GoT (TV show) S5 Episode 2 discussion
So, tomorrow we get the second episode of this season and the title is The House of Black and White.
Synopsis: “Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne run into trouble on the road. Cersei fears for her daughter’s safety in Dorne as Ellaria Sand seeks revenge for Oberyn’s death. Stannis tempts Jon. An adviser tempts Daenerys.”
We get our first taste of Dorne
Arya is back!
Get hype!
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Arya is one of my favorite characters in anything tbh but c'mon Ramsay where you at?!
Yeah, I hope the Boltons are in this episode.
Btw, Robert Ball keeps doing the Beautiful Death -posters this season. Here is the one from the first episode:
If you haven't seen these check out, they are amazing:
So overall again a good episode even if it still a lot of moving pieces in place.
The Brienee/ Sansa stuff was okay I guess though still neither character is that interesting to me
Dany is actually pretty good this season so far, they've finally at least made her acknowledge ruling is hard and she learned her family is nuts. Also the people hating her was a good thing (I honestly realise I hate meereen and everyone with Dany more than her which is pretty much the opposite in the books)
"Bear Island knows no king except the King in the North whose name is STARK"
Gave me chills
I don't really care for Jon Snow but I had to applaud him putting The Night's Watch above his dreams. He took an oath and he kept it.
I still feel like Dany has a lot of room to grow before she would be ready to really rule. As I stands now, I don't think she can handle it. She needed to make it very clear WHY he was being executed, that it was because he had overstepped his boundaries and taken the law into his own hands, or have a public trial like she would have done with the Son of Harpy.
Glad to see Arya, even if not much was accomplished with her.
Jaime and Bronn together makes me smile.
I love Brienne but she really failed when it came to dealing with Sansa.... Though she did save Podrick (who wouldn't have been in the situation if she hadn't mucked it up.)
Funny that Gilly is becoming annoyed with Sam and letting him know it. She and Shireen should be best friends! Also Selyse needs to bugger off.
And Kevan Lannister is my hero for not taking any of Cersei's bullshit and calling her out in front of everyone.
A good episode again, Castle Black stays great but this was definitely Meereen's episode. Stannis/Jon scene was amazing, election was okay too. And they keep ending the episodes with absolute high note, the execution of Mossador was really good scene (almost as good as Mance-barbecue) and of course it's nice to see Drogon.
We didn't have that much King's Landing, but I loved the small council meeting scene, all respect for Kevan Lannister (and Ian Gelder ofc). Nice to see Arya return (nice to hear "the prayer" again), but it seems that next week is when her story truly begins. Jaime left on his mission and kinda awkwardly picked Bronn to come with him - well there should be fun dialogue between them at least, we'll see. Tyrion and Varys stay funny, even if their story didn't really move. BriPod (and LF/Sansa) still kinda meh, but at least now there was some action. Dorne had a very swift introduction, but it was an okay scene. Still missing the Boltons
I guess next week.
I'll rate it 7,5/10 - so exactly the same points as last week.
Kinda felt the Dorne, Sansa/Bri scene was a little weaksauce she could have at least said "Oh by the way Arya is alive" but then again with Littlefinger in earshot that was probably smart.
Dany and Jon had the best. Varys/Tyrion was nice but brief, here's hopping that least they run in Jorah. Also hope we see Jon cut off Janos Slynt's head.
Yeah, I didn't really like the Brienne and Sansa scene even though I love Brienne and enjoy watching Sansa. It was just awkward and cringey seeing Brienne try to reason with her when it was obvious she didn't want to go with her.
Plot differences are smooth, yet slighty irritating... Jaime heading to Dorne, wait wut? And the kindly old man is obviously Jaqen. What a shame. Anyway, I will preserve the judgement until later.
It's GOT so it can't be bad, it was a pretty good episdoe overall, tho there were some odd stuff, for example - the all Brienne/Sansa scene was just weird and didn't make any sense actually.
Another thing is Ellaria scenes, first of all, I didn't like the way she spoke to Doran, it just didn't feel right and secondly 'send Myrcella in pieces'? wtf....In season 4 didn't Oberyn tell Cersei that they don't harm little girls in Dorne? Ellaria was standing right next to him but I guess she didn't hear him or something (the funny thing is that Ellaria is actually the only character in the Dorne storyline that didn't seek revenge but wanted peace instead).
And Lyanna Mormont's reply to Stannis...Very happy they put it in the show, one of the best lines in Dance. Now we just need The North Remembers speech (for book readers - with no Wyman Manderly, who do you think we'll get this awesome speech?)
Also the guy that plays Kevan Lannister was just amazing, definitely one of the highlights of the episodes!
This season and its tone feel weird to me. The episodes are moving kind of slow. I hope Podrick can talk some sense into Brienne and she will get off of this duty bullshit she's on. I hope to see a lot more of Dorne in the future. And I hope Jon gets out of this duty shit and leads the free folk against the Boltons.
I thought it was a good episode, even though not a lot happened in it.
I can't say anything without spoil, but it isn't fast enough !
Ramsay + Sansa = Ramsa
I loved it. As a book reader, I was excited to see scenes I recognized from the books and even more excited to see scenes I didn't. I don't need something crazy to happen every episode to make it more exciting. I just enjoy being in this world.
We got our first real look at Dorne, which I've been waiting for since the beginning of S4. It looks like Ellaria is going to be a much bigger player in the show than in the books and Doran was spot on! Excited for the Sand Snakes (hopefully next ep)
It looks like they're combining her with a book character, which I approve of. I also can't wait to see the sand snakes in action.
I think that's awesome and makes sense. What else are they going to with him. And him and Bronn together should be a hoot. I'm totally up for whatever changes they want to make to make it a better show instead of sticking to the letter of the books.
Pretty good but it's one of those episodes that sets up for other ones. Kevan and Doran's actors got their character's spot on.
I am also interested in what is going to happen; what I'm saying is I was shocked and a little bit confused but I' m perfectly okay with this as long as it makes sense and fits the main story.
I knoooowwww -- I was super bummed when I heard they weren't even going to have her in the show, but I get having Ellaria take over her role, since we're already familiar with her and she clearly has a vested interest in revenge.
I hope they don't make Ellaria some sort of child mutilator now just for the sake of taking away any moral superiority the Martells have claimed. They've gone out of their way in the show to make the Dornish characters we've seen emphasize their cultural differences in terms of gender roles, inheritance, and sex (all of which are considerably more modern than the 'common' values of the rest of Westeros) -- so I'm getting worried the show runners are going to do a "haha jk remember EVERYONE sucks! Even these people who pretended to be okay!" for the sake of 'realism.' Not to say that the Dornish are perfect but they definitely hold more progressive views than most.
But yes -- ngl I'm sooooo excited to see them just bust through some doors and start stabbing people. Or covertly poisoning them.
I can't say I'm spoiled since I have already heard of this, but still you should at least put this in spoilertags...
Ramsa for life ♥. You I like
The introduction to Dorne was great! I hope to see more in the next episode. Speaking of which, where are the Boltons? I'm anxious to see how they are holding up. And Arya will finally start training to become a faceless man, honestly her parts were there to show what type of people Faceless Men are. Lots of focus on Dany and on Meeren as well, I found it interesting how Dany is starting to lose control of her people. The Brienne/Sansa part was okay, nothing really accomplished in my opinion. Cerci is trying to hire the right people to ensure the Tyrells don't corrupt Tommen and seize the throne. Really loved the Jaime and Brann scene, they are hilarious. Jon is going to have to choose his vow or his honor when it comes to Stannis. I'm hyped for the next episode!
Jamie and Cersei barley resemble there book charterers anymore. Jamie has become a lap dog that does what ever Cersei wants.
I thought it was great.
A lot of people are saying it's pretty slow, but, I mean- I think everything is leading up to something big and that is what makes me so excited for what is to come. There actually hasn't been one 'bad' scene so far for me. I've enjoyed every scene in Episode 1 and Episode 2. Some more then others, of course. But, we haven't had scenes that were bad or boring like we did in Season 4.
All in all, I think the first two episodes have been great. They haven't been the best- but they beat the shit out of half the other stuff that is on television now.
Hm I disagree. Jaime did follow Cersei's orders for awhile in the books before he leaves for Riverun (or Dorne in the show's case), and I think we are also gonna start seeing him place his distance from her.
I might remember it wrong but wasn't it actually Cersei's idea/command to send Jaime to Riverlands in the books?
The fact that those were the words of a twelve year old girl made it even more epic IMHO. Even little girls know that the petty usurper's brother Stannis is no true King. (-:
The fuck? This must be from one of the leaked episodes.
Haha she won't take part in the mummers farce the grown ups are playing. I do agree with Wylla Manderly though regarding Stannis:
"They killed Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn and King Robb. He was our king! He was brave and good and the Freys murdered him. If Lord Stannis will avenge him, we should join Lord Stannis."
I hope Wylla or Lyanna make it into the series, I'm sure we'll get some version of the north remembers speech but we need a 10 year old calling bullshit in front of some Freys. Another nice quote! :
"When we were sore beset and friendless, hounded from our homes and in peril of our lives, the wolves took us in and nourished us and protected us against our enemies. The city is built upon the land they gave us. In return we swore that we should always be their men. Stark men!"
Yeah its really not that different, Cersei could have set up the elaborate snake-in-a-box herself. In the previous episode Jamie practically admits to releasing Tyrion, i think thats enough reason for Cersei to want him out of her sight. Im surprised at her lack of reaction to his admission, but she does say:
"you're a man of action, when it occurs to you to do something you do it, never mind the consequences"
So maybe she nudges him in the right direction with the snake-in-a-box knowing he'll act
I fully support this development
Okay, here's my full review.
Jon's story at the wall is getting very interesting. I have a feeling that Jon will choose the Night's Watch over Stannis. Keep in mind that I've never read the books, so I don't know Jon's fate after the point we're at now.
The election was the best part of Jon's scenes.
Daenerys's story is getting far more interesting, and I'm excited to see where it goes now that she won't be so cut off from everything else. The writers are now confirming what we already knew: that Daenerys is not ready to be queen.
The Brienne/Sansa scene was okay. I haven't fully trusted Baelish ever since he screwed Ned Stark, but seeing as Sansa doesn't know that, I can't really fault her as Baelish is the only family she has now in her eyes.
The Jaime/Bronn scene was the best scene of the episode. I'm a bit surprised that Cersei wouldn't keep him in King's Landing given his ties to Tyrion, but regardless I'm glad to see him out of danger for the time being.
Seeing Dorne for the first time was exciting. Dorne seems like the complete opposite of King's Landing, so I can't wait to see more of it.
Also, just something I've noticed. Casterly Rock still hasn't been shown. They'll have to show it eventually, so it must be extravagant.
Nobody should trust Baelish ever. Even he knows that. I think Sansa iis just with him for self-preservation. He has been protecting her so far, but if she has any sense and I think she does, she knows not to trust him completely. She doesn't know what he's done to her parents but she's seen him do plenty more.
Oh, pay attention to the next episode now, to Margaery's handmaidens.
Beautiful, just beautiful.