Gwyn's accent.....



  • Ditto that :-)

    ranger563 posted: »

    Laura Bailey is one of my favorite VOs, and she can generally pull off a perfect British accent. However, the characters in this game (espec

  • His accent fluctuates a bit, but in the later seasons he's better. At least you know what he's trying to do

    Brn2bwild posted: »

    You must hate Peter Dinklage, then.

  • Nope, I actually like him as an actor. I don't watch the show, but from the scenes I saw he's a damn good actor.

    As a matter of fact, though, I do have a slight issue with his attempt at English accent. I don't hate neither him nor Laura.

    Brn2bwild posted: »

    You must hate Peter Dinklage, then.

  • I didn't delete anything you moron, I'm not even sure I can. Happy to "face" you whatever that means.

    PS. Did you see the mod alert about staying on topic?

  • edited March 2015

    Accent is perfect to me.

    I'd have to bet the people complaining about the accent are British.

  • I could see that, but it wouldn't necessarily result in completely different accents.

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    Hundreds of years ago here in upper class England, ladies were raised to be ladies, and men were raised to be men. This would lead to the fe

  • But it would. Not accents so much as the inflection and way of speaking, making them sound different. They would have the same accent, but the way in which they spoke would be different. So it's no surprise that the men and women of a house should speak differently to one another.

    Brn2bwild posted: »

    I could see that, but it wouldn't necessarily result in completely different accents.

  • It's possibly the worst attempt at a Northern accent I've ever heard from an actor/actress. She would have been better off sticking with with a Southern accent, which I'm sure she could do very well, instead of trying to do a Northern accent and ending up with something that sounds like an estuary of every English speaking country in the world.

  • It's a good thing England doesn't exist in Westeros or this would actually be a problem.

    Her "English" accent is anything but English would be the main problem there.

  • This is a fictional country and planet so she can have any accent she wants.

  • edited May 2015

    Accents aren't really an issue in a fantasy setting. Westeros isn't really England, so while Laura Bailey might not be able to nail a Yorkshire accent, there is no reason why her accent couldn't be a legit northern Westerosi accent. Yorkshire doesn't exist in Gwyn Whitehill's world.

    The complaints about accents remind me of people griping that Russell Crowe sounded Australian as Maximus, and couldn't do a proper British accent...ignoring of course that the character was an ancient Roman, not a modern Brit.

  • I love Laura Bailey as a voice actress, she is very very good at her job. But... out of all the people Telltale has picked to voice characters in Game of Thrones, she probably the weakest, mostly because that accent seems to appear then disappear in the middle of dialogue. It's not painful, I have heard far worse, and doesn't distract me all that much, but it was impossible to not notice for the first few conversations.

  • I agree that her accent is far from perfect and it breaks the immersion little bit but I got used to it. Asher sounds like he grew up in a gutter rather than a castle, which I find slightly annoying.

  • I can't tell accents very well, so she sounds fine to me. ¯\(ツ)

  • Ditto. I have no ear for accents so it never bothers me.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I can't tell accents very well, so she sounds fine to me. ¯\(ツ)/¯

  • edited May 2015

    No need to be such a fucking dick. I could tell Gwyn's voice was not a authentic British accent the moment they introduced her. And guess what I from New York. The reason I can distinguish the difference is because I watch a lot of TV show including Game Of thrones and I also watch shows on BBC America which brings audiences the latest hits and biggest stars from the UK with a new generation of award-winning dramas, comedians, and groundbreaking non-fiction shows the UK.

    Her "English" accent is anything but English would be the main problem there.

  • I don't know enough about English accents to make any judgments about her voice, being a Northener American that is living in the South in a town mainly populated by military families from Alaska and Germany and with many ebonic-style speaking black people

  • Bailey's accent does waver quite a bit, though it's not as bad as the occasional sound morphing for Jon Snow's voice when he says the name, Gared.

    From what I understand, people with perfect pitch also have a good ear for accents, so maybe the person who did the audio recording (can't sing well and) can't tell if Laura is on or off the mark?

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