Marg kick Mira out of King's Landing?

I think Marg will kick Mira out of King's Landing. At least that could be one of the outcomes in the next episodes.

If you eavesdrop Sera talking to Marg at the coronation feast, Marg is really intent on getting rid of Mira. No matter how much Sera defends Mira (In this case they have a "good" relationship) Marg is super bitchy. Marg says something along the lines of "Mira has proven to be unreliable at best, she went to Tyrion (because her freaking family was dying!) behind my back" and "She betrayed me and is too desperate" even if Sera pleads with her to let Mira stay by saying things like "Mira cares about you" and "Mira would never hurt you". Marg tells Sera to basically not trust or support Mira because she has "hidden intentions" or something, and that ends the conversation implying that Marg has swayed Sera away from Mira and Sera gave up. I really dislike Marg now.


  • I also appreciate Sera for pleading to Marg in our favor. But, there has to be something we can do to make it up to her.

    Maybe give her back her seal but say that we found it at the wedding, and offer our condolences.

  • edited May 2015

    Turns out Sera is a true friend after all. I wasn't sure about her before this episode.

  • edited May 2015

    I just played that section too. It's not revealed what Sera thinks after it, but Margaery did say pretty much exactly that. I don't think we'll ever be in her good graces again. I think come next episode the only thing that will be keeping us in King's Landing is Cersei's intent on using us to testify against Tyrion, or Sera continuing to help you out, especially if you lied for her.

  • What I don't understand is why Margaery hates Tyrion so much. It's so shocking to go from "I considered you my friend rather than a handmaiden" to "I need to get rid of her" in the space of 4 episodes. I like her and want to remain her friend, but I just wish I knew why she doesn't like Tyrion at all. Tried to read up on this, but I get lost easily in the GoT wiki. 8U;

  • edited May 2015

    It's incredibly strange. In both the TV show and the Books, there's no sign that she even somewhat dislikes Tyrion. They barely interact. Maybe in this case it's because she feels somewhat "threatened" by Tyrion because he's a Lannister and she doesn't trust them or something? I don't even know. Or maybe she suspects that Mira will spy on her because Tyrion offered to help her and he wants something in return? I find the whole thing really ridiculous and I think she's overreacting.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    What I don't understand is why Margaery hates Tyrion so much. It's so shocking to go from "I considered you my friend rather than a handmaid

  • edited May 2015

    I figured it wasn't that she hates with Tyrion, but that Cersei hates Tyrion. The more Mira is around him, the more Cersei dislikes Mira and therefore causes problems for Margaery, which she rather not put up with.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    What I don't understand is why Margaery hates Tyrion so much. It's so shocking to go from "I considered you my friend rather than a handmaid

  • Explained like that, it makes a little bit of sense.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I figured it wasn't that she hates with Tyrion, but that Cersei hates Tyrion. The more Mira is around him, the more Cersei dislikes Mira and therefore causes problems for Margaery, which she rather not put up with.

  • Yeah, that would make sense.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I figured it wasn't that she hates with Tyrion, but that Cersei hates Tyrion. The more Mira is around him, the more Cersei dislikes Mira and therefore causes problems for Margaery, which she rather not put up with.

  • I think she is overreacting, too. Hopefully she can come to her senses soon and realize Mira wouldn't betray her. 8U; I thought she'd be softer on those who didn't ask her for help, but alas...

  • I don't think she hates Tyrion at all. In fact, in the show she seems to respect him. She hates 'disloyalty', because in King's Landing that could mean her downfall. Tyrion all but implied that he wanted Mira to spy on Margaery or try to influence her in some way and that's just not something Margaery is willing to allow as a possibility, even if Mira's actions were entirely benign. Not to mention, Margaery knows Cersei hates Tyrion and so she and her handmaidens can't be associated with him in anyway, especially now that he's supposedly murdered Joffrey. Also, if you think Margaery is actually your 'friend', then you've not really been following how Game of Thrones works. She's nice to people and willing to do favours to keep everything running smoothly, but you're not her friend as much as you're not her equal and if she perceives that you could endanger her, even unintentionally, then you're deadwood to her, unless maybe if you can actively prove you're worth the risk, but that seems unlikely.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    What I don't understand is why Margaery hates Tyrion so much. It's so shocking to go from "I considered you my friend rather than a handmaid

  • Does anything different happen if you ignore Tyrion and are just full on team Margaery?

  • edited May 2015

    Nope, because I have been pro-Margaery from the start and she still says the same thing.

    Does anything different happen if you ignore Tyrion and are just full on team Margaery?

  • My ignorance and naivety gets ahead of me then. 8D; I don't know much about GoT, so having people explain things like this truly helps a lot. This makes sense then, Margaery needs to think of her position before anything else, it seems.

    I don't think she hates Tyrion at all. In fact, in the show she seems to respect him. She hates 'disloyalty', because in King's Landing that

  • I can't remember perfectly but I think Lady Marg just basically quoted what Cersei said about Mira " who knows what lurks in her heart". And I'm afraid she convinced Sera too. Also she did see Mira, didn't she?

  • I admit I didn't want to risk being seen by Margaery, so I never knew you could eavesdrop on them. Hopefully I can do something in ep 5 or 6 to prove my loyalty to Margaery has never faltered.

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