Request to Telltale: Please remove the "4-6 weeks" line from your FAQs



  • 17 week wait for EP 2 of TWAU, oh the struggle.

  • The writing for S2 was Batman and Robin bad dude. At least for Jane, Bonnie, and Clem in 205.

    Watch Flimsii's S2 critique.

    The new kid on the block, Life is Strange, has promised 1.5 months between releases, and let's see if they can stick to their words.

  • Then my grandchildren will have grandchildren.

    And they will have grandchildren and so on and so on.

    ImUrban posted: »

    They need to remove it because by the time the episode actually gets released I'll have children and grandchildren.

  • I did not say ANYTHING you are claiming I did.

    The writing for S2 was Batman and Robin bad dude. At least for Jane, Bonnie, and Clem in 205. Watch Flimsii's S2 critique.

  • Yeah I'd just take it out, it causes too many fan expectations, and fan expectations are what ruined Starbound.

    Plus I'm sick and tired of the whiners regurgitating the 4-6 week thing as justification for their own impatience.

  • You said Life Is Strange writing is bad, so i said S2's was bad too.

    I did not say ANYTHING you are claiming I did.

  • And what if I told you I didn't like Season 2's writing? That I didn't think it was good?

    And notice how I specified about dialogue. I didn't say the writing of the entire game was bad, just dialogue. Some of it.

    You said Life Is Strange writing is bad, so i said S2's was bad too.

  • None of those met the 4 week minimum.

  • Yeah. And the best part, they only ever went under their "high estimate" ONCE!!! That is 1/14, or 7.1% of the time only.

    Magooser33 posted: »

    None of those met the 4 week minimum.

  • I think you're trying to say, "The choice-based games"

    himmatsj posted: »

    No. I don't refer to that. I refer to the genre of "modern adventure games". TWD S1 was the first such game of theirs.

  • Let's hope TFTB 102 is more worth it than TWAU 102

    MasterStone posted: »

    17 week wait for EP 2 of TWAU, oh the struggle.

  • Sigh. We are past 7 weeks, and still it's same old same old.

    Please Telltale, just be fair and remove this line. I patiently and quietly waited for this long.

    We're not getting it next week for sure, so it's 8 weeks by then. Probably not the week after as well, since we've heard no news. So the earliest "proper" release would be 10 weeks after the previous episode, if not longer.

    That's just terrible.

  • [removed]

    himmatsj posted: »

    Sigh. We are past 7 weeks, and still it's same old same old. Please Telltale, just be fair and remove this line. I patiently and quietly

  • himmatsjhimmatsj Banned
    edited May 2015

    I discussed what I had to when the episode 2 first came out (check my post history). Obviously since then I've played a ton of other games and done a ton of other stuff, and I controlled my urge to talk about the next episode here until now that is.

    I'm not the kind of person who likes to discuss speculative theories and the likes, so pardon me for my conspicuous absence.

  • himmatsjhimmatsj Banned
    edited May 2015

    To the guys who were saying "Telltale will change"...look at what we have now. We are waiting for the third time for a GoT episode, and for the second time for a TFTB episode.

    And EVERY SINGLE TIME (five wait times that is), the wait has exceeded "4-6 weeks" WITHOUT FAIL.

    So please tell my request to Telltale unreasonable given their past and current track record?

  • edited May 2015

    all of us play other games and have other things to do and we still manage to talk about it i understand if you don't feel the need to come talk about the episode but seriously don't come back just to start throwing your standard tantrums again they get you no where and quite frankly no one cares at this point

    himmatsj posted: »

    I discussed what I had to when the episode 2 first came out (check my post history). Obviously since then I've played a ton of other games a

  • On their official FAQ. It says "usually", not "will". But "usually" of course still carries the meaning of "more often than not", which they've come no where close to meeting.

    On where did they state that the episodes WILL come in 4 - 6 weeks? All I see is "Roughly 5 to 8 weeks."

  • On where did they state that the episodes WILL come in 4 - 6 weeks?

    All I see is "Roughly 5 to 8 weeks."

    himmatsj posted: »

    To the guys who were saying "Telltale will change"...look at what we have now. We are waiting for the third time for a GoT episode, and for

  • Official FAQ?

    himmatsj posted: »

    On their official FAQ. It says "usually", not "will". But "usually" of course still carries the meaning of "more often than not", which they've come no where close to meeting.

  • How many episodes are there in a season, and when are they made available?

    There are five episodes in this first season. Episodes are usually available to download between 4 and 6 weeks apart.

    Official FAQ?

  • Figures this will come back when you people get impatient again.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Actually it was just himmatsj again, he'll probably bump this thread everytime an episode takes more than six weeks. He was a real prick on the steam forums when it came to this stuff.

    Figures this will come back when you people get impatient again.

  • Oh, I know exactly who bumped, we all knew he was going to...People predicted Himm would return as soon as Telltale took their time again.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually it was just himmatsj again, he'll probably bump this thread everytime an episode takes more than six weeks. He was a real prick on the steam forums when it came to this stuff.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Wonder if he'll start hounding Got and LiS next week.

    Oh, I know exactly who bumped, we all knew he was going to...People predicted Himm would return as soon as Telltale took their time again.

  • Probably.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Wonder if he'll start hounding Got and LiS next week.

  • [removed]

  • edited May 2015

    we all knew he was going to...People predicted Himm would return as soon as Telltale took their time again.

    yep and as soon as i pointed it out it got flagged as offensive which is complete bullshit i think one of the mods has a soft spot for this guy....

    Oh, I know exactly who bumped, we all knew he was going to...People predicted Himm would return as soon as Telltale took their time again.

  • edited May 2015


    Yes please.

  • Ah here we go, the most dreadful part of the waiting cycle. At least we know the episode is getting closer now.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Just as himmatsj feels it is that time of the month again to bring up his "4-6 weeks" argument, I feel like it's also my time of the month again to remind the rest of you guys about the forum guidelines - specifically, the (recently revised, but still same in concept) forum guideline about not derailing threads if you don't like them;

    1.3 Please try to keep off topic posts to a minimum. If you decide to discuss something off topic, consider making a new topic instead. If you think a certain topic is not worth discussing, don't try to destroy the ongoing discussion with arguments, off topic posts, ironic jokes, excessive use of pictures/gifs/videos, or anything else that will derail the thread. Just refrain from posting in that thread, or flag any posts if necessary.

    Even if you don't like a thread, please be respectful to the original poster and do not derail their threads. If you don't like a discussion, just ignore it and don't give the people posting it an audience or a motivation to keep a discussion prominent (unless, of course, it is something that needs to be flagged - which this thread is clearly not).

    Speaking of recently revising forum guidelines, we also revised (and expanded upon) some other forum guidelines as well and added a few new ones. Please re-read the Forum Guidelines again when you get a chance if you were not already aware of the revised guidelines.

  • my time of the month again


    Just as himmatsj feels it is that time of the month again to bring up his "4-6 weeks" argument, I feel like it's also my time of the month a

  • I mean, the guy has a point, at least change it to "soon".

  • Well played.

    my time of the month again .….….…

  • I may tease about the waiting and the struggle, but this is ridiculous. You guys complain and complain and complain yet don't appreciate at all what Telltale does, which is bring you these games that you enjoy. If you hate it so much, then feel free to just stop playing their games altogether. Believe me, no one will miss you.

    I wish a Mod would just close this thread, but whatever. I've given my opinion

  • edited May 2015

    He's just saying that they should remove 4-6 weeks, and they should. We never said that we dont appreciate TT, where you got that from, i dont know. But he did say that he didnt appreciate that is says 4-6 weeks, and the amount of times they have actually met that statement is less the 30%. It would take less than 10 seconds to remove it, and i agree they should. It causes more trouble than it should, especially for new customers. If this thread is such a problem then you dont have to read it.

    I may tease about the waiting and the struggle, but this is ridiculous. You guys complain and complain and complain yet don't appreciate at

  • It's not just this thread, it's just that practically everywhere on these forums I see Telltale being judged for something they shouldn't judged on, and that's the waiting times. And the FAQ is made by the Moderators, not the staff. So it's not Telltale's fault if they're misleading.

    He's just saying that they should remove 4-6 weeks, and they should. We never said that we dont appreciate TT, where you got that from, i do

This discussion has been closed.