The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'll be giving a speech in English tomorrow from the subject of my choosing. I'm going with "The Cultural Impact Of Video Games/What Is Art.".

  • I would do 'Why The Rebel Alliance Are Terrorists'

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'll be giving a speech in English tomorrow from the subject of my choosing. I'm going with "The Cultural Impact Of Video Games/What Is Art.".

  • I just saw an older gentlemen and he was the spitting image of Hershel. O.O.

  • edited April 2015

    Look what I got today....

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    Now I can watch Daredevil.

  • Both. Either super hot or super cold.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • It's a good show, definitely worth the entry fee.

    J-Master posted: »

    Look what I got today.... Now I can watch Daredevil.

  • Both. Either super hot or super cold.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Hot showers or cold showers?

  • I was more invested with Lee. I felt all the endings in season 2 were lacking something.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I was closer to crying with the Kenny ending than I was in the S1 ending, I really wasn't that emotionally invested into Clem and Lee as I was to Kenny and Clem.

  • Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • Spanish class. I don't know why...I've been taking it for almost 3 years and I can just never get the hang of it...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • English! I can not write essays, it's too damn much. Its the one class I've always had trouble with.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • Watched the first two episodes.....

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    I heard this show was great and I can see why so far.

    kaleion posted: »

    It's a good show, definitely worth the entry fee.

  • Hm. My list of noteworthy Skyrim characters deaths has a surprisingly small amount.

    Meh when I get to the Dark Brotherhood the list is probably gonna explode.

  • That action scene in episode 2 is so fucking good, reminds me of Oldboy.

    J-Master posted: »

    Watched the first two episodes..... I heard this show was great and I can see why so far.

  • clearly you aren't blood of the dragon

    Warm. I don't find being boiled alive like a crustacean relaxing at all.

  • I'm going to say Biology at the moment. The subject itself isn't hard, but the teacher is what bothers me. She's a nice short lady. but what I hate is that she teaches off a book, which bores me to death just reading. My 7th/8th science teacher would start of the year asking us what WE as a class wanted to learn, and then created activities around the subject that were actually enjoyable and made us not worry about the upcoming test. For the tests, we would have trivia games with other groups. The teacher was also upbeat and made us stay awake by his childhood stories or doing crazy things, such as beating up a rubber frog. In Freshmen year, all we do is copy from the book into our notes and then go home and re read what we wrote to be ready for the test. Even one day, a soon-to-be teacher came into our class an taught our class. I can say I raised my hand more that day to answer a question than any other day that I've been in that class. He was also upbeat and created his own funny presentation to keep us interested. I just wish teachers were more creative rather than teaching off a book.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.



    Both. Either super hot or super cold.

  • Dance class. I mean I guess it would be an okay class except that I loathe vigorous activity and just movement in general. I also hate the fact that my teacher assumes everyone should be able to do the splits. No thank you.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • What do you expect? I'm a Northern girl.

    clearly you aren't blood of the dragon

  • i expect more from you

    What do you expect? I'm a Northern girl.

  • you arent even an assassin in that game

    Markd4547 posted: »

    AH NO NO NOOO, I hate battleships I want to be an Irish assassin not a pirate :'/ thanks for telling me

  • The bourgeoisie.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • P.E. Never had one P.E. teacher that I really got along with, I almost never interacted with any of my P.E. teachers.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • I don't think you really get to though. All they do is give you the rules, teach you the basics and then lets you out and play the sport with your team... That's how it's been for me anyways.

    Green613 posted: »

    P.E. Never had one P.E. teacher that I really got along with, I almost never interacted with any of my P.E. teachers.

  • edited April 2015

    No one congratulated me when I reached 5000 likes

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon BAM!! My sistah reached 4000 likes an incredible achievement don't be shy why so serious konni :P She deserved ev

  • I hated all the endings except the Kenny ones, I loved those :p

    I was more invested with Lee. I felt all the endings in season 2 were lacking something.

  • What did you say that made you contemplate about changing it for a whole goddamn year? Lmao

    One post has been making me mad for so long that I decided to finally edit it one year later

  • French, I hate the teacher and I hate the language, I can't seem to learn French at all even thought Ebglish was never a problem. Fuck French.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.


  • Flute, Guitar and P.E., I don't know I just don't care about guitar or flute and I was forced into it so it annoyed me a lot, I can't remember a thing about how to play them either, as for P.E., well when I was in school I was really short and in all the schools I went to I was always the shortest kid in class on top of that I was really thin, so anyone could knock me away with just about anything, hell playing Football (Soccer for you I guess) I was easily knocked to the ground if someone kicked the ball really hard in my direction and one P.E. theacher had the brilliant idea to make me the goal keeper so it was a pain and it sucked.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • I love that movie!

    kaleion posted: »

    That action scene in episode 2 is so fucking good, reminds me of Oldboy.


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    XD congrats bruh

    No one congratulated me when I reached 5000 likes

  • edited April 2015

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    Nope I love everything about my college it's completely awesome

    edit: you mean ever biology or chemistry etc just bored the sheet out of me

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • Yeah, well you can't expect every teacher to be like that sadly.

    Luckily for me, I have the best teacher when it comes to the hardest subject.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I'm going to say Biology at the moment. The subject itself isn't hard, but the teacher is what bothers me. She's a nice short lady. but what


    Have you ever tried to show off and made a mess of it?

  • Fucking Chemistry, hated that class.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Is there a class that you despise? Reasons can be because of the teacher, the students, or the subject.

  • That is a campaign sort of thing she was doing I just found strange XD

    I'm not gonna ask.

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