The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • looks like marilyn manson

    Don't know if this has been posted or not but by God Jared Leto's joker looks like Lil Wayne and macaulay Culkin ' s love child xD

  • Because Spider-Man 3.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Agreed. I've never watched the reboot. For me personally, I never got why they chose to revamp it.

  • I was on mobile, so it didn't show up, lol.

    Lmao. I posted it right above you.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Remember how I previously got bored and did some mock redesigns of the profile pages? Well, I got bored again and did the same for the front page. I made this for fun on and off over the past few weeks with minor changes, having just put finishing touches on this today.

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  • Ahh alright, we're definitely the same in that regard then lol.

    Tinni posted: »

    Well, you seem to be doing decent in that department as far as I'm aware lol. I should probably learn from that, as I can tend to procrastin

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    STOP, i'm going to cry.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    This will always be Spiderman for me. ugh MEMORIES

  • Bitch plz, Spider-Man 3 was godly.

    Because Spider-Man 3.


    Telltale games


    Remember how I previously got bored and did some mock redesigns of the profile pages? Well, I got bored again and did the same for the front

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    This will always be Spiderman for me. ugh MEMORIES

  • Have you not checked the blog (or recent threads here on Telltale Talk, or Twitter, etc) lately? :p

    MARVEL Telltale games WAT

  • So basically everyone inside the prison is a fave? (Excluding Piper.) Nice!

    Suzanne is just a joy to watch. I feel bad for her and most of the other black prisoners in Season 2. Not gonna spoil anything though. :)

    Morello is adorable, and I like the dynamic between her and Nicky.

    Pennsatucky is hilarious. And I liked Pornstache to in a weird way. He's one of those guys you just love to hate, but out of character is just a cool guy, similar to Jack Gleeson. The actor did a great job! In fact, everyone does a great job haha.

    Trish's story made me did Miss Claudette. I'd like for Miss Claudette to return. That'd be interesting.

    You chose a great time to start watching. Season 3 comes out this June! Just one question...Are you binge watching it?

    Just started S2, and I want to slap the stupid out of Piper. I hear she's less involved this season, thankfully. Suzanne is one of my fav

  • edited April 2015


    I enjoyed this. Really light toned and the actors all seem like great people.

    Click here

    edited April 2015

    I used to love Everybody Loves Raymond as a kid, it's devastating to hear that Sawyer Sweeten had committed suicide just now... I always remembered him as a sweet, innocent kid on a TV screen, I would have never imagined he'd take his own life.

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    R.I.P Sawyer Sweeten/Geoffrey Barone

  • The TV version is complete shit, but for some reason I do like the full version:

    I know right! In season 2 the song is way too monotone and not catchy and the visuals are boring and unineteresting. You can say these visuals have a "deep meaning" too but it's all pretty shallow with artsy pretence.

  • i've been clean for 1 week from synthethic weed/spice/K2 but it fucking sucks the urge to just buy some now is too big :/

  • Find a hobby, distract yourself. Just stay away from that shit :P

    Watch this:

    i've been clean for 1 week from synthethic weed/spice/K2 but it fucking sucks the urge to just buy some now is too big

  • Im a guy lol and yeah i wanna stay away but the life is fuced up it always helped me but it destroyed me too

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Find a hobby, distract yourself. Just stay away from that shit :P Watch this:

  • I know you're a guy, it's a Filthy Frank video xD

    Im a guy lol and yeah i wanna stay away but the life is fuced up it always helped me but it destroyed me too

  • Fuck that shit. Smoke weeeeed instead. Its all natural. No bullshit chemicals.

    i've been clean for 1 week from synthethic weed/spice/K2 but it fucking sucks the urge to just buy some now is too big

  • Totally binge watching it, I think I watched all of S1 in 2 or 3 days. I'm on Episode 4 of S2 now I think.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    So basically everyone inside the prison is a fave? (Excluding Piper.) Nice! Suzanne is just a joy to watch. I feel bad for her and most o

  • It's quite possible to OD on that shit. Be careful.

    i've been clean for 1 week from synthethic weed/spice/K2 but it fucking sucks the urge to just buy some now is too big

    edited April 2015

    It's funny how 2 of them look in their 50's yet most of them are 65+

    It's the perfect way to tell someone they look old

    also give the guy at 7:00 glasses and a leather cap BAM GRRM

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The struggles they go through

    edited April 2015

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The struggles they go through

  • One day at a time congrats bro keep it up

    i've been clean for 1 week from synthethic weed/spice/K2 but it fucking sucks the urge to just buy some now is too big

  • To be honest, I don't really like it. Especialy the grills. Why grills? I know I sound like I am bitching about it, but I still think that Jared Leto can do a good job with Joker. And if he doesn't, I may as well show him how to cosplay like a proffesional, cause lets be honest, he looks more like a cosplayer that he looks like the actual Joker.

    Don't know if this has been posted or not but by God Jared Leto's joker looks like Lil Wayne and macaulay Culkin ' s love child xD

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2015

    If you guys are only going to post memes, can you please post them in Whatever Makes You Laugh thread? Images are still allowed here, but the Whatever Makes You Laugh thread was supposed to be where memes/funny screencaps from Twitter or Facebook/funny captions/etc go.

    I'm hoping for this thread to be more discussion based like it used to, basically. That, and I want this thread to be more friendly to view for mobile readers.

  • What is wrong with people?

    People don't have to take the money if they don't want to, but damn, being discourteous and pretentious just because someone was trying to be nice is so moronic. The first lady was awesome and the second-to-last guy was too. The world isn't messed up or cruel, it's the humans that inhabit it that are.

  • Basicly all my classmates.

  • You must laught a lot

    blueneon posted: »

    Basicly all my classmates.

  • edited April 2015

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    What a great day for baseball. Yankees vs Mets, doesn't get much better than that.

  • Yeah, at how stupid they can be. I am literally Scar with his hyenas in there.

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    But not all of them are bad, just, most.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    You must laught a lot

  • looks awesome How long do baseball games last?

    What a great day for baseball. Yankees vs Mets, doesn't get much better than that.

  • I hope one day we get an official TTG mobile app rather than using a browser on your phone.

    If you guys are only going to post memes, can you please post them in Whatever Makes You Laugh thread? Images are still allowed here, but th

  • Cool

    blueneon posted: »

    Yeah, at how stupid they can be. I am literally Scar with his hyenas in there. But not all of them are bad, just, most.

  • I think they are slowly trying to update parts of the mobile site to make it more mobile friendly. However, due to the nature of layered discussions on these forums, I can't really see them going out of their way to update the forums in particular to be mobile friendly.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I hope one day we get an official TTG mobile app rather than using a browser on your phone.

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