Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Today is so quiet.

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  • Oh yeah, probably. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go watch it already...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Lots of people busy with GoT I´m guessing.

  • It´s really, really good! Worth your time. :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh yeah, probably. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go watch it already...

  • It's ok, Rhys and Fiona model swap for GoT ep 4 will happen sooner or later :]

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh yeah, probably. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go watch it already...

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    It's ok, Rhys and Fiona model swap for GoT ep 4 will happen sooner or later :]

  • Okay now I'm curious. goes to play GoT

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It´s really, really good! Worth your time.

  • Wonderful, wonderful art! Glad to have you back! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Damn, so many new posts, you have been busy while I was away. I have something for you too! ("tök" is a poking sound in Finnish)

  • There´s a model swap worthy scene. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Okay now I'm curious. goes to play GoT

  • So I am wondering, if you guys want me to write another Rhyiona story, what kind of story do you want it too be?

    I'm open for ideas. :)

  • Ok, wow, I watched it. Model swap must happen. It was so wonderful...

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    It's ok, Rhys and Fiona model swap for GoT ep 4 will happen sooner or later :]

  • Aw thanks.

    By the way, I will read your fanfiction today as I promised.. ;)

    Wonderful, wonderful art! Glad to have you back!

  • Awesome, you might find some...surprises. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Aw thanks. By the way, I will read your fanfiction today as I promised..

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but i haven't been naughty why is santa doing this?

  • edited May 2015

    She'd been waving him off the whole day.

    Opening the door very slightly, as quietly as possible, he stole a peek at where she was sitting, too absorbed in her book to hear the wood squeak when he lightly pushed on it.

    It was his chance.

    If she wasn't going to acknowledge him, he´d make her.

    Daring, he pushed on the door a bit more until he could fit through and stopped it from closing completely with his index finger; he could do without the extra noise. Fiona still hadn't noticed anything, turning a page of the book, and he grinned deviously. He'd think living around these parts would have made her more alert, senses acute, but perhaps he couldn't blame her for allowing herself to enjoy a rare moment of peace.

    Rhys crouched down, using the couch to cover himself as he sneaked his way next to her. When she was in clear sight, he prepared himself.

    'Alright, Rhys,' he bit his lip, 'time to pretend you're the best goddamn assassin Pandora has ever known. Except you'll be killing her of laughter.'

    Thinking about it would just make him stall to the point of chickening out or getting caught so he lunged himself at her before he could think twice about it.

    Her gasp of surprise would have made him chuckle if she wasn't wrestling him in a panic. Her hand found its way up to his jaw, pushing up, and he accidentally bit his tongue, hands letting go of her body immediately.


    "You scared the hell out of me!"

    A mix of panic and anger on her face, she got up from her chair and brought her hands to her knees, breathing heavily.

    "Okay," he winced, rubbing his jaw, his tongue a bit swollen, "okay, maybe that didn´t go as planned."

    "What were you planning, you oversized moron?"

    "Wow, okay, that hurts." He rolled his eyes at the jab at his height.

    "Answer me!" She was starting to look livid now, breathing returning to normal, speaking between tightly gritted teeth.

    At least he got her attention, but he wasn't about to let this end on a bad note for him.

    "Oh, you can still find out." He wiggled his eyebrows and she blinked.


    Hands around her waist and she was suddenly laying back against the couch. Rhys was thankful for her confusion; he knew he probably wouldn´t be able to force her to go anywhere in a fair strength match so he´d play foul if he had to.

    "What the hell are you doing?!"

    Her face contorted in confusion and he offered her the slyest smile he could before lifting his hands up and moving his fingers in the air as her eyes widened.

    "You wouldn't..." she gasped.

    "I would."

    And he did.

    Maybe he wasn't as strong as she was but from personal experience he knew tickling would make anyone powerless and she wasn't an exception. The hands that tried to push his away turned unusually meek and it wasn't hard to swat them away from where he wanted to torture her. He quickly made notice that she was most squeamish when her sides were being attacked.

    'Why?!' was all he could make out from whatever words she was spewing in between fits of laughter and he couldn´t help but join in.

    "Because you´ve been ignoring me the whole day and I want payback."

    An uppercut to his jaw quieted him down.

    Maybe he miscalculated how much strength she still had left.


    "Really?" He tried to keep his snark alive, lifting himself up from the floor. "The jaw again? Give me a break."

    "Give you a break? You're the one who attacked me because boo hoo the poor baby wanted attention."

    "Well, excuse me, princess, it's not like you've been telling me off the whole day or anything."

    Crossing his arms, he followed her with his eyes. She pushed herself up from her position on the couch and sat properly, looking down at him and he couldn´t help but burst into laughter again.

    "You should've seen your face though, you were terrified."

    "Yeah, well," she rolled her eyes, "you freaked me out. That was intense."

    "Okay, maybe it was a bit childish. But it was fun."

    He smiled at her and she shook her head, eyes closing in an attempt to look exasperated but the curving of the corners of her lips gave her away.

    "Yeah, maybe a bit. Mostly for you."

    "Next time," he pressed a hand against the couch for support as he got up, "don't ignore me. Who knows when the tickle monster is making a return?"

    Fiona snorted, pushing him back slightly.

    "You're such a kid."

    "No," he mock denied, taking a seat right next to her, "I'm too charming for that!"

    "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

    He laughed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug and allowing himself to not break it when she didn´t push him away.

    "Oh, and Rhys?"

    "Yeah?" he yawned, the late hour finally getting to him.

    "Payback's coming."

    She'd never let him win.

    idk what this is

  • Little does he know that he´s the princess.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She'd been waving him off the whole day. Opening the door very slightly, as quietly as possible, he stole a peek at where she was sitting

  • a painting made by a person named nohuhhuh. A very talented person.

    Ohmahgawd I didn't see that coming! :D you are so sweet. I'm so glad that my art actually makes someone happy!

    Back to the fanfic, this has improved a lot from the first part! And I'm glad you added so many details there, this story feels now so much richer. Good job. I'm almost crying because it feels like this story was taken from my resent testing! I felt exactly like Fiona there! :'(

    Ps. I like how you write young Fiona. Her solution to everything is to crash her head on the table! :D

    ((Here is part 2 of my three part story about Teenage Fiona and Rhys. Again, thanks for all the inspiration from all of you. )) In a dif

  • Pretty precious princess.

    Now because of you I want to draw Rhys tickling Fiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Little does he know that he´s the princess.

  • Tickle monster Rhys is contagious? :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Pretty precious princess. Now because of you I want to draw Rhys tickling Fiona.

  • edited May 2015

    How about Rhys and Fiona going on a date? Somewhere on the wild Pandoran lands...

    I just can't get over how cute that scene in GoT was...

    So I am wondering, if you guys want me to write another Rhyiona story, what kind of story do you want it too be? I'm open for ideas.

  • Oh, believe me, a sequel is coming. ;P Fiona would never let him have the last word.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Aw this is..aw. Awawawawa. I'm not gonna forget Rhys the tickle monster! And oh, now I'm kinda waiting that "payback" fanfic. ;D

  • I'm not the best to give fanfic ideas but maybe just a simple story where we find out how Fiona got that eyebrow scar? Maybe that would be somehow parallel to Rhys' hand? I don't know..

    So I am wondering, if you guys want me to write another Rhyiona story, what kind of story do you want it too be? I'm open for ideas.

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    Beautiful <3

    ((Final part of the story about Teenage Fiona and Rhys. I hope you enjoys it. Once again thanks to everyone who made their works who gave me

  • Aw this is..aw. Awawawawa. :3

    I'm not gonna forget Rhys the tickle monster! And oh, now I'm kinda waiting that "payback" fanfic. ;D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She'd been waving him off the whole day. Opening the door very slightly, as quietly as possible, he stole a peek at where she was sitting

  • Probably :p I just thought of a nice design.

    And just by imagining I can physically feel tickling on sides, uurgh.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tickle monster Rhys is contagious? :P

  • I hope so, but I'll be able to get to it only after the next week.

    Pretty much, yes shivers

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sounds promising, I´m curious now. Ticklish? :P

  • Sounds promising, I´m curious now. :D

    Ticklish? :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Probably I just thought of a nice design. And just by imagining I can physically feel tickling on sides, uurgh.

  • Välkommen tillbaka!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Heiii the tests are over. Finally. Jay! this is how I'll draw myself from now on..

  • It´s alright, take your time! Waiting for your works is totally worth it. :D

    I´m scared of non ticklish people. How much power can one person have?!

    buntingsir posted: »

    I hope so, but I'll be able to get to it only after the next week. Pretty much, yes shivers

  • Swap.Got.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What? :P

  • I'll be waiting. :P

    I bet Rhys would be so proud if himself if he ever won the argument between him and Fiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, believe me, a sequel is coming. ;P Fiona would never let him have the last word.

  • Soon. :^)

    He definitely would be... but the chances of it happening are super small. :P He´s a dork that has no chance.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'll be waiting. :P I bet Rhys would be so proud if himself if he ever won the argument between him and Fiona.

  • edited May 2015

    I don't tickle at all actually. Are you scared of me? :(

    Edit: I don't know if "I don't tickle" is correct way to say that I don't giggle when someone tickles me but yeah now I explained what I really meant so jeah..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It´s alright, take your time! Waiting for your works is totally worth it. I´m scared of non ticklish people. How much power can one person have?!

  • Oh yeah, I remember now.

    Seriously, you´re a saint, can´t wait.


  • I know right? Two of my friends aren't ticklish and they always tease me because of my sensitivity to it. Even when they pretend that they're tickling me on a distance, I shrink and shiver. :D It's their mystery power...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It´s alright, take your time! Waiting for your works is totally worth it. I´m scared of non ticklish people. How much power can one person have?!

  • Maaaaaybe... no one should have this much power...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I don't tickle at all actually. Are you scared of me? Edit: I don't know if "I don't tickle" is correct way to say that I don't giggle when someone tickles me but yeah now I explained what I really meant so jeah..

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