Who Do You Think The Stranger Is And Why?



  • I WAS going to comment that the stranger is probably an original character but he hasn't had a name slide yet so it could be anyone under that mask!

  • I personally think it's a character we don't know yet.

    By the way, I'm pretty sure the stranger will bring us (Fiona&Rhys) to a new incredible place and that's where season 2 will start. I don't know, I have a feeling about that. °_°

  • Wolf Among Us. Enough said.

    In actuality, everything has errors- one of the continuity I mentioned was Avengers, and that movie had a budget of more money than I'll likely ever make in my lifetime. And personally, if Vaughn is the stranger (though I'm personally hoping for Timothy, myself), maybe he wants to see what they thought about what happened. Perhaps Rhys abandoned Vaughn along the way, and maybe this is Vaughn's last chance for Rhys to prove he's worth keeping alive. Knowing what happened and knowing what others saw are two very different things.

    Hm... TT had quite a lot of time to work on this episode, I don't know if they'd make such a big mistake like that, and I can't recall any g

  • I do think Timothy is also in consideration, as he likely was on Pandora when Jack croaked- though I can't tell if I'm leaning towards him or Vaughn. We're definitely seeing Vaughn becoming tougher, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's able to hold his own in a fight soon enough.

    Also, your post is fantastic. Have a gold star.
    Alt text

    Qaenyin posted: »

    Personally I think we have to operate under one of two assumptions: A: it's someone we haven't seen yet. B: It's someone we've already

  • She's still wanted all across Pandora with a huge bounty on her head, of course she'd be disguised.

    Qaenyin posted: »

    Even if they encounter her it still doesn't provide a situation in which her identity changes their situation. It doesn't make her any less

  • One point against that.
    Vault Hunter. Who has guns. If any bounty hunters show up, she shoots them in the face. That's how Vault Hunting works. Plus (as mentioned before) she can teleport herself into another plane of existence parallel to our own. She's probably covered.

    She's still wanted all across Pandora with a huge bounty on her head, of course she'd be disguised.

  • If there's a Season 2, then I definitely think the Stranger's to keep things coming. However, the game is partially designed to set up Borderlands 3, so we might only ever have five. I'm hoping we'll get to see more of Tales in some way, as Telltale has shown that this series can be bloody fantastic, but I wouldn't get my hopes up unless we have infinite questions as we get closer to the end.

    I personally think it's a character we don't know yet. By the way, I'm pretty sure the stranger will bring us (Fiona&Rhys) to a new incredible place and that's where season 2 will start. I don't know, I have a feeling about that. °_°

  • I love you. If we don't see Blake in the next episode though, we might have to rule it out... and that would make me sad, because OH DEAR GODS I WANT THIS.

    Dapnee posted: »

    I've been considering the Stranger being Mr. Blake today. Claptrap wears the strangers head in the Pre-Sequel, tieing him to the stranger

  • Sure if the ones going after Vault Hunters are just ordinary bandits, but I doubt that would be the case.

    akasharose posted: »

    One point against that. Vault Hunter. Who has guns. If any bounty hunters show up, she shoots them in the face. That's how Vault Hunting wo


    I'm seriously... that would be amazing. I'm not sure if it actually would happen, but Blake is fantastic. That would make me so happy.

    Dapnee posted: »

    I've been considering the Stranger being Mr. Blake today. Claptrap wears the strangers head in the Pre-Sequel, tieing him to the stranger

  • You mean people like Athena? Who her men beat?
    And Handsome Jack? Who her men beat?
    And the Atlas corporation? Who her men beat?
    And the entire fricking planet? Who she personally lit on fire and watched as they burned alive?

    Yeah, she kind of doesn't care about puny mortals anymore. She's a god in her eyes- her world revolves around her, and everyone that gets in her way will die- see the end of the Pre-sequel. Nothing can hurt her, and nothing can stop her.

    Sure if the ones going after Vault Hunters are just ordinary bandits, but I doubt that would be the case.

  • So... not a Lilith fan then? :P

    akasharose posted: »

    You mean people like Athena? Who her men beat? And Handsome Jack? Who her men beat? And the Atlas corporation? Who her men beat? And the

  • It's probably gonna end up being just a random vault hunter and no one we've ever met in previous games, and we're all gonna be so disappointed.

  • first, I thought he was Zer0 because of the voice, but his behaviour does not fit to this mysterious-badass-ninja. maybe it's lilith, but I don't think she would use hyperion-tech. thought about salvador, but he wouldn't use a disguise, he would just break bones until they tell him what he wants to hear. same goes for all the vault hunters, they would want their answers as soon as possible and wouldn't listen to a long story. vasquez would show everybody his face, he's not the guy who does such things. maybe it's the old guy...you know, eh...I forgot his name...the dude who was fionas and sashas "father". no, scratch that. can't be him since you can kill him. I also don't think it's vaughn, he's bigger than him. and I don't think he would do such things to his best friend rhys. I guess the only thing we can do is to wait until he takes off his mask

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