The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • There weren't any tables on my school, but I was alone most of the time, when I had a girlfriend we hung out alone in a classroom when it was recess, that's about it and there wasn't any lunch either so whatever, at work I sometimes hang out with a couple of co-workers at lunch, as for memorable moments, well I don't talk much but my co-workers often tell me stuff that they need get off their chest because they know I won't tell anybody or judge them, it's mostly because I don't care but whatever it makes them feel better, it's really odd but people seem to tell me their problems really easily, sometimes even in the day I met them.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: How is/was your lunch table? What kind of people do you sit with? What do your friends usually talk about? Any memorable and/or funny moments? Extra: would you say your school lunch is shitty?

  • waves

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I've always wanted to go on here because you guys seem really cool and nice. Sorta like a family? Maybe im wrong thats just what i've seen So hi. c:

  • edited May 2015

    Well fuck me sideways... Last I heard you had to pay for mods on steam, I can't get a shit ton of games and I'd rather not download mods from a random site... Guess I gotta forget about this one. :/

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I love Garry's Mod (Trouble in Terrorist Town is my personal favorite game mode). So uhh.... are these separate from the main game or

  • Ah, okay. Thanks.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Mods don't cost anything on Steam, it was just a bunch of drama surrounding the Skyrim paid mods thing which was also stopped.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Mods don't cost anything on Steam, it was just a bunch of drama surrounding the Skyrim paid mods thing which was also stopped.

    Well fuck me sideways... Last I heard you had to pay for mods on steam, I can't get a shit ton of games and I'd rather not download mods from a random site... Guess I gotta forget about this one.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you ever do feel like playing Gmod, what I would suggest doing is buying it when it's 75% off ($2.50) as well as Counter Strike: Source when it's on a low sale.

    Ah, okay. Thanks.

  • I watched him back in BO2, and his Gmod videos were some of my favorites. I sometimes out them on for an old laugh. I love prop hunt.

  • I loved far cry 3 and 4 I never played blood dragon tho I might buy it soon :)

    Just beat Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon last night. You guys were right, that ending was hysterically insane.

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    Irish accent beats French as world's sexiest

    Colin Farrell was credited as promoting the Irish accent's 'sexiness'

    Colin and Robert Sheehan is from the same city in Ireland as me :D

    Alt text


    World's Sexiest Accents

    1. Irish
    2. Italian
    3. Scottish
    4. French
    5. Australian
    6. English
    7. Swedish
    8. Spanish
    9. Welsh
    10. American
  • How? what were you doing on the phone which made it go so fast :O wtf

  • love this song

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    BUT...but she was hawt :'(

    AWESOMEO posted: »


    edited May 2015

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Irish accent beats French as world's sexiest

    edited May 2015

    That's what you git for not knowing what house she's from :p

    Markd4547 posted: »

    BUT...but she was hawt

  • edited May 2015

    XD House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh :P

    Dormer hawtness switched back on


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's what you git for not knowing what house she's from

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    XD House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh :P Dormer hawtness switched back on

    edited May 2015

    whispers he's a phantom

    Yo Danny Phantom he was just 14 when his parents built a very
    strange machine

    Designed to view a world unseen
    (he's gonna catch em all cuz he's Danny phantom)

    When it didn't quite work his
    folks they just quit then Danny took a look inside of it
    there was a great big flash
    everything just changed
    his molecules got all rearranged

    (phantom phantom)

    When he first woke up he had realized he had snow white hair
    and glowin' green eyes
    he could walk through walls
    disappear and fly
    he was much more unique than the other guys
    and it was then Danny knew what he had to do
    he had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through
    he's here to fight for me and u

    (he's gonna catch em all cuz he's Danny phantom gonna catch em all
    cuz he's Danny phantom gonna catch em all cuz he's)

    whispers he's Danny phantom

    Talimancer posted: »

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh :P Dormer hawtness switched back on

  • I love that show I used to watch it years ago :)

    Talimancer posted: »

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    XD so close :'/

  • House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh :P Dormer hawtness switched back on

  • edited May 2015

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    I googled it and failed ok not fair I don't watch dun be rood :'(

    House Baratheon of King's Landing bruh

  • Alt text

    Tumblr I'm not signed up yet doesn't matter what anyone thinks anyway I love her and so many others do so who cares about haters :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Tell your stories to the rest of the world and all of the haters

  • Aw man, that sucks. Did you have to clean it up?XD

    Belan posted: »

    That feeling when you're about to leave work for the night after a hectic day... and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place. Rage mode initiated.

  • Omfg.

    There was a fight in my neighborhood, they were fist fighting and then one of the guys gets in his car and drives off. It's raining and he spins around and hits the pole that has the street names out of the ground. I'm laughing so hard.

  • my table was proper banter. One time. someone threw pizza. and it hit someone yeah. and he threw it back yeah. And then we went for a cheeky nandos. then me and a friend moved tables due to bad banter yeah. now we have more cheeky banter with top notch lads.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: How is/was your lunch table? What kind of people do you sit with? What do your friends usually talk about? Any memorable and/or funny moments? Extra: would you say your school lunch is shitty?

  • edited May 2015

    I need to ask a question since me and ps3 are trying to upload our original music made by our instrumental composer alfmusic for our upcoming animated series to show our progress music wise but when he tries to upload it via youtube upload it wont upload it stops whenever he tries i need help as soon as possible

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, unfortunately I did. After I broke out of my state of denial I went and got a mop lol. I was already supposed to be gone at that point, so it was pretty frustrating.

    Tinni posted: »

    Aw man, that sucks. Did you have to clean it up?XD

  • Ye fuck the haters amirite

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Tumblr I'm not signed up yet doesn't matter what anyone thinks anyway I love her and so many others do so who cares about haters

  • edited May 2015

    My reaction to goldenpaladin's comment above

    Alt text

    Omfg. There was a fight in my neighborhood, they were fist fighting and then one of the guys gets in his car and drives off. It's raining and he spins around and hits the pole that has the street names out of the ground. I'm laughing so hard.

  • edited May 2015

    I know that feel, this one time at the end of my shift I was helping another employee move these racks of glass cups, and as we were walking to the other room, this other waiter barreled into me and I dropped the rack I was carrying. Every single glass broke, lol I was so pissed. I did have to clean it up, but at least I had someone else to help out. Sounds like you had to do it by yourself, now that really sucks.

    Belan posted: »

    Yeah, unfortunately I did. After I broke out of my state of denial I went and got a mop lol. I was already supposed to be gone at that point, so it was pretty frustrating.

  • Is it the right format?

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I need to ask a question since me and ps3 are trying to upload our original music made by our instrumental composer alfmusic for our upcomi

  • Me neither.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    im pretty sure it is so i dont know what the problem could be maybe you can add me and ps3 on skype since it would be easier since we really need help

  • edited May 2015

    im pretty sure it is so i dont know what the problem could be maybe you can add me and ps3 on skype since it would be easier since we really need help

    Is it the right format?

  • Then why obsess so much over it

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I googled it and failed ok not fair I don't watch dun be rood

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah it's always worse when you feel like it was kind of out your control haha. I didn't even see the stack collapse, it was just all over the place when I went back into my cooler to finish up for the night.. and I had thought that it had been stacked just fine :/. I did have to clean it up myself, because I was the only one left from my department at the time. I was tempted to ask the store supervisor to use a floor machine (which I have no clue how to use) and clean it up for me, but I just kinda felt like it was my own problem and couldn't bring myself to do it. I ended up staying a complete extra hour because I was running behind as it was, so that's extra money at least.

    Tinni posted: »

    I know that feel, this one time at the end of my shift I was helping another employee move these racks of glass cups, and as we were walking

  • XD nice

    Omfg. There was a fight in my neighborhood, they were fist fighting and then one of the guys gets in his car and drives off. It's raining and he spins around and hits the pole that has the street names out of the ground. I'm laughing so hard.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah it's always worse when you feel like it was kind of out your control haha.

    lol tell me about it.

    I didn't even see the stack collapse, it was just all over the place when I went back into my cooler to finish up for the night.. and I had thought that it had been stacked just fine..but I just kinda felt like it was my own problem and couldn't bring myself to do it.

    It doesn't sound like it was a mistake on your part, just spontaneous bad luck if you ask me. Which doesn't make the situation that much better, but at least it wasn't your fault.

    I ended up staying a complete extra hour because I was running behind as it was, so that's extra money at least.

    That also really sucks.:/ But eyy more money~ Money makes everything better lol. It would have been a lot worse if you didn't get paid even though you were basically working over time.

    Belan posted: »

    Yeah it's always worse when you feel like it was kind of out your control haha. I didn't even see the stack collapse, it was just all over t

  • Congrats man! The game is a fun/hysterical journey. I hope you found the final part as awesome as I did. It felt like they went all out there at the end.

    Just beat Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon last night. You guys were right, that ending was hysterically insane.

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