy.

    Alexandria posted: »

    coal boys name is tom btw

  • Did you even ask him who he is? I doubt it, because he would have said his name is Tom.

    Nope, its Coal Boy.

  • im joking... he always says his name and I know he is called Tom but we knew him from the beggining as Coal Boy...

    LukaszB posted: »

    Did you even ask him who he is? I doubt it, because he would have said his name is Tom.

  • So was I. I always play several playthroughs.

    im joking... he always says his name and I know he is called Tom but we knew him from the beggining as Coal Boy...

  • Cersei isn't in the council.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Cersei approaches everyone that would change their mind about Tyrion. No one is questioned.

  • There is only the small council, of which Cersei is a part of.

    fallandir posted: »

    Cersei isn't in the council.

  • edited April 2015

    Rodrik: I have a bad feeling Gwyn will die at some point, maybe in a fight or attacked by someone from either house. Also I could see Royland, he's just too reckless. Gryff or Ludd could die too, but I don't see both.

    Asher: Honestly Beskha or Malcolm could die. I'm leaning towards Malcolm because his only purpose is to bring Asher home with an army. After that he might not have any narrative relavence.

    Mira: Would not be surprised if Tom died. I just hope he doesn't die until the end, if at all. Probably by the hand of one of the guards or an assassin, if anyone found out he was working for someone who was keeping Mira alive.

    Gared: Again, like Beskha and Malcolm, I could see either Finn or Cotter die. There's so many unanswered questions about the north grove I don't even know how they would die. And, unfortunately, I'm pretty much betting on the last death of the season to be Gared, executed for deserting. Even worse if the sentence has to be carried out by a playable Rodrik.

  • The main judges were Tywin, Mace Tyrell and Prince Oberyn.

    LukaszB posted: »

    There is only the small council, of which Cersei is a part of.

  • Judges, not council.

    fallandir posted: »

    The main judges were Tywin, Mace Tyrell and Prince Oberyn.

  • Rodrik: whoever you picked as Sentinel, the traitor, Lady Forrester, Gryff, Ludd

    Asher: Malcolm

    Mira: Coal Boy

    Gared: Either Cotter or Finn, Frostfinger

  • Don't judges make a council?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Judges, not council.

  • There is going to be a huge choice for Rodrik to get hostile with the Whitehills, and he'll either die a martyr or due to Whitehill treachery.

    The Nights Watch guys will live for a while, except Finn will be a determinant.

  • edited April 2015

    Judges make up a court. Even now in Europe when the judge, prosecutor, and lawyer enter the courtroom they are referred to as the court.

    Council is a meeting, and judges don't meet but preside.

    fallandir posted: »

    Don't judges make a council?

  • I'm not a native speaker. I don't think it matters, though. What I meant was that every person connected to Tyrion will be questioned.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Judges make up a court. Even now in Europe when the judge, prosecutor, and lawyer enter the courtroom they are referred to as the court. Council is a meeting, and judges don't meet but preside.

  • Only the ones Cersei chose to be questioned will be questioned.

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm not a native speaker. I don't think it matters, though. What I meant was that every person connected to Tyrion will be questioned.

  • No, if TT would follow the book storyline. "The court" was resposible for calling the witnesses. Also, Tyrion could make his own list of people he wanted to give evidence.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Only the ones Cersei chose to be questioned will be questioned.

  • Only to those that could help him, and there is no one. Mira won't be able to testify because she could have been there only for a short time, and Cersei can easily tell Mira to not testify which happened to a lot of those who would testify.

    fallandir posted: »

    No, if TT would follow the book storyline. "The court" was resposible for calling the witnesses. Also, Tyrion could make his own list of people he wanted to give evidence.

  • But Tom has more mystery! Whereas you know all about sera. I think it'll be her.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Rodrik's' story: I'm thinking Lady Forrester will die in 1x04 or 1x05 to ensure the safety of her children. They save Ryon or something and

  • Rodrick: The traitor, Lady Forrester and Talia. Why? Traitor because traitor, Lady Forrester is too volatile and will end up being stabbed to death and Talia because at the end of Episode 3 she states she's ready to fight for House Forrester, thus an easy target and big foreshadow that she will die.

    Asher: Beshka as he has the stronger relationship with her than Malcom, thus making her death a deeper wound then Malcom dying.

    Mira: Herself. Honestly there is no way she'll live much longer without Margery protecting her, although if her death does happen we will have no one in King's Landing other than Tom, but I doubt he is a Forrester bastard or relative.

    Gared: No one. Now you may think I'm stupid for thinking that, but hear me out. Finn has already betrayed you, but he may decide after you and Cotter flee that he'll follow. When he finds you again he finds out Cotter is a Wildling, yet Gared holds them both back from killing the other. They distrust each other, but you are their leader and will follow you until you find the North Grove. There, Cotter, depending on what happened on the Wall (knife, secret, protect from Finn, etc.) will either 1) stay and continue following you. 2) Kill Finn. 3) Be killed by Finn. 4) Run off to find Wildlings to capture the North Grove.

  • and Talia because at the end of Episode 3 she states she's ready to fight for House Forrester, thus an easy target and big foreshadow that she will die.

    Or it's foreshadowing that she's gonna help House Forrester...?

    Barthanax posted: »

    Rodrick: The traitor, Lady Forrester and Talia. Why? Traitor because traitor, Lady Forrester is too volatile and will end up being stabbed t

  • nameless cheerleaders...


    i really dont want any of the playable characters to die... its not even that necessary to kill any of them... i also hope Talia lives... and Duncan... i really want Gryff to die and his little nameless cheerleaders...

  • edited April 2015

    Maybe someone will grab Talia and threaten to kill her.

    *If you play as the badass Rodrik (the one who stood up to Gryff) she will get killed...

    *If you play as the im going to kill you soon... not just now... (the one who submitted) she'll probably be safe :P

    That would be hilarious!

    Barthanax posted: »

    Rodrick: The traitor, Lady Forrester and Talia. Why? Traitor because traitor, Lady Forrester is too volatile and will end up being stabbed t

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