Predict the next character death



  • edited April 2015

    You may find this amusing because you seem to be insistent on the "This is GoT, so evil always wins" tract even though it isn't true, but what would the purpose of any of that be?

    To make us hate anybody who attacks the Starks. i.e. The Lannisters, the Greyjoys, etc.

    Do you really think that the Whitehills are just going to completely dominate the Forresters? With nothing ever coming of it in the end?

    Quite honestly yes. There is no, ''kill every Whitehill while they are asleep'' option, and every Forrester is bowing down to what others are doing (Cersei, Lord Random, Gryff, Ludd, etc) You'd think as low as the House is they would resort to assassination tactics by now.

    do you expect the parties involved to never face the consequences for what they did?

    Again, yes. The Bolton's are just monsters. The Lannisters are taking FOREVER to be killed off (except Tyrion. He's not a dick.) The Greyjoys are all over the place. The Frey's are alive and well, save for one who Catlynn killed. The Clegane's are gone, but they weren't against the Starks as much. The Martells are just coming in now. The Targaryan's are almost gone, except for Daenyrs and Aemon. As far as I'm concerned I just watch the show for the sake of people dying, whether or not they did anything to the Starks I really don't care anymore.

    So quite frankly, I just play the game to watch the Forresters all die off one by one because they won't stoop to assassination tactics.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    You may find this amusing because you seem to be insistent on the "This is GoT, so evil always wins" tract even though it isn't true, but wh

  • Where? I support the Whitehills fully because the Forresters, as far as I'm concerned, are completely fucked by this point.

    LukaszB posted: »

    No, but you did imply it.

  • edited April 2015

    I see now. You actually want the Whitehills to win, so you're coming up with this "misery without meaning" not out of worry, but because it's what you want to happen. You only watch because you've become apathetic to everything? Then you really can't say what ASOIAF is all about if you've only come to the conclusion that you have. It's unfortunate that you and many others simplify what is a complex series down to the basic cynicism fest that you see it as on the surface.

    Well, if you feel that way, then go ahead. But know that anything else you "predict" will be under the cloud of your apathy, and thus not reliable if you're just going to predict the worst possible outcome for the sake of it.

    I've got to agree with @Shubbalubbadingdong here. You don't really understand this series, no matter how much any of us explain it to you. So there's really no point in me wasting my time with you anymore.

    Barthanax posted: »

    You may find this amusing because you seem to be insistent on the "This is GoT, so evil always wins" tract even though it isn't true, but wh

  • You definitely don't know anything about Game of Thrones' complexity.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Where? I support the Whitehills fully because the Forresters, as far as I'm concerned, are completely fucked by this point.

  • edited April 2015

    I agree with you fully as well

    TabbyLover posted: »

    I see now. You actually want the Whitehills to win, so you're coming up with this "misery without meaning" not out of worry, but because it'

  • That's because I don't care for politics or the reasons things are done. I watch simply for the reason people die gruesomely and it's medieval. Anything besides that I ignore.

    LukaszB posted: »

    You definitely don't know anything about Game of Thrones' complexity.

  • edited April 2015

    I don't care for the complexity behind the deaths, nor the politics. GoT is medieval and the deaths are bloody. Anything besides and I couldn't really give a damn.

    You actually want the Whitehills to win, so you're coming up with this "misery without meaning" not out of worry, but because it's what you want to happen.

    I don't see the Lannisters, Greyjoys, Freys or Boltons wiped out (two are dead, and another is now called Reek), so I've decided I'll watch it from their point of view because nobody is going to stop them. Same for the Whitehills. The Hound is dead, so the only ''good'' guy I follow with interest is Jon Snow, but I know he's going to be stabbed by his brothers, and he can't do anything down South.

    The Starks are gone, and the Forresters are going to follow. There's only 4(?) Starks left, and only 6 Forresters left (7 with Gared.)

    Sansa is with Littlefinger.

    Arya is in Bravvos, as well as Asher being on the same continent.

    Jon is on the Wall, along with Gared.

    Mira is in King's Landing (how the hell she's alive I don't know)

    Bran is North of the Wall (Which is why there was a question mark. Where's the baby Stark? I don't remember anybody killing him.)

    Lady Forrester, Rodrick and Talia are all in Ironwrath, and it won't stand much longer if the continue bowing to a greater force all the time.

    Ryon is with the Whitehills, and I don't think he'll live much longer considering what I did in my playthrough...

    So I don't understand how you can say I'm an idiot for thinking from the villains point of view. There is nothing stopping them, and I'll be damned if anything does happen to any of those Houses. Nobody is going to be stupid enough to attack the Lannisters, the Greyjoys live on a bunch of pebbles, the Freys are nigh invincible where they are and the Boltons are just scary as hell. Unless Stannis has millions of soldiers and vendettas on all those Houses, nothing will happen to them. So yeah, I come up with ''misery without meaning'' because that's all that keeps happening in the show. I stopped wanting the ''good'' guys to win after the Red Wedding because there are no good guys left, and there won't be any more anytime soon, unless by some divine intervention (fuck off Rhelor) all the White Walkers turn into Starks and kill everybody. But that won't happen, so I am watching the show for the blood, gore and medieval warfare.

    TabbyLover posted: »

    I see now. You actually want the Whitehills to win, so you're coming up with this "misery without meaning" not out of worry, but because it'

  • I'm not talking about politics in Game of Thrones. Every family is smart and always plans ahead of time. You already confirmed you don't care about plot. Yet not planning in Game of Thrones is the easiest way to die. How do you think Littlefinger survived everything, planning something for at least a month.

    Barthanax posted: »

    That's because I don't care for politics or the reasons things are done. I watch simply for the reason people die gruesomely and it's medieval. Anything besides that I ignore.

  • You have to think from Littlefinger's perspective. Littlefinger will turn everyone you see as winning to go against one another. The Lannisters will be fighting the Boltons soon enough, and they are fighting the Greyjoys. The Boltons will fight the Greyjoys as well.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I don't care for the complexity behind the deaths, nor the politics. GoT is medieval and the deaths are bloody. Anything besides and I could

  • edited April 2015

    That makes sense, but now I ask, knowing Littlefinger, what is in it for him? I know he has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but he's not one to start a war without a large sum of crowns falling into his pockets. Either crowns or secrets.

    LukaszB posted: »

    You have to think from Littlefinger's perspective. Littlefinger will turn everyone you see as winning to go against one another. The Lannist

  • edited April 2015

    I care for the plot, but not all the spying and politics that go with it.

    Starks and Lannisters. They hate each other. War ensues. Lannisters win. Not much to that plot.

    What I don't care for is Varys, Littlefinger, Tyrion, The Brotherhood without Banners, Daenerys, etc. They serve themselves and fuel the war with lies and deceit. They're sub-plots that I don't care for as they become way to complex to remember everything somebody has done. Like this one...

    Jon Snow. Bastard of (Lyanna) Stark. Yes, I agree with the theory Jon is the bastard of Lyanna and Rhaegar. Anyways, he's at the Wall. Leaves and joins the WIldlings. Climbs the Wall. Runs away from the Wildlings and Ygritte. Large battle from both sides attacks the Wall. Stannis appears and defeats Wildlings.

    So why the hell is Stannis at the Wall? The Black Brothers can't leave and the Wildlings owe allegiance to Mance. Now I watch the show once it's out on DVD, so I do know about Mance being put to the flame but I don't know why nor what the Wildlings will do after their leader's death.

    But you see my point. Why would he bring his army so far North when he wants the Iron Throne? That's what I mean by sub-plot. He isn't helping the Starks or the Lannisters, so I could care less about what he's doing or whether he dies or not. If however he was sworn to help the Starks, then I'm still confused as to why he would go to the Wall knowing Black Brothers can't leave it nor become sworn to anyone but the realm. Which, as we know, Jon Snow, already a bastard and a Black Brother, can't leave to rule Winterfell and the Wildlings don't hold to the ''civilized'' way things are done Below-the-Wall.

    So I care for THE plot, but not the SUB-plots that don't help the Starks or the Lannisters. I understood the reason behind the Red Wedding because it was for the main plot, but why Stannis is up at the Wall instead of taking the Eyrie or the Stormlands is beyond me.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I'm not talking about politics in Game of Thrones. Every family is smart and always plans ahead of time. You already confirmed you don't car

  • Every single time he does something it leads to chaos, in which he's never blamed, and since he's never blamed no one attacks him. Everyone is fighting and Littlefinger is the only one standing.

    Barthanax posted: »

    That makes sense, but now I ask, knowing Littlefinger, what is in it for him? I know he has no loyalty to anyone but himself, but he's not one to start a war without a large sum of crowns falling into his pockets. Either crowns or secrets.

  • The Boltons face rebellion, also in the near future the Lannisters will want them dead (Cersei mainly) and the Greyjoys will attack the Boltons to free their own from Ramsay. Littlefinger will make sure Stannis takes Winterfell and the North. Whatever Littlefinger plans happens because he plans it.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I care for the plot, but not all the spying and politics that go with it. Starks and Lannisters. They hate each other. War ensues. Lannis

  • Hmm. Smart man. But why does Sansa join him knowing he betrayed her father? Unless she doesn't know...

    LukaszB posted: »

    Every single time he does something it leads to chaos, in which he's never blamed, and since he's never blamed no one attacks him. Everyone is fighting and Littlefinger is the only one standing.

  • edited April 2015

    Sweet Mother. He's more dangerous than Varys with his secrets and ''little birds.''

    And I've seen that episode. Theon, henceforth known as Reek, was in a cage and his sister came to save him but he didn't leave. After which Ramsay proved Reek would be obedient to anything he said. Which makes me ask, does Theon's sister understand this and they deem him dead or do they still go to war over him? Because I recall her saying, ''Theon Greyjoy is dead.''

    On the topic of the Lannisters, why would they attack the Boltons? What harm are they - nevermind, Jaime Lannister's right hand came to mind.

    LukaszB posted: »

    The Boltons face rebellion, also in the near future the Lannisters will want them dead (Cersei mainly) and the Greyjoys will attack the Bolt

  • I already answered that. No one knows of his involvement.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Hmm. Smart man. But why does Sansa join him knowing he betrayed her father? Unless she doesn't know...

  • Then you should have explained it like that from the beginning. Your arguments from the start were just "Talia will die because this is GoT", which made no sense. When laid out like you did, it makes much more sense, even if I don't agree still.

    Barthanax posted: »

    You're arguing with somebody who thinks she will die. That's the topic. It's about who we THINK will die next, not who WILL die. I think she

  • I already revealed that Littlefinger will get everyone to attack the Boltons, and from the Lannisters Cersei would want to attack the most. What can Littlefinger do to make the Lannisters attack the Boltons, think very carefully.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Sweet Mother. He's more dangerous than Varys with his secrets and ''little birds.'' And I've seen that episode. Theon, henceforth known a

  • I think Tom is one of Varys' birds if anything. There may not be a Whitehill spy in King's Landing at all, and Morgryn is actually looking to strike a deal with Mira.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Not exactly on topic, but I gotta say, Tom is definitely the Whitehill spy in King's Landing, right? Morgryn is too obvious, and Tom is the only other one IN King's Landing with anything valuable to say.

  • I think Cersei knows. She was in the same room when Littlefinger betrayed Ned.

    Interesting that Varys never told Sansa about the betrayal. I would think he'd have some little birds watching everything, including that betrayal.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I already answered that. No one knows of his involvement.

  • I apologize for not explaining it in the beginning. And I didn't think you'd agree, but now you know why I thought of Talia being killed off.

    Then you should have explained it like that from the beginning. Your arguments from the start were just "Talia will die because this is GoT", which made no sense. When laid out like you did, it makes much more sense, even if I don't agree still.

  • Sera's always a possibility, she hasn't really done much else and keeps trying to get Mira to open up to her. I doubt it, though.

    I think Tom is one of Varys' birds if anything. There may not be a Whitehill spy in King's Landing at all, and Morgryn is actually looking to strike a deal with Mira.

  • Other than Jaime having his hand cut off?

    Confident that Tyrion will be executed, he notes to Sansa that widowhood will become her.

    Theon Greyjoy learns that the girl sent by the Lannisters to marry Ramsay Bolton is not Arya Stark, but a disguised Jeyne Poole.

    While mulling over Sansa Stark, Cersei Lannister recalls that before the Lannisters married her to Tyrion Lannister, Petyr Baelish offered to marry Sansa himself, but his offer was rejected on account of his low birth.

    That's from the Wiki of Ice and Fire. It doesn't mention the reason for the war, unless the marriage of ''Arya'' to Ramsay is the reason.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I already revealed that Littlefinger will get everyone to attack the Boltons, and from the Lannisters Cersei would want to attack the most. What can Littlefinger do to make the Lannisters attack the Boltons, think very carefully.

  • Sera isn't an entirely bad possibility. We already can tell at this point that she won't hesitate to do anything to make herself look better in Marge's eyes, which includes completely destroying Mira. If the Whitehills approached her with an offer that could lead to Mira dying or whatever, she would take it no doubt.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Sera's always a possibility, she hasn't really done much else and keeps trying to get Mira to open up to her. I doubt it, though.

  • Guess you'll have to find out in seasons 5 & 6.

    Barthanax posted: »

    Other than Jaime having his hand cut off? Confident that Tyrion will be executed, he notes to Sansa that widowhood will become her.

  • i really want Gryff to die and his little nameless cheerleaders...

    Alt text


    i really dont want any of the playable characters to die... its not even that necessary to kill any of them... i also hope Talia lives... and Duncan... i really want Gryff to die and his little nameless cheerleaders...

  • Greeeeaaaaatttt. Well, here's to 2016!

    LukaszB posted: »

    Guess you'll have to find out in seasons 5 & 6.

  • nice

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    i really want Gryff to die and his little nameless cheerleaders... ...Yep.

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