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  • Oh ok :P

    Harbinger's and Vampire curses never mix...

    Oh dude, Blue Rose without the second barrel is awesome!

    I see O.o

    Tetra posted: »

    That was supposed to be skittering XD I shall wait and find out then It's the Blue Rose without the second barrel They have to live to see the surface first Awesome!

  • Glad you liked it man! :D Underworld was one of my favorite movies!

    MasterStone posted: »

    That ending was a intense, and I like how you brought Lycan's into it giving it an Underworld feeling.

  • No problem man! :D Good to know Dixa will meet up with some friends as I'm sure there will be a need for back up I'm sure ;)

    He reminds me of well me when I'm with friends, I sort of stay out of the conversation unless I'm adressed, but I can always hear what they're talking about.

    You could! Let me know man! :D Good to hear you're doing good man! I bet man, it sounds like a lot of fun! I want to try the whole YouTube thing at some point and hope to start this summer :D Great job on the article man! I like how you noted the most interesting things!

    I await more for this story and your articles man! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks, Tetra! Will keep tight-lipped about the goat for now but don't worry over Dixa - she'll meet some friends soon. ;D Excellent! Re

  • Thanks, dude! :D Don't mind sharing - it's Xbox One UK. They didn't start up long ago but it seems to be becoming popular; they do general gaming news as well as Xbox, and it's simply UK based. I linked my first article in my reply to Tetra, if you care to read it. :3

    I apologise for the confusion! We've simply left Dixa in the corridor for the time being, and Mary, Peter and Makoto were going into Cindy and Weasel's apartment, number 32. Tried to put some clues into the chapter but the apartment they entered was number 32 of The Woodlands -Cindy and Weasel's - yet it's far in the future. Figured New York or at least The Woodlands might be submerged because of the ice caps or something similar. The glass that's a window into the ocean began to broke and they had to escape, however the door from the future is set to automatically close when the glass is exposed to account for pressure and stuff, which is why it started closing and there was the drama of the escape.

    If none of this is helping then don't worry, we probably won't be going back. This was more to show that The Woodlands is experiencing time-travel problems to both the past and future. And it was all interesting to imagine. XD

    Amazing news about getting a job as a game journalist, man! Which website or Youtube channel are you a part of? If you don't mind sharing?

  • Glad you think it was worth the wait. XD

    Never knew it was called Pleather; they do look comfy though. :P

    Thanks for saying so - worry about how I'm writing other people's characters and that's reassuring to hear. :) When you've read more Tetra's work hopefully you'll just simply not see much of a difference!

    Mary is pregnant with Hans' child. This Mary is from Emmy's universe and in it, Mary and Hans are well and truly together. :) Actually, the Black Mirror concept is my idea. Heard the term used for laptops and phones before and it seemed like something interesting to play with in terms of Mary's powers. Hope Emmy doesn't mind me doing that, actually! Thanks!

    Thank you. XD They only started earlier this year and I'm interested in video games enough to not mind any pay. :P I'm on the news team so writing up articles on press releases and just keeping things up to date. Put a link in my reply to Tetra for my first article, if you'd like to read it. :D

    Don't bate that breath too long! Though there'll be more at some point. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Now this was a chapter worth waiting for!! :O Dixa's motorbike jacket does- “You bitch! You! Oh, that bloody makes me fume that does!”

  • Believe me dude, it was worth it! :D

    It might not necessarily be Pleather, but some jackets that mimic real leather are made of a cheaper plastic/leather combo, I have one of those :P

    Ok then! :)

    Hans is the Father then, ok. I'm sure she won't mind at all, and that Black mirror thing is cool!

    So your real name is Sam Sharp? I did read that article, very nice, but I had no idea that a Black Ops 3 was being made!!!! :O I'm so pre-ordering that! And I was singing to that song in the trailer... gotta love The Rolling Stones - Paint It black XP

    I won't XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Glad you think it was worth the wait. XD Never knew it was called Pleather; they do look comfy though. :P Thanks for saying so - worry

  • If things go as planned there will certainly be need for back up. XD

    I think Makoto would be a good friend to have around in person, so you definitely would be too! Sometimes by not talking, you can hear what others' wouldn't; sort of like when Makoto was the first to mention the mirror to help Mary, in the sense that he could think outside of the situation a little.

    Will do! :D Thanks, and it is! If you start a YouTube thing I'm subscribing to that on day one; good luck with it, dude! :D Thanks! Need to learn to think and write much quicker for stuff like that; thanks for reading it. :)

    Thanks, Tetra! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    No problem man! Good to know Dixa will meet up with some friends as I'm sure there will be a need for back up I'm sure He reminds me of

  • Well, Pleather or not, whatever the term for something that looks like real leather but isn't is what she was wearing. :P Bet you cut a good look with that and your Bigby tie on. XP

    Yup, that's my name. Samuel Patrick Sharp, in total. Thanks! And it's happening! There'll be beta access if you do pre-order. ;) Wanted to mention the song in the article but wasn't quite sure where to fit it in. It's a good one. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Believe me dude, it was worth it! It might not necessarily be Pleather, but some jackets that mimic real leather are made of a cheaper p

  • I didn't wear it on the Halloween cuz it was a surprisingly warm night :P Plus I wore it on my 18th and... yeah... Though I should try them out and see if it works!

    Wow, and I thought my name was posh: Henry Holland Heath. Not kidding :)

    I saw The Rolling Stones perform live at the Verizon Centre in America back in 2013. They performed Paint It Black as their 4th song, and they still got it!!! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Well, Pleather or not, whatever the term for something that looks like real leather but isn't is what she was wearing. :P Bet you cut a good

  • Hahah thanks for that, Pie. XD Very glad you're not disappointed. Wanted the goat to be amusing and slightly surreal which seems to be how it comes across; just what it's doing there will be explained (but thankfully it's not Dixa going mad XD). Figured Mary might do something oddly vindictive like with Matlida. If you have any questions feel free to ask - I'm aiming to answer all the big things but there might be little things that are left so that you can put your own ideas behind them. :)

    Forgot to directly name Hans, bit of an oversight! Seriously relieved you think I nailed Peter; enjoyed writing him and Mary and Makoto. Wasn't sure if the ocean thing was going a bit far but it seems to have gone okay for the most part - thanks. :D Wondered how Mary would interact with it and figured that because it's not a traditional mirror - and is black - it would need something extra to get her out of it. Thank you, Pie - wouldn't have done it without your good words! :D -brofist and virtual hug right back- If you'd like to check out my first article at all there's a link to it in my reply to Tetra. :3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    -claps standing up- I have been waiting for this! I'm not the least bit dissapointed. First, love that goat! That made me laugh and it was i

  • Oh gosh hopefully Dixa will be okay XD

    We silent people have our perks! :D I'm sure if Makoto let Mary swim with the fishes Celeste would do something to him far worse than that XD

    I'll let you know when I get all the equipment ready and stuff! :D Thanks man! :D I would not be very good at it then XD No problem man, let me know when you post another one! :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    If things go as planned there will certainly be need for back up. XD I think Makoto would be a good friend to have around in person, so y

  • You'll have to try them together and tell me how it goes. :P Somehow, don't think I should enquire further about your 18th - all those dots seem bad.

    Reckon Henry Holland Heath sounds more posh than Samuel Patrick Sharp, or maybe about the same. :P I like it. :)

    They're getting on but must admit, it's great to know they've still got it. XD Must have been a sweet gig! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I didn't wear it on the Halloween cuz it was a surprisingly warm night :P Plus I wore it on my 18th and... yeah... Though I should try them

  • We're all here for each other. :) That's a mighty list of commitments you've got - you've got to do what's right for yourself at the time. Have fun at the dance! :D On DA, think you have to go to Submit at the top, then, then compose in writer on the right, but I'm not totally sure - it can be unfathomable when there's no one who's done it to tell you. XD When I get the chance I will. :) Heck, I'll save it to my computer and do it in two years time but I want to find out what happens. XD They're both brilliant. :)

    It's natural to be nervous the first time, or even the third, but you've got a good way of looking at it so you'll do fine. :)

    At least you're good at the moment.

    It's a great way for you to brush up on things by teaching him - all the best with it! Hopefully he'll do his homework. XD The internet is a very good idea, actually.

    Books are wonderful. XD Is there no way of renewing your books by ringing the library? Least the ones you own don't have to be back anywhere; you want to read these stories at your preferred pace! Sounds like the author is doing something slightly similar to how we write our stories. XD Hope the new book is well worth the wait! :D Have Mortal Instruments 1 on my Amazon wishlist. XD

    Yup, they'll have to get through all of us if they do. ;D Thanks. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thanks! I really appreciated all the kind words and what not from everyone. I'm still sort of thinking about it, I figure it's not on my top

  • Lol, I'll get someone to take a picture of me then I'll upload it here instead... I use this forum more than my Facebook account for 'updates' if you will :P

    About the same I think :D My initials are Triple H, that's the name of a WWE Wrestler... that settles it then, my name is sadder than yours XP

    It was a really good gig! Mick Jagger can still run across the stage and continue singing at the (then) age of 66! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    You'll have to try them together and tell me how it goes. :P Somehow, don't think I should enquire further about your 18th - all those dots

  • edited April 2015

    The Story of Marcolta De’Coco


    The night, was cold. The wind’s breeze cutting through the skin or scales of those who lurked in it’s presences and the sounds of city was impossible to tune out. It seemed like a normal night, a normal boring night, if your were a human if your weren't a creature of night..

    Our story begins with a young half-vampire named Marco and his misadventures of adapting to the city life. We will dive deep into this one’s past and see how he overcame the daunting obstacles. He is young and naive, and often find himself feasting off human’s. But with the help of his best friend and Uncle, he will find a way to get by, or die trying.

    Chapter 1

    12:57 am at night, Marco woke up in the bed of a woman he slept with. As he pulled back the bed, he is disturbed by the large amount of blood scattered over the bed sheets. He quickly puts his clothes on then cleans himself up. He also checks for a pulse of the girl and luckily, there is one, but he still picks up the phone and called for an ambulance. After removing any evidence of him being here, he leaves immediately.

    Walking down several stairs of the apartment complex, he could hear the sound of people having an intense moment of intimacy from the other side of the door. He also sees a stray cat climb through the hole of a broken wall. It just had just given birth, he could smell it and was disgussed.

    Marco left the apartment building and went on his way and for some reason he was still thirsty for blood after feeding on that girl he slept with. His body began to shake violent and his eye got darker. Being half-vampire, this is not what he should experience. He struggles to make his way down the struggle in order to locate a payphone. He passes a young couple who see’s he isn't looking so well. The man asked, “Are you okay dude?” and Marco looked at him and the woman like meat.

    Marco could feel their flesh tearing is his fang run through it. The blood he imagined gushing out like a sprinkler to a point where it gave him the hots. He really wanted to but he didn't he walked away suffering from his illness. Finally making it to the pay phone, he dialed a number. A young man, about the same age as Marco answered and he could hear the suffering in Marco’s voice. “I’m right down the street. I’m on my way.” said the young man, then hung up.

    Macro hung up the payphone as well, then began to experience cramps. He force himself out of the payphone and made his way toward the wall and leaned there. A few moment’s later, he was a by a group of boys, presumably a gang cornering him and block all paths of escape.

    One of the members cracked their knuckles and show their claws, they weren’t human. He then walked up to the exhausted Marco and punched the wall next to him leaving a hole the size of his fist.

    “You lost, buddy?” The gangster said.

    What was going through Marco’s head was something to not be witness by the for the faint-hearted. He wanted to tear the skin from the gainster and drain the blood from him. Then he would do the same for the other members. He wanted to decimate them, but luckily it didn’t come to that. He best friend Draco arrived just on time before anything could go down.

    “Need help Marco?” Draco said.

    The leader of the gang to his attention towards Draco and and began to laugh while signaling his fellow gangsters to beat him down, but they fail miserably. This isn't the young dragons first rodeo, he’s been in many fights while living here. After dealing with his crew, the gang leader retreats for now.

    Draco steps over the bodies of the beaten gang members and help’s Marco from from the ground. He could the bloodlust in his eyes and waste no time helping him into his car.

    “Hold on buddy, we’ll get you back to your uncle. He’ll fix you up”

    As the two leave a mysterious figure who was seemingly watching the whole time observes and quickly writes down the tag of the car.

    And so it begins, my entry for the challenge. This was a short chapter.. but it's going to get real gory and messy in the future. Until then, hope you enjoy. :D

  • It had it's moment's.

    Alt text

    Tetra posted: »

    Glad you liked it man! Underworld was one of my favorite movies!

  • I liked the start to this man! Although Marco sounds a bit messed in the head in the beginning but I'm sure his hunger is calling. :P

    Like I said great start man! I can't wait to read more! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Story of Marcolta De’Coco 1994 The night, was cold. The wind’s breeze cutting through the skin or scales of those who lurked in it

  • I feel sorry for Marco, witnessing and needing and imagining all these things... It's a side of Vampirism which is never really delved into by authors I think, so well done dude!!! :D

    Good thing Draco came in the nick of time as well, or else Marco would be somebody's bitch by now :P

    I look forward to more! XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Story of Marcolta De’Coco 1994 The night, was cold. The wind’s breeze cutting through the skin or scales of those who lurked in it

  • Thanks, back when I first created this character he was a easy going fellow, so this is serving as a origin. You'll be suprised to what is to come when he loses control and succumb to this hunger.

    Tetra posted: »

    I liked the start to this man! Although Marco sounds a bit messed in the head in the beginning but I'm sure his hunger is calling. :P Like I said great start man! I can't wait to read more!

  • Thanks, I try to be descriptive as possible when dealing with creatures of the night. Sometimes I gross myself out when going to far into details. This is only the beginning..

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I feel sorry for Marco, witnessing and needing and imagining all these things... It's a side of Vampirism which is never really delved into

  • Ah okay! That's pretty cool! Oh gosh lol I sense the gore of a mortal kombat x fatality lol XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Thanks, back when I first created this character he was a easy going fellow, so this is serving as a origin. You'll be suprised to what is to come when he loses control and succumb to this hunger.

  • edited April 2015

    I think I get it, but the explanation alone was probably how I felt back when people tried to summarize Bioshock Infinite's ending for the masses. XD So it's debatable.

    Did you have a choice on which game you could make an article for, or did they give you no choice in the matter - as you had to make an article for Black Ops 3 at the moment?

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks, dude! Don't mind sharing - it's Xbox One UK. They didn't start up long ago but it seems to be becoming popular; they do general gam

  • One question: Has Kieron fed yet? I don't remember seeing him feed on anyone ever since Claire turned him into a vampire.

    I didn't expect Azaria to make an appearance! :O In fact, Kieron should've drained her of her blood (in my opinion).

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: One Kieron and Claire took near the door of the basement. They began to hear noises that didn't sound too friendl

  • Awesome, like Emmy's vampire tale, this story takes place in the year I was born.

    I always liked Marco back when you first introduced him: humorous dialogue, witty charm and all. I expect to see the same for this story, Stone! You got me wanting more already!

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Story of Marcolta De’Coco 1994 The night, was cold. The wind’s breeze cutting through the skin or scales of those who lurked in it

  • Yup in fact it was in this chapter! :) he fed on a man while Claire watched to teach him a lesson not to let the hunger get to him.

    Yup more things Kieron has to go through. :( I actually thought of that but I decided against it as I had the whole Lycan idea. Other than that I would've been fair game for it! :D

    One question: Has Kieron fed yet? I don't remember seeing him feed on anyone ever since Claire turned him into a vampire. I didn't expect Azaria to make an appearance! :O In fact, Kieron should've drained her of her blood (in my opinion).

  • Hm. Curious as to why Mary would do anything with Matilda; I can see Peter chasing after this cow as a tasty snack but I look forward to seeing what you have in store for all of them, even the little critters. I pictured Weasel just sort of 'there' and unsure of how to handle any of this strange accurances. lol

    I figured it was Hans, seeing as this is EMMY's take on Mary. :3 The ocean image did fit and KI'm pleased to see so many others took to it as well. :3 I'm honestly glad I could help, man. I saw the link and will definently need to check that out! This is a huge step and I'm glad you're taking it! Best of luck, man and can't wait for the next post!! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Hahah thanks for that, Pie. XD Very glad you're not disappointed. Wanted the goat to be amusing and slightly surreal which seems to be how i

  • edited April 2015

    1994 was a good year, bro. :D

    I love seeing Marco again! He always had such interesting dialouge and I'm curious to see how this will play into the challenge. Good old Draco came to the save before he could take on those gangster! They had no idea what would have occured! >:( That beginning was intense and enjoyed the description o the feeding. I look forward to more, dude!

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Story of Marcolta De’Coco 1994 The night, was cold. The wind’s breeze cutting through the skin or scales of those who lurked in it

  • edited April 2015

    Brutality. Lol

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah okay! That's pretty cool! Oh gosh lol I sense the gore of a mortal kombat x fatality lol XD

  • I too was born in that year, couldn't think of another year to start it. I also felt since I have a vampire character, that date bate back then, why not give a actually story that fits with the challenge. This current Marco, will take some time time developed into that one you know of, but as he does the path he carved with be quite bloody. :)

    Awesome, like Emmy's vampire tale, this story takes place in the year I was born. I always liked Marco back when you first introduced him

  • It seem like 1994 was a favorable year for people. Lol The 90's in general was something.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    1994 was a good year, bro. I love seeing Marco again! He always had such interesting dialouge and I'm curious to see how this will play

  • A New World Fool! Part: 2

    Claire and Kieron began running down the hall when they hit a dead end. Kieron could hear wind behind the door.

    "Claire smash it!" He said drawing and revving his sword.

    There were two Lycans that had entered the room. They howled and began to charge Kieron, he raised a blood wall. As soon as Kieron stopped revving the sword he dropped the wall and swung with all of his strength, one of the Lycans had caught on fire but the other swatted Kieron to the side, slamming him into a wall. Claire had just broke through the wall, she looked back to see Kieron against the wall. She didn't expect to encounter Lycans here so she didn't have any silver on hand. She then decided that to fight this Lycan and defeat it quickly she'd transform. While doing so Kieron managed to get up but proved to be at a disadvantage as the Lycan bit his side multiple times and began clawing his skin. Claire had grown in size and her skin grew pale, her eyes turned yellow her fangs were twice the size. Her movement was faster than even a vampire to see, she grabbed the Lycan by the tail and threw it when it dropped she punched a hole through its stomach and pulled the rest in half, she picked up Kierons sword, revved it and swung. Kieron watched as all this happen but his eyes were closing, he had taken a lot of damage, even for a vampire. He saw her transform back and run over to him.

    "Kieron...stay with...need you...please don't..." His eyes closed

    Claire stared at Kieron she checked for his pulse, he was still alive. She looked at his blood that was all over him, it tempted her. She wanted to drink it, but she knew she'd go to far. She picked him up and began to run.

    The next day in Kierons apartment...

    Claire began to pace the room, she had called Swineheart just in case. When he got there he took a look at Kieron.

    "This poor man has been through a lot. I don't know why you called me though he seems fine." He said

    "I guess I was just..." She was cut off.

    "Scared? That's normal." He said

    "I'm sorry swineheart, I'm sure you have more to do." Claire said

    "Not at all, I don't mind." Swineheart said.

    "Thanks" she said.

    Swineheart nodded and left. Claire sat at the side of the bed near his chest and grabbed his hand. She had only met this man two days ago, and even then it was just to use him and throw him. Why did she feel this way? She never wanted relationships. Not since then...


    Claire had fallen in love with one of the royal guard to ascend to the throne in the Holy Roman empire. His name was Lance he was also a daywalker. The two were vampires that even though they stuck out they still managed to mingle with society together at night. She remembered when he courted her a month ago, she always smiled and it brought butterflies to her stomach every time when she remembered that day. Everything was perfect...or so she thought. Her disapproving father walked her down the aisle, she noticed Lance smile. When they met and locked eyes that night, she was horrified as a hunter had crashed their wedding. She watched as Lance turned to ash leaving a skeleton. She looked at the hunter and questioned his motive. When he said it was just a bounty he left. She swore she'd never look for anyone else again...


    Maybe she was still stuck in the past...Maybe she was the one that needed to move on...she sat there and thought for hours. When she had enough she began to stand and stretch, night wasn't even close to arriving. But she needed a drink and there was the problem that she didn't want to leave Kieron alone just in case the prince showed up and would kill him. She decided to use her own blood. When she got a good look at Kierons room it looked really bare, but in reality he had a lot of secrets hidden in his room, some even she hasn't seen. Instead of exploring she turned on the radio. Guns N Roses were playing sweet child of mine. She kicked her feet up and waited for Kieron to wake...

    At the Princes room...

    The prince sat at his desk his body guard stood seven and a half feet tall with a great axe on his back. The Sabbat leader walked in.

    "What is it? I'm busy." He said rudely

    "Sir the two anarchists are dead." The Sabbat leader lied

    "Very good enjoy your position." He said

    "Thank you sir..." The Sabbat leader said walking out.

    The guard looked at the prince. "You do know he's lying right?" He said

    "Of course I know! One was horrifically wounded both physically and perhaps mentally. Instead of going after them I'm sending our best men to destroy the base at once so they'll have to start from the ground up." He smirked

    "I see..." The guard said facing towards the doors.

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • You see, I hate it when I miss crucial details like that. Sorry, man!

    Intrigued to see how your take on werewolves will impact Kieron's tale. ;)

    Tetra posted: »

    Yup in fact it was in this chapter! he fed on a man while Claire watched to teach him a lesson not to let the hunger get to him. Yup mor

  • Don't worry about it man. I have moments like that as well! XD

    This won't be the only time they show up ;)

    You see, I hate it when I miss crucial details like that. Sorry, man! Intrigued to see how your take on werewolves will impact Kieron's tale.

  • Scale brothers, huh? Only kidding, I can't wait - as I'm sure you already figured.

    MasterStone posted: »

    I too was born in that year, couldn't think of another year to start it. I also felt since I have a vampire character, that date bate back

  • Great chapter :)

    So Kieron can now use Blood Magic without any blood being present? Just goes to show how powerful he has become (and is becoming) right? :D

    Claire's backstory was tragic, but hopefully she can see what good will come of being with Kieron!

    I look forward to more dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: 2 Claire and Kieron began running down the hall when they hit a dead end. Kieron could hear wind behind the door.

  • Thanks man! :D

    Yup! He will be gaining some other cool stuff later as well ;D

    We'll have to see, who knows? Maybe they'll just ditch the whole throne thing and run away together! XD That would be so cheesy and bad I'd throw up XP

    Awesome man! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Great chapter So Kieron can now use Blood Magic without any blood being present? Just goes to show how powerful he has become (and is be

  • If they ditch the throne and run away together then it's a typical 90's movie :P

    Kieron is so cool... maybe he could surpass even Nick! :O Hehe. NO, he couldn't >:)

    Tetra posted: »

    Thanks man! Yup! He will be gaining some other cool stuff later as well ;D We'll have to see, who knows? Maybe they'll just ditch the whole throne thing and run away together! XD That would be so cheesy and bad I'd throw up XP Awesome man!

  • It really would be XP

    Hahaha! You're an ass! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    If they ditch the throne and run away together then it's a typical 90's movie :P Kieron is so cool... maybe he could surpass even Nick! :O Hehe. NO, he couldn't

  • I know I'm an ass about Nick, this isn't news to me XP

    Tetra posted: »

    It really would be XP Hahaha! You're an ass! XD

  • Wait, what did Claire transform into exactly? Is she like a vampire werewolf hybrid?

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: 2 Claire and Kieron began running down the hall when they hit a dead end. Kieron could hear wind behind the door.

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