Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Rhys and Fiona dancing? Iunno ;3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh, hope you'll get better soon! And I'm gonna draw things... How about throwing some ideas at me?

  • Could be from stress or from overexerting your eyes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don´t even know why I got this headache. Man...

  • No, no, thank you for trying!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oooh, romantic, I like it. This is gonna be some challenge. I'll give it a whirl, thanks!

  • Let's hope that day never comes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    They´d better not.

  • Hmm, I want to see young Rhys and Fiona in your style. (I'm drawing them right now, I'm so hooked on this AU!)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Thank you, It means a lot to me. But I could use some new ideas anyway, oh well.

  • You should buy this. it actually helps! :P

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don´t even know why I got this headache. Man...

  • Oh, yay! Okay, I'll try to draw them too then, thanks!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hmm, I want to see young Rhys and Fiona in your style. (I'm drawing them right now, I'm so hooked on this AU!)

  • My god, Poogs, you got it! I was going to do that in the first place. :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona dancing? Iunno ;3

  • I think it might be the latter considering my eyes were getting blurry earlier when I forced myself to look at the screen. I took a little stroll and it passed.

    Quiff posted: »

    Could be from stress or from overexerting your eyes.

  • You hear that, mods?!

    Quiff posted: »

    Let's hope that day never comes.

  • Yes! That's the best thing, everyone should buy it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You should buy this. it actually helps! :P

  • And if two eyebrow wiggles...well, you what would happen then( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    One eyebrow wiggle and everyone else knows they got no chance.

  • It took me a second to realise what that was. :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You should buy this. it actually helps! :P

  • Alsoooo I miiiight be posting that one fanfic I promised today. Might. :P

  • They die while Fiona "attacks". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Quiff posted: »

    And if two eyebrow wiggles...well, you what would happen then( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Was that not once on whose line is it anyways? On one of the games Infomercial.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You should buy this. it actually helps! :P

  • Maybe? I haven't watched that show in ages.. :P

    RedHounds posted: »

    Was that not once on whose line is it anyways? On one of the games Infomercial.

  • UUU I know this one! And I will post some fan art too. ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Alsoooo I miiiight be posting that one fanfic I promised today. Might. :P

  • It's amazing..I don't know what it's called but I know it's amazing!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes! That's the best thing, everyone should buy it.

  • It's a talent of mine :^)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Jeez, where do you even find these? ಠ_ಠ And... you're welcome?...

  • And I will post some fan art too

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    UUU I know this one! And I will post some fan art too.

  • Just what I was thinking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    They die while Fiona "attacks". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah that's probably it.

    No more internet for you young man, you're grounded.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think it might be the latter considering my eyes were getting blurry earlier when I forced myself to look at the screen. I took a little stroll and it passed.

  • I can't wait your post either! >:) I have been soo excited you don't even know!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    And I will post some fan art too

  • Quiff posted: »

    Yeah that's probably it. No more internet for you young man, you're grounded. :^)

  • This was me writing it earlier.

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I can't wait your post either! I have been soo excited you don't even know!

  • ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I won't sue you. I will adore you!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This was me writing it earlier.

  • Let´s hope it´s okay, then. :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I won't sue you. I will adore you!

  • edited May 2015

    You haven't failed us yet Wolfie.. :P I don't take your talent for granted but I know that you will do your best and that's what really matters to me...

    Edit: And come oooon, you are such a good writer! I just know it will be good! ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Let´s hope it´s okay, then. :P

  • Aw, thank you, I seriously appreciate it. ;_;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You haven't failed us yet Wolfie.. :P I don't take your talent for granted but I know that you will do your best and that's what really matters to me... Edit: And come oooon, you are such a good writer! I just know it will be good!

  • edited May 2015

    He´s weird and she doesn´t like him at first.

    She doesn´t hate him -- hate is too strong of a word -- but he´s intriguing in an irritating way and she can´t put her finger on it. He´s got a stupid sock puppet and he´s missing an arm but he also exudes pride and perhaps a little bit of arrogance and it angers her irrationally.

    He bumps into her on accident when she´s trying to nab someone´s wallet and it´s already a sour first encounter now that she missed her chance of having something to bring back to Felix tonight. She´s got a little sister to take care of and something like this could mean a night without a meal for her; she´d barely laid eyes on him and he was already making it to her black list.

    "Watch it!"

    He takes a step back, stunned, his one arm held up in defence and she almost snorts when she thinks that would do him no good if she really was planning on attacking him. He quickly composes himself and she notices he´s around her age.

    "You were the one in the way. You be careful."

    He sounds snotty and like puberty hasn´t been kind to him but he is sorta cute in a strange way. He´s dressing strangely though, not like most people in Pandora, and she can´t help but be curious about him.

    "You´re not even from around here," she risks, "you´ve got no right telling me what to do."

    He seems indignant for a few moments until he exhales loudly and runs his hand through his wavy hair and she wants to punch him for his attitude.

    "Well, my dad is Hyperion. I have every right to tell you what to do! "

    The surprise is stronger than the anger when she recognises the name but her voice still comes out in a growl that makes him visibly gulp and take a step back; she can already tell what this kid is like. He puts up a front to keep a reputation but he´s a kid like any other. Just with an image to uphold. It´s pathetically sad, if she really thinks about it.

    "Hyperion? You mean the assholes that completely ruin this planet? You´re part of them?"

    "Yeah!" He doesn´t even seem to notice her disdain in the midst of his excitement. "I am! Or... well, I will be... when I´m older. And I get my new arm."

    "Your new arm?"

    "Yeah, I..." he subconsciously pats his side, "I got rid of it so I need a new one..."

    "You got rid of it?" She´s thrown off balance at the implication. "Why would you get rid of your arm?"

    "If you don´t make sacrifices up there you don´t advance. My dad adviced me to do it and get a cybernetic replacement. They´re really cool and they can help you get far!"

    She´s mortified but he doesn´t seem to be; the dreamy look on his face completely gives away how much he believes in this and she feels kind of sorry that they´ve managed to brainwash him to this point.

    "Are you serious?" She doesn´t care that she sounds harsh. She knows what it feels like to struggle and she knows this kid she really doesn´t know is struggling without realising it. Why she´s feeling the need to help him, she can´t tell, but she figures she just can´t stand ignorance. "They made you get rid of your arm. Not a freaking piece of paper or something like that. Your arm."

    "It´s for a good cause!" He seems adamant and childish but she supposes that not going through was she has she shouldn´t expect him to be as mature as she is.

    "Yeah, okay, you´ll regret this in a couple of years and by then you´ll see I was right. What are you even doing down here?"

    "Oh," he seems surprised at her interest and a little taken aback and his cheeks turn a bit rosy, "my dad just has some business around here and I didn´t want to be alone, so..."

    "Oh yeah," she crosses her arms, "more business to screw us over. Great."

    "Hey!" He yells, voice cracking and this time she does snort. "Don´t say that about my dad."

    "Okay, whatever," she gives in with a playful nod of her head, "I won´t judge people I don´t know. But you guys still suck."

    He pouts like a five year old and she has an idea. Maybe he´s not so bad but that just gives her free reign to act more like her usual self. And thus, with her thieving skills, she outsmarts him easily.

    "Hey, look over there!"

    He does because he´s naive and he doesn´t know that she´ll steal his most prized possession. When he does realise it, he gasps and tries to get out of her graps to no avail.

    "Mr. Froggy Wiggles!"

    She almost doubles over in laughter at the name, still holding the sock puppet up and holds him back with her elbow. He´s not strong enough for her and she´s taller than him, to her delight, so he´s stuck begging for mercy.

    "Let him go! What did he do to you?"

    She´s mischievously smiling at his frantic gestures but quickly grows bored and perhaps a bit sorry for the boy and eventually gives it back. He holds it close to his head, tearing up a bit and she thinks he really mustn´t be that bad.

    "Hey, cheer up, it was a joke."

    She nudges the back of his neck while he´s crouching, holding the puppet close before shyly scratching the back of his neck and getting up. Suddenly, he perks up.

    "You never told me your name." It´s true, she realises. She´s been messing with a complete stranger. "I´m Rhys, by the way."

    "...Fiona." She concedes, deciding he´s probably truthworthy.

    "Nice to meet you. I´m glad I could make a friend."

    She doesn´t deny it.

    A beeping coming from his pocket alerts him and he quickly presses a button on a device a bit too complicated for her, mumbling a "coming" before shoving it back in.

    "Um... I have to go. Dad´s calling me." He sounds upset and she´s genuinely surprised that she managed to get to him.

    "Alright," she offers, ruffling his head, "don´t get into trouble, kid."

    He doesn´t seem offended at the patronising name and simply nods, the blush making its way back onto his cheeks and she doesn´t let him go very far without pointing it out to him.

    "Oh," she shouts, smiling impishly, "don´t get a crush on me. It´s not like we´ll see each other again."

    She can see the tips of his ears turn red and he just runs faster as her laughter rings in his ears.


    Years later, they do see each other again.

    They don´t remember.

    Okay, this was stupidly hard to write and I apologise for any mistakes but... yeah.

    Here it is.


  • He sounds snotty and like puberty hasn´t been kind to him but he is sorta cute in a strange way.

    And that ship has sailed :P

    He puts up a front to keep a reputation but he´s a kid like any other. Just with an image to uphold. It´s pathetically sad, if she really thinks about it.

    It is sad!!

    Years later, they do see each other again. They don´t remember.

    Cool way to end this.. I can relate to this.

    (Finnish nonsense coming) Oiiiiiii niin ihananihanaihana!! This is amazing I love this so much!! You sure didn't let me down. :D
    You captured their emotions and personalities really well (like always) and I'm sorry if I fangirling right now but...this is so cute, partly because I'm currently obsessed with young Rhys and Fiona and party because you just are so good at this! Thank you so much for writing this!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He´s weird and she doesn´t like him at first. She doesn´t hate him -- hate is too strong of a word -- but he´s intriguing in an irritatin

  • Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :)

    I´ve been trying to post them more often because posting them once every few weeks just makes me get lazy and not work on them, so...

    buntingsir posted: »

    This^ may be overused, but I was sitting exactly like that while reading. Very cute! Your stories heal a heart.

  • I´m really glad it was good enough. This one made me struggle a bit because of lack of background information on them both but glad it was decent. :D

    Thank you for the idea!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    He sounds snotty and like puberty hasn´t been kind to him but he is sorta cute in a strange way. And that ship has sailed :P H

  • Alt text

    This^ may be overused, but I was sitting exactly like that while reading.

    Very cute! Your stories heal a heart.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He´s weird and she doesn´t like him at first. She doesn´t hate him -- hate is too strong of a word -- but he´s intriguing in an irritatin

  • @Pipas inspired me to make a thing

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  • edited May 2015

    Thank you! Don´t be, I´m sure it´s great like always. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I will reward you with some fan art in one hour.. And now it's my turn to be nervous haha!

  • I will reward you with some fan art in one hour.. And now it's my turn to be nervous haha!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I´m really glad it was good enough. This one made me struggle a bit because of lack of background information on them both but glad it was decent. Thank you for the idea!

  • Whoa, epic! We now officially have war posters.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    @Pipas inspired me to make a thing

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