Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • edited May 2015

    Yikes, what was the previous Duke Nukem reference? I never noticed ;-;

    Edit: I remembered how to use my mind.

    Excellent. I expect another Duke Nukem reference.

  • edited May 2015

    Is there a compiled list of social media for relevant Telltale employees out there? If there isn't, we should probably put something together so that it's easier for us to track updates as a group.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, I guess this got overlooked

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2015

    Pfffffft "Hail To The King, baby!" was an Army of Darkness reference, just like it was in Duke Nukem. :P

    Excellent. I expect another Duke Nukem reference.

  • Well. Ep4 of GoT was great. Now.....


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  • you would think sense this is their forum, is were you would go to get news of their games, seems we have to search everywhere but here, just to find info, and then we have to post it here for others to see, and the tweet up above says nothing other than they had a buisy day, doesn't tell us anything about the game, just that their working on in and its good, if that's the case, cant we see some of that joy, or are they just keeping it all to theirselves

  • I was gonna start replaying it soon and I was in the mood for some gifs

    Piggs posted: »

    Thanks for the nostalgia boner.

  • Lies. You've told me this once before in the Details thread. It's Nukem's line. Forever. Duke Nukem's Forever.

    Please just a Duke reference man. I'll be in denial otherwise.

    stirpicus posted: »

    Pfffffft "Hail To The King, baby!" was an Army of Darkness reference, just like it was in Duke Nukem. :P

  • Well. Ep4 of GoT was great. Now.....


    Well. Ep4 of GoT was great. Now..... CAN WE HAZ EPISODE 3 OF TALES PWEEEEAAASSSSE?

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    mirashade posted: »

    Just... just... make a trailer. Feed us hungry worms with the fruit of your progress before madness and rioting further ensue.

  • TBF, they've been working on not only this, but also GoT (which I don't give a rat's ass about), and are probably hard at work on TWD Game S3.


  • well, I'm canadian. not american.
    and july is 7, not 6 lol

    RedHounds posted: »

    So... Uk date be all like. 9/6/15 But swap it around like some american person dose. 6/9/15 ... Yeahhhh ....

  • Begining.Plus Vallory.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, I guess this got overlooked

  • edited May 2015

    I certainly hope it won't be 9th June, because I have another math exam that day. But Telltale has a knack of always releasing their game in a date where I am doing something important. Like yesterday, I had to fight through a math exam in order to get back home to play GoT. It is getting scary at this point.

  • "Pulled all the stops" Okay this is George R.R. Martin and his pizzas all over again, STOP TEASING AND BRING IT ALREADY!!! Next tweet in 3 months is gonna be "Okay...we are about ready to start working on the episode!...too bad it's the weekend..."

  • I guess it's a personal preference thing. I like things to be believable, even though we're talking about Borderlands. Same goes for the suitcase in episode 1 that somehow never manages to fall off the truck during the death race. But I guess I'm the only one that's bothered by this, so whatever.

    J-Master posted: »

    What exactly was so unbelievable about a SECRET Atlus facility rising from the ground? It's a secret facility. It's not that hard to beli

  • edited May 2015

    Saomik, exactly.. I'm not complaining about the quality, I love ttg's hence why I brought this one and I love BL's so thought this would be a couple of months well spent as advertised. My point is not the money I never mentioned money I'm talking about principle. Ubisoft apologised when watch dogs took longer than expected, and spent the next several months updating, apologising releasing info and apologising to their consumers, as far as I can see the premise is false, the end user is lost and not even a sorry. Just lots and lots of "soons" and how amazing it's going to be, I appreciate they recognise we want a polished game and that they're working hard to get the end product they want but... What exactly are their marketing, advertising and consumer liaison department doing.? Sitting on Twitter waiting for a developer to say something forced so we are sated for a couple of hours.? It's like we're (end users) a crying baby that just needs a "goo goo, ga ga" every so often so we stop realising why we were crying in the first place. Treat us as equals, explain the situation and help us understand because, all we have right now is us (forum users) coming up with theories and ideas when what we actual need is answers and contact. If TTG choose to produce games that are episodic they should be prepared when things go wrong based on their own promises, to treat the end user (me, you and J-Master) with a little respect. Their seems to be very little of that in our world these days. And entertainment shouldn't be a power we should fight, especially as in the past it was entertainment that gave a voice to the masses, and help to fight the political and religious powers of the day. We are the people, we control the world and the power. We don't deserve to be treated in this way whether it's $5 5¢ or F-all.

    On a separate note, I think I should go into politics!

    Saomik posted: »

    ´Complaints may not change anything. I know but then what will? Really as consumers the only thing we can do is tell tellgate about

  • They knew their ability before they started signing any contracts for production times. They also know their limits, as stated before TWD took 7 months... And they would have to same amount of people working on TFTB.. And a same separate amount of people working on GOT And even more people working on the rest.. It's a business and they sub contract more games = more people. Simple.. So 7 months for one amazing game and 7 months for not even half of another.. The Math doesn't add up.!

  • The point is though Piggs, we shouldn't have to. Surely TTG's has a marketing and consumer relations department. Or maybe just twitter.

    Piggs posted: »

    Is there a compiled list of social media for relevant Telltale employees out there? If there isn't, we should probably put something together so that it's easier for us to track updates as a group.

  • I think we should all boycott the release date forum.. If they aren't acknowledging this then I think we should make a stand and show them how annoyed we are by no longer writing anything. The episode will come and there's nothing we can do about it apparently so make a stand with me bros and sisters let's begin The silence. They won't give us anything.. Let's not either.. See how they like it.! Hmmm...
    Who's with me......?

  • I don't think you need to worry about that x) I'm guessing it's 3 or more weeks from now. -.- Or they'll magically spit out a surprise release date, but i'm not counting on it. I won't ever forget F17 :'(

    I certainly hope it won't be 9th June, because I have another math exam that day. But Telltale has a knack of always releasing their game in

  • GOT fan boys have a different forum I believe it's called the "we get everything we want because our game is tv based and can make TTG much more money." Don't quote me but.....

    Green613 posted: »


  • edited May 2015

    Seeing the GoT and TftBL sections fight while being a fan of both games

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    Idle_hand posted: »

    I think we should all boycott the release date forum.. If they aren't acknowledging this then I think we should make a stand and show them h

  • I don't know if this has been asked before, but once GoT is finished, will the staff working on that series spread out and lend a hand to other telltale projects? (Say Tftbl?)

  • TFTBL and GOT have separate teams, one game doesn't interfere with the other's production. And TWD S3 is only in the beginning and development stages, where a small group of people are working on it, one of which is Nick Breckon, who isn't involved with either of these games. So the fact they are working on other games isn't a reason for Tales' long wait times, I'm not complaining about the wait times, but them working on other games isn't an excuse.

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    TBF, they've been working on not only this, but also GoT (which I don't give a rat's ass about), and are probably hard at work on TWD Game S3. PatienceIsAVirtue

  • Nah, most likely the people on GOT will move over to either Minecraft or The Walking Dead, as will people from Tales From the Borderlands when it (finally) finishes.

    I don't know if this has been asked before, but once GoT is finished, will the staff working on that series spread out and lend a hand to other telltale projects? (Say Tftbl?)

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    Overdramatic? Me? No!

  • edited May 2015

    "we get everything we want because our game is tv based and can make TTG much more money."

    I think you're just being paranoid really. Also, GoT fanboys? Lmao.

    Idle_hand posted: »

    GOT fan boys have a different forum I believe it's called the "we get everything we want because our game is tv based and can make TTG much more money." Don't quote me but.....

  • About F*****g time

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, I guess this got overlooked

  • The next tweets we'll be getting will be a Job screenshot of ep3 on a 10 ft screen and how awesome the episode is and then we'll get to play it two weeks after like got

  • edited May 2015

    I'm so sorry guys, I don't want to be the one to tell you, but I heard on facebook that the tftb-episodes will not come every 2-3 months, but every quarter (whatever exactly that means, but I guess it mean "It'll take longer", so yeah. fck that sht)

  • Okay new plan, everybody apply for a job with TellTalegames specifically for TFTBL, they obviously need some help... The link is above, it would only take 2 minutes and might get the right people asking the right questions... Hmmm... Who's with me.....?

  • Doesn't quarter mean 'quarter of a year', so every 3 months?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'm so sorry guys, I don't want to be the one to tell you, but I heard on facebook that the tftb-episodes will not come every 2-3 months, but every quarter (whatever exactly that means, but I guess it mean "It'll take longer", so yeah. fck that sht)

  • Every quarter would mean once every quarter of the year. When you hear about Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 in terms of gaming releases they're talking about that quarter of the year, as in Q1 Jan-Mar Q2 Apr-Jun Q3- Jul-Sep and Q4 Oct-Dec as far as I believe. So if this is accurate, it basically means we'll be getting an episode every 3 months. We got Episode 1 Q4 2014, Ep. 2 Q1 2015, so from the 2 episodes we've seen this is following that trend, and if Ep. 3 comes out before the end of June this seems quite accurate. Not incredibly new news though, judging by the timing of releases this just means it'll keep taking as long as it has been thus far.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'm so sorry guys, I don't want to be the one to tell you, but I heard on facebook that the tftb-episodes will not come every 2-3 months, but every quarter (whatever exactly that means, but I guess it mean "It'll take longer", so yeah. fck that sht)

  • More like this

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    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Seeing the GoT and TftBL sections fight while being a fan of both games

  • Like any of us have experience

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    Idle_hand posted: »

    Okay new plan, everybody apply for a job with TellTalegames specifically for TFTBL, they obviously need some help... The link is above, it w

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    Snoogle posted: »

    Overdramatic? Me? No!

  • it came out a month after TFTB

    *a week

    Tales was last week of November, GoT was first week of December if I am not mistaken. ;)

    I really hope they're not rewriting things again, but I cannot think of any other explanation for why these episodes are coming out so slowl

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