Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Again.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when you wanna talk about Rhyiona but the whole squad is away

  • Oh, this thread isn´t really dying... it´s just at this time every day this happens. I just wonder why.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well if we are honest, I feel like every thread is starting to die off in the Tales section. Its been 10 weeks, we've all discussed everything we possibly can ;-;

  • Well if we are honest, I feel like every thread is starting to die off in the Tales section. Its been 10 weeks, we've all discussed everything we possibly can ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • amen (I need an reply for this so the thread shows up in my feed again. so, please...?)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

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    Dracu98 posted: »

    amen (I need an reply for this so the thread shows up in my feed again. so, please...?)

  • That's the most beautiful reply ever..

  • Mooses ship Rhyiona confirmed?

  • thank you internet, for being yourself!

    Alt text internet <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    That's the most beautiful reply ever..

  • thanks. I'm kinda confused, but...thanks :D

  • Who watches supernatural will get it I have a feeling I'll be the only one laughing at this XD

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Mooses ship Rhyiona confirmed?

  • I don´t watch it so I don´t really get it, sorry. D:

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Who watches supernatural will get it I have a feeling I'll be the only one laughing at this XD

  • You said a reply and my inner genius spoke to me <3

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    Dracu98 posted: »

    thanks. I'm kinda confused, but...thanks

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    Someone wants to be proven wrong.

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  • edited May 2015

    Well.. I'll try to explain it... at one moment Sam and Dean Winchester, the main protagonists, come across the new king of hell after defeating Lucifer, named Crowley (funny lad). So he gives them names Sam the one above being tall and pretty muscly is called Moose (funfact: Crowley has his number noted as Moose XD),and Dean is the squirrel, being shorter than Sam.

    This is Dean

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    And this is Crowley (lovely english accent <3)

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don´t watch it so I don´t really get it, sorry.

  • Supernatural sounds very weird... :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well.. I'll try to explain it... at one moment Sam and Dean Winchester, the main protagonists, come across the new king of hell after defeat

  • Well it's pretty much two guys hunting various creatures including demons, even angels, gods, etc... It's a pretty serious show, thou there is one episode SO FREAKING FUNNY (them moving from show to show -teleshopping, reality shows, sitcoms, awesome cop shows -all because of Loki) XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Supernatural sounds very weird... :P

  • Well, I´ve heard that show has a gif for literally everything so I wonder. :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well it's pretty much two guys hunting various creatures including demons, even angels, gods, etc... It's a pretty serious show, thou there

  • We have to thank the fans <3

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, I´ve heard that show has a gif for literally everything so I wonder. :P

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    We have to thank the fans

  • We all died waiting for news.

  • It's actually weird. I haven't seen this little activity for a loooong time now... I mean, we're still on the same page as we were yesterday, and that's never happened before!!

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  • When episode 3 comes out ;--;

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    eh..I'm gonna sleep early tonight, goodnight guys. ^-^

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We all died waiting for news.

  • Nah just relaxing after an hellish exam.

  • Yeah, this week has been very busy for me. And I have another exam next week...

    Nah just relaxing after an hellish exam.

  • Dream with Rhyiona and try not to become a zombie like us!

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    When episode 3 comes out ;--; eh..I'm gonna sleep early tonight, goodnight guys. ^-^

  • Everyone´s a zombie now. Gotta eat some humans while waiting for the episode.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It's actually weird. I haven't seen this little activity for a loooong time now... I mean, we're still on the same page as we were yesterday, and that's never happened before!!

  • You're... you're all zombies?! Ehm, I... I think I'm gonna go away for a little bit... (runs).

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone´s a zombie now. Gotta eat some humans while waiting for the episode.

  • But don´t you wanna be a zombie, too?!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You're... you're all zombies?! Ehm, I... I think I'm gonna go away for a little bit... (runs).

  • Too many tasks to do, so little time to sleep.

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It's actually weird. I haven't seen this little activity for a loooong time now... I mean, we're still on the same page as we were yesterday, and that's never happened before!!

  • edited May 2015

    How many exams are left? If you don't mind me asking.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah, this week has been very busy for me. And I have another exam next week...

  • edited May 2015

    Rhys sat down at the counter alone, head resting in one hand and the other tapping to the rhythm of the intense music playing.

    "What're you gonna have, boy? I don't have the whole day."

    The gruff bartender was intimidating, arms crossed in front of him and a permanent scowl to match, and Rhys decided he definitely had lost his mind when he accepted this invitation.

    "Just a coffee, thanks."

    The man huffed in disdain but moved to get him what he wanted. He was sure he'd been expecting alcohol but his head was already throbbing and he could do without a splitting headache in the morning; he'd never been the type to hold his liquor easily.

    The sugar packet was emptied into the cup and he stirred it absent-mindedly when he felt a light tap on his shoulder, two sharp nails stinging him even through the thick layer of his jacket.

    "What is it?"

    He didn't turn around, having a feeling he already knew who it was and surely enough Fiona´s voice came in a reply.

    "What are you moping around for? This is a party." He heard the seat next to him squeak loudly in protest as she took a seat next to him and ordered something from the bartender with a quick nod of her head. If she wasn't a regular, she at least knew him, he supposed. "Well?"

    "Have you considered I just don't feel very comfortable here?" The bartender returned with her drink and Rhys couldn't even tell what it was but it certainly wasn't coffee and it certainly had alcohol. "Hey, don't get drunk and make me carry you back home."

    "Pft," she sniggered, "I'm not you. Besides, you'd jump at a chance to carry me. If you could."

    Finally taking a sip from his coffee, he didn't contest her and she leaned back against the back of her chair, crossing her arms and he felt himself being meticulously analysed. With a frown, he turned his attention to her.

    "What is it?"

    "I don't get your problem is all." A frustrated sigh from his part made her continue. "No, listen, this is Sasha's birthday party. I'm not going to let you ruin my sister's day because you´re pissy about the company."

    "Have you looked at these people?" He scoffed, using his eyes to wordlessly point at the bartender in particular. "They look like they're about to shoot this place down and murder everyone."

    "Hah," she chugged down her drink, "welcome to Pandora. This isn't news. Trust me, they're not going to do that."

    "Yeah," Rhys crossed his own arms on top of the table, "that really doesn't make me feel any safer in here."

    "You don´t have your Hyperion clothes," she pointed out, "so you'll be fine. They don't know. Relax, Sasha knows these people from when she worked at a radio station. They won't do anything."

    "I still value living, thank you very much."

    "Oh come on," she laughed, settling her drink back down, "there's a ninety-five percent chance of you being fine."

    "And the other five?"

    "That might be me killing you if you don't shut up."

    "Fair enough." He finally offered her a grin, feeling a bit more at ease and she suddenly looked behind her and bit her lip. "What?"

    "Let's dance."

    He almost let go of his cup in surprise.


    "Yes," she rolled her eyes and moved her hair behind her ear, "you know? When people move to the sound of music?"

    "Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're hilarious," he gripped the cup tighter, "just... you sure?"

    "What's with all the drama?" She finished her drink and pushed it back to the edge of the counter, leaving money under the glass.

    "Well, there are a lot of people here and I haven't seen you dance all night so..."

    "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where you'd be considering other people better than you." He gave her a nasty look. "Shut up and come on already. Yes, I'm sure."

    She dropped down from her seat and he automatically followed her, certain that his face was gaining colour at an alarming rate and he was thankful that the light in the place was dim. He could see Sasha chatting cheerfully with some more brutes and wondered again what the hell he was thinking when he stepped foot in there.

    Fiona's nudge for him to pay attention to her gave him hope that maybe it'd be worth it in the end.

    "Come on," she teased, "do I have to teach you?"

    "You won't be saying that when you realise I'm the best dancer you've ever seen." He put on a bravado despite his heating face and he wondered if she´d noticed at all.

    "Oh?" She raised one eyebrow. "Let's see it, then."

    He reached for her nervously, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her hand in the other. She seemed amused, as if she could tell, and pushed him back slightly.

    "Your other hand." She commanded.

    "Uh... what?"

    "Your other hand. This one's cold."

    Quickly swapping arm positions he realised holding her hand with his cybernetic one probably hadn´t been the greatest idea.

    "I'm sorry, I--"

    "Shush already, I get it." She wrapped her free arm around his neck and he could swear a tomato would pale compared to himself at the moment.

    The movements from his side were tense and he could tell he was doing a lousy job at keeping up with her but she didn't complain and she didn't talk. Rhys wasn´t sure if she was doing it on purpose but the silence was encouraging and he could feel himself loosen up, the steady and constant rhythm they had urging him to move freely.

    "See?" She finally broke the silence when he could tell she was sure it wouldn't bother him. "No problem."

    "No problem." He repeated, twirling her around and beaming at her.

    They kept it going for a while and he suddenly felt silly for wanting to leave earlier that night. He looked around him as she clung to him in a particularly slow song -- the blush he had before returned for a while then -- and could hear laughter everywhere. Maybe that was his problem sometimes, he'd judge people without knowing them just because of their origins. He wasn´t always right.

    Looking down at her, he knew he wasn't.

    They finally stopped, exhaustion finally getting to him -- not to her, but she was always a step ahead of him -- but he couldn´t bring himself to let go.

    "What's wrong?" She asked, but she wasn't pushing him away either and he couldn't come up with an appropriate response. "Cat got your tongue?"


    She gripped his hand tighter and he felt some sort of hope twist in his gut, unsure as to what exactly. Or maybe he was pretending to be unsure.


    With her offering him something between a smile and a smirk, he wanted to punch himself for thinking she'd never looked more alluring. Before he was even aware of what he was doing, he´d leaned down and kissed her, letting go of her hand in favour of touching her face.

    He'd have panicked when he realised what he'd done if she hadn't pulled him closer herself.

    He could hear whistles coming from the people around the bar, eventually having their attention turned to them; he couldn't blame them, anyone would stare. But somehow the intensity of the moment managed to let him disregard them completely until they broke apart.

    "Wow, okay," she laughed quietly, "wasn't expecting that."

    "Uh, I--"

    "I'm not complaining, though." She winked at him and disentangled from the embrace as he flushed. "You guys can stop staring, show's over. And stop laughing, Sasha."

    He was still dizzy to come up with any snarky retorts of his own, opting instead for sitting back down at the counter as she followed him and he was thankfully he didn't have to ask.

    "Man," the bartender came back, sounding a bit impressed and Rhys suddenly didn´t find him so intimidating anymore, "not to be ruin the moment but you got a lipstick mark on you."

    He cursed audibly, reaching for a napkin and Fiona just laughed.

    It was worth it.

    Because @buntingsir wanted a dancing story and @Poogers555 wanted a party, why not both?

    Also, this was probably the hardest one to write so far for some reason. I hope it's okay.

  • Just one. (thank god) It's also an animation exam. We have two animation schools in Finland and I just hope and pray that I can finally start studying animation and make a career of it.

    buntingsir posted: »

    How many exams are left? If you don't mind me asking.

  • It's more than okay! If only you could see my face, I probably was smiling like a fool :D I really loved this story.

    Thank you, your work brightens up my day.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys sat down at the counter alone, head resting in one hand and the other tapping to the rhythm of the intense music playing. "What're y

  • You just made me relive my middle school years man. That nut eating moose man.

  • I´m really glad, I almost gave up halfway in for some reason. But at least it worked out. :D

    Thank you!

    buntingsir posted: »

    It's more than okay! If only you could see my face, I probably was smiling like a fool I really loved this story. Thank you, your work brightens up my day.

  • I hope it'll work out for you very well too. When the day comes remind me to wish you the best of luck, ok? (:

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Just one. (thank god) It's also an animation exam. We have two animation schools in Finland and I just hope and pray that I can finally start studying animation and make a career of it.

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