Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • edited May 2015

    Hitler was a racist first, a skilled politician second and a nationalist third but no where was he a military leader in spite of his own self-perception that he was. Thanks to this, he lost the war (and thank god for it. Otherwise much of Western Europe would be under Nazi rule now.)

    Alfred spent a VERY long time with little to no human contact. How long exactly will be revealed in time (IT WAS A VERY LONG TIME)

    As for if he shall meet Bigby again on the battlefield, I am not sure. As much as I like the idea, I fear it would feel forced. We still have 4-7 chapters before any of that might happen so I have time to think it through.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The extremist ways of the Nazi's and the Third Reich have always left a bad taste in my mouth, I cannot comprehend such acts of brutality. Y

  • Go Wolfenstein :P

    Hitler was a front-lines messenger in WW1 however, and he received the Iron Cross for his bravery. Hitler may not have been a Military Leader, but he had an idea of what war was really like at least...

    I can't imagine that someone like Gertraud was exactly what Alfred needed in company (she's very direct and confident) so maybe that is a contributing factor.

    Ok :)

    Hitler was a racist first, a skilled politician second and a nationalist third but no where was he a military leader in spite of his own sel

  • edited May 2015

    And guess who it was that put Hitler forward for that medal? Ironically, a Jew.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Go Wolfenstein :P Hitler was a front-lines messenger in WW1 however, and he received the Iron Cross for his bravery. Hitler may not have

  • Glad I could give a little laughter to you then! XD

    I just got in the groove and had to keep going especially when music was involved!

    Oh yes! Lol

    Claire's little 'wake up call, was hilarious! I found myself bawling in chortles. As for the 'wall of text', you are excused. I found mys

  • And I also believe that Hitler's Grandfather was Jewish, though Hitler kept this a close secret and hated having it brought up...

    And guess who it was that put Hitler forward for that medal? Ironically, a Jew.

  • Yup, that too.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    And I also believe that Hitler's Grandfather was Jewish, though Hitler kept this a close secret and hated having it brought up...

  • Oh man, to get woken up by Nazis after sex I will never know how that is, and the Kristallnacht no less. Although Gertrud seemed a bit sad, I think Alfred was being smart and not going out and confronting them. I thought that Hitler always called the whole Jewish problem as 'The Jewish Question' I remember that when reading his biography in a library, or did 'Jewish Poison' Go comepletely over my head XD

    Also that side note was rather funny XD

    Awesome stuff man! :D

    Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938. Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase

  • Gertraud and Alfred have their emotional impulses sometimes, and the other comes along to calm and ease each time.

    Hitler did refer to the percieved Jewish problem as both, but used the phrase 'Jewish question' more.

    Also, did you get the references to the rules?

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man, to get woken up by Nazis after sex I will never know how that is, and the Kristallnacht no less. Although Gertrud seemed a bit sad,

  • Ah okay! Guess I need to look in more uncommon books then so I can know this stuff lol.

    Why it's the rules of the Internet right? XD

    Gertraud and Alfred have their emotional impulses sometimes, and the other comes along to calm and ease each time. Hitler did refer to th

  • You were right. Have a cookie.

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah okay! Guess I need to look in more uncommon books then so I can know this stuff lol. Why it's the rules of the Internet right? XD

  • Explain those rules to me.

    I know that the Rules of the Internet is a thing, and I know that Rule 34 dictates "If it exists, there is porn of it somewhere"

    But what about the other ones? :/

    You were right. Have a cookie.

  • edited May 2015

    Rule 9: There are no actual rules about moderation with posts - enjoy your ban.

    Rule 34: If it exists or can be percieved as something physical, there is porn of it. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, it shall be made.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Explain those rules to me. I know that the Rules of the Internet is a thing, and I know that Rule 34 dictates "If it exists, there is porn of it somewhere" But what about the other ones?

  • I remember Rule 35 now!!! XP

    Rule 9 is a harsh truth :)

    Thnx dude

    Rule 9: There are no actual rules about moderation with posts - enjoy your ban. Rule 34: If it exists or can be percieved as something physical, there is porn of it. NO EXCEPTIONS. Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, it shall be made.

  • You're welcome.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I remember Rule 35 now!!! XP Rule 9 is a harsh truth Thnx dude

  • edited May 2015

    Actually, I think it may have been Geobbels who said 'Jewish poison'.

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man, to get woken up by Nazis after sex I will never know how that is, and the Kristallnacht no less. Although Gertrud seemed a bit sad,

  • Great, my good man!

    I thought Kieron's fight is exactly what he needed after everything. I thought the scene was well done and you felt Kieron's determination to protect and defend. To bad real life does not work this way; I can think of a few people that's a whole other day. XD His transformation was neat as well and Claire is one sassy young thing! >:D Max got what he deserved; at first when Kieron asked if Claire was upset, I was SERIOUSLY hoping she would not say no but her answer. Although she did say what I wanted to hear, I can't help but feel a breaking heart....

    Now the Prince is after Kieron and there is some nasty business up ahead but I know Kieron can do this! >:) Awesome chap, my good man! Your battle scenes are always descriptive! Must be all those games and music you listen to. XD

    Can't wait for the next, my good man. -brofist-

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: One Inside the Prison... Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On

  • Ok, now I have the information.

    Hitler called it the Jewish poison in private. Geobbels did the same but in a few speeches.

    I have since edited the refered line.

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man, to get woken up by Nazis after sex I will never know how that is, and the Kristallnacht no less. Although Gertrud seemed a bit sad,

  • Alt text


    "Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I'd like to keep mine in little jars with fancy labels on them. One for everyday,with different amounts of water. That must be one hell of a job. I thought mine was stressful...."

    Gren chuckles, moving through various souls. All paused to glance at the Grendel and his companion. Several pointed and whispered to whom ever they were with or random strangers willing to envelop in some gossip. Gren was beginning to suspect one of two things: either they'd never seen a Grendel and his loyal crew hit the mean streets of the Underworld or they knew WHO Gren and Michelle were. Women avoided Michelle and Gren even noticed a few covering their mouths, as if hiding their teeth. Yeah, Gren thought. The second option.

    Gren falls behind to walk beside Michelle. "Sometimes, Michelle." Gren glowers at several people, who scatter like Roaches in the light. "I often wonder how a man such as God finds the time to handle the rain and all of the world's bullshit. He must REALLY need a vacation. Maybe he took one while this fuckin' shit was going down. Would explain THIS little fucking scenerio...."

    "I'd like to think he looks out for Fables as well, too." Michelle joins Gren in observing the souls. "I mean, look around you. Sights like this and the mundane world-even the Homelands-there has to be an explanation for them. A reason. Nothing happens just 'because', Gren."

    "Then what is the reason for this, Michelle? This fucking mess?"

    "I can honestly say either you REALLY pissed him off or this is his way of testing you. All of us. Sometimes, as we lose ourselves in this chaotic world, we need that little reminder of who we are and just how small we are. Taking on more then you can handle sometimes leaves you feeling a certain way. Lost. Confused. Eager. Or, we are part of a sick, twisted game that God feels the need to play and we, like Carla has done, are pawns. I'm not sure, Gren. I'd like to think tests, though."

    Gren chuckles. "I fucking suck at tests, though. I've been taking them all my life. Is their ever a final exam to these things, Michelle?"

    Michelle grabs Gren's hand and continues to smile. "For YOU, Gren-for all of us-I think this is it."

    "Yeah. I hope so. Tired of staying late to retake these stupid, fuckin' things. Want my break already..."

    The whispers filled the little town; behind Gren and Michelle, crowds formed and soon, they began to trail behind the two travelers. Gren could have sworn several times he heard his mother's name. Trying not to react, Gren and Michelle carry on. Michelle, however, could feel all that was being created inside of herself. Her father's powerful magic and abilities swarmed her mind and heart like Moths to a flame. The urge to collect teeth. Create familiars and leave chaos. Destruction. Thoughts Michelle battled and fought since her youth. Gren took notice of Michelle's buckled face and pulled the young woman to the side.

    "Hey, you alright? Michelle-"

    "We need to hurry, Gren. I can feel it growing vigorously inside...."

    "Where did Hades and the others run off to? I think Junior is over-"

    A shrill scream and several deceased Chickens flap in different directions. emerging from the shadows, Junior enters the streets. Feathers and several spots of blood are caked along his lips and cheeks. A woman with a broom swats the item at Junior, shooing the unknown creature away; she did, however, keep her eye on the boy and distance. Apparently, Gren and Michelle were not the only Fables to have been identified.

    Gren rolls his eyes as a laughing Junior joins. "Hungry, Junior?"

    "I've BEEN since we left. This place has everything, Gren!"

    Junior spits out a feather. Wiping his mouth with his arm, Junior joins Michelle and Gren; the three stroll down the streets and scan the area, hoping to pick up any clue of to where either Emily or Carla may have gone to. Gren knew Carla was here. Hecate was well known around
    these parts and if anyone could assist, perhaps these local civilians would. But Gren could not blame them for avoiding the three figures gracing their world. From ahead, the figure of Hades appeared. Valeo, flapping his wing, carried on towards Gren. The demon held a piece of thick paper in his hands.

    "What is this?" Gren points. "A map or something?"

    "Yes, sire. We-"

    "Sire?" Gren was taken back. "What the fuck is with this 'sire' shit? I'm no one's sire. I-"

    "But thee has become one, does thou not recall thy time spent with thy father training? Accepting thy place in our world? The strength within? You have our full attention and we shall follow thee. You have proven to be more then what thou was meant to be. Carla is an evil woman and you shall defeat her. You ARE a leader, Grendel. It is written on your face. Forever in the books...."

    Gren, humbled by Valeo's words, takes the map and nods. Hades joins beside his fellow Demon and notices Grendel's apperance. He recalled Calla appearing as this when she killed his original Cerberus, allowing Vivian's soul to escape and given a second chance. Hades use to blame both Calla and Vivian but as the years passed, he understood. The reasoning behind her second chance. Hades fell hard and became the very puppet Carla needed but no more. He was here to aide Gren and his cause.

    "Is she here?" Gren looks up from the map. " she-"

    "No." No hesitation from Hades. "I can't feel HER evil in the Underworld. I think she may either be in hiding or still in the mundane world. Hecate is very powerful and is capable of masking anything she wants."

    "Then how do you know she's not here? Hecate could be hiding her...."

    "I'll ask in there." Gren looks to a pub. "I might find a few weary souls in there that might-"

    "I should warn thee, Grendel. These souls are in limbo. Some are hostile and refuse to speak with a controlled tongue. I fear thee might lose all self control and-"

    Gren removes Hades' hand from his shoulder. "Don't worry about me, Hades. I'm no longer afraid to handle. This is nothing like my old life in the Homelands. I'm here for one purpose and that's to get my Emily back. I don't care if a million fucking souls cross my path at this very moment. All I want is to get back what is mine and take down Carla..."

    "Very well." Hades steps to the side. "Journey onward, Grendel. We shall fight beside thee, should you need it."

    Gren did not wait any longer. Still following, Michelle walks alongside and eyes all the souls, still standing back and looking. Their white eyes, carefully observing the travelers and their next move. Hades paid no attention to the forgotten and carried on. Junior, still plucking feathers from his teeth, growled at a man glaring from the shadows. The man moved slightly and immediatly turned his head to avoid the Fable. Although he had possesed the power for a short amount of time, Junior's name rang in the shadows. In the hearts of the living.

    The group walk into a tavern; the bar stools were littered with souls, as each took a swig from their glasses. Gren counted twelve all together: five at the bar, four playing pool and three more lingering by the jukebox. The music played Garth Brook's 'Summer' faintly. Gren sighed, standing before the many trapped souls. The bartender looked over. He was an older man with thin hair, glasses and a large nose. The side of his right cheek had a gaping hole, exposing his gums and teeth. His glossy eyes scanned the travlers and continued to wipe the glass.

    "Hades..." The bartender spoke. "Been some time since we seen your face 'round these parts. Thought maybe you'd gone mad up high in that castle you have."

    "No." Hades adjusts his coat. "I'm here on a serious business. We're looking for this woman-" Hades holds up a picture. "Carla Smith. She's a Halfer; part Wolf, other half mundy and she's taken something that belongs to my friend her. I'd like to know if you fellas have seen this woman come around here with a witch named Hecate in the last few hours or a soul that looks like this young lady here. Her name is Emily Grendel and-"

    "Grendel ya' say?" A soul from the jukebox peers up, tilting his hat to the side. "Did ya' say EMILY Grendel, sir?"

    "Yes." Gren pulls out a picture of Emily. "She's my wife and Carla took her soul here to the Underworld. Limbo, as you call it. She has a blonde haired woman following her. A guardian angel who's name is Vivian. I need to bring her back. I-"

    The man's cold, clamy fingers grab's Gren's wrist. "You are the son of Calla. The woman who has blessed this miserable town with the news of our loved ones above. She was the only thing keeping us here, Grendel."

    "She....kept you here? But-"

    "No..." The man smiles, still holding his wrist. "This is limbo. None of us want to leave. Accept the fate that lies before us. We'd rather spend eternity here...she brought us news of our family. This kept the majority of us alive. Hades built his kingdom. Gave us homes. A community to thrive in, for who knew how long we'd choose to be here until we accepted the fates. Calla gave us hope, Grendel. We were told of her second coming...."

    "Emily..." Gren looks at the man. "You''re speaking about my wife. She has the bow. She-"

    "Ah yes. The woman with the ebony hair. She-"

    Gren snatches the soul and presses him into the jukebox. "WHERE is my wife!? I need to bring her back!"

    "She lies within the community. In the dwelling of the three judges. They were here earlier, seeking various drinks and items and-"

    "Hades!" Gren looks over. "Where are these three judges at? Emily is there!"

    "Not to far from my castle. Let us go there right now. I'm sure the ladies are eagerly waiting for our arrival..."

    Thanking the fellow souls within the bar, the group make their way towards Hades' castle. Neither spoke. All eyes and thoughts on the task ahead. Gren would get Emily back and Carla would pay.

    Fabletown. Sheriff's office. Afternoon.

    Ethan sat on the chair, playing with a stressball hidden away in Peter's drawer. The clock behind him ticked away; each second of the hand represented the time his sister and precious Michelle were gone in the depths of the Underworld. Ethan was not allowed in there and it caused his feelings to boil rapidly inside. Tossing the ball into the wall, he had to find something-anything-to keep his mind occupied. Gren could do this, he thought. There was never a doubt in Ethan's mind or heart.

    Gren was a man of his word; that was one thing Carla could never take away and when he spoke of doing something, he always did so. Emily would return but would Michelle? Mr. Dark was a man of many things but evil, he'd always be. The Underworld loved to recruit those that were deemed 'evil' and scatter along the world. Keeping the 'balance' of life, as some like to call it. Ethan could not allow her to fall into that.

    Erica needed her mother. Ethan needed Michelle....Something, however, did not sit right. Michelle was in good hands but Carla has stated numerous times over the course of their lives, she was always a giant leap ahead. She was not in the Underworld. She was here in Fabletown. Ethan falls to the ground; the curse, a solid purple color, traces along every vein in his body. The feeling was painful and left Ethan needing to vomit. Blood trickled from his nose and mouth. Ethan began to grunt against the intense pain. His father's childhood memories flooding his mind.

    Ethan could see the little cottage in the village. A stone well located near the chicken coop. Horses in the distance. A bubbling pond and several children, all under the age of twelve, playing in the fields. A woman in a flowing, blue dress, tending to the laundry. A little boy, identical to his father, sitting alone near the porch. A burly man, wearing tattered remains and weilding a knife, deviantly gleams at the boy.

    Holding himself up, Ethan's thoughts returns to darkness. Only he was not alone. He could feel the burning pain below, boiling in the pits of his abdomen. A devilish laughter and the feel of rough hands along his back. Ethan, for a brief moment, had BECOME his father and was sent back to those very nights it changed for him.

    Ethan tried to pull away; he knew these were mind tricks and he alone could fight them but the memories were too great and soon, Ethan was sheding tears of remorse and misery. Each tear created something stronger inside of Ethan. Every searing scream his father allowed to escape caused Ethan to grind his teeth and picture Carla. Georgie's memories, hurt and broken heart fueled the final piece to his 'curse'. Standing up, this concluded his transaction. He needed to find Erica. She was going after the little girl. For a moment, Ethan heard a dark voice speak but a knock on the door caused it to vanish.

    Opening the door, Peter was stunned to see his brother. All color faded around Peter's cheeks. "Ethan....what...what have you done!?"

    "Where is Erica?"

    "She's with mom, Ethan. She's safe. What is all this? You have purple lines! Jesus fucking Christ, Ethan, hold on! I'll-"

    Ethan pushes his way past Peter. "Erica...I need ta' fookin' save woot is mine. Michelle...."

    "Gren and the others are locating Emily, Ethan! Stop! We can't take risks! We need to stay together! We-"

    Ethan opens his palms, blasting Peter in the chest with a mass of purple. The force sends Peter into the wall. Turning to leave, Ethan heads for his mother's home. Carla was here. The anger continued as he walked down the streets. Peter, not too far behind, runs in hopes of finding his brother.

    Carla was still playing her game and now, Ethan had joined in.

    Alt text

    Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Gah. Feel like shit today but gotta make that $$$$. :3

  • edited May 2015

    A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This is a short one as well. Enjoy regardless, though! :)

    Chapter 11, Part 1: Secrets

    Bull Island, Ireland:

    "Daniel, we've got another one. One of ours caught her hangin' by the dune stacks from the shore."

    Daniel scratches his chin, looking at him.

    "Any Mundy spot you... apprehending our new guest?"

    "Nah, the lot of them are either finishing up the course, drinking at the bar, or having a bite at the dining room - all of which was convenient for me. Anyway, I put her in the basement with the others."

    "Good, good. Can't wait to see what 'treasures' they'll have in store for my collection. In the meantime, you can go back to ye game."

    He tips his golfers' hat. "Thanks, Danny."

    He puts his left hand on his shoulder, his grip a little tight. "What did I say about calling me that? Hmm? It's Daniel. Best remember that next time you address me so."

    "My mistake, boss, I apologize. It's been a long day, y'know?"

    Daniel opens a drawer from his desk and pulls out a knife. "I know, but that shouldn't be an excuse. Otherwise, it's ye eyes."

    The henchman gulps, holding onto his golf club in internal fear. "I gotcha, understood."

    "Glad. See you tomorrow, Chris." Daniel walks out of his office and the clubs' hallways outside to see the setting sun before him.

    "Alas, a beautiful sight. Only to return to us again - over and over."

    "Do you always talk to yourself like that? Ah, perhaps it's the liquor speaking for you."

    Daniel turns around. "Oh. Hey, Abby."

    She crosses her arms and scoffs. "That's it? No kiss? Not even a little hug to protect me in those big, strong arms of yours?"

    "Smartass." He walks up to her, slowly stroking her hair in return. He kisses Abby on the nose, only to stare her back in her eyes. She does the same.

    "So, what are you doing here, Ab? Figured you were going to be at Leppy's for the rest of this evening."

    "Drinking there felt a bit tedious this time around. I don't know how you Irish do it. Besides, I can't see my man when he's in his territory?"


    Abby cuts him off. "Wrong answer, bub." She snickers. "So, what, you almost done with whatever thing you got going here at the Royal Dublin?"

    "Almost, actually. Just need to take care of somethin' important first. I'll meet ya inside when I'm done - should be about 20 minutes."

    "Oh goody, gonna be stuck waiting in a place full of middle-aged Mundies. Thanks a lot."

    He smiles and walks. "I do what I can, love." With her out of sight, he looks around to see if other eyes are looking. Nope. Daniel enters.

    The darkness comes to put the light out...

    Whispers were heard. "Don't worry, when he comes, we'll get the jump on him. Simple." Daniel shook his head.

    The group of tied-up Fables hush when Daniel comes around the corner. "I don't know if ya guys are stupid, but one of you need to work on ye tone of voice, for what I heard sounded like a plan of escape. On the other hand, every one of you wouldn't be here if you kept ye damn business to yaselves."

    "Fuck off, Daniel. We know what you do down here, the others need to know."

    "Sorry, what was that?" - "AHHHHHHH!"


    The women began to sob, except for the one that was recently brought in.

    "Arrghh, you - you CUNT! That was my fucking kneecap you shattered!"

    "Sorry, you annoyed me. I had to do it. Besides, if ya guys weren't careless," He looks at the guy whose knee was broken especially. "Neither of you's wouldn't be down here."

    "Then finish the job, add us to your so-called collection."

    The others looked at the new girl, while Daniel stepped forward. "Wow, never seen one so eager before, you'd make a fine contribution."

    "Whatever, do what you need to do." She winks at the other captives. Both of them look at each other in confusion.

    "Well, alright." Daniel forcefully pulls her up and motions for her to go towards a door.

    She casually walks into a room filled with various jars. "Fascinating..."

    "You... like my collection?"

    The mystery woman turns to face him, slowly loosening the tied rope around her wrists. "Not at all, I'm just pondering the fact of how I'm going to kill you! You twisted fuck!"

    END, of Chapter 11 part 1.

  • From what I've been seeing recently, you seem like you're doing better compared to yesterday!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It isn't always easy, Dragon... It's the anonymous nature of being online getting to me, you never really know if someone or something is

  • edited May 2015

    I love the dialouge between Alfred and Gertraud. Seems like Gertraud was able to silence and comfort Alfred long enough for a little rumble in the jungle. Too damn bad we can't get away with smut on this thread but my imaginaton did run wild and I liked it. :3

    Anyways, WWII is what I've been waiting for. I thought this period in time was interesting; the genocide was nothing to laugh about and the countless lives lost is tragic but in the end, Hitler was an intelligent man to target specific 'traits' and 'qualities' a person had and pull hundreds and thousands into his corner. Use them as puppets to do his dirty work.

    The little side note was a great source of information as well. I again learned something that either lew over my head or the professors never taught. :3 Great work, my good man!

    Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938. Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase

  • Alt text

    Typical gif reply aside, I appreciate your comments again, Stone. As usual, I have been enjoying your contributions to both the thread and the current challenge I have available. I still wonder what mischief Irene and Marco will get themselves into this time around. :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    There have been times when I decided that I was burning out. It began happening last year during my second story I worked on here and somewh

  • You'll be in for a surprise :D

    Typical gif reply aside, I appreciate your comments again, Stone. As usual, I have been enjoying your contributions to both the thread and t

  • I slept it off, I'm still in a lesser mood cuz the Parent's are both off work today (bank holiday you see) and it's been non-stop around the house...

    I've had to lift, clean and paint so much stuff, and I keep getting nagged at for something :/

    And I have to go to work later. It wears me down.

    From what I've been seeing recently, you seem like you're doing better compared to yesterday!

  • Cool! I was trying to find out stuff on my end but I was doing an exam XD

    Ok, now I have the information. Hitler called it the Jewish poison in private. Geobbels did the same but in a few speeches. I have since edited the refered line.

  • Yeah! :D

    I really did feel that determination, I wrote that fight scene a couple times and this showing Kierons will and determination was my favorite, due to the fact that he's overcome his mistakes and was able to compensate a victory from those mistakes! Her heart at the moment is in a bit of conflict, it is fantastic to see Kieron again but her heart hurts to see her father has been killed by the man she loves no less :(

    Kieron is on a roll! But the prince needs to get these super soldiers ready first ;) I always found fight scenes very interesting so with that and music ideas flow way too much XD

    Thanks man! :D Brofist

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Great, my good man! I thought Kieron's fight is exactly what he needed after everything. I thought the scene was well done and you felt K

  • edited May 2015

    First I need to ask, are these new OC's? If so, they seem like a interesting pair. Capturing Fables and looting them, I think that's a first unless Tez haven't already done that. XD

    "Arrghh, you - you CUNT! That was my fucking kneecap you shattered!"

    "Sorry, you annoyed me. I had to do it. Besides, if ya guys weren't careless," He looks at the guy whose knee was broken especially. "Neither of you's wouldn't be down here."

    Would've said something a bit more extreme if my bone broken but, that works. lol

    I await to see what path you take from here. Great chapter.

    A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This

  • I can imagine you rapidly typing away when you said you listened to some badass tunes. The giant paragraph overwhelmed me when I first saw it, too. :P

    The fight was epic, but it still could've used more 'oomph' - know what I'm sayin'? :P

    Either way, the Prince is screwed, even though we'll see just how good these so-called super warriors are...

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: One Inside the Prison... Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On

  • The drawing of Cerberus, YES! I love that three headed doge.

    Anyway, Gren seemed to be doing great in Hades, not assuming he wouldn't, I was expecting him to wreck something personally.personally. Lol.

    Thank goodness he was set on the right place to Emily, that is one problem solved hopefully, but now, there's Carla and now Etan? This is going to be explosive!

    Mr. Dark seemed to have made many children. Good see most of them aren't as sinister >_>

    And those two flower things with the teeth remind me of Super Mario for some reason.

    Great chapter Pie.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Underworld "Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I

  • edited May 2015

    Yes they are, I'm planning to follow a different 'path' of Fables for my story in this and the next part. If you paid attention to earlier details, the setting was in New York, now it's Ireland (as stated above in the chapter) - so don't plan on seeing Tez, Rose, Harm, and Fayde being physically present for a while.

    That was the best pained reaction I could come up with at the moment, I was satisfied with it anyhow.

    MasterStone posted: »

    First I need to ask, are these new OC's? If so, they seem like a interesting pair. Capturing Fables and looting them, I think that's a first

  • Is it really that awkward for you to write a romance scene? You could've wrote (at least) a kissing moment and be done with it. :P Was it Gertraud's and the Hunter's first time having sex after all these centuries, too?

    By the way, I also wanted to say that other people in here would appreciate your comments on their stories. The other ones you still haven't commented on yet.

    Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938. Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase

  • I'm sorry man! XD the music just kept me going XP

    Ah okay I'll be sure to give it that extra shove next time! :D

    We will have to see about them won't we? ;)

    I can imagine you rapidly typing away when you said you listened to some badass tunes. The giant paragraph overwhelmed me when I first saw i

  • Intriguing as always. Mixing strong part of history into your story with your own. It seemed to be difficult, but you seemed to pull it off very well. Entertaining scene with Alfred and Gertraud also. XD

    I await your next part!

    Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938. Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase

  • They rescued Kieron, good. And managed to end Maximilian too! (Was hopping he be around for longer but oh well. Lol)

    So there's going to be a vampire war? Not problem, I'm sure Kieron, Claire, and Makoto can best the Princes forces, but anything can happen, so I'll hope for the best!

    Don't worry about the wall of text, it happens.

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: One Inside the Prison... Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On

  • Awesome pictures man! :D

    Gren keeps surprising me with his epic behavior man, and he still has his wits too! You keep fighting Gren, fight to protect your family! :D Although I'm worried about Michelle too. And poor Ethan :( That man is going through a lot, hopefully he too will be able to help!

    Awesome stuff man! :D Brofist

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Underworld "Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I

  • Ah I see, now. I'm really want to see where these two go, they have an interesting concept, and would like some insight on how they came to be :)

    Yes they are, I'm planning to follow a different 'path' of Fables for my story in this and the next part. If you paid attention to earlier d

  • Oh a bunch of new OCs! I like Daniel already, but it seems like he's in a bit of trouble by this mystery woman! The dude with his kneecap shattered man I'd hate to be that guy! XD

    I look forward to more of this man! :D

    A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This

  • You never know he may be dead in the real world but his soul may linger in others ;)

    When there's war that's all you can hope for, Kieron will try not to lose any more friends but like you said anything can happen!

    MasterStone posted: »

    They rescued Kieron, good. And managed to end Maximilian too! (Was hopping he be around for longer but oh well. Lol) So there's going to

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Stop making me feel these feels for characters that I have no business loving! Hades is actually HELPING Gren! I had this God awful feeling he was going to backstab Gren for some reason. I love Michelle! <3 She's so damn cute and precious! :DThe Underworld you pictured is quite interesting, Pie. Care to explain how this idea came to be about? :)

    That seemed too easy, when that soul told Gren about Emily. Maybe I'm overthinking this but still....I hope they find Emily in time because it seems like Carla, where ever the fuck she's been hiding, is still at it. :( And poor Ethan!! Carla needs to die! I don't carehow this story ends, I want her dead!! >:( This is getting intense and I hope they can bring Emily back in time!!

    Love those pics, too! Cerberus (Viviana) is badass and little Seraphina and her plants! :3 DAW!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Underworld "Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    "Like my collection"

    I have a feeling I know why Fayde left in such a hurry now. :( Or, maybe I'm once again, jumping this gun and there was no need to pull the trigger so soon. :3 I like Daniel because he has fight in him and I can't say no to a man in a golf hat. XD This mysterious woman is interesting, too. I wonder if she knows Fayde? I laughed waaaaaaaaaaay more then I should have with the broken knee-cap scene, too. :P

    A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This

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