The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yup.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Just watched some Columbo, pretty good show.

  • FUQ U

    Trust me, only liking my comment will save you

  • warm.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • have you been rewinding time

    So....apparently a tornado is coming for my house.....

  • Did you really answer your own question?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Yes he did

    papai46 posted: »

    Did you really answer your own question?

  • Who'd prefer torture over stress relief? lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • wut D:

    Well fuck.

  • Cold...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • And here I thought I was special because I'm Mexican... Oh well.

    As a side note México, not a great place to live in, definitely worth a visit though.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    It's just poking fun.

  • Cold, I don't sleep enough and that combined with coffee is what is able to make me move in the morning, otherwise I'm just a zombie.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • I'm super cynical about that game too, though I'll admit that part of it is because I still want Free Radical's Battlefront 3, I mean I don't really care for DICE's games and I understand that the original Battlefronts were Pandemic just making a Star Wars themed Battlefield but eh... I had fun playing Battlefront 1 and 2 while Battlefield kinda bored me anyway I don't care for DICE and I?m more or less just expecting Battlefield 4 re-skinned as Battlefront 3, since I believe they are running in the same engine, but I'm not sure.

    In any case just the fact that it's already been mentioned that space combat won't be available in the base game should be enough for everyone to guess that's going to be a DLC and probably a fairly expensive one, I find this super disappointing because Free Radical's cancelled Battlefront 3 was going to have simultaneous Land battles and Space battles that were interconnected and you were supposedly able to affect both, according to Free Radical anyway, since the game was cancelled we don't really know if that's possible, but just the obvious lack of ambition and removal of features (Campaign mode and Space Combat) of DICE's version, it's just hard to get exited when there could have been a much better version, then again for everything Free Radical did right they did make Haze and that sucked so maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

  • Suspended from school for tomorrow and I have to see a goddamn counsellor next week. All because I yelled at some dumb shit who then tried to bash me.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Yeah, cold showers do wake me up. But I really hate it :P

    I like having a hot shower, then instantly switching it to freezing, it wakes you up.

    kaleion posted: »

    Cold, I don't sleep enough and that combined with coffee is what is able to make me move in the morning, otherwise I'm just a zombie.

  • Battlefront 1 was one of my favourite games on the Xbox :D

    kaleion posted: »

    I'm super cynical about that game too, though I'll admit that part of it is because I still want Free Radical's Battlefront 3, I mean I don

  • The fuck? DLC is not something you think about when making a game! Well, I won't be buying it. Not having my wallet raped by microtransactions.

  • Why? We don't need another Black Ops game! That story is over! I was hoping for better from Treyarch.

    At least zombies is coming back.


  • Extremely hot.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • bash me.

    what did he say or did he try to hit you?

    Suspended from school for tomorrow and I have to see a goddamn counsellor next week. All because I yelled at some dumb shit who then tried to bash me.

  • Alt text

    Steamy, wet and supa hawt showers

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • megami pls

    have you been rewinding time

  • There was a tornado warning while I was in school yesterday...

    So....apparently a tornado is coming for my house.....

  • kinky

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Steamy, wet and supa hawt showers

  • lmao what, did he get suspended too?

    Suspended from school for tomorrow and I have to see a goddamn counsellor next week. All because I yelled at some dumb shit who then tried to bash me.

  • I think it does have some nice qualities though, it could be worth a trip :)

    kaleion posted: »

    And here I thought I was special because I'm Mexican... Oh well. As a side note México, not a great place to live in, definitely worth a visit though.

  • Can I not? This is not the first time I've done this.

    papai46 posted: »

    Did you really answer your own question?

  • edited April 2015

    I'm being told I'll get my braces off for the third fucking time on Thursday, so that's good I guess.

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    You should see me drinking milk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • Hm.

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You should see me drinking milk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • i can't keep up with the number of baes i have nao

  • edited April 2015

    Name them? :O

    i can't keep up with the number of baes i have nao

  • with pictures?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Name them? :O

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text

    yes pls :D

    with pictures?

    • Ashton Irwin

    Alt text

    • Jamie Dornan

    Alt text

    • Zac Efron

    Alt text

    • Adam Levine

    Alt text

    • Tyler Hoechlin

    Alt text

    • Dylan O'Brien

    Alt text

    • Leonardo Dicaprio

    Alt text

    and many more...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    yes pls

    edited April 2015

    Israel remembers her sons and daughters

    the loyal and the brave of the Israeli Defense Force

    the underground movements and the military brigades

    who exposed themselves to mortal danger in those days

    of struggle prior to the establishment of the State of Israel

    and the soldiers of the intelligence and security

    and the police forces who sacrificed themselves

    for the resurrection of the state of Israel

    and all those who were murdered in Israel and abroad

    by the hands of murderers from assorted terror organizations

    May the people of Israel cherish them in their memory

    let them mourn the splendor of youth

    the charm of valor, the dedication of will

    and the dignity of self-sacrifice which came

    to an end on the battlefield.

    May the devoted and valiant heroes of freedom and victory

    be sealed forever within the heart of Israel

    in this generation and forevermore.

    Alt text

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