I brought Finn (Why wouldn't I lol)
I maimed Gryff
I kept her secret
I kept the Glenmore soldiers in Ironrath (stupid move)
I let Beshka kill her master
Gave mercy to Gryff - As satisfying as it would've been to beat him senseless, it really wouldn't have made things better between us, the Whitehills and basically everyone else. By leaving him unharmed there is no justification for harm to come to Ryon.
Told Seras secret - I was stuck for a while on this one. I could tell pretty early that Tarwick wasn't as innocent as he seemed. But in the end I told him. One, because he's pretty much well read on the family name and can already smell it's BS. I took it as he was testing my honesty or knowledge about her on whether I would cover for her or not. Two, if it was found out she was a bastard at a later date as Tarwick fears, it would've just lead to a frustrated, unhappy, cheated relationship leading both to a worse outcome. And three, I don't think he'd tell Sera directly that I blabbed on her about her heritage, therefore making me guilt and worry free. Obviously this is TellTale and somehow they'll find a way for Sera to find out. But oh well.
I hope we do see Tarwick more. Else I just sold Sera out for nothing.
Brought the Glenmore soldiers to Highpoint - Leaving yourself, the head of the house, defenceless and ready to be captured, is much worse than leaving Gryff free. And I hoped that Royland and his promised garrison would've been ready to at least keep out any Whitehill attack until they got back. I mean, we do have walls, right?
Held back Beshka - Regret this one, since it seems from the preview of the next episode that Daenerys is going to deny us anyway. Might just rewind and do that one over.
Finn - he stood up to me and told truth, honestly didn't expect him to. He was fair with me, I was fair with him.
Gryff - I just spit on him, after tripping him with my cane. No beating, but he's so humiliated to be brought down by CRIPPLE and not even getting beaten: like, "So they took back house, and yet you arent even bruised? Did you even fight them, you spineless coward?" - that's what Lord Whitehill will ask his son, I hope.
Brought Finn - Why not.
Gave mercy to Gryff - As satisfying as it would've been to beat him senseless, it really wouldn't have made thing… mores better between us, the Whitehills and basically everyone else. By leaving him unharmed there is no justification for harm to come to Ryon.
Told Seras secret - I was stuck for a while on this one. I could tell pretty early that Tarwick wasn't as innocent as he seemed. But in the end I told him. One, because he's pretty much well read on the family name and can already smell it's BS. I took it as he was testing my honesty or knowledge about her on whether I would cover for her or not. Two, if it was found out she was a bastard at a later date as Tarwick fears, it would've just lead to a frustrated, unhappy, cheated relationship leading both to a worse outcome. And three, I don't think he'd tell Sera directly that I blabbed on her about her heritage, therefore making me guilt and worry free. Obviously t… [view original content]
I feel slightly guilty about telling Lord Tarwick the truth about Sera but if i lied he would probably find out about it anyway epically in somewhere like King's Landing.
Don't regret anything, even tho I have to admit I was very close to revealing Sera's secret because for some reason I have a really bad feeling about Lord Tarwick and I don't think it's good to be on his shit list. Hm.
I couldn't see my choices for some reason after the game, don't know why.
* I brought Finn along.
* I maimed Gryff (and I enjoyed it)
… more * I kept Sera'a secret.
* I told them to stay at Ironrath.
* I stopped Beshka from killing the slave master.
God, I maimed Gryff and I regret it a lot. He's blind now, and after having heard what Gwyn had to say about Gryff as a kid, I realize that I was being way too hard on him. He's just a dick, and he doesn't deserve what I gave him. I fear for Ryon next episode, because a reckoning's a coming with how much Ludd cares for Gryff.
I showed mercy to Gryff. I kill if I need to, but maiming Gryff isn't going to help. My priority is to get my family to safety.
I kept Seras secret. Afterwards I eavesdropped on Margaery and her, and am pleased with my decision.
I took the Glenmore soliders with me. I'll be damned if I pull an Ethan.
I allowed Beshka to kill the slaver. Daenerys said the Meereenese slaves should take their justice, that is exactly what Beshka did. Having escaped earlier doesn't mean she doesn't have justice to deliver. I just hope the game gives me the opportunity to present my reasoning to Dany.
Probably the only one I'll regret is keeping Sera's secret. I wouldn't have done it anyway, but I definitely wasn't doing it after listening into her conversation with Margaery, she tried to vouch for Mira in my playthrough and is trying to convince her to let us back in.
Brought Finn along. Dunno why I wouldn't at this point in time.
Showed mercy to Gryff, but I did sock him twice and do that sweep the leg thingy that Royland showed me. No point in butchering people, it's not the lord I'm looking to be.
Kept Sera's secret from Lord Tarwick. He probably knows I'm bullshitting, but she did head Margaery off at the pass and did a girl a solid.
Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway.
Stopped Beskha from killing the slave master. Wanted to stick to the plan, but again it looks like judging from the teaser from the next episode it doesn't seem like that mattered either.
I brought Finn. Who wouldn't?
I showed mercy to Gryff. I kill if I need to, but maiming Gryff isn't going to help. My priority is to get … moremy family to safety.
I kept Seras secret. Afterwards I eavesdropped on Margaery and her, and am pleased with my decision.
I took the Glenmore soliders with me. I'll be damned if I pull an Ethan.
I allowed Beshka to kill the slaver. Daenerys said the Meereenese slaves should take their justice, that is exactly what Beshka did. Having escaped earlier doesn't mean she doesn't have justice to deliver. I just hope the game gives me the opportunity to present my reasoning to Dany.
Because it didn't matter I let her kill him. Her justice, she's from city anyway. And I be damned if I listen to this bitch Denerys over my bro\sistah Beshka.
Brought Finn along. Dunno why I wouldn't at this point in time.
Showed mercy to Gryff, but I did sock him twice and do that sweep the le… moreg thingy that Royland showed me. No point in butchering people, it's not the lord I'm looking to be.
Kept Sera's secret from Lord Tarwick. He probably knows I'm bullshitting, but she did head Margaery off at the pass and did a girl a solid.
Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway.
Stopped Beskha from killing the slave master. Wanted to stick to the plan, but again it looks like judging from the teaser from the next episode it doesn't seem like that mattered either.
My Choices
I feel slightly guilty about telling Lord Tarwick the truth about Sera but if i lied he would probably find out about it anyway epically in somewhere like King's Landing.
Brought Finn because he's my main man along with Cotter.
I showed mercy to Gryff because I deal in mercy.
I revealed Sera's secret because I thought it would be helpful to know her true family name. :v My ignorance of Game of Thrones lore got the best of me, though, because I didn't think the lord would do a whole 180 on his feelings for Sera. Bastards aren't looked highly upon?
I ordered the guards to come with me because I didn't trust Whitehill as far as I could throw him.
And finally I stopped Beshka from killing her master because again, I deal in mercy. And I don't think this vigilante justice was for Beshka to decide on her own, not during an important mission.
I brought Finn- Three able bodies are better than two.
I showed mercy to Gryff- Boy did I fuck up his face before I finished though.
I kept Sera's secret- I was just playing the game.
I ordered the soldiers to remain at Ironrath- I thought they needed to prepare for an attack...They kinda did...I just hope they're fine.
I stopped Beskha from killing the slave master- I just wanted us to get the army we needed, Beskha was messing that up by trying to get stupid revenge.
I brought Finn- Three able bodies are better than two.
I showed mercy to Gryff- Boy did I fuck up his face before I finished though.
I… more kept Sera's secret- I was just playing the game.
I ordered the soldiers to remain at Ironrath- I thought they needed to prepare for an attack...They kinda did...I just hope they're fine.
I stopped Beskha from killing the slave master- I just wanted us to get the army we needed, Beskha was messing that up by trying to get stupid revenge.
Gave “mercy” to Gryff – I wasn’t going to kill him (not now) and beating him seemed unnecessary since I prefer him to just go on with the shame of being disarmed by a crippled person. But I would have liked the option to kill all his man.
Kept her secret – she has been helping me a lot, why would I betray her?
Brought the soldiers with me – by the way, I loved that you actually had the option to have a game over on a conversation this time.
Let Beshka kill her master – just the first of many that day.
My ignorance of Game of Thrones lore got the best of me, though, because I didn't think the lord would do a whole 180 on his feelings for Sera. Bastards aren't looked highly upon?
Brought Finn because he's my main man along with Cotter.
I showed mercy to Gryff because I deal in mercy.
I revealed Sera's secret bec… moreause I thought it would be helpful to know her true family name. :v My ignorance of Game of Thrones lore got the best of me, though, because I didn't think the lord would do a whole 180 on his feelings for Sera. Bastards aren't looked highly upon?
I ordered the guards to come with me because I didn't trust Whitehill as far as I could throw him.
And finally I stopped Beshka from killing her master because again, I deal in mercy. And I don't think this vigilante justice was for Beshka to decide on her own, not during an important mission.
I brought Finn (Why wouldn't I lol)
I maimed Gryff
I kept her secret
I kept the Glenmore soldiers in Ironrath (stupid move)
I let Beshka kill her master
What happens if you leave the the soldiers at Ironrath?
Brought Finn
Maimed Gryff
Didn't keep Sera's secret (dunno, thought that a secret was worth a secret)
Brought the soldiers with me
Let Beshka kill the master
They don't appear which leads me to believe they were either abducted or killed
Yikes, that doesnt sound good, then again, where is literally everyone?
Brought Finn - Why not.
Gave mercy to Gryff - As satisfying as it would've been to beat him senseless, it really wouldn't have made things better between us, the Whitehills and basically everyone else. By leaving him unharmed there is no justification for harm to come to Ryon.
Told Seras secret - I was stuck for a while on this one. I could tell pretty early that Tarwick wasn't as innocent as he seemed. But in the end I told him. One, because he's pretty much well read on the family name and can already smell it's BS. I took it as he was testing my honesty or knowledge about her on whether I would cover for her or not. Two, if it was found out she was a bastard at a later date as Tarwick fears, it would've just lead to a frustrated, unhappy, cheated relationship leading both to a worse outcome. And three, I don't think he'd tell Sera directly that I blabbed on her about her heritage, therefore making me guilt and worry free. Obviously this is TellTale and somehow they'll find a way for Sera to find out. But oh well.
I hope we do see Tarwick more. Else I just sold Sera out for nothing.
Brought the Glenmore soldiers to Highpoint - Leaving yourself, the head of the house, defenceless and ready to be captured, is much worse than leaving Gryff free. And I hoped that Royland and his promised garrison would've been ready to at least keep out any Whitehill attack until they got back. I mean, we do have walls, right?
Held back Beshka - Regret this one, since it seems from the preview of the next episode that Daenerys is going to deny us anyway. Might just rewind and do that one over.
Finn - he stood up to me and told truth, honestly didn't expect him to. He was fair with me, I was fair with him.
Gryff - I just spit on him, after tripping him with my cane. No beating, but he's so humiliated to be brought down by CRIPPLE and not even getting beaten: like, "So they took back house, and yet you arent even bruised? Did you even fight them, you spineless coward?" - that's what Lord Whitehill will ask his son, I hope.
My Choices
I feel slightly guilty about telling Lord Tarwick the truth about Sera but if i lied he would probably find out about it anyway epically in somewhere like King's Landing.
Don't regret anything, even tho I have to admit I was very close to revealing Sera's secret because for some reason I have a really bad feeling about Lord Tarwick and I don't think it's good to be on his shit list. Hm.
I brought Finn he is my big dumb buddy.
I showed mercy to Gryff Seems like the more badass thing to not even bother with him.
I kept Sera's secret She is kinda shallow but I get it and she is Mira's friend
I left the soldiers in Ironrath not that it made any difference...
I let Beskha kill the slave master It was her right and she is my sister.
I finished like 20-30 minutes ago.
I couldn't see my choices for some reason after the game, don't know why.
Ah then I have no idea...
Brought Finn: I really didn't see why we shouldn't he'd help out and they would've killed him if they left him.
Maimed Gryff:
Kept Sera's secret: She's Mira's friend and she helped out with Maregery.
Left the soldiers in Ironrath: Just to make sure that Gryff doesn't escape while Rodrik was gone.
Stopped Beskha from killing the slave master: I wanted everything to go arroding to plan, plus, he'll die anyway.
When did you play it first? If you are very early there is no real stats to compare yours to.
God, I maimed Gryff and I regret it a lot. He's blind now, and after having heard what Gwyn had to say about Gryff as a kid, I realize that I was being way too hard on him. He's just a dick, and he doesn't deserve what I gave him. I fear for Ryon next episode, because a reckoning's a coming with how much Ludd cares for Gryff.
I brought Finn. Who wouldn't?
I showed mercy to Gryff. I kill if I need to, but maiming Gryff isn't going to help. My priority is to get my family to safety.
I kept Seras secret. Afterwards I eavesdropped on Margaery and her, and am pleased with my decision.
I took the Glenmore soliders with me. I'll be damned if I pull an Ethan.
I allowed Beshka to kill the slaver. Daenerys said the Meereenese slaves should take their justice, that is exactly what Beshka did. Having escaped earlier doesn't mean she doesn't have justice to deliver. I just hope the game gives me the opportunity to present my reasoning to Dany.
Just wanted to point out you can still punch Gryff, without going to far. I "showed mercy", but I punched him exactly once.
Probably the only one I'll regret is keeping Sera's secret. I wouldn't have done it anyway, but I definitely wasn't doing it after listening into her conversation with Margaery, she tried to vouch for Mira in my playthrough and is trying to convince her to let us back in.
I'm guessing not encountering Finn happens if you don't make friends with him.
I think so I had to re-load my game and lost my saves and was to lazy to replay them so Finn was not nice to me this episode.
Brought Finn along. Dunno why I wouldn't at this point in time.
Showed mercy to Gryff, but I did sock him twice and do that sweep the leg thingy that Royland showed me. No point in butchering people, it's not the lord I'm looking to be.
Kept Sera's secret from Lord Tarwick. He probably knows I'm bullshitting, but she did head Margaery off at the pass and did a girl a solid.
Kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath, I didn't want to enrage Whitehill, but a lot of good that did as it looks like those archers were slaughtered and Ramsay Bolton pretty much just fucking moonwalked in anyway.
Stopped Beskha from killing the slave master. Wanted to stick to the plan, but again it looks like judging from the teaser from the next episode it doesn't seem like that mattered either.
Darn, that's too bad, he was a really stand up guy to me.
Yeah I liked him He told Frostfinger that Gared started it and murdered Britt.
About slaver - 100% this. Beshka IS Mereinese. She got free at her own. She dealt with HER master. That's exactly what Daenerys said she wanted.
Because it didn't matter I let her kill him. Her justice, she's from city anyway. And I be damned if I listen to this bitch Denerys over my bro\sistah Beshka.
We made the same choices!
Brought Finn because he's my main man along with Cotter.
I showed mercy to Gryff because I deal in mercy.
I revealed Sera's secret because I thought it would be helpful to know her true family name. :v My ignorance of Game of Thrones lore got the best of me, though, because I didn't think the lord would do a whole 180 on his feelings for Sera. Bastards aren't looked highly upon?
I ordered the guards to come with me because I didn't trust Whitehill as far as I could throw him.
And finally I stopped Beshka from killing her master because again, I deal in mercy. And I don't think this vigilante justice was for Beshka to decide on her own, not during an important mission.
Not for me, the complete opposite actually.
I brought Finn- Three able bodies are better than two.
I showed mercy to Gryff- Boy did I fuck up his face before I finished though.
I kept Sera's secret- I was just playing the game.
I ordered the soldiers to remain at Ironrath- I thought they needed to prepare for an attack...They kinda did...I just hope they're fine.
I stopped Beskha from killing the slave master- I just wanted us to get the army we needed, Beskha was messing that up by trying to get stupid revenge.
A lot of hard choices in this episode...
Brought Finn
Gave “mercy” to Gryff – I wasn’t going to kill him (not now) and beating him seemed unnecessary since I prefer him to just go on with the shame of being disarmed by a crippled person. But I would have liked the option to kill all his man.
Kept her secret – she has been helping me a lot, why would I betray her?
Brought the soldiers with me – by the way, I loved that you actually had the option to have a game over on a conversation this time.
Let Beshka kill her master – just the first of many that day.
No, they are kind of not. :P