Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Good god, It's been 7 months?! Time flies by... kind of.

    I bet the last episode will be released in 2016...

    But if we were to decide what to choose: speedy releases or top quality, I'd definetly went with the second. I just try to cheer myself up thinking like that.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, that´s the thing. This is taking way too long at this point. The Walking Dead S2 was practically done in 9 months. We´re at the 7 month mark for TfTB and only two episodes are out. This is a bit ridiculous.

  • Yep... the first episode was released in November.

    Trust me, me too, and I usually never complain about this stuff but TftB is taking way longer than any other series.

    Believe me, if I´m this annoyed it´s because I love it.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Good god, It's been 7 months?! Time flies by... kind of. I bet the last episode will be released in 2016... But if we were to decide w

  • Forever.

    Forever has seven letters.

    Just like episode.


    No, because the episode is taking forever.


    Rhyiona also has 7 letters.

    Rhyiona is also taking forever.

    Because the episode is.

    Is this proof of a conspiracy?

    Probably not.

    But Rhyiona confirmed.

  • Yeah, me too actually. I think I wasn't that annoyed even by waiting for Ep 2 of TWAU and that was a lot of pain...

    Sure studying helps to forget but now with the classification out it's hard to distract myself again.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yep... the first episode was released in November. Trust me, me too, and I usually never complain about this stuff but TftB is taking way longer than any other series. Believe me, if I´m this annoyed it´s because I love it.

  • I actually wasn´t annoyed waiting between episodes 1 and 2 of TftB because I thought it´d be like TWAU and the third episode would be out fairly quickly. Clearly not. :|

    I just hope they work on this for the fourth episode.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, me too actually. I think I wasn't that annoyed even by waiting for Ep 2 of TWAU and that was a lot of pain... Sure studying helps to forget but now with the classification out it's hard to distract myself again.

  • Hope is the only thing we have.

    But also Rhyiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually wasn´t annoyed waiting between episodes 1 and 2 of TftB because I thought it´d be like TWAU and the third episode would be out fairly quickly. Clearly not. I just hope they work on this for the fourth episode.

  • Rhyiona helps.

    It´s the only thing keeping me sane. :(

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hope is the only thing we have. But also Rhyiona.

  • tfw your sketchbook is getting filled with Rhyiona.

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  • OMG this is gold

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    The angel has arrived Wolf-senpai!!!

  • Same!! even when I draw something else..It ended up being Rhyiona

    buntingsir posted: »

    tfw your sketchbook is getting filled with Rhyiona.

  • Rhyiona is taking over~

    I was trying to draw something non fanart related, and I was planning to draw something fluffly like cuddles and then .....yeah.....the girl's hair ended up being short and the guy's hair...and I just...FINE THIS WILL BE RHYIONA THEN!! and repeat..

    buntingsir posted: »

    I was flipping through pages today... they're going to take it all over soon, every page, one by one.

  • I was flipping through pages today... they're going to take it all over soon, every page, one by one.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Same!! even when I draw something else..It ended up being Rhyiona

  • edited May 2015

    Eh, I don't even try to draw something else at this point :D

    I've had some kind of an art block for the last few years and drew less often than I do now. Now I'm super productive once again.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Rhyiona is taking over~ I was trying to draw something non fanart related, and I was planning to draw something fluffly like cuddles and

  • I can relate to this. :D But you know, It doesn't really matter what you draw as long as you don't stop drawing.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Eh, I don't even try to draw something else at this point I've had some kind of an art block for the last few years and drew less often than I do now. Now I'm super productive once again.

  • Well it's good that your artblock is sort of gone, just draw anything you feel like~ :D

    also..I thought I had pressed reply... .--.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Eh, I don't even try to draw something else at this point I've had some kind of an art block for the last few years and drew less often than I do now. Now I'm super productive once again.

  • edited May 2015

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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited May 2015

    True, I'm happy I can practice once again in my spare time and actually enjoy doing it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I can relate to this. But you know, It doesn't really matter what you draw as long as you don't stop drawing.

  • Wait what the classification is released?! But I just checked the website minutes ago and nothing... have I been checking the wrong thing this whole time?!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Even J9 seems more and more unlikely at this rate... At least classification was released, they're really working on Tales now.

  • Yep, feels great and I'm content when I'm thinking about new stuff to draw :)

    Don't worry about it, you replied at last, it's all that matters :p

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Well it's good that your artblock is sort of gone, just draw anything you feel like~ also..I thought I had pressed reply... .--.

  • De var som tusan.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Poogers555 fo sho. ;P

  • wat

    Quiff posted: »

    De var som tusan.

  • New Zealand's classification, not Australian

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Wait what the classification is released?! But I just checked the website minutes ago and nothing... have I been checking the wrong thing this whole time?!

  • Never doubt Rhys.

    Quiff posted: »

    Once again Rhys showed us how smooth he is.

  • Once again Rhys showed us how smooth he is.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Don't worry about it, either of them matter, Australian classification is just around the corner now. Next we should expect TTG to start actively tweeting and releasing screenshots.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh it all makes sense now! Though now I don't even know which website to go to. (Yes I'm kinda useless when it comes to news.)

  • Oh it all makes sense now! Though now I don't even know which website to go to. (Yes I'm kinda useless when it comes to news.)

    buntingsir posted: »

    New Zealand's classification, not Australian

  • This is about cake, and no one messes with my cake.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Don´t kill him, though, think of Rhyiona.

  • Rhyiona > Cake, let´s be honest.

    Quiff posted: »

    This is about cake, and no one messes with my cake.

  • But I loved that cake ;_;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona > Cake, let´s be honest.

  • that's right, he'll always make sure to call.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Never doubt Rhys.

  • Don´t kill him, though, think of Rhyiona.

    Quiff posted: »

    I was just saying that @Poogers555 will get a taste of my axe the next time I see him.

  • I was just saying that @Poogers555 will get a taste of my axe the next time I see him.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Internally he´s like

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    Quiff posted: »

    on the inside Rhys is like YAS, but then remembers he gotta act cool and's just "cool thenks"

  • Imagine Rhy's face brighten when the bae gives him her number. ;)

    Quiff posted: »

    that's right, he'll always make sure to call.

  • on the inside Rhys is like YAS, but then remembers he gotta act cool and's just "cool thenks"

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Imagine Rhy's face brighten when the bae gives him her number.

  • Rhyiona is still here for you!

    Quiff posted: »

    But I loved that cake ;_;

  • Oh. Okay then. Classification. Tweets. Screenshots. I can't believe it. Finally.

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    buntingsir posted: »

    Don't worry about it, either of them matter, Australian classification is just around the corner now. Next we should expect TTG to start actively tweeting and releasing screenshots.

  • yes please

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Fiona was too eager to poke his no existing arm. Hmmm now I feel like drawing a comic where young Rhys loses his arm.

  • You know you're inflicted by Rhyiona fever when you want to name you're first born Rhyiona. :-P

  • Now THAT´S dedication!

    Saveus posted: »

    You know you're inflicted by Rhyiona fever when you want to name you're first born Rhyiona. :-P

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