Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Im Feeling that Australian Classification this week. For sure. Please.

  • I have a feeling you´ve been jinxing it, Poogs.

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im Feeling that Australian Classification this week. For sure. Please.

  • Yeah probably, I should just avoid this thread as much as possible

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I have a feeling you´ve been jinxing it, Poogs.

  • I try to avoid it but then I see "20 new comments" and think something happened only to get out disappointed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah probably, I should just avoid this thread as much as possible

  • Pretty much sums up my reaction every time:

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I try to avoid it but then I see "20 new comments" and think something happened only to get out disappointed.

  • Your puny one time playing through it is nothing, try SEVEN times playing through BOTH episodes.

    Like I said I replayed episode 2 like 3 times

  • I'll have to make a "silent" save file. Thanks for the idea man.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Four times! I've got all save files used up. First save is my "canon" save. Then I've got my "nice", "asshole" and "silent" saves.

  • Alt text Beated.

    I don't know why, but here's a demonic Fiona to help with the wait.

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  • It's been 6 weeks since episode 2 (but it feels like a year). I don't expect a trailer this week, not even for the next week T-T But some news would be nice.

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  • Let's meditate it will help us endure...

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  • I've been going through Borderlands 1's DLC since the first time I didn't have them. Need to do some planning for a thing and hopefully I can start the project. I need to do a second playthrough of episode 2 already.

    I'm sure we'll get another teaser and then some news soon, don't give up on F17 everyone.

  • That's it. I've reached the breaking point.

    I'm going to play the episode for the third...fourth...whatever time. I hope you're happy, Telltale.

    Go on...without me...continue...the fight..!


  • I've moved on to watching let's plays now... Since I've pretty much exhausted all the dialogue options, save a few I can't bring myself to personally pick anyway, and there are no more spoilers to encounter.

    I'm gonna be able to recite this whole game from memory soon.

  • You are not, I never really liked doing alternate playthroughs, that and I just don't have the time to play an episode multiple times.

  • I only play games once if they suck, really.

  • This series is probably the first time I have played the episodes more than once. I think I've done the first episode four times now, and the second three times...

  • Eh, I don't always replay Telltale games...

    ...but when I do they're TFTB.

    Actually, I just replay games I really enjoy, and this one's easy cause it's short anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • TellTale I dedicate this song for you, because it conveys my feelings for you and your work...


  • Claptrap please

  • edited April 2015

    Yes and no. I can't binge play or watch stuff and stuff over again, like some people on here do, because slowly it gets boring to me. I replay most Telltale episodes one time maybe a week or two after the release and that's it until maybe after the game is finished and I make a third save. That's it for most cases, I've played through Thrones four times now (2 times on PC, then I repurchased it on 360 instead because my laptop is shit and I played through it once and one more time last Saturday).

  • In this game your decisions actually make a big difference. :)

    ElJacko posted: »

    This series is probably the first time I have played the episodes more than once. I think I've done the first episode four times now, and the second three times...

  • Has it been 5 or 6 weeks since Episode 2 released? I've heard both and I'm not sure. Either way, I think maybe Australian Classification this week and episode within the next three weeks.

  • edited April 2015

    Episode 2 was released on March 17th, today is April 27th, so we're just shy of 6 weeks since episode 2 was released.

    Has it been 5 or 6 weeks since Episode 2 released? I've heard both and I'm not sure. Either way, I think maybe Australian Classification this week and episode within the next three weeks.

  • signs man I'm hoping for some news for Tales From The Borderlands episode 3 this week I mean I can't take it.I enjoy Tales From The Borderlands sooooo much I would love to hear some news of it soon
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  • Ok... Kinda creepy... However, this pic does make me think that Fiona could pull off a shaved head pretty well.


  • I would say TellTale games are like books; you'll go through it again if you really enjoyed the story.

  • Believe in J23

  • After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then?

    I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

  • Nah, I think ep 3 will be in May. I don't think they would wait that long. Maybe they will reveal season 2 of Wolf there ;-;

    After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then? I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

  • Nah, I don't think Telltale wants to put their trailers at PAXs for all means necessary, so I think we'll get a trailer the normal way - through Telltale's YouTube account

    After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then? I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

  • We always get a trailer via Youtube, too - They do the reveals at events so they can placate the masses in front of them and build hype.

    Crips posted: »

    Nah, I don't think Telltale wants to put their trailers at PAXs for all means necessary, so I think we'll get a trailer the normal way - through Telltale's YouTube account

  • You guys have so much faith!

    Why am I so old/crotchety/bitter? It's not like I'm a TT veteran whose been wronged too many times (Tales is my first 'live' wait). I guess I'm just trying to be realistic? Obviously I'll be stoked if it comes out earlier, but I don't want to get hyped too hard (purely of my own volition) only to have my heart broken again...



    Maybe they will reveal season 2 of Wolf there

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nah, I think ep 3 will be in May. I don't think they would wait that long. Maybe they will reveal season 2 of Wolf there ;-;

  • edited April 2015

    As long as episode 3 comes out before July, I am happy. I don't want to play another Telltale episode in China again...(Yes, back to China this summer.)

  • Last time on March, it was just a study visit to Beijing and Shanghai. This time, it is my yearly trip to Hong Kong to visit family.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They normally build hype on twitter and give a release date for the trailer and release it on youtube, the PAX releases seem to be a recent thing but i suspect it's coincidence rather than planning and like you said PAX is a big event it seems like a good place to show new trailers.

    We always get a trailer via Youtube, too - They do the reveals at events so they can placate the masses in front of them and build hype.

  • I'm trying to get hyped for a release date soonish, but something keeps holding me back...

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  • Never forget

    I'm trying to get hyped for a release date soonish, but something keeps holding me back...

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