The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I think you're being too harsh on him.

    Seems is the key word. I don't think two weeks is enough time to prove someone's true colors, especially on a forum. I'd say in 3 months+ would better. But time will tell.

  • Know him as in you've seen his videos, or know him as in you actually have talked to him?

    I know that kid!

  • Congratulations! That really is amazing!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • Salt is on the forum. :O

    Anyway, congrats again man. B)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • does that work?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So @kenjisalk joined the forums on May 8, and now, two weeks later, he's already a moderator! That's gotta be some kind of record!

  • Just kidding, Congrats tho!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks! You're awesome.

  • This is patheitic of you. Just saying.

  • Met and and Spoke to him, He's my friend.

    Know him as in you've seen his videos, or know him as in you actually have talked to him?

  • And So are You! Will you Name the child Loader Bot? Ba-dun, Tsh!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks! You're awesome.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Hey, I've worked black friday at games retail for years, I think I can handle the horrors mankind can produce. ;)

    Saltlick123 said: Let's see how long you last...HueHue.. kenjisalk said: I am surprisingly resilient, like the mighty

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I love Ramiel. <3

  • Congrats, you seem like a really nice guy :D

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It helps that this forum is rad as heck! (also I'm super duper lucky and grateful for the opportunity).

  • Is it really that bad when an episode comes out? I've never been here for a release of a TWD episode, how bad could it be?

    Saltlick123 said: Let's see how long you last...HueHue.. kenjisalk said: I am surprisingly resilient, like the mighty

  • some stupid ass girl irl who called me scary cus i look eastern european.. lol. I'm from Finland wich is North europa, and i live in Holland wich is center Europe, but fuck em


    edited May 2015

    Go to 28:05 and laugh your ass off.

  • I may be, but I just don't agree that someone who is that new to the forums should be it. When Kiwi was made mod, I thought it was a great decision because he had been around for a long time and he was a great guy with my interactions with him.

    But I'll reserve my judgments for now. As Billy Joel once said, "You may be right."

    I think you're being too harsh on him.

  • Do not be ashamed of playing 900 hour of Team Fortress 2. I would pay money to be able to do that.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm sad to admit I've put over 900 hours into TF2, but that was my only game on steam for like a year so I guess it's understandable.

  • Their sensory neurons are indeed functional by then, but the question here is: are the fetuses in a state of consciousness by then? (I actually do not know)

    Articles! This one is for @AWESOMEO you find these interesting:

  • The series may be dumb and over-milked by now, but I am still alured to it.....

    ACS Whew, I'm excited! More: ACS ACS

  • I need to see this Joker's grin. Until then, the jury is out.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 @1506898 @blueneon The new Joker set Photos

  • If this is an anthropomorphic Hitler-cat, I wonder what Stalin would look like as an anthropomorphic animal.

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yep. This is because women are expected to be emotionally submissive and men are expected to be emotionally dominant. So it ends up being sh

  • I will join you on that plane.

    Wow, my dad gives me shit for being on my laptop a lot when he's on his fucking laptop or phone half the time. Bullshit. I'm really fucki

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    In large part I was sarcastically exaggerating to jokingly instill fear in the new mods, but actually the Season 2 episode launches for Walking Dead were pretty hectic in terms of user volume - that, or the fan bases for GoT/Borderlands are just more mature. I'm guessing it also doesn't help that Walking Dead is the current flagship franchise, which brings in a large amount of new people whereas the GoT/Borderlands fans are more experienced with Telltale. Mostly, it's just moving a much larger amount of threads to support and keeping rowdy people from getting too hyped from what I realistically remember. ;)

    It also didn't help that people would sometimes leak episode spoilers on purpose for those who haven't played.

    Is it really that bad when an episode comes out? I've never been here for a release of a TWD episode, how bad could it be?

  • Hey, I've worked black friday at games retail for years, I think I can handle the horrors mankind can produce. ;)

    This bring back any memories? :P

    kenjisalk posted: »

    Hey, I've worked black friday at games retail for years, I think I can handle the horrors mankind can produce.

  • Of course...

    Met and and Spoke to him, He's my friend.

  • Sonic 2006 was one of the first games to run at 60 fps


    I'm gonna post something here Real quick, and It's still anyone's Opinion, I understand, But this is Just Bull. Sonic 06 and Boom are dec

  • Yeah, It was an error by the by. I'm not going to say anything to defend myself at this point.

    papai46 posted: »

    Sonic 2006 was one of the first games to run at 60 fps BRUH

  • Alt text

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • It's not dumb. Over-milked is arguable.

    The series may be dumb and over-milked by now, but I am still alured to it.....

  • Alt text

    You're going to get whooped.

    Green613 posted: »

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ;___;

    4 real tho imma whoop yo ass

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You're going to get whooped.

  • whispers I was hoping you would reply with a Goku gif, but okay.

    Green613 posted: »

    ;___; 4 real tho imma whoop yo ass

  • I'm not using DBZ gifs till the new series starts airing

    Maybe I'll even switch my avatar back to Goku then, we'll c

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    whispers I was hoping you would reply with a Goku gif, but okay.

  • Wat?

    kenjisalk posted: »

    I love Ramiel.

  • The Goku pic? Damn using that again will be so tite.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm not using DBZ gifs till the new series starts airing Maybe I'll even switch my avatar back to Goku then, we'll c

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Ramiel is the diamond shaped angel in the picture, featured in the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'. :)

    papai46 posted: »


  • When I say dumb, I mean it has become obnoxious for me. I do not mean that it is unintelligent in any way whatsoever.

    It's not dumb. Over-milked is arguable.

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