The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy Anniversary! :D


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    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's been a whole year since I joined the TTG Forums, and it's been one amazing year indeed. (Well, a year and one day, but I digress.) I

  • There's two main kinds of Mac & Cheese here.

    The real kind, which is elbow macaroni with cheese sauce on it, and you can pick which cheese(s) you like.

    And the Kraft kind, which comes in a box with a packet of cheese powder, and you add milk and butter/margarine to it after boiling the macaroni. This is neon orange and used to be full of artificial stuff, but I understand they recently changed the recipe. I haven't had it since college, where it was a staple. (It's a cheap meal.)

    fallandir posted: »

    American friends, is Mac 'n Cheese tasty?

  • Rant Time......

    So if any of you remember me complaining about that show I liked that was only one season and ended with a cliffhanger but it got 3 more episodes....Well the last of those 3 episodes aired tonight and it ended with ANOTHER cliff hanger and the show has been canceled.....Talk about ultimate trolling by CBS.....Well I'm gonna go burn some CBS stuff/ppl.

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  • Happy 1 year anniversary, Blue! :D

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's been a whole year since I joined the TTG Forums, and it's been one amazing year indeed. (Well, a year and one day, but I digress.) I

  • Cheers to 1 years

    i totally tried to rhyme there like dr seuss

    Why am I laughing so hard

    Congrats, though,

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • All the time. I'm pretty much the go to person whenever someone doesn't show up or if extra help

    Same here. I tend to be the person everyone asks to pick up their shift, and I'm rarely able to say no.:/

    My boss actually called me at 5am today asking me to come in.. but I really wasn't feeling that, so I just went back to sleep and came in at noon instead lol.

    5am? That's insane, even I wouldn't do that lol. The only plus of morning shifts is that it's never that busy, where as lunch hour tends to be chaotic. I would think it would be pretty busy around that time for grocery stores as well.

    soo I guess I'm still getting my two days off after all.

    :D See? Good things do happen to good people haha.

    Just have a month or so left, right? You can do it ;)

    lol I know, but it feels so much longer than that with all the tests and projects I've got to do. Words can't describe the joy I will feel once it's all over.XD

    Belan posted: »

    Do you get called in all the time even when it's not your shift too?? Always happens to me.:/ All the time. I'm pretty much the go t

  • Glad to have been here with you too buddy.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's been a whole year since I joined the TTG Forums, and it's been one amazing year indeed. (Well, a year and one day, but I digress.) I

  • I see how it is...

    I'm just joking. Glad you've been here with us mi amigo, hopefully you'll be around for more!

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • Happy One Year :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • Happy One Year :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

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    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Happy Anniversary! PARTY HARD

  • Glad to have you along the ride :)

    Glad to have been here with you too buddy.

  • Thanks Liam :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Happy 1 year anniversary, Blue!

  • Mac and cheese - one of few foods that absolutely has to be name brand

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    There's two main kinds of Mac & Cheese here. The real kind, which is elbow macaroni with cheese sauce on it, and you can pick which c

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    I'm honored you see me like that thank you so much this really is a great thing to wake up and see here it made my day your an awesome and kind person to. Happy One year anniversary bro :D

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • Happy one year anniversary congrats :D

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's been a whole year since I joined the TTG Forums, and it's been one amazing year indeed. (Well, a year and one day, but I digress.) I

  • edited May 2015

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon

    The new Joker set Photos

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    Idk how I feel about this I need to think about it a bit more :P

  • I really do not like this tbh. The joker is insane, in this he just looks like a metal fan who thinks he has a name suddenly. I am dissapointed with the look more than anything cause it is fine to take a new turn to it, but they are overdoing it, that is really not who the Joker is to me. The Joker would not sit down and get tattos, he would not put his makeup on so very carefully and lets not forget about his iconic scars which are nowhere to be seen. And the suit is so off as well, grey is not a happy color, and the Joker is well known for using bright colors, or at least "mutations" of them, like purrple and green, so that grey jacket and black pants really don't fit him. Not even the hair is right, but maybe it is just me cause I don't really like the particular color, but maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't let the dye on for so long. I don't know, that is just me. If you like it that's fine, but I am just not fond of him.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon The new Joker set Photos

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    Very intelligent and well spoken opinion and best of luck in your exams today konni :3

    blueneon posted: »

    I really do not like this tbh. The joker is insane, in this he just looks like a metal fan who thinks he has a name suddenly. I am dissapoin

  • God Damn.....This isn't really "Joker" right here this is more like...I won't even.......

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon The new Joker set Photos

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  • ayy im there

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's been a whole year since I joined the TTG Forums, and it's been one amazing year indeed. (Well, a year and one day, but I digress.) I

  • bich please

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited May 2015

    the old joker sucked tho

    he was such a buzzkill

    loki is much better anyway the joker is poorly written

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon The new Joker set Photos

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    true......... masterrace.........

  • elite

    babe magnet


    true......... masterrace.........

  • Not enough likes?

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • That looks like an ape

    true......... masterrace.........

  • matt x my brother = ape

    ComingSoon posted: »

    That looks like an ape

  • ye

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    elite babe magnet 2hot4u

  • yes

    matt x my brother = ape

  • cool cool

    Have you ever typed so fast that your computer doesn't pick up all the letters you type? I'm going to type that^ sentence as fast as I ca

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    Raf? I thought I'd never see you here again. I thought you said... well, ya know.

  • edited May 2015

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    Meh, I don't think I'll be watching this movie anyway. I'm more on the traditional Joker that's scary on this inside, bright on the outside. His appearance to me meant a mirage to the true inner workings of his mind. Although, the Heath Joker was creepy on the outside and was still pretty good. However I just can't get anything postitive to attract me on this type of Joker.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon The new Joker set Photos

  • He kinda looks familiar for some reason.

    true......... masterrace.........

  • Ooooooh!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Not enough likes?

  • edited May 2015

    That's Matt's face warped onto my brother's head.

    You've probably also seen him at this place called the zoo.

    He kinda looks familiar for some reason.

  • Okay you losers, give me the fucking details.

    true......... masterrace.........

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