Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • You already know what I'm going to say and it involves Robert shirtless, dancing to its raining men but in a good way. I freaking loved this so much! You should have never been even the slightest bit apprenhensive about writing this. The thread needs a gay couple and if anyone can bring it, its you. :) I love Robert and agree with Tetra. Nice to see him smile. :)

    I hope we see Frank again real soon and hopefully, Robert finally tells his family. Gren and RJ will understand...:)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra

  • When I first read this, I was like 'No! He went back! It was all a dream' And was prepared to cry tears that would never end but it was nice to see I was wrong. Seeing his mother there was a nice tough, considering all that has gone on. Claire was there on the chair (wow, so many rhymes XD) and when he woke up, Kieron saw not only his mother but Claire!

    I figured the Prince was going to play dirty. He kind of reminds me of Dark, what with all the soilders and dastardly deeds but I too, am curious about these super soldiers he has working for him. Knowing Red will be their to aide her son....well, tickle me pink because I'm ready to see all of them kick ass! >:D That's is the fun part about characters we know so little of: you can add and do anything, so I'm ssure you'll come up with some awesome stuff!

    Great as always, my good man and can't wait to see what Kieron will do next! >:D -brofist-

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: Two In the Fable hospital... Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woma

  • I tried to have some emotional parts in my story but sometimes I feel I might take it to far or something. It seems to work out well for most people, that is another reason why I decided to adapt it.

    Or and I'm sure they will strike back, and give that wricked prince what he deserves!

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh yes! And this is only the beginning! There will be more emotional moments as well. Yup Ride is his mother, they got separated when he was

  • Oh man! What a twist that would be! That would be extremely messed up! XD Kieron gets to see the little family he has and has dinner with them! :D (Nice rhyming by the way XD)

    Oh yes, the prince will be playing dirty as the prince must protect his throne as Dracula ;) With Ride it will be interesting I have no idea what I will do with her since things are going to slow down a bit in the story as I want to expand on Kieron and Rides relationship and work with the emotional stuff going on with Claire, for the final fight, which the emotional parts seems to be the hardest parts for me XD

    Thanks man! Thankfully I don't have an exam tomorrow so I'll be packing and cleaning all day to see what Kieron will do on his awesome adventures! :D Brofist

    pudding_pie posted: »

    When I first read this, I was like 'No! He went back! It was all a dream' And was prepared to cry tears that would never end but it was nice

  • From a person who is up-to-date with Fables, you nailed Ride pretty good in this one! She is a very kind person, doesn't take crap and voices her opinion regardless of what someone else thinks. Ride knows what to do, and tries to make people see her reasoning, but she isn't cruel or malicious :)

    So the Prince is Dracula... Now I'm afraid, Dracula trumps all other Vampires! Except Alucard, but that's a different story :P

    I would class Vampires as Fables, they're mythical creatures and Fables covers mythology, folklore and legend among other tales and stories. Hell, Fables has a lot of Werewolves, so why not Vampires?!

    I look forward to more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: Two In the Fable hospital... Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woma

  • Sweet! :D I just saw that on the wiki and just winged it! I'll be sure to keep her dialogue the way it is then! :)

    Oh gosh at least Kieron and the others have a chance against Dracula! XD Although there is one vampire, that is even above Dracula and if a certain Antediluvian woman were to overcome her sadness and find this vampires blood then she will hold the throne! ;)

    Alright cool! Then the unpopular funeral for Max is on! XD Tetra points at Makoto Go! Quick we need his body for when we do the funeral either next chapter or the one after! XD

    Anyways lol Awesome man! Glad you liked it! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    From a person who is up-to-date with Fables, you nailed Ride pretty good in this one! She is a very kind person, doesn't take crap and voice

  • In the same way you enjoy my intertwining of history, I am liking your use of Greek Mythology. My knowledge of it is basic but it is enough to appreciate what you are trying to do.

    Ah, Ethan's curse is a bitch, is it not?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Underworld "Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I

  • edited May 2015

    Daniel is quite the demanding one, huh? So strict to the point of threatening another's life over his name.

    This new girl. Just a small appearence and I am interested in her. Quite the bold one, is she not?

    I await the next part with alicrity.

    A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This

  • The topic of homosexuality is quite the change of pace for me when it comes to romance stories, and to honest, it is not a bad one either. I won't be able to fully empathise (being a heterosexual) but it is interesting to see things from a different point of view.

    I am intrigued. keep it coming.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra

  • edited May 2015

    So Red Riding Hood is Kieron's mother? Brilliant twist!

    Claire is definitely a better person than I am. In spite of her father, she was affected by his death. my own father could die and I would not shed a tear for his passing.

    I always thought the prince could turn out to be Dracula. I feel so intelligent right now (even though my astuteness had nothing to do with intellect. My god, I am an egotist :D).

    Keep it coming!

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Part: Two In the Fable hospital... Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woma

  • How far did you read into Fables? Ride gets introduced in Volume 6 I think... I KNEW Ride was Kieron's Mother anyways cuz you gave a huge hint to it in your previous story where Kieron was introduced :P

    That is true :/ Interesting, so Claire needs to do some hunting... >:) Although Alucard does have visions of being staked by Gabriel Van Helsing, Alucard is determined that only a mortal can kill him!

    Lol, chuck it down the Witching Well :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Sweet! I just saw that on the wiki and just winged it! I'll be sure to keep her dialogue the way it is then! Oh gosh at least Kieron an

  • Chapter 20: Gut Gerbutstag, mein Führer. 20th, April, 1945.

    I looked about the Tavern’s main room, my heart heavy in my chest.

    The place was deserted, save for me and Gertraud. Die Stumpfe Klinge had been closed since last week in anticipation of a Soviet attack on the city. The city was buzzing with mobilising units and civilians trying to seek shelter. The bombing on the city had been relentless those few days, reducing much of Berlin to smouldering skeletons of buildings. The war was well and truly lost and the Leader still demanded that we fight against ‘the Red Hoardes’ until the last of us fell. Why he thought we could still prevail was beyond me. Or maybe he just wanted to go down, taking as many people as possible with him?

    I jolted as I felt Gertraud’s hand rest on my shoulder. I turned to face her. Her face bore a sweet yet sad smile.

    “Remember when you asked if we made the right choice by staying here?” she asked.

    I gave a small chuckle. “I thought you said hindsight was pointless.”

    She returned the chuckle. “Well, I would like to say that it does not matter where we are, for we can never predict what could happen there.”

    “That is not much comfort.” I replied in a depressed tone.

    “Well, for what it is worth, my time here with you has been excellent, and will continue to be for all our years to come.”

    I cupped her cheek and smiled. “The feeling is mutual.”

    We leaned towards each other, I bending my knees so as to meet her face as our lips meet. In that moment, the dread of a Soviet attack, allied bombings and our moronic government was replaced with love and comfort. I slowly rose from my awkward stance, ending the kiss.

    “We survived an entire empire once; we can survive the Bolsheviks at least.” I said.

    She gained a cheeky smile. “The Russians have guns, tanks and aircraft”

    My sullen face moulded into its own version of her expression. “The Adversary had magic, sorcerers and multiple armies at his disposal”

    “Yet we escaped them.”

    “Further proof that we shall survive this war.”

    “AND the years to come.”

    The tension was replaced by our usual banter. For the first time in years, we forgot that a war was happening.

    This was to be short lived. An audible whistling sound caught our ears in the distance.

    The bomb went off in the distance, but it was not a bomb; it could not have been one. No aircraft could be heard.

    “That’s artillery.” I exclaimed.

    “Hunter, what? How could it be artillery?” Her expression went from questioning to realisation.

    “You’re right, Hunter. It is artillery. it is the Russians.” She breathed.

    “What a wonderful birthday present.”

    We simply stood as the artillery sounded throughout the streets of Berlin.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: Do any of you get the references in this? (There are two).

    The next five chapters or so shall detail their struggle to survive during the battle of Berlin.

    Oh, and Hazza. I decided not to include Bigby or have Alfred fighting in the war because this would go against his pride for his home (and I doubt that he would want to leave Gertraud to run the place by herself, or that she would let him enlist for that matter).

  • I do not know what references you speak of :/

    How did Alfred avoid the Army then? What stopped his conscription, he's a perfectly healthy male...

    A sweet chapter though, and it's nice to see more romance between Hunter and Traudl :)

    I look forward to what comes next! XD

    Chapter 20: Gut Gerbutstag, mein Führer. 20th, April, 1945. I looked about the Tavern’s main room, my heart heavy in my chest. The pla

  • The First reference was to, what is is my opinion, one of the best war movies of all time: Der Untergang (The Downfall). It refers to a conversation towards the start of the movie about a certain barrage of artillery. The phrase 'what a wonderful birthday present was in reference to the fact that that day was, ironically, Hitler's 56th birthday.

    As to how Alfred avoided the Army, The glamours allowed him and Gertraud to remain incognito. This is a close run thing, however. Since the glamours are meant to last aproximately 11 months, their magic has been worn thin. This will play a role in one of the following chapters.

    As for the romantic side, this war shall bring them even closer.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I do not know what references you speak of How did Alfred avoid the Army then? What stopped his conscription, he's a perfectly healthy m

  • I was gonna say is there a reference to Downfall somewhere. but I haven't actually seen Downfall (just the infamous scene in the bunker) so I said nothing.

    So how did the Glamours conceal them? This detail should've been in the chapter somewhere imo...

    Excellent :) Not like 400 years brought them close enough already, nope, you need a war to do that!

    The First reference was to, what is is my opinion, one of the best war movies of all time: Der Untergang (The Downfall). It refers to a conv

  • Update on my bets:

    The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squats every morning. Will up the number when they start to become too easy...

    The lack of junk food is driving me mad though, I REALLY want a Domino's pizza or some cheesy chips, but I can't. I have lost some weight already (maybe 4-5 pounds) and I can survive...

    Just 4 weeks to go :)

  • Thanks man! :D

    I know how you feel man.

    That's awesome man! Good job! :D

    So Red Riding Hood is Kieron's mother? Brilliant twist! Claire is definitely a better person than I am. In spite of her father, she was a

  • I read to Bigby and Snows Wedding but that was a long time ago XD Yup, I always dropped the hint of the woman in the red cloak! :)

    Oh yes! :D Dang so they might kill Alucard before the show is over? o.o

    Lol! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How far did you read into Fables? Ride gets introduced in Volume 6 I think... I KNEW Ride was Kieron's Mother anyways cuz you gave a huge hi

  • Good to hear. I might have to follow by example. (I am within the weight range of someone my size, but only just)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Update on my bets: The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squat

  • edited May 2015

    We have all seen that scene at least.

    How THESE glamours worked was explained prior to this during an earlier chapter in the letter from Snow. Here is a little memory jog:

    The glamours are of a specific quality and type generally out of the price range of most fables. Gertraud and Alfred decided not to travel to the New World but instead requested glamours in return for a ludicreous payment every six months.
    The glamours in question are concocted in a way that ensures that the outward appearence changes in accordence with the user's intentions and needs. Anything beyond that will spoil the story. I could tell you in a PM if you so desired, though.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I was gonna say is there a reference to Downfall somewhere. but I haven't actually seen Downfall (just the infamous scene in the bunker) so

  • edited May 2015

    Well Ride appears before issue 50 so... :P

    No, they didn't kill him off, Alucard just said that only a mortal 'deserves' to kill him, but that never happened in the end :) Hellsing Ultimate ended last year dude!!! XP

    Tetra posted: »

    I read to Bigby and Snows Wedding but that was a long time ago XD Yup, I always dropped the hint of the woman in the red cloak! Oh yes! Dang so they might kill Alucard before the show is over? o.o Lol! XD

  • edited May 2015

    Yes we have, and it's many parodies as well :P

    Oh I forgot the detail of "concocted in a way that ensures that the outward appearence changes in accordence with the user's intentions and needs"

    I understand now :)

    We have all seen that scene at least. How THESE glamours worked was explained prior to this during an earlier chapter in the letter from

  • What is your weight/height then?

    I'm 5'8 and weigh about 234 pounds, muscle and fat.

    Good to hear. I might have to follow by example. (I am within the weight range of someone my size, but only just)

  • It's cool that the war hasn't affected these two, a spark of romance for these two is good for them! :D

    Damn! You already told Hazza the refrences XD

    I look forward to more man! :D

    Chapter 20: Gut Gerbutstag, mein Führer. 20th, April, 1945. I looked about the Tavern’s main room, my heart heavy in my chest. The pla

  • I hope you do not mind me using the metric system.

    I am 189 cm tall and weigh 64 kilograms.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What is your weight/height then? I'm 5'8 and weigh about 234 pounds, muscle and fat.

  • You got this man! :D it'll only get easier!

    Oh yeah, that's usual. It's like when I tried to quit drinking soda, although I did not have the will power to do so, so you are a better man than me for having that willpower XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Update on my bets: The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squat

  • You're right, I did forget that. For someone who retains information like I do, I am quite unobservant and forgetful! :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yes we have, and it's many parodies as well :P Oh I forgot the detail of "concocted in a way that ensures that the outward appearence changes in accordence with the user's intentions and needs" I understand now

  • I can still drink soda when I go out for a meal, but the lack of food is making me moody :P

    At least I'm noticing changes already :)

    Tetra posted: »

    You got this man! it'll only get easier! Oh yeah, that's usual. It's like when I tried to quit drinking soda, although I did not have the will power to do so, so you are a better man than me for having that willpower XD

  • Like I said it was a long time ago XD

    Oh okay see I had no idea it ended! I can never keep up with that stuff, people are ranting about attack on titan and all these other animes to me and I have no idea what they are or any of that since I've watched maybe five animes in my life and everyone else seems to have watched them all XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well Ride appears before issue 50 so... :P No, they didn't kill him off, Alucard just said that only a mortal 'deserves' to kill him, but that never happened in the end Hellsing Ultimate ended last year dude!!! XP

  • So you're 6'2 and 141 pounds... You're just scraping being underweight :/

    I hope you do not mind me using the metric system. I am 189 cm tall and weigh 64 kilograms.

  • edited May 2015

    It shall effect them soon. For better or worse, I cannot say (these lips are sealed) Just because I told Hazza that will bring them closer, it does not mean it shall be benificial.

    Tetra posted: »

    It's cool that the war hasn't affected these two, a spark of romance for these two is good for them! Damn! You already told Hazza the refrences XD I look forward to more man!

  • Oh o.o that sounds very cryptic, like the veil has been dropped and we're all going to go mad cryptic o.o

    It shall effect them soon. For better or worse, I cannot say (these lips are sealed) Just because I told Hazza that will bring them closer, it does not mean it shall be benificial.

  • No you misread that comment, I meant that I forgot that detail :P

    You didn't dude :)

    You're right, I did forget that. For someone who retains information like I do, I am quite unobservant and forgetful! :P

  • I've been hearing a lot about Attack On Titan recently, guess I have to watch it now :D

    I've watched the original Hellsing series, Hellsing Ultimate, Devil May Cry, like 7 episodes of One Piece and a couple of episodes of Goldenboy.

    Tetra posted: »

    Like I said it was a long time ago XD Oh okay see I had no idea it ended! I can never keep up with that stuff, people are ranting about a

  • edited May 2015

    I know. I need to start eating larger meals.

    I was rather depressed at one point when my parents seperated and I thus developed a deprived appetite. While I am no longer depressed, my habit has not disappeared.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you're 6'2 and 141 pounds... You're just scraping being underweight

  • I misread your comment AND my own writing piece.

    Dear god, I need help XD.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No you misread that comment, I meant that I forgot that detail :P You didn't dude

  • Nothing cryptic, just psycology.

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh o.o that sounds very cryptic, like the veil has been dropped and we're all going to go mad cryptic o.o

  • edited May 2015

    Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about your Parent's... I wish mine would just get a divorce, I would be mad as all hell if they did, but it's probably for the best in the long run :(

    Wish I was taller though T_T

    I know. I need to start eating larger meals. I was rather depressed at one point when my parents seperated and I thus developed a deprived appetite. While I am no longer depressed, my habit has not disappeared.

  • edited May 2015

    I wish I was shorter. XD

    Being tall may seem fun, but it is also expensive.

    For example, beds need to be a queen size at least so that your legs don't dangle off the end and the seats of most sedans I have sat in kill the blood flow to your legs.

    Still, it is fun being able to touch the ceiling of the schools hallways were most can't or must stand on their toes to do so (two of the hallways have rather low ceilings).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about your Parent's... I wish mine would just get a divorce, I would be mad as all hell if they did, but it's probably for the best in the long run Wish I was taller though T_T

  • Maybe 2-3 inches taller for me... I'm naturally intimidated by people who are just that little bit taller than me, which is too many for my liking :/

    I wish I was shorter. XD Being tall may seem fun, but it is also expensive. For example, beds need to be a queen size at least so that

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