The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited April 2015

    My love life in a nutshell.

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  • wats a lovelife

    blueneon posted: »

    My love life in a nutshell.

  • What me and the floor have.

    wats a lovelife

  • o yeah now I remember

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    blueneon posted: »

    What me and the floor have.

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  • 5 years since the last Maiden album, then Bruce got cancer. These bands are having a rough time.

    I'm just worried it could delay the next Metallica album even more. It's already been 7 years since the last Metallica album, will most like

  • That's what happens when you get older. We should be thankful though that they're still touring at least. Metallica's got some dates already lined up this year, Bruce is recovering from his cancer, so it shouldn't be too long until they're performing again, that has to count for something.

    5 years since the last Maiden album, then Bruce got cancer. These bands are having a rough time.

  • edited April 2015

    My senoritas :'D

    Emma Watson

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    Jen Lawrence

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    Ellen Page

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    Natalie Dormer

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    Emilia Clarke

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    etc so many

    looking forward to it

  • Exactly. :D

    o yeah now I remember

  • Love is for losers anyway.

    blueneon posted: »


  • edited April 2015

    I know, right? Fuck emotions in general!

    Love is for losers anyway.

  • I've been all over, North to South, it's a beautiful country there's lots of interesting places to see but for me the best part is just driving through the higghway and admiring the scenery.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I think it does have some nice qualities though, it could be worth a trip

  • Eh, I'm cool with another one.

    Why? We don't need another Black Ops game! That story is over! I was hoping for better from Treyarch. At least zombies is coming back.

  • edited April 2015

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  • That works too but I'm also super broke and it's a good way to save gas.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, cold showers do wake me up. But I really hate it :P I like having a hot shower, then instantly switching it to freezing, it wakes you up.

  • Yeah, I liked how Battlefront 1 played more than 2, but I liked the stuff they added on 2 a lot too though.

    Battlefront 1 was one of my favourite games on the Xbox

  • we forgive but never remember. But we have dank maymoos. Anonymemes

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    If you're not careful with your words, you might find yourself in a meme-off with @Talimancer

  • Don't know about you but I'd rather be judged by my porn than destroying my laptop.

  • Oh it all counts, and I am thankful they still tour. I was just saying, both bands seem to have hit bad luck around the same time.

    That's what happens when you get older. We should be thankful though that they're still touring at least. Metallica's got some dates already

  • I'm not gonna ask.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Mark, the IRA will free Ireland. And I will join it for my motherland.

    Lol no

    Markd4547 posted: »

    never forgotten And the English terrorists who all those years ago invaded my country and

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    We already are free :P

    Mark, the IRA will free Ireland. And I will join it for my motherland. Lol no

  • *Northern Ireland


    Markd4547 posted: »

    We already are free :P

  • edited April 2015

    Only a small section that place and it's gone to the dumps tbh we got offered the north a couple of times and rejected we don't have the finances and Britain have to pay them

    *Northern Ireland XDDDD

  • He did hit me. Twice. The only time I even touched him was to push him away from me. I see it as self-defense.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    bash me. what did he say or did he try to hit you?

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    I do boxing and if a guy hit me twice I'd knock him out I wouldn't hesitate and I guarantee he wouldn't do it again tbh

    His lucky you only pushed

    He did hit me. Twice. The only time I even touched him was to push him away from me. I see it as self-defense.

  • Yeah he got suspended too for today (it's morning as I type this), and the school is probably gonna force me to see a school counselor. For fuck's sake, I'm not unstable. The school I go to doesn't give a shit about it's students, just it's image. And I hate the idea of going to a counselor. I find it better to just sort things out on my own, seeing as part of this is my fault. I lost my temper at the kid and couldn't control myself. I just feel like them pushing me to do a specific thing isn't gonna solve anything. If I just had time to sort it out on my own, then I think everybody would be better off.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    lmao what, did he get suspended too?

  • Tell that to the school. They're happy to let kids bully each other and do nothing about it if it means their image stays clean. I'm just gonna try and get through the next week and a half a move on from this if I can.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I do boxing and if a guy hit me twice I'd knock him out I wouldn't hesitate and I guarantee he wouldn't do it again tbh His lucky you only pushed

  • I know from experience if a guy has the guts to punch you it will only get worse unless you do something bro I really hope I'm wrong tho

    Tell that to the school. They're happy to let kids bully each other and do nothing about it if it means their image stays clean. I'm just gonna try and get through the next week and a half a move on from this if I can.

  • edited April 2015

    Again, the school refuses to see that. Truth is, they don't want students to be independent or to solve their own problems. They want students to just obey everything they say and accept it as fact. They won't consider what other students have to say.

    I've honestly thought about leaving the school, but I can't just go to a different school not knowing anybody at all. I have no idea what's gonna happen, to be honest.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know from experience if a guy has the guts to punch you it will only get worse unless you do something bro I really hope I'm wrong tho

  • Well I wish you the best of luck your a smart person I know you can solve this

    Again, the school refuses to see that. Truth is, they don't want students to be independent or to solve their own problems. They want studen

  • I was closer to crying with the Kenny ending than I was in the S1 ending, I really wasn't that emotionally invested into Clem and Lee as I was to Kenny and Clem.

    yh its like the kenny in S2 like how broken he is tbh im almost sure im gonna be like that and it hurts at the end to see his loyalty haha

  • edited April 2015

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    One post has been making me mad for so long that I decided to finally edit it one year later

  • but why

    One post has been making me mad for so long that I decided to finally edit it one year later

  • edited April 2015


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    My sistah reached 4000 likes an incredible achievement don't be shy why so serious konni :P

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    She deserved everyone she did it by being kind, nice and helpful to everyone and posting awesome stuff she really is a genuine great person and I'm honored to be her friend

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    (thanks for giving me permission to make this as well konni :P)

  • @Markd4547 you might have heard of Gangsta Gangsta and Convoy, but what about this song?

  • edited April 2015

    XD This is awesome

    @Markd4547 you might have heard of Gangsta Gangsta and Convoy, but what about this song?

  • It is. And this is a little weird.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD This is awesome

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