The Sentinel

Is it my mistake, or should we be able to choose the Sentinel again? Rodrik is a different lord than Ethan. I would like this choice, because I picked Royland to deal with Ramsay, but now he's gone, I would really like Duncan.


  • I have also wondered that, but maybe it's Rodrik's way of honoring Ethan, to keep the person that he chose as Sentinel just before he died, either that or Telltale didn't think people would want to change their Sentinel.

  • edited April 2015

    I wondered this too. I think it's probably out of respect for Ethan, but I think it's nice that at least Ethan got a lasting say in the rest of the season with this choice before he died. Though it makes me wonder if we can choose a new one if one of them is revealed to be a traitor.

  • That's what I was thinking, but I think at least it would be brought up.

    I have also wondered that, but maybe it's Rodrik's way of honoring Ethan, to keep the person that he chose as Sentinel just before he died, either that or Telltale didn't think people would want to change their Sentinel.

  • I think it is to honor Ethan and gameplay-wise make the choice a lasting impact. Despite the fact that Rodrik survived, Ethan was still the lord of House Forrester.

  • I have a bad feeling that the Traitor is going to be based on our choice of sentinel so whatever we choose we'd choose wrong.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I wondered this too. I think it's probably out of respect for Ethan, but I think it's nice that at least Ethan got a lasting say in the rest

  • edited April 2015

    I don't think Telltale really wanted to force us to go through the same thing again, it would just be taken as filler.

  • True, but I think it should be at least mentioned. Say he wants to honor Ethan or something. It's part of the world that each Lord their own Sentinel. And even though they were both the player, Rodrik and Ethan were two different lords.

    I don't think Telltale really wanted to force us to go through the same thing again, it would just be taken as filler.

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