Ryon bloody Forrester

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Nobody gives this kid enough attention but he's a fucking badass. Ryon to Ludd, " i'm not afraid of you" and "iron from ice" to everyone



  • I think hes pretty cool, though to be honest I can easily see how he would be annoying to many, people bring him up constantly and his voice could easily be annoying

  • He's not given enough screentime for me to care that much.

  • But think about it he's seven or eight estimating and his father and his brother were murdured and his house is falling. If it were me I would have given up hope and cried for my mommy endlessly. His spirit is what's making not only him stronger, but his family to. He doesn't get enough credit cause people assume he's going to die no matter what, but he's strong and brave.

    I think hes pretty cool, though to be honest I can easily see how he would be annoying to many, people bring him up constantly and his voice could easily be annoying

  • edited May 2015

    I think it's really because I have a soft spot for kids, but I do appreaciate his spunk. I mean, I don't care about him nearly as much as Clementine, but I tend to care about children in games by default. I couldn't be mean to Duck, I did everything for Sarah, and I do what I can to save Ryon. Only kid I ever disliked in a Telltale game was Becca.

  • I think he's crucial is some way.

    He's not given enough screentime for me to care that much.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned


  • Can't say that I particularly care for the kid. In what little screentime he's had I've found him to be annoying.

  • I'm a big Ryon fan as well after what he did in ep4 I like to think he's a lot like how Asher was as a child.

  • Never liked him until he said Iron From Ice in that scene. Literally in my YouTube play through I think I was like, "Yes Ryon lad!"

    Was never bothered about saving him till that point.

  • I would disregard him in all my decisions. Meh, for all I care he's already dead anyway.

  • In real life I'm apathetic to him. I like very few video game children. But in character he's my bro, ya know? Gotta look out for him!

  • I find most children to be grating but in the limited time we saw Ryon in Ep. 4 he validated my focus on rescuing him.

  • I cant see how hes annoying unless some fans just hate little kids, ala Duck.

    I think hes pretty cool, though to be honest I can easily see how he would be annoying to many, people bring him up constantly and his voice could easily be annoying

  • A lot of gamers don't like child characters for whatever reason.

    KCohere posted: »

    I cant see how hes annoying unless some fans just hate little kids, ala Duck.

  • He's given more screen time than Elaena.

    Chastity posted: »

    I think he's crucial is some way.

  • He has not been in the game enough for me like or dislike him so I don't really care what happens to him at the moment.

  • Forresters hold no true power until they get their son back. I reacted very much like Tywin, "They have my son!"

  • He might be the last Forrester to survive. my thoughts

    He's given more screen time than Elaena.

  • edited May 2015

    Cause they presume all children in Telltale games are weak but Cementine.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    A lot of gamers don't like child characters for whatever reason.

  • Asher's action with Rodriks unbrokenness!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm a big Ryon fan as well after what he did in ep4 I like to think he's a lot like how Asher was as a child.

  • I was debating between helping Elaena or keeping Ryon safe. I obviously chose to keep family safe, but if she agreed to marry me that would have been a whole another thing.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I think it's really because I have a soft spot for kids, but I do appreaciate his spunk. I mean, I don't care about him nearly as much as Cl

  • edited May 2015

    Brethrens before Wenches!

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    In real life I'm apathetic to him. I like very few video game children. But in character he's my bro, ya know? Gotta look out for him!

  • In episode 3 Gywn had said her father had broken Ryon's spirite and is doubting that Rodrik would bring him home. But in episode 4 his spirite is still hopeful! Like Wtf Gywn? She be lying

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I find most children to be grating but in the limited time we saw Ryon in Ep. 4 he validated my focus on rescuing him.

  • edited May 2015

    They believe family can solve anything together, like the Starks! But let's hope their death record doesn't match The Starks.

    Forresters hold no true power until they get their son back. I reacted very much like Tywin, "They have my son!"

  • **He's only a child! ** and I'll be damned to let another
    Person kill another Foresster!

    He has not been in the game enough for me like or dislike him so I don't really care what happens to him at the moment.

  • Eh...maybe... I can tell he would be a good lord when he's older if Rodrik dies

    Chastity posted: »

    He might be the last Forrester to survive. my thoughts

  • If him being hurt or killed makes my story more intense and stressful I am all for it that goes for all the characters.

    Chastity posted: »

    **He's only a child! ** and I'll be damned to let another Person kill another Foresster!

  • edited May 2015

    I love kids in general so obviously I'm gonna want to protect him, but he hasn't actually had a lot of screentime. I was really impressed when he showed defiance to Whitehill, though.

  • "People who do bad things need to be punished. Someone did something bad to Father and Rodrik. Someone should hurt them even worse." ―Ryon to Ethan Forrester.. "Ladies and Gentlemen Ryon Forrester"!

  • Yea he's already building character.

    Eh...maybe... I can tell he would be a good lord when he's older if Rodrik dies

  • I honestly hope we'll be able to play Ryon in season 2. There's already an open character slot.

    YoChill posted: »

    Yea he's already building character.

  • TeamRyon I'm stoked

    I honestly hope we'll be able to play Ryon in season 2. There's already an open character slot.

  • Ryon is a fucking badass and i'm sure he is gonna be a great warrior... remember those skills from episode 1, with that stick? nuff said!

  • I love Ryon! For a character only having been in 2 episodes (well, depending on your choices), he's very well developed! "Iron From Ice!" maybe was cringeworthy to some, but I loved it :)

  • This kid is going to become Lord sooner or later

    YoChill posted: »

    "People who do bad things need to be punished. Someone did something bad to Father and Rodrik. Someone should hurt them even worse." ―Ryon to Ethan Forrester.. "Ladies and Gentlemen Ryon Forrester"!

  • That whole bit made me think Gywn isn't trustworthy. She says Ryon's spirit has been broken. Didn't look like it.

    She seems to think her dads proposal is fair! Really?

    I think just because we know she and Asher had a thing, doesn't mean we should trust her.

    Chastity posted: »

    In episode 3 Gywn had said her father had broken Ryon's spirite and is doubting that Rodrik would bring him home. But in episode 4 his spirite is still hopeful! Like Wtf Gywn? She be lying

  • TBH

    I was gonna let him to take care of himself because he's a forrestor

    but that scene was amazing when he said iron from ice i told myself i seriously got to help him :)

  • Common he said it at the beginning "i thought u forgot about me"

    he was broken but when they came he knew that they wouldn't leave him :)

    Chastity posted: »

    In episode 3 Gywn had said her father had broken Ryon's spirite and is doubting that Rodrik would bring him home. But in episode 4 his spirite is still hopeful! Like Wtf Gywn? She be lying

  • edited June 2015

    I'll do my best to save him since he's a Forrester and it's a matter of house pride, but as a character I think he's pretty uninteresting and tbh I wouldn't miss him if he died. I'd feel bad for Lady Forrester though.

  • Telltale please!! If your gonna kill off Ryon don't Do it as harsh as you killed Ethan. Cause telltale you did Ethan wrong, real wrong!

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