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  • I'm so sorry, Tetra. :'( i felt horrible for gren in writing this chapter but had to be done....Carla does not know what she has done and although it was going so well, Emily lost sight of the fight. She let Carla get to her. Vivian....all she wanted to do was protect that girl. She loved Emily; I'll explain why she disappeared and what will happen from here.

    Hopefully there was indeed a reason behind Emily's message. :( Oh Gren...maybe there is still time....

    sorry for the tears, Tetra! But glad you liked it!

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh shit...what the fuck? She's not really? Oh don't deserve this man, and Vivian too!? Oh C'mon Pie this early in the morning! XD

  • edited April 2015

    I agree with certain others being too edgy. In fact, you could say the same for the other forum sections in general.

    I think some of what's happening outside is influencing me to the point where I'm bringing it on the inside here.

    MasterStone posted: »

    I don't have a problem with anyone here. Not when I started posting here and still don't, not here for drama or anything of the likes, II'm

  • It's alright man! Oh man, Emily if you kept your head for a little bit longer :( The hole thing with Vivian dissapear in is sure to be interesting!

    I hope so man Gren doesn't need to be like Kieron!

    It's all good man! Next time wait till I've eaten something XD Only kidding of course XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm so sorry, Tetra. i felt horrible for gren in writing this chapter but had to be done....Carla does not know what she has done and altho

  • Maybe. lol XD

    I know I do apologies now for it all. :( Hopefully there is still some time left.

    LOL Kicking him him his Grendel-in-heat big D was not the only reason he snapped out of it but I'll take it. :P

    ... I'm still furious that Nick got turned into a crow, biggest insult you could give to both me and him... >:(

    -sigh- Well, I TRIED explaining to you the reason through a PM but I guess it will never do. I won't go into any further explanation. Hopefully my next slot with Nick will be to your liking.

    Awesome, my good man. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You WILL write more later!!! :O Hole fucking shit! I apologise for my foul language, but my heart probably just skipped a beat or 3!!

  • edited April 2015

    Thanks, dude! I'm feeling a little better, part of my curiosity has been satisfied regarding the problem, though I may explain what else is on my mind later.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh yes, I have experienced this before a few times, and if they're not man enough to talk to me about it then I just ignore them. I won't gi

  • edited April 2015

    Oh man...just thinking about Gren becoming like Kieron just shatterd what was left of my heart. :'( Oh that poor man but Kieron seems alright now. ;D HopefullyGren can get the same thing....

    Least you were not at lunch; can see you reading, standing up and yelling. All those people looking over like 'DAFUQ' lol jk jk

    Tetra posted: »

    It's alright man! Oh man, Emily if you kept your head for a little bit longer The hole thing with Vivian dissapear in is sure to be interes

  • I'm actually doing pretty good, better than yesterday for sure. However, there's still room for improvement. XP

    I played GTA online with a friend earlier this morning, did the first heist a few times, and had a blast like usual. Gotta rake in those GTA dollars too, you know? XD

    I don't think I've seen any of the Avengers movies either, would you say I'm missing out?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How is everyone today then? I've just seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, and good fucking lord was it an amazing film!!!! Any of you here that

  • Time is the true enemy in every story :P

    Meh, it's my reasoning XP Seriously Robert, glad to have ya back :)

    I'm done bitching about it, I'm just making a re-run of yesterday... I shall stop and move on to whatever awesomeness comes next, and I will love it to bits!! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Maybe. lol XD I know I do apologies now for it all. Hopefully there is still some time left. LOL Kicking him him his Grendel-in-heat

  • edited April 2015

    I expect some fresh bacon and eggs ready when I arrive, and an escort driver to take us all the way to Bullfinch and back. And, a golden toilet, so I can feel like a king when the breakfast goes down wrong, because you suck at cooking. Haha! Pun not intended!

    Dudette... I love Callum already! You don't even know! Seriously, quote of the month right here. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    CHAPTER TWO: UNCOMFORTABLE BEGINNINGS. Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any

  • Improvement is good :)

    I never touched GTA Online so I wouldn't know :P

    I'd recommend the Marvel films to anyone who likes epic superhero movies, the Avengers brings multiple characters together for awesomeness! XD

    I'm actually doing pretty good, better than yesterday for sure. However, there's still room for improvement. XP I played GTA online with

  • It truly is a sad thought indeed :( for now Kieron is happy ;) Agreed Gren needs happiness! :D

    Oh gosh that would be hilarious! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh man...just thinking about Gren becoming like Kieron just shatterd what was left of my heart. Oh that poor man but Kieron seems alright n

  • edited April 2015

    Whenever you do, you'll know!

    Someday I may watch them then, but as an alternative I've been watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. occasionally in the past month or two - if that counts for something. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Improvement is good I never touched GTA Online so I wouldn't know :P I'd recommend the Marvel films to anyone who likes epic superhero movies, the Avengers brings multiple characters together for awesomeness! XD

  • I haven't watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D as it happens... Is it any good?

    Whenever you do, you'll know! Someday I may watch them then, but as an alternative I've been watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. occasionally in the past month or two - if that counts for something. :P

  • Absolutely crazy, I just... damn. My favorite angel, too! Shit. I just... hmmm. Ah, here's what I was looking for:

    Alt text

    :( Emily was in my top 3 all-time favorite list of the P. clan, and seeing her die by the hands of Carla the C. - the feels were definitely real.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; a

  • There is always a reason, my loving thread leader. hopefully Gren and the others learn quickly, while there is still time....:) I apologies for the broken hearts. Vivian is indeed such a wonderful angel. I assure you all will be answered in time. :) Carla will get what is coming to her! >:D

    Absolutely crazy, I just... damn. My favorite angel, too! Shit. I just... hmmm. Ah, here's what I was looking for: Emily was in my t

  • I like it. It's one of those shows that have random people in the world use their recently found-out powers for good or evil - and it's up to organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. to either clean up the mess they've made, or to help them if possible.

    As for the team of agents in the show, they're pretty likable. Same with Agent Coleson, who's supposed to be the guy that directs them on what to do and stuff. I know him mainly from watching one of the Spiderman cartoons. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I haven't watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D as it happens... Is it any good?

  • So is it well-made or cheesy?

    Agent Coleson appears in a few Marvel films before the first Avengers film, the first Avengers film has a big moment with him in it... I shall say no more.

    The Avengers are comprised of Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Captain America :)

    I like it. It's one of those shows that have random people in the world use their recently found-out powers for good or evil - and it's up t

  • I figured the story needed a comic relief character, and Callum was perfect for the part. :) Jocelyn's gonna have to learn to control her feelings and how to live like a wolf now; With both Bigby and Callum as teachers of sorts, she should be able to transition well enough.

    Tetra posted: »

    Callum was certainly a cool character! A fellow werewolf for Jocelyn to befriend. Although yet again I feel bad for her, hopefully things smooth out between her and Derek.

  • edited April 2015

    It's both, but that's tv for you sometimes, but it's also entertaining too, so that's a plus. Regardless, I've only watched about 4 or 5 episodes out of the total of twenty-somethin' - so I'm sure it gets even more awesome in the long-run.

    Sounds exactly right, I remember seeing and hearing about them in various media. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So is it well-made or cheesy? Agent Coleson appears in a few Marvel films before the first Avengers film, the first Avengers film has a b

  • Callum's awesome XD I would love to hang with him too!

    You'll see how he reacts. It should be very interesting, to say the least.

    And more shall come! Glad you're liking it so far!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Callum is such a cool dude! I would hang with that guy as often as possible XP So Bigby has to be informed... I wonder how he'll react to a Mundy being turned into a Werewolf??? I await more from you! XD

  • Yep! He's exactly that kinda guy. Tried to make a joke out of everything to at least help relieve tension and make a few people laugh. I don't think I gave them the same last name? Callum's last name is Dunt, and Derek's is Sharp. Maybe you misread it? Or maybe I'm misreading you XD Either way, there's no familial connection as far as I grant.

    Bigby's reaction may or may not be predictable. To be honest, I'm still thinking about how it's all gonna go down. I will certainly write it tonight and then you'll all see what happens :) Glad you like it!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm loving Callum, tbh. He comes off as that smart ass that always has to either make a joke or the tension to not be so, well....tense anym

  • edited April 2015

    Callum is the best XD He's the comic relief :) I plan on making these new characters in sims, to give you perspective on their styles and appearances. Maybe later, when/if I introduce any other new ones.

    I expect some fresh bacon and eggs ready when I arrive, and an escort driver to take us all the way to Bullfinch and back. And, a golden toi

  • LOVE club life; All the dancing, the partying, the drinking and having fun and doing stuff people probably shouldn't do. It's fantastic. The man so far has got be intrigued; He's kind of plain sounding so far, just drinking his beer and hoping to get lucky.

    Picturing the girl was really fun. Purple hair is freakin' awesome, and your description of her makes me think she might very well be the theoretical 'death' of this man. Assuming she's a vampire, and that she'll turn him by the end of this story. Those are just my predictions though XD

    Looked up the Oldsmobile; Not too shabby a car, for what it's worth! And he's right; it does take you from point A to B; that's all you really need in a car, right?

    Nice song, too! The whole scene is getting super steamy now; The kissing and the ass-grabbing. Part of me feels like this isn't going to end the way the man wants it to though!

    the 2 fail to notice a shadowy figure sitting innocently on the couch.

    Did NOT see that coming!

    The intruder seems very speculative with your description. I also like how you called him 'an acquired taste', that means that he's not necessarily the most handsome man on earth, but he's not too shabby either ;) I think I like this guy so far, despite being a complete stranger to the main character and his girl.

    “How the hell did you find me, Daywalker?!” The girl’s eyes turn a hideous shade of red and as the intruder pulls out a M1911 pistol plated in stainless steel and aims it at the girl’s head.

    Ooooh shit son! (Is this intruder who I think it might be?)

    Her body writhes and combusts into a disgusting mush on the floor as the intruder holsters his gun and makes his way over to the still in shock man.

    I just imagine the movie scenes that Dragon provided us. Very freakin' awesome!

    The intruder speaks “Hollow point silver bullets soaked in Holy water, very useful. Don’t worry about the mess; it’ll be gone in a few hours time...” The man’s accent was definitely that of a New Yorker, but it had an underlying hint of formality, almost like this man used to be of a different social standing.

    I think I definitely know who the intruder is now ;D The man is probably so freaked out right now, lol. The intruder is super professional and is acting as if it's all in a days work XD

    The intruder smirks “My name is Isaac

    Oh. I thought it was going to be Nick. Oh well XD I see now that Nick and Jayne ARE still in the chapter, as sort of background characters. Still, freakin' sweet! I love their conversation about how the movie they saw sucked XD Can't wait to read more! If you've posted the next chapter, I'll have to read that another day. Got places to be and things to do. Nice chapter though! I really loved it!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I've been dreading this since this morning, but I finally found a way to start this challenge, I hope you all like this as it's the first ch

  • LMAO Think i need to word things better. lol I tend to confuse people. XD I did notice they had a different last name and are different creatures. I'm just wondering why now! 0.0

    I'm sure Bigby will be alright. He comes off as understanding and the poor dear didn't ask for this. I look forward as always! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yep! He's exactly that kinda guy. Tried to make a joke out of everything to at least help relieve tension and make a few people laugh. I don

  • Oh man I LOVE it when you post massive comments like these!!! Don't ever stop!! XD

    I've never actually been clubbing! Here in England you go to Clubs to either let loose or pick up someone for a night of fun... Thing is is that people get very drunk and high on drugs and more often than not you wind up in trouble with someone and their fist :/

    I have a particular thing for Goth-type girls, especially ones that are minimalist but not minimalist as well. Like the girl I described, she has purple hair (not minimalist) but her make-up isn't extreme and she has nothing 'extra' (minimalist) Plus she's very curvy in all the right places ;)

    The Oldsmobile is a reference to the Evil Dead movies actually, the main character Ash Williams drives one :P

    The intruder surprised you huh? Nick HAS dealt with Vampires before, but it isn't his mission to hunt them down, that is Isaac's only goal in life however, he's getting stronger and stronger so he can kill the Vampire that bit him >:)

    Also the give-away for the intruder to not be Nick was the hair, and the accent :P

    Nick and Jayne are background characters in this chapter, but both will be elevated to main character roles in the next chapter onwards. I haven't written the next chapter yet, I'm chilling and playing Resident Evil 6 atm, but I'll probably write it later on.

    Thank you so much EMMY! Take care now! XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    LOVE club life; All the dancing, the partying, the drinking and having fun and doing stuff people probably shouldn't do. It's fantastic. The

  • I'm going to see it next month.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How is everyone today then? I've just seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, and good fucking lord was it an amazing film!!!! Any of you here that

  • Oh dude don't wait for another week! :O

    There is one fight scene that went very differently to how I imagined it would (I think EVERYONE thought the other guy was gonna win) but I won't spoil who it is that fights... unless you don't care of course? :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    I'm going to see it next month.

  • Just when I gave her a happy ending the evil bitch Carla kills her :/ Being how popular she is I can imagine her making a return?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; a

  • When it comes to these kind of movies, i rather not have anything spoiled until I scene it myself. But, I would like to know what happened post credits, like what was hinted for the next movie.

    Personally, I'm more of a DC fan so I'm caught in the Bats vs Supes shenanigan and Suicide Squad. The only things I favor from Marvel are The Avengers, Fantastic 4, Blade, Deadpool and X-men :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh dude don't wait for another week! :O There is one fight scene that went very differently to how I imagined it would (I think EVERYONE

  • I think I can say we all hate Carla right now. lol

    Being how popular she is I can imagine her making a return?

    It all comes down to Gren and the quads....:)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Just when I gave her a happy ending the evil bitch Carla kills her Being how popular she is I can imagine her making a return?

  • Ok then, the mid-credit scene shows Thanos take up the Infinity Gauntlet so he can look for the Infinity Stones himself...

    There are 2 confirmed sequels to the film: Avengers Infinity War part 1, and part 2. Scheduled for release in 2018 and 2019 respectively...

    MasterStone posted: »

    When it comes to these kind of movies, i rather not have anything spoiled until I scene it myself. But, I would like to know what happened p

  • edited April 2015

    Lol. That is around the same time as the live action Justice League movies.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok then, the mid-credit scene shows Thanos take up the Infinity Gauntlet so he can look for the Infinity Stones himself... There are 2 co

  • A New World Fool! Part: One

    Kieron and Claire took near the door of the basement. They began to hear noises that didn't sound too friendly, moans of zombies and other such horrors. Claire pulled out a revolver it seemed to be a heavily modified smith and wesson model five hundred double action revolver. It has a targeting sight, porting on each barrel to reduce recoil, and a muzzle flip. The cylinder was modified to fire on the right. Kieron was amazed

    "Did you modify this yourself?" He asked

    She nodded and used the speed loader to load the gun and handed it to Kieron. "You're not the only one who can make cool toys." She said

    "I have got to show Nick this." Kieron said inspecting the gun further and handing it back.

    Claire laughed "He can look but if he runs he's in trouble!"

    "You say that, he'll kill you in an instant. That man is not to be messed around with." Kieron said smiling.

    "Maybe I should've went for him instead then." Claire said trying to pull a serious face. She then laughed and kissed him on the cheek "Only kidding." She said walking down the stairs.

    Kieron smiled and shook his head and followed her. The two went down the stairs to find out that the basement was a lot larger than they thought. There were cobwebs hun on some part of the ceiling. The place looked ancient, and was definitely a crypt. Kieron held his sword on his shoulder, while Claire followed behind him. The crypt was well lit, but that didn't mean there weren't things lurking in the shadows. They could both hear things sitter ingredients around, most likely spiders. They kept walking.

    "Do you know where this leads?" Kieron asked

    "Nope, just heard about it. Why, scared?" She smiled

    "I'm trembling in my boots." Kieron said jokingly.

    "Let's keep moving, I'm sure we'll get out of here in no time." She said

    The two kept moving down into the crypt, the sounds of zombies shuffling and the occasional moan got closer, which also accounted for other things that must be lurking down there. When they reached the end of another staircase they entered what seemed to be a dungeon. They saw that the undead were walking about some standing, some eating. They also heard weeps of other people. Kieron and Claire began to clear the room. It didn't take them long to do so, they looked in some of the cages and noticed that there weren't only humans but animals too. Most of them were well fed, and in shape. Something in Kieron felt off, he began to feel the hunger. It was like he was on autopilot he kept walking toward the man. When Kieron lifted him the man had sadness and despair in his eyes, he had lost all hope in life. Kieron wanted to put the man down, but instead he bit and drank...and drank...and drank until the man fell lifeless. Claire however sat back and watched. Kieron was shocked at what he'd just done.

    "Why didn't you stop me!?" Kieron said

    "To teach you a lesson." Claire said

    "And it cost that man his life?" Kieron asked

    "Sadly yes. But these people...are not coming back from this." She said looking down. "I will be sure to make sure the Sabbat pay for this." She said

    "So what about the others?" Kieron asked

    Claire stood. "We put them out of their misery..." She said

    Kieron drew his sword. "Okay, but we don't speak of this afterwards. I don't like doing this to innocent people..." He said

    Claire nodded. And the two began to put down both the humans and animals alike. Until to Kierons horror, he recognized someone. It was an elvish woman it was...Azaria. Kieron stepped back, he couldn't believe it was her...what had happened? What was she doing here? How had this happened to her. He knelt down and touched her cheek. She was alive yet dead inside. He wanted to rescue her yet he knew he couldn't. Azaria looked up at him, and spat in his face.

    "Do what you fucking want asshole. I'm done fighting..." She said

    He reached out his hand once more, he was at a loss for words. He wanted to say it was him that he would help her get on her feet just like he was. Claire walked over.

    "What are you doing we have to move." She said "I hear something coming and I think it's a Lycan." She said reloading her revolver.

    "It''s her." He said

    Claire looked and saw an the elvish woman. She instantly knew this wasn't good for Kieron. She stood him up. "Kieron there is nothing we can do for her, people like this...they lose their wills, plus they've seen too much." She said "You have to put the past in the past, Kieron. I know everything has been going by fast so far but if we don't keep moving we are going to be torn apart by Lycans!" She said

    Kieron nodded and took Claires revolver he put it to Azarias head. "I'm sorry I didn't watch over you like I should have. That I didn't reach out to you like I should have..."

    BANG. The shot rang throughout the dungeon...there was silence for a moment and then the howls of werewolves began to sound. Kieron and Claire began to run...

    That's all for now! Will probably post another one later! :D Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • And so the War begins between Marvel and DC :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    Lol. That is around the same time as the live action Justice League movies.

  • Nice chapter dude!

    They could both hear things sitter ingredients around, most likely spiders.

    This confused me and still does :/

    Nice reference to Nick, although Claire choosing him would be a huge mistake... You'll see why as I continue the Challenge :)

    That revolver, is that meant to be a Resident Evil one or is it the Blue Rose from DMC4?? Either way, it's something Nick would like to own I'm sure :P

    And poor Azaria... What will happen now?

    I look forward to more dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: One Kieron and Claire took near the door of the basement. They began to hear noises that didn't sound too friendl

  • Whoa dude! I was nt expecting that! Claire is a fiesty young woman and I like her personality. She has no idea who Nick is and she still has no fear. lol

    I like the description of the crypt and all of the undead wandering around. Kieron seeing Azaria there....shit. That brought back a lot from your previous chapter and it seems like Kieron is still being tested, even though he's move on. I was seriously waiting for Claire to just take Azaria, sending Kieron in a rage filled moment but that would have put both of them in a dark place. :( Them werewolves, though! I like how you've kept them enemies. Wait, no. That's not the right words. They dislike the vampires still and I like that. :3

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: One Kieron and Claire took near the door of the basement. They began to hear noises that didn't sound too friendl

  • That was supposed to be skittering XD

    I shall wait and find out then :3

    It's the Blue Rose without the second barrel :D

    They have to live to see the surface first ;)

    Awesome! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nice chapter dude! They could both hear things sitter ingredients around, most likely spiders. This confused me and still does

  • Coming from a the strongest bloodline of vampires she has a bit more confidence then most, which can be a good and bad thing :)

    Kieron will always be tested no matter where he is or Har far he's gone sadly :( Claire in that moment wanted to do it herself, so they could move but she thought that letting Kieron do it might help move on a bit more. And the werewolves, will prove interesting next time ;) Maybe when this is all over there will be an alliance! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Whoa dude! I was nt expecting that! Claire is a fiesty young woman and I like her personality. She has no idea who Nick is and she still has

  • That ending was a intense, and I like how you brought Lycan's into it giving it an Underworld feeling.

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: One Kieron and Claire took near the door of the basement. They began to hear noises that didn't sound too friendl

  • Thanks, Tetra! :D Will keep tight-lipped about the goat for now but don't worry over Dixa - she'll meet some friends soon. ;D

    Excellent! Relived and pleased you love him in it.

    Might not get chance to do a vampire story, but if not I could always throw a vampire into this one to keep things fresh. XD Thanks very much for that offer! Will try hard but I might just take you up on it. :) Very glad to hear you're good. :D I'm okay, thanks. :) Some pay would be nice but for now I just feel lucky to get to do it for free. XD My first article has just been posted! It's for the new COD trailer.

    Tetra posted: »

    Dude this was absolutely phenomenal! I am worried about Dixa however, although I don't know whether to trust the goat or not. As for Mako

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