Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Every time someone complains about the wait till the next episode, just know this...

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  • so is it out yet? I had to scroll past a butt load of dank memes to get here.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator


    so is it out yet? I had to scroll past a butt load of dank memes to get here.

  • You guys better go in thread "The Walking Dead: Season Three"!

    Some news about "something" there ;)

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  • That feel when you get more info about GoT and TWD than TFTB

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    You guys better go in thread "The Walking Dead: Season Three"! Some news about "something" there

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    Crips posted: »

    That feel when you get more info about GoT and TWD than TFTB

  • Really? Really?

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    TftB is cursed or what?

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    You guys better go in thread "The Walking Dead: Season Three"! Some news about "something" there

  • I bet we're also gonna see news about TWAU and Minecraft before any new info about TFTB

    DeityD posted: »

    Really? Really? TftB is cursed or what?

  • edited May 2015

    Telltale at E3.

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    No mention of TftB.

    cries forever

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    You guys better go in thread "The Walking Dead: Season Three"! Some news about "something" there

  • edited May 2015

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    Crips what are you doing stahp. It's not even funny at this point! (ok, that would be funny if it weren't so sad)

    Crips posted: »

    I bet we're also gonna see news about TWAU and Minecraft before any new info about TFTB

  • Seriously? That's sad i like TfB much more than Wolf for example and really? Minecraft? Something that was even released? That's beyond insulting

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • But... but... TfTB is so brilliant, why no mention at all?

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    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • Why no love for TFTB? ;_;

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • Good point. I didn't think of the grenades as little EMP devices. If it is an EMP, do you think that it will deactivate part of Rhys? That you be a huge start to episode 3. Trust Jack and Fiona is pissed because he took advantage of you and made you look like some crazy fool. Trust Fiona and you're pissed at her because you are partially paralyzed now with Jack's AI gone.

    KarmaLoaf posted: »

    I think her plan was hoping the grenade was an EMP to deactivate the drones. It probably will end up being an EMP, with the flash to hide

  • I'm confused as to how that Claptrap one ended up being chosen as one of the winners. It's just an already existing image of claptrap with some effects slapped on it. xD Seems kinda unfair to pick that over all the other great stuff there was, but whatevs. Other winners were great! I really like the Zer0 and Hot Topic exclusive Claptrap.

    Dapnee posted: »

    The WeLoveFine Borderlands contest finally has winners! Interesting the first and second place winners are both super similar, but whatevs.

  • edited May 2015

    To everyone complaining why TFTBL is getting no "love," try to look at it from these perspectives:

    • GOT is by HBO. HBO being a bigger company that Gearbox probably is extremely instrumental on why that game series gets the attention it gets. They are supplying TellTale with the voice acting and GOT resources needed, so in turn, TellTale is forced to put more advertisement than they normally do for other games. HBO is probably the reason why GOT has 6 episodes and a speedier release date. Consequentially, I have heard more story complaints from GOT that TFTBL.
    • TFTBL is really good. The series speaks for itself. The fan praises for it are practically free advertisement and PR. It also seems like TFTBL gets more praises and hype than GOT. Why not spend your resources on getting the "lesser" game up to the standards to the more "superior"? For example, Ford Motor Co. always advertizes their lower model cars like the Fusion and (sometimes) Focus but don't advertize the Mustang as much. Why? The name Mustang is instantly associated to a high level of quality and style, and consumers expect that when they buy it. Fusion and Focus are not thought about at that kind of level. Back to TellTale; since TBTBL seems to be viewed as the better game, why not but more PR support in GOT to get it attention?

    Disclaimers: This is my opinion... blah, blah, blah... I have no facts, just observations based on my perspective... blah, blah, blah... I'm not saying Game of Thrones is bad, I like it... blah, blah, blah... This is a non-profit organization... Viewers like you... blah, blah, blah...

  • Ok I can see your resoning...it's actually rather valid BUT it still pissess me off like hell

    eRock92 posted: »

    To everyone complaining why TFTBL is getting no "love," try to look at it from these perspectives: * GOT is by HBO. HBO being a bigger

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    This time i got backup dancers with me.

  • Unless you're talking about GoT no it hasn't TFTB only has 2 episodes right now

    episode 103 already came out. just waiting for next part.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, in the end it's because it isn't as big of a series. Tales is like Wolf from last year and Got is like season 2 of walking dead, both bigger names overshadowing the lesser one

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ok I can see your resoning...it's actually rather valid BUT it still pissess me off like hell

  • There are some really great designs in there (the Lilith + Maya one is my fave), but I'm so devastated we didn't get any figurines or plushies - I was so hyped for them!

    Dapnee posted: »

    The WeLoveFine Borderlands contest finally has winners! Interesting the first and second place winners are both super similar, but whatevs.

  • What the hell, they literally have every 'modern' Telltale game except Tales...


    I love an underdog, but this is ridiculous - it deserves so much more.

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    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I think that was written by someone who edits the E3 website, i'm sure Telltale still love TFTB :P

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • But GoT (and TWD) arguably have a much bigger fan-base than Borderlands, and far more people are going to be willing to try things that they're familiar with. I realise that Tales has an advantage over all of TT's games because it comes from an established gaming franchise, with an audience familiar with/more likely to play a game (whereas fans of their other properties may be hesitant to make the jump from TV/Comics/Movies to something they're not familiar with), but I still feel like the mammoth audiences of the other properties don't necessarily warrant so much promotion. It's kind of a done deal that a hard-core GoT fan (which there are a lot of) who has read the books and watched the show, would also make the transition to a game, just because they're so engrossed in the world/lore etc.

    I feel like Tales has been really well-received, both critically and by fans, but I think Telltale are happy to see it impress a small group of people (and maybe win a few awards), while things like GoT are their money-makers where they just want to get as many people to play as physically possible. It's slightly disappointing though, because I think that the more people who have the opportunity to see it (via the same level of promotion as GoT) the more people who will fall head over heels in love with it (which could potentially get us a second season)! I mean, there were so many people who thought it was an odd choice/wouldn't work - but it seems to have won over even the most ardent haters.


    eRock92 posted: »

    To everyone complaining why TFTBL is getting no "love," try to look at it from these perspectives: * GOT is by HBO. HBO being a bigger

  • Life is strange ep 3 comes out on May 19th... I'm starting to think Dontnod has a better understanding of release dates than telltale

  • Well, to be fair, Telltale starts from scratch with each episode. Dontnod had most of Life is Strange complete from the beginning, and they just finish up with the final details and polish between episode releases. Which makes it way easier for them to keep consistant release dates. :P

    Life is strange ep 3 comes out on May 19th... I'm starting to think Dontnod has a better understanding of release dates than telltale

  • They also have a bigger workforce then Telltale does, and more money.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Well, to be fair, Telltale starts from scratch with each episode. Dontnod had most of Life is Strange complete from the beginning, and they

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    Life is strange ep 3 comes out on May 19th... I'm starting to think Dontnod has a better understanding of release dates than telltale

  • And yet (imo) Life Is Strange is nothing compared to TFTB and GOT.

    They also have a bigger workforce then Telltale does, and more money.

  • edited May 2015

    So... May 19th (MAYBE)? All right. Time for pre-sequel...

  • nahh... life is strange is... well... better

    And yet (imo) Life Is Strange is nothing compared to TFTB and GOT.

  • Well...Opinions

    nahh... life is strange is... well... better

  • Completely agree, Life is Strange is garbage compared to anything Telltale has done.

    And yet (imo) Life Is Strange is nothing compared to TFTB and GOT.

  • edited May 2015

    May nineteenth without a trailer, classification or any major info is more dead than Felix in my playthrough

    takakonoe posted: »

    So... May 19th (MAYBE)? All right. Time for pre-sequel...

  • Yeah, agreed. I found the first episode of LiS decent, but I thought the second was really freaking boring. And in general the dialog is laughably bad. I'm still going to play the rest of it, but I really hope the plot finally starts to pick up and get more exciting.

    Still, it's nice for Telltale to have some competition. And I do think LiS at least does some things better in the gameplay department, like puzzle solving and tons of optional details.

    And yet (imo) Life Is Strange is nothing compared to TFTB and GOT.

  • edited May 2015

    The writing is the main problem with LiS, it's so cringeworthy that I can't even get through the game because I find myself so frustrated with what these characters are saying. It does seem like the story will be picking up with Episode 3, but so far, all I'm seeing is either High School Simulator or Hipster Simulator.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, agreed. I found the first episode of LiS decent, but I thought the second was really freaking boring. And in general the dialog is lau

  • Don't even get me started on the dialogue. I don't know who wrote the script but whoever paid them deserves their money back plus compensation. The voice acting as well is just... incredibly bad. That is all. Oh wait, the characterisation? Every character in this game is just a bunch of tired clichés - I didn't find any of them likeable at all either.

    The writing is the main problem with LiS, it's so cringeworthy that I can't even get through the game because I find myself so frustrated wi

  • Yea GOT

    Unless you're talking about GoT no it hasn't TFTB only has 2 episodes right now

  • the ambiance, I kinda like it...yeah the characters are a bit too High School Musical, but I enjoy the game nonetheless. I love the idea of turning back in time, and the fact that, in this, choices DO matter, sorry telltale (-love ya, but they won on this one). Also I love the art style and colors which are very symbolic actually, there was even a fan theory on the colors I think... I guess all this makes up for the horrible cliché characters and lets not forget about that lip-sync..

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