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  • Fair enough :)

    Nick being there wouldn't have made sense for a start, he wasn't in Wonderland that long :P Nick and Damien are bigger bro's, and those 2 can be assholes to each other sometimes!!! XP

    Tetra posted: »

    All he needed was to hear it from his lost friends I wouldn't say this experience will make him that strong but he does have something new

  • There's that too, you know my roommate and I are like that sometimes lol XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Fair enough Nick being there wouldn't have made sense for a start, he wasn't in Wonderland that long :P Nick and Damien are bigger bro's, and those 2 can be assholes to each other sometimes!!! XP

  • We ALL have that one friend we are like with! I do and he lives down the road from me :P

    Tetra posted: »

    There's that too, you know my roommate and I are like that sometimes lol XD

  • Woo-hoo!!!! If I bring her home for the night will you hold a grudge against me? XP

    Bi is cool! :D

    Cuz Isaiah is a Grendel... :/ I shall wait and see then :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    When you come down, Tammy and I will have to take you to a club and hope there is a Candy Angel just for Hman! Yes; she does not stay in

  • I didn't know sex with Death would be even possible! First of all, it'd probably be bony for one, as well as the other gross characteristics you've mentioned above. Nick has to like, triple-wash his sheets now. XD

    P.S. - Nick and Jayne forever. Sucks for Jayne she's a possible vampire now, but that doesn't mean she can't embrace it!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy! Vampire Cha

  • Death has cold, grey skin and no body fat. And to be a bit more scientific, a man's 'thing' is a muscle, and Death still has his muscles... Sorry to creep you out but that's how I interpret it :P

    Hope finds it attractive at least, also Death CAN take on a human appearance to blend in with society. Though Hope likes the 'real' Death a little more... Yes, Nick will be burning those sheets down with hellfire!!! XD

    Jayne... I'm saying nothing yet... But those 2 are perfect for each other :)

    I didn't know sex with Death would be even possible! First of all, it'd probably be bony for one, as well as the other gross characteristics

  • Oh great, more shadows and twisted memories in dream flashback sequences. Will Kieron ever get a break? :P At least it seemed it ended with a happy ending to it, though!

    Plus, there's also feeding time at the blood bank to make him and Claire feel super-good. >:)

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: Three Kierons mind... Kieron woke up in a white open area, there was no sky and no ground. Kieron began to cal

  • "Houston, this is Major Delta 5-0 9'ner: Brandy has acquired target. Repeat: Brandy has acquired target. Moving in to claim that ass."

    Regardless of that, you had me in the moment of the private tease dance. Damn you, Horner, for ruining it! XD I believe Brandy's still going to come back for her anyway. Maybe catch her somewhere else.

    Besides, an Alleycat ready to fight in a alley, the combat possibilities are endless!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Challenge pg. 4 Candy Angel tossed her head back, hair hugging her shoulders and long, pale neck. Those eyes never left Brandy's side. Th

  • OKAY! Fianlly had a break to read this and I must say, it was a bit heart warming yet a bitter goodbye to his past. I liked that. :) A final chapter to what Kieron endured and his ability to let go, especially for all he went through. I admire Alice, Nyx and the others. Think with this, Kieron can move on now....:)

    I adore Claire and although her past is just as deconstructed as Kieron, maybe they can reach out to one another and help build it togther. I agree with Dragon; these two need to find the local blood bank and feast now! :) Celebrate Kieron and Claire as a whole. I look forward to more and a bit of that awesome blood magic Kieron does so well.

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Part: Three Kierons mind... Kieron woke up in a white open area, there was no sky and no ground. Kieron began to cal

  • edited April 2015

    LOL, alright, alright, that makes sense. Say no more! XP

    I approve 100% with the last thing you said - I shall expect more soon, Hazza! Preferably more elevators scenes, maybe. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Death has cold, grey skin and no body fat. And to be a bit more scientific, a man's 'thing' is a muscle, and Death still has his muscles...

  • Lol, I won't XP

    I'm TRYING to write Chapter 3 as we speak, but it's hard man...

    LOL, alright, alright, that makes sense. Say no more! XP I approve 100% with the last thing you said - I shall expect more soon, Hazza! Preferably more elevators scenes, maybe.

  • Brandy has acquired target. Moving in to claim that ass."

    LMFAO! XD I had to re-read this to make sure but you, sir, just made the rest of my day with this alone! XD YES! If Brandy could, THIS would be her slogan for that night.

    I know! Damn you, Jack! Even when he's trying to help, he still ruins it all! Hey, you never know. Both seemed to have been heavy on one another. :)

    YES! Action! Alley fight! Vampires! Jack Horner! Explosions! XD

    Glad you liked it though, bro. :)

    "Houston, this is Major Delta 5-0 9'ner: Brandy has acquired target. Repeat: Brandy has acquired target. Moving in to claim that ass." Re

  • Take your time then, please, no rush!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol, I won't XP I'm TRYING to write Chapter 3 as we speak, but it's hard man...

  • I was attempting on mimicking air radio chatter among jet fighter pilots - in fact, I should've said "Bravo Delta 69'ner." That totally would've been a better name in my opinion. XD I agree, too!

    If there's going to be explosions, everyone knows Michael Bay's going to be involved - for better or worse. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Brandy has acquired target. Moving in to claim that ass." LMFAO! XD I had to re-read this to make sure but you, sir, just made the r

  • -snickers- 69'ner. I feel like those childish people we knew (or still know) and laugh at this. I honestly see Jack saying this, watching from behind the curtains. lol I'll take either! :D -still laughing-

    Better or worse, I'll agree on that. Half the explosions will be for Brandy's introduction alone. XD

    I was attempting on mimicking air radio chatter among jet fighter pilots - in fact, I should've said "Bravo Delta 69'ner." That totally woul

  • It seems for now Kieron is getting a break and it was much needed he can finally let go. :)

    Oh yes! Its time for a heist of the century! At least for Kieron and Claire! XD

    Oh great, more shadows and twisted memories in dream flashback sequences. Will Kieron ever get a break? :P At least it seemed it ended with

  • I guess I too got sick of Kieron being a cold and compasionless guy, so this whole part came to me and I had to bring old Kieron back, I figured that's how he should be a happy, care free man! He can now live with a smile on his face, and enjoy life! :D

    They will most certainly build a grand future, and be able to look in the sky and smile together! :) Oh they'll take all the blood they'll get from this heist! And raise a glass to a new future :D Awesome man! I can't wait to show off his new ability as well! Along with his blood magic! :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    OKAY! Fianlly had a break to read this and I must say, it was a bit heart warming yet a bitter goodbye to his past. I liked that. A final c

  • A New World Fool! Finale...

    Kieron and Claire came up to the doors of the blood bank. It was not that big, if need be a couple missing Mundies wouldn't be a problem, but Kieron knew they could go with no casualties. They walked up to the front door when Kieron heard a familiar voice, he turned and saw Nick calling his name. Kieron smiled and waved.

    "What's up Nick?" He said

    Claire looked excited she finally gets to meet this Nick that Kieron talked about. Nick pulls out a cigar and lights it.

    "I was just heading home, what are you doing out and-" He began to notice Kierons eyes. "How did you manage to do that?" He said

    Kieron pointed at Claire. "You can thank her!" He laughed

    Claire introduced herself to Nick.

    "So what're you two doing?" He asked

    "We're about to hit this bank, gotta feed." Kieron said

    Nick could tell Kieron has changed. "Alright but I don't want to see your corpse." Nick said walking away.

    Claire exhaled "Man that guy is scary." She said

    Kieron laughed "You get used to it. I'm sure this won't be the first time we see him either!"

    Claire put her hands on her hips and looked at the bank. "So, what's the plan?" She said

    "This place is small and doesn't have much security, so what we are going to do is..." Kieron began to explain how Claire would put the two guards at the front in a trance, while he would use his blood magic to knock out the security guard, from there Claire will need to dominate the woman at the front desk to go home, Kieron would then delete any footage of them being there and unlock the door to the supply room, take the blood and leave.

    Claire was amazed "You got all of that just by looking at the building!?"

    Kieron nodded "Don't ask, it's a secret."

    The plan was put into action, everything went smoothly and just like Kieron had planned. The two had enough blood to last a good while, they used back alleys to maneuver back to the woodlands when they were stopped by a gang of vampires. But these were no ordinary vampires, they had no human form and looked beast like. Kieron handed the blood packs to Claire.

    "Go on ahead." He smiled

    She kissed Kieron on the cheek. "I'll be waiting." She said then ran past.

    Kieron tightened his gloves, got his sword and revved it. The pack of Nosferatu charged Kieron, he swung the blade killing two leaving two more. He put the sword away, he grew a maniacle smile. The Nosferatu watched as his own shadow began to climb up his body and take his form. The Nosferatu stood their ground and screeched. Kieron let out a screech of his own. His eyes peered through the dark coat, they were darker than crimson red. His head tilted, and like a snap of a finger Kieron was charging the vampires. He sent one in the air, the one on the ground jumped on Kierons back before he could follow up, Kieron grabbed the Nosferatu by the head and slammed him on the ground multiple times in different directions. The other Nosferatu had fallen from being launched but was having troubles standing. Kieron lifted the Nosferatu and split his stomach open with his hand and threw him aside. The other Nosferatu began to look scared, Kieron shook his head lifted the Nosferatu and smiled.

    "Tell the prince, he's dead." Kieron said in a demonic voice throwing the Nosferatu near his fallen brethren.

    The shadow began to latch off of Kierons skin. Kieron took a deep breath and looked at his hands and wondered what he just did. He began to walk back to his apartment...

    Kierons Apartment...

    Kieron noticed Claire had already dipped into the blood. He took off his trench coat and gloves. Using his blood magic he poured a glass of his own and went into the living room. He saw Claire sitting on the couch, she gave him a smile and he smiled back. She put her drink down, Kieron finished his and set his down. Claire got up and began to walk over to Kieron, Kieron began to walk towards Claire. She wrapped her arms around his neck, Kieron wrapped his arms around her waist. The two locked eyes and began to kiss. Claire pushed Kieron back and jumped on him. The two had fallen to the ground, they laughed and continued to kiss. Claire got up and grabbed two bags of blood. Kieron looked shocked.

    "That's a lot!" He chuckled

    Claire threw one away. "Better?" She said

    "Can't complain." He said getting up.

    "Oh don't worry I still scratch and bite." She said giving him a mischievous smile.

    Kieron gave a fake sigh "Great!" He said

    Kieron pulled her close again and pushed her into the bedroom.

    Outside the Anarchists base...

    "Sir the explosives are ready to go!" A soldier said

    "Excellent blow it up." The Vampire said

    The soldier pushed the button and watched as the Anarchists base went up in flames. The soldier walked over to the vampire.

    "Sir you have a call, from the prince." He said

    The vampire put his ear to the phone. "It's done."

    "Excellent! This is why you are one of our best Maximillian." He said

    "Is that all?" Maximillian said

    "Kill the stragglers and you and your men may return." The Prince said

    Maximillian hung up the phone, and began to hunt to feed...

    The next day...

    Kieron woke up, he looked around and you'd think there was a mass murder in his bedroom. Claire had her arms wrapped around him, he began to wonder why they even needed the blood bag. Kieron shook his head and looked at the clock. It wasn't even the afternoon yet. He put his head down on his pillow, Claire kissed him and placed her head on his chest. He thinks he's fallen in love. Later that day when night came rolling around the two got up this time.

    "What do you want to do tonight?" Kieron asked

    "I don't know...That's a good question." She said

    "Want to go out to dinner? Or we could go out and get the ingredients for food." He said

    "Ugh mundane food? I guess..." She said

    "Restaurant or homemade?" He asked

    "Homemade, I don't want to be out for too long I'm actually still tired." She said stretching.

    "Alright, do you wanna stay here then?" He smiled

    She kissed him on the lips "You are the best."

    Kieron laughed "I try."

    Kieron left to go grab ingredients for dinner. Claire flopped on the couch and turned on the TV. She wondered what she was doing? She should be at the anarchist base today to move onto the next phase of the plan, but here she was pushing it back, the one thing she wanted to do in life for this man she..."loves" She spoke out loud. She loves Kieron, but does he love her? Was she moving too fast? What if he wanted he didn't want that? The thoughts began to swim through her mind but she put them aside. He must or else he wouldn't be spending time with her, he would've pushed her out the door by now and kept things a little more business like. She grabbed some more blood and watched the TV. A little later Kieron walked in with some groceries and white roses. Claire ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

    "I missed you, I should've went with you." She said

    Kieron handed her the flowers. "I don't know what you like but here."

    "You must be psychic because I love white roses." She said "I used to have a friend who would use blood to paint them red with blood, it was such a tease." She giggled.

    She wanted to ask him, she wanted to tell him but she just watched him.

    "That's a bit odd, and you say I have a weird friend." He laughed getting everything ready to cook.

    Kieron took off his trench coat and gloves, he rolled up the sleeves to his grey collared shirt. And began to cook.

    "I like Nick, I can see why he hangs around with you." She giggled

    Kieron laughed "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" He laughed

    Kieron could tell Claire was acting weird, maybe she drank a little too much blood. But then he began to wonder if that was even a thing, he shook his head.

    "Are you alright?" Kieron asked

    This took Claire by surprise. "I'm fine! And what's that supposed to mean!?" She said

    "You're just acting a little weird is all." He smiled

    Her face turned bright red. "I..." She began to lose words. Kieron turned and saw her standing there contemplating what to say.

    "It's alright." He smiled

    "No its not." She said

    Kieron looked puzzled "Why not? What's wrong?" He asked

    She buried her face in his chest and began to cry. "Because I said I'd never fall in love again yet here I am, falling in love with you. Is it right? I feel like I should mourn more, I feel like this is wrong." She began to sob.

    Kieron turned off the stove and tried to comprehend. "Mourn? For who?" He said

    Kieron sat Claire down on the couch, she then began to tell him everything, her past and how she felt about him. Kieron held her close. Her past was just as bad as his, and like him she is stuck in her past. Kieron kissed her on the lips. When he pulled back he looked her in her eyes.

    "I'm sure he would want you to be happy, just like my friends want me to or else he wouldnt have been a very good husband." He smiled

    "I ought to slap you for saying that,'re right. He alays wanted the best for me." She said.

    Kieron laughed and wiped her tears away. "No more of these alright? The woman I love, she has a beautiful smile." He said smiling

    She hit his leg "You're an ass, you know that?" She laughed

    Kieron laughed "That's why you love me right?" He said

    She kissed him on the lips "That and other reasons." She said "So...can I try and help cook dinner?" She said

    Kieron smiled "Of course."

    The two got up and finished the meal Kieron was making, Kieron showed Claire how he made the meal. They sat down and began to eat, they had steak, rice and bread. When Claire bit into the steak her eyes lit up.

    "This is really good!" She said

    "Thanks, and the blood?" He asked

    "I can still taste it!" She said still excited

    "Glad you love it." He smiled

    The two finished their meals, Kieron took off his collared shirt and poured some blood into a glass. He sat on the couch while Claire rested her head on his lap. The two fell asleep rather quick with the TV on comepletely oblivious to what had happened yesterday...

    That's it! Writing these two doing stupid stuff and having fun is well fun XD but there are serious matters to attend to next time ;) Also any Castlevania fans see the refrence I have made? Any other questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • Hey Tetra. :) Wanted to let you know I have been reading your stuff and your last posts with Alice, Kieron and his friends was touching and had alot of moments were people learn to let go, move on and learn from their past. Seems like Kieron is still in the middle of his. I wanted to apologies. Just take it, smile and know you're an awesome dude. :) Keep up the awesome work.

    Now, onto the story. I've heard of Castlevania and the characters and detail looks well done and I'd be interested in dipping my feet into that pond, so to speak and play the game. I enjoy the connection Kieron has with Claire. They are a match well made and Nick is indeed something else. I'd be terrified, too but don't worry, Claire. He comes off as this 'toughy' but Nick is a total sweetheart. (Don't kill me, Hman! XD) Now, onto the section about the prince. I recall from your last story Kieron was either the king or prince (can't remember very well) for his Wonderland. I wonder if he means the prince is dead by him leaving the past behind and moving forward. That shadow peeled off of him but it didn't sound too promising when it did.

    I love Claire and what is wrong with mundane food, young lady? JK :) But for a Vampire, that would be some nasty shit. lol The white roses were neat, then she makes that comment, almost like a reminder of his past....ouch! Unless I'm overthinking, which I do at times, then by all means tell me to fuck off. lol

    I like this and can't wait to see what happens. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Finale... Kieron and Claire came up to the doors of the blood bank. It was not that big, if need be a couple missing Mu

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited April 2015

    Before I begin I want to apologies for my selfish ways and being so inconsiderate but alas, I had my reasons. I shall not go into detail but know that although there are two sides to every story, in the end, I know what I did. Common courtesy, is all I shall say. I've been asked about the Spuerbowl story and I'm no longer going to post that. I've lost interest. Maybe in the future, I'll pick up again and finish the final piece. Until then, I'll return to Robert and tell everyone MY tale of him. I do want to thank two special people for their support and always having my back. They know who they are and withput one of them, I'd be so lost. Thank you. :) Now, onto writing.

    Robert knew his brother had stayed the night. Gren and Carla were having another fight; this one, was turning violent and the mundane cops were called. Sometimes, people need to learn to stay out of certain situations but that was Robert's personal belief. Nothing happened between the two; she tossed his stuff out for the tenth time that week and he made his way over to his apartment once more.

    For how long, Robert guessed a week. Judging by this suitcase, however, it would be longer. It was day eight and Gren was still here. He honestly did not mind. RJ was at his mother's place and would return on Wednesday. Gren slept the majority of the time on either the couch or the lawn chair Robert had along his back porch. Why Gren slept there, he'd never know. According to Gren, the sweet smell of oil, ass and city made it peaceful and relaxing. Sleeping under what stars he could find, mixed with the city lights and honking below.

    Robert knew his brother was being an ass but left it at that. He knew better than to ask certain question, for the answer was always the worse. What Robert did not count on, however, was the sudden smell of burnt pans and eggs. Running down the hall, his alarm goes off. The ringing caused Robert to cry out; Gren was near the stove, swating the fire with a towel. The item clearly failed for it became consumed.

    "The baking soda!" Robert rushes to the counter. "Fucking hell, Gren! Baking soda!"

    While Gren continued to hit the flames with the towel, Robert douses the flames with the white powder and soon, nothing but smoke and black debris was left behind. Smacking Gren against the head, Robert runs back to the alarm, pulls it off the wall and pops out the batteries.

    "There. Now, I just wait for the call."

    Arms folded, Robert looks at Gren. What remained of the towel was now on the floor. "Morning, Robert. Eggs?"

    Gren holds up the pan. The once egg was stuck to the pan, black as the night sky and smelled horrible. Gren tried to make the situation easier with a giggled but he could see his brother was in no mood for jokes. Robert sighs.

    "Why the hell are you making eggs, Gren?"

    "What! I got hungry, Robert! I-"

    "Gren, I've been over thisbefore with you. YOU are not allowed to touch anything with fire in my apartment. There are boxes of cereal, already makes meals and bread, Gren. Make motherfucking toast, Gren! There is butter and jam in there, too."

    "Pssh, toast." Gren throws the burning skillet into the sink. "I was trying to be a good house guest and make my loving brother some goddamn food but I guess if its not to your liking-"

    "You almost burned this entire place to the ground. Look at my stove! My towel! And since when do you use that of all things to get this out, huh? That's the worse thing you can do, Gren!"

    "Sheesh, calm down, Robert. I didn't know. I was trying to help out. Fucking calm down, bro."

    "Calm down, Gren?" Robert leans his head against the wall. "Who am I kidding? This is my fault for thinking I could sleep in on my one day off because my brother, who KNOWS not to touch certain things and still does it, can not be trusted alone with fire, food and himself."

    Gren began to rub his arm, looked to the side and sighs. "Fuck, sorry, Robert. I guess I just wanted to do something normal, you know? Fucking waking up again on your couch. In your fucking apartment. I mean, I appreciate it but for once, wanted to fucking do something for myself and not be lectured. Guess I can't even do this right."

    "No, Gren..." Robert tries to back-peddle out of this awkward mess. "Look, I'm sorry. I just-you know how I am and now, I might need to purchase a new stove. Money has been tight, I owe Lyla child support for last month. My electric is two days behind. Cable. My car is about to take a shit on me. You're here again because for some fucking reason, you won't leave Carla, so I'm the one dealing with your bullshit..."

    Robert slides along the wall. Gren joins his brother. Pulling out a pack, the brothers each take one, smoke and look at the disaster in the kitchen. Clouds of smoke continue to rise from the burner. Robert chuckles, making Gren look with confusion.

    "Something funny, Robert?"

    "You, Gren. You're always fucking doing something and I love you for it."

    "Yeah, I know you do. Fucking love you too."

    "You, uh, still heading over to Lyla and Georgie's place later?"

    "Yeah. I really want to see them. Plus, hear she's making Turkey and mashed potatos for dinner and to be honest, that fucking shit sounds good right now. Every time she makes a huge dinner, there is dessert. Homemade ice cream. I'm hoping for that shit."

    "Swear that woman is always cooking..." Robert kicks the table. "Lucky Georgie. Have you seen the belly he has on him? Shit. He's a lucky man, I'll give him that. Beautiful wife, adoring children; enormous home, money out the ass and I bet he gets laid every night."

    Gren laughs. "Wow, Robert. I don't want to fucking think of Porgie butt naked and sweaty but that works for them."

    "Nah, not Georgie. Lyla. Lucky fucking bastard. I can see her now-getting out of the shower, hair still soaking wet. She's wearing nothing as she slowly makes her way to the bed. Candlelight. Always with the candles but they make her skin pop with light yellows. Her breasts out, hips moving from side to side. Those long, elegant legs. God, she's so beautiful..."

    "Damn." Gren pats Robert on the knee. "Very, uh, detailed stuff there, Robert. I'm sure you'll find that one special lady that can easily replace your feelings on Lyla. Gotta get rid of that little fucking thing there. Does not work that easily for Grendels. You know this."

    "I know." Robert looks at his marking. "I'll eventually get rid of it. I'm sure my special lady is out there,"

    Gren agrees. "Yes sir. Mine is, too. I bet I know her, too. I picture someone like Lyla: sweet, caring but with some fire in that fucking belly. A little spice to my dish. Beautiful eyes, loving smile. Great personality with a fucking killer body, Robert! I'm talking like, nice ass, child bearing hips, long legs and some nice, fucking big ones up here."

    "Wow, Gren. You can easily describe your 'perfect' women, yet you can't make eggs? Genius."

    "Fuck you, Robert." Gren stands, fixing his jacket. "I got this in the bag. Since you're so fucking worried about those egss, how 'bout you and me get some fucking breakfast?"

    "Sounds fair." Robert enters his room, looking for a shirt. "You owe me Eggs with a Steak, Gren."

    "Fuck you, Robert! You ain't the only one strapped for cash! I-"

    "I'm teasing, Gren. c'mon before the crowd comes."

    The brothers exit the apartment, head down the stairs and walk down the street. "There is always a crowd, Robert. Look the fuck around you."

    "There is, Gren." Robert laughs. "There certainly is."

    The brothers head to the Eggman diner, hoping to have something normal for once that morning.

    Any questions or comments, leave them below. :)

  • Nick just loves to get around doesn't he? :P I'm sure Claire would love him and hate him if she saw what he could do...

    I'm loving the relationship that Kieron has built with Claire, those 2 actually work better than he and Azaria did! (dare I say it) but they honestly do :D

    Kieron could tell Claire was acting weird, maybe she drank a little too much blood. But then he began to wonder if that was even a thing, he shook his head.

    Oh yeah dude. That is a thing. :P

    On a side note, I will tell you that Nick's reaction to the Vampire curse is... not really something Nick should be given... You'll see in my next chapter, and I'm saying this in case Nick ever has to encounter a Vampire in this fantastic story! XP

    I am eagerly waiting for more dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    A New World Fool! Finale... Kieron and Claire came up to the doors of the blood bank. It was not that big, if need be a couple missing Mu

  • I love this to bits!!! It was perfect! XD

    According to Gren, the sweet smell of oil, ass and city made it peaceful and relaxing.

    The smell of ass... Lol

    You're here again because for some fucking reason, you won't leave Carla

    Leave her, leave her, leave her, LEAVE HER!!! She's gonna cause problems, just drop the toaster into the tub while she's soaking in it and then leave!!!! >:D

    I can see her now-getting out of the shower, hair still soaking wet. She's wearing nothing as she slowly makes her way to the bed. Candlelight. Always with the candles but they make her skin pop with light yellows. Her breasts out, hips moving from side to side. Those long, elegant legs.

    This why I hate Georgie Porgie!

    I bet I know her, too. I picture someone like Lyla: sweet, caring but with some fire in that fucking belly. A little spice to my dish. Beautiful eyes, loving smile. Great personality with a fucking killer body, Robert! I'm talking like, nice ass, child bearing hips, long legs and some nice, fucking big ones up here."

    And this is why I hate Gren!

    I can't get enough of these two together! Why did I not read your earlier stuff?!

    I cannot wait for more dude! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Before I begin I want to apologies for my selfish ways and being so inconsiderate but alas, I had my reasons. I shall not go into detail but

  • LOL This is how I always pictured their relationship, tbh. :3 Yelling, fighting, then they love one another again.

    That ass part. I don't even know; I pictured huge cities like New York to have that ass smell but I'm not sure. XD Seemed like a 'Gren' thing, too. If I could, I'd tell Gren to do that. >:( Hate that woman....Selfish bitch! (sorry pie but she is lol)

    LOL I love how you hate both Gren and Georgie. I'm jealous, too just because I wish I could have hair like both of them and have legs to back it up but no! XD lol jk jk But they love their women. :3 I'm glad pie changed Emily's apperance. She was pretty but now....damn! XD

    Glad to hear it, Hman. :) Glad to be back.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I love this to bits!!! It was perfect! XD According to Gren, the sweet smell of oil, ass and city made it peaceful and relaxing.

  • I have that relationship with people, hell we all have that relationship with someone! XP

    Carla... I can't even go there, Nick is still pissed that she caught him off-guard and turned him into a crow :P That 'ass' smell though...

    Lyla and Emily are goddesses! I made a deal with the almighty Gods of booty and the Angels of sex that when I die, I shall be sent into Pie's durty pictures... What happens then is for me and only me to know >:D

    Glad to have you back dude, it wouldn't be the same without you :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    LOL This is how I always pictured their relationship, tbh. Yelling, fighting, then they love one another again. That ass part. I don't e

  • Ain't that the flipping truth. :D

    I laughed at that part. XD I want Nick to take his huge ass hand and squash Carla like a bug. >:) I know...looks over I'm odd. XD

    They are! If I was straight, I've said this a million times. I'd hook up with Emily, then the following night, bang Lyla.

    I made a deal with the almighty Gods of booty and the Angels of sex

    OMFG! What the hell?! I'll go with you! He's got some nice ones of Robert in there! I'll be right behind you, Hman!

    Thanks man. It's honestly nice to be home. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have that relationship with people, hell we all have that relationship with someone! XP Carla... I can't even go there, Nick is still p

  • It is indeed!

    Nick would take his time with her... Just like his 'pet' Noah >:) I still feel weird writing that one-shot, I know I was giving everyone a glimpse of the 'old' Nick, but it made me seem like a bit of a sadist :/

    Why not just have a good ol' fashioned threesome?! Then when your done, take them individually :D

    You already have a precious collection of Robert drawings! Meanwhile I am still without a Nick pic... :'(

    Home is where the heart is, dude :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Ain't that the flipping truth. I laughed at that part. XD I want Nick to take his huge ass hand and squash Carla like a bug. I know...l

  • Don't worry about that post. We've all taken our characters and gone back to the 'old' days. It explains, adds character and explains. :) I honestly like those.

    That would be awkward, considering Lyla is her mother. lol

    God I feel awful about that picture. Me and my Butterfinger hands, man. YES but I don't have ones where he TOTALLY nude...XD XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It is indeed! Nick would take his time with her... Just like his 'pet' Noah I still feel weird writing that one-shot, I know I was givin

  • edited April 2015

    I have more planned for 'old' Nick, he was such a wanker in the old days... You so much as looked at him the wrong way and he'd rip you apart :/

    Meh, use a dash of Magic and they won't remember a thing >:) Or I'll just get Brandy and Candy Angel to give me a 'private session' without any interruptions, especially from Jack fucking Horner!

    How is the re-do of it coming along? This collection was described as being 'very precious' and it was your birthday present :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Don't worry about that post. We've all taken our characters and gone back to the 'old' days. It explains, adds character and explains. I ho

  • OH man, Candy Angel and Brandy. I ship them! We need lesbian couples and gay couples on this thread. lol I want to smack Jack. I was very surprised he had Jack of all people. He hates that guy! :P

    looks back, slaps self I need a Starbucks coffee now. 'Bout ready to take little Emily and get one. I do have one where his ding-a-ling is out and about. sigh Shutup, Jacob...just, shutup. lol Better then the first. He's trying to get it done before work begins in 2 weeks. I LOVE it! So much better then the first. Maybe I should spill soda more often...XD After that, there goes any time he once had. :(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have more planned for 'old' Nick, he was such a wanker in the old days... You so much as looked at him the wrong way and he'd rip you apar

  • I hate Jack so much, I like him in 'Jack of Fables' but only just >:( I have a gay couple planned for my next story, but one of them is Bi so I guess it doesn't quite count...

    So there was only one thing that I could do, was ding-a-ding-dang, my dang-a-long-ling-long Jesus Built My Hotrod by Ministry :P I'm looking forward to this one! I asked him to show me the 'ruined' one as well cuz apparently Nick looks like a women with runny mascara!! XP

    This job is a pre-school teacher still right? So he's gonna work 8-4 5 days a week... Is he done with college yet?

    JJwolf posted: »

    OH man, Candy Angel and Brandy. I ship them! We need lesbian couples and gay couples on this thread. lol I want to smack Jack. I was very su

  • I've never read those, tbh. Never wanted to. I don't like him I'm sorry. WEEEEELL, you CAN but-hm. Maybe not. lol

    WTF did I just read?! LOL I loved it! It does look like a woman's runny mascara. XP GOD I felt horrible. He hides those pictures now and I can't blame him.

    Yeah, pre-school teacher. 8-10, sometimes 12, if needed. :( You get those parents that are late and you have no choice but to stay. It's happened to him before....He graduates in May with his Masters but he's going to take courses at the Art Insitute they have here as well. Wants to learn photoshop and animation. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I hate Jack so much, I like him in 'Jack of Fables' but only just >:( I have a gay couple planned for my next story, but one of them is B

  • Hey JJ! :D That's awesome man! :D glad you liked the last one, although he's started moving on, he's making the best of what he's got. :) Thanks man you are awesome yourself :)

    It's a really awesome game and I do recommend them! Their characters are very interesting, I think my favorite was Lords of shadows! :D Glad you like Kieron and Claire together as I enjoy writing them as such :) He really is! (It's true Hazza XD) Oh although you are correct that Kieron does rule Wonderland in some way, this was a mention to the prince of the vampires/masquerade. :) The shadow part is safe although you are right to have your worries :)

    Hahaha XD The White Roses was a refrence to Castlevania 64 :3 I don't think you're wrong about it, I think a rose would be like both of their pasts. :)

    That's awesome to hear man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Hey Tetra. Wanted to let you know I have been reading your stuff and your last posts with Alice, Kieron and his friends was touching and ha

  • Jack is still a prize-winning c**t, but he makes for an interesting protagonist...

    It's part of the opening to the song I listed :P Good thing he does hide them, you AND Tammy keep trying to glance at his stuff when he's not looking! XP

    Active and dedicated man, I like it :) I remember when my Dad forgot to pick me up from school one day when I was like 5 or 6 (lack of communication between my folks as always) My Mum got me and I was so devastated thinking I had been abandoned! XD She gave my Dad HELL for it afterwards! Though I'm sure Pie is great at looking after them as well.

    JJwolf posted: »

    I've never read those, tbh. Never wanted to. I don't like him I'm sorry. WEEEEELL, you CAN but-hm. Maybe not. lol WTF did I just read?! L

  • There will be more interactions but I will agree with you :)

    I think this as well! They are so much fun to write together! :D

    Is it really? Woah o.o

    Ah okay! Thanks for the heads up man, I didn't know how he would react so this helps a lot! :D

    Awesome man! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nick just loves to get around doesn't he? :P I'm sure Claire would love him and hate him if she saw what he could do... I'm loving the re

  • I love the interactions they have! Like with this one, Nick could've been doing any number of things before he bumped into those 2 :P

    Yep :)

    In the Vampire world of course...

    He reacts badly to it, like when nightfall comes, he enters a blood frenzy where he just CRAVES blood for no reason! But during the day he is fine... This will happen on my Vampire challenge shortly so you can see for yourself.

    Tetra posted: »

    There will be more interactions but I will agree with you I think this as well! They are so much fun to write together! Is it really

  • Dude this was hilarious! XD Gren and Roberts conversations very interesting and...descriptive XD Poor Robert though he just wanted to sleep in for once! Damn it Gren! XD

    It's awesome to have you back man! We'll read whatever you post man, enjoy what you enjoy writing! :D I look forward to more of this man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Before I begin I want to apologies for my selfish ways and being so inconsiderate but alas, I had my reasons. I shall not go into detail but

  • He really could have XD

    I didn't know that o.o I'll have to keep that in mind!

    I will have to keep this in mind for when I write my next part! I can't wait to see this come into play!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I love the interactions they have! Like with this one, Nick could've been doing any number of things before he bumped into those 2 :P Yep

  • They are a match well made and Nick is indeed something else. I'd be terrified, too but don't worry, Claire. He comes off as this 'toughy' but Nick is a total sweetheart. (Don't kill me, Hman! XD)

    Nick is a sweetheart to those that are close to him, you're good :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Hey Tetra. Wanted to let you know I have been reading your stuff and your last posts with Alice, Kieron and his friends was touching and ha

  • Lol

    Keep what in mind?

    Nick reacts REALLY negatively to outside factors like curses. Vampirism gives him an unquenchable thirst for human blood for the entire night, he also become incapable of proper speech, and is aggressive towards anyone that comes close to him during the night.

    Lycanthropy, I haven't figured out what it will do to Nick yet :P

    Tetra posted: »

    He really could have XD I didn't know that o.o I'll have to keep that in mind! I will have to keep this in mind for when I write my next part! I can't wait to see this come into play!

  • That Nick craves blood at night. :3

    Woah! That sounds like bad news for everyone!

    Now that'll be an interesting one!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol Keep what in mind? Nick reacts REALLY negatively to outside factors like curses. Vampirism gives him an unquenchable thirst for hu

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