Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



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    :commences panic attack:

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The leak was actually real, so they ended up scraping the entire episode.

  • edited April 2015

    Obviously, the episode has been spoiled, so they need to dump all their hard work into a virtual trash can, so that the fans don't know what to expect of episode 3. We'll be lucky if it gets released in July.

    :commences panic attack:

  • At least we now know who to blame for the data getting wiped on Steam:

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    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Yep, I think the shortest time between a classification and launch date was 5 days?

    Also, I can definitely confirm that Aussies are lazy buggers (particularly government agencies).

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Don't rely on the Australian Classification too much, they don't update their website every day and there has been times where episodes got rated later.

  • stahp

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    MichaelBP posted: »

    Obviously, the episode has been spoiled, so they need to dump all their hard work into a virtual trash can, so that the fans don't know what to expect of episode 3. We'll be lucky if it gets released in July.

  • I thought you were joking at first now... I'm not so sure. I'm certain the leak was fake though.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Obviously, the episode has been spoiled, so they need to dump all their hard work into a virtual trash can, so that the fans don't know what to expect of episode 3. We'll be lucky if it gets released in July.

  • It's the same as any other country's classification system (as in mature audiences, parental guidance etc. etc.), the only difference is with Australia's freedom of information laws they legally have to post each classification on their website before the game (or film etc.) is released.

    Every other country just keeps the decision to themselves until the product is launched.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Sorry to interrupt the conversation with my ignorance, but what is an Australian Classification? I'm kind of new to the gaming society, so I haven't gotten much chance to get acquainted with all terms and other stuff, and also I live in Europe...

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It was a fake, like i said before if it was real all evidence would be removed from the forum.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I thought you were joking at first now... I'm not so sure. I'm certain the leak was fake though.

  • Oh, that makes sense. Thanks :)

    It's the same as any other country's classification system (as in mature audiences, parental guidance etc. etc.), the only difference is wit

  • Never. >:D

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  • I'm only joking. I think the leak was probably fake, but you never know.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I thought you were joking at first now... I'm not so sure. I'm certain the leak was fake though.

  • Oh I know I think a Telltale staff member actually spoke up and said it was fake.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It was a fake, like i said before if it was real all evidence would be removed from the forum.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Indeed, @puzzlebox confirmed it was fake.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Oh I know I think a Telltale staff member actually spoke up and said it was fake.

  • I have been trying to count the amount of people on the photo and I got 108. What about you guys? :)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • An Australian Classification is something that's vital for the episode and cannot be released without it and it takes forever

    There XD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Sorry to interrupt the conversation with my ignorance, but what is an Australian Classification? I'm kind of new to the gaming society, so I haven't gotten much chance to get acquainted with all terms and other stuff, and also I live in Europe...

  • I know, but at least a 3 week window or something, or like out of the blue "This is releasing in May" that's a 4 week window right there and would honestly feel a bit more excited about it, instead of dropping by every week and only find tweets from Voice actors that really tells me nothing.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I don't think they like to give estimations as there could be a unforeseen delay which would cause people to get more upset, also due to the Sony and Microsoft certification process it can be hard to pin a exact release date too far in advance.

  • edited April 2015

    Wait A Minute?Jay Z?Mmhh omg I got it Jay Z is A Rapper and He Raps like A MuthaHumper and who is like Jay Z?Tiny Tina and Jar Jar Banks Come onnn that's a easy one who just like Jar Jar in the borderlands?Claptrap oh yeah Tiny Tina and Claptrap confirmed in Episode 3 ahhhh I can't wait baby i 'm gonna give Tiny Tina a big what's up and I am going to give a high five hey don't think you don't want to.

    TinyTinaConfirmed #ClaptrapConfirmed

    This tweet from Kevin is probably regarding Tales (I have a hard time believing that there will be a Jay-Z reference in Game of Thrones, but

  • edited April 2015

    I only started spending time on the forums after TFTB started, because of the long wait. Is it always like this in the forums for any series they do? I've always found that compared to other series of games, this one has the worst wait. Is this the same for you guys? TWD's waiting was a cake walk.

    That's it. I've reached the breaking point. I'm going to play the episode for the third...fourth...whatever time. I hope you're happy, Telltale. Go on...without me...continue...the fight..! x__x

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah it's usually like this.

    AChicken posted: »

    I only started spending time on the forums after TFTB started, because of the long wait. Is it always like this in the forums for any series

  • edited April 2015

    Ha, ha... August. Maybe there'll be a DLC episode for August in August...
    Augustception. Btw, I'm responding to HandsomeJack's comment up there where he mentioned the month August. It's a shame my reply was pushed down so low, no one will know why I'm saying this...

    After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then? I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

  • edited April 2015

    Aww, man... The Australian classification board gets to play the episode before we do? lucky...

    buntingsir posted: »

    There's still no Australian classification, which usually comes out 2 weeks before the episode. I think late May at this rate is more likely. Then again, you never know...

  • Don't worry, my friends. I will leak the NEW episode 3 and you will have to wait EVEN LONGER!!! Mwahahahaha!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm only joking. I think the leak was probably fake, but you never know.

  • Its fake, Telltale wouldnt confirm it fake so fast, and if it really was real I think it would have surfaced a little more than just 1 random thread

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm only joking. I think the leak was probably fake, but you never know.

  • Apart from the insane wait for episode 2, it's probably the same. We even have our own gifs! Oh, how we've suffered.

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    AChicken posted: »

    I only started spending time on the forums after TFTB started, because of the long wait. Is it always like this in the forums for any series

  • Honestly I feel like he needs much more screen time than Gared, it sucks how he only has like 2 scenes each episode so far .

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh yiss, Asher. Great choice, Shubba. :P

  • Soon.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Why there is no news!?

  • Super random/off topic question, but is anyone else having trouble with the TT website on mobile?

    As of the other day I can't view my account/profile on my iPhone. When I click on 'My Account' it takes me to my landing page but just says 'loading' (and never actually loads). I can view the forum pages, but can't comment or anything because it shows me as being signed out.

    Is it just me? I've cleared all my website data, reset my phone etc. but nothing works. :(

  • I have issues loging in on my phone.

    Super random/off topic question, but is anyone else having trouble with the TT website on mobile? As of the other day I can't view my acc

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have also noticed, i am also unable to access my account or make any posts using both a iPhone and iPad. I have let the webteam know about it so hopefully they can fix it when they get into work.

    Super random/off topic question, but is anyone else having trouble with the TT website on mobile? As of the other day I can't view my acc

  • Thanks, guys - glad to know it's not just me!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I have also noticed, i am also unable to access my account or make any posts using both a iPhone and iPad. I have let the webteam know about it so hopefully they can fix it when they get into work.

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    We need more of that sexy grin.

    Honestly I feel like he needs much more screen time than Gared, it sucks how he only has like 2 scenes each episode so far .

  • edited April 2015

    Hjep. I can't really post here with my phone :/

    Super random/off topic question, but is anyone else having trouble with the TT website on mobile? As of the other day I can't view my acc

  • Yeah, if the leak was real, they probably wouldn't have said anything.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its fake, Telltale wouldnt confirm it fake so fast, and if it really was real I think it would have surfaced a little more than just 1 random thread

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    AChicken posted: »

    Don't worry, my friends. I will leak the NEW episode 3 and you will have to wait EVEN LONGER!!! Mwahahahaha! (jk)

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