Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Minecraft might have something to show since it's premiering this year, I mean TFTB had its first real showing around this time of year last year. As well TWD is showing whatever that "Bigger than 400 Days" thing is at E3.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I guess it's decied that J16 is the release date it's only two weeks from this tuesday and it cross with E3 confernce and TT probably don't

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited May 2015

    Hmm still the more things they get to show the better? I think TT have that kind of mentality ,,our fans waited 15 weeks last time, two more won't hurt any one right right?"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Actually Walking Dead is going to be shown at E3 and Minecraft will probably get a trailer at the very least.

  • I just want to say, Job has already confirmed in the TWD waiting thread that they'll be showing something for TWD at E3 that'll be bigger than 400 Days, and I'd be VERY surprised if they didn't take the chance to show of Minecraft since it's confirmed to start this year, and they did the same thing with Borderlands last year. IMO it would make more sense for them to get the episode out before E3 as to not take the focus off of at least the TWD thing, if not Minecraft as well.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I guess it's decied that J16 is the release date it's only two weeks from this tuesday and it cross with E3 confernce and TT probably don't

  • I still have hope for J9. ;_;

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I guess it's decied that J16 is the release date it's only two weeks from this tuesday and it cross with E3 confernce and TT probably don't

  • Oh I hadn't checked that thread in a while and minecraft is not really interesting to me, well I hope you're right with TfB taking hte spot light but seeing as the things are going we will probably get our anwser in two days because if we don't get trailer at J2 then it pretty much confirms J16

    derrickd95 posted: »

    I just want to say, Job has already confirmed in the TWD waiting thread that they'll be showing something for TWD at E3 that'll be bigger th

  • Hope dies the last they say

    Pipas posted: »

    I still have hope for J9. ;_;

  • Not exactly the best date for me...Because it would mean that I have to battle ANOTHER math exam in order to enjoy my episode 3...

    Pipas posted: »

    I still have hope for J9. ;_;

  • or fallout 4!

    though it looks a little hopeful.. ish.... I've been waiting for sooo long

    eRock92 posted: »

    Look on the bright side, you could be someone waiting for The Last Guardian, Half-Life 2: Episode 3/Half-Life 3, a sequel to The Iron Giant, a Cubs fan waiting for a world series title... stuff like that.

  • http://strawpoll.me/4507733 I wanna see how many people think we're gonna get it on the 9th of June.

    I personally think they won't make us wait longer than the 9th but hey you never know :P

  • I wish.

    Green613 posted: »

    http://strawpoll.me/4507733 I wanna see how many people think we're gonna get it on the 9th of June. I personally think they won't make us wait longer than the 9th but hey you never know :P

  • Nah =[

    Green613 posted: »

    http://strawpoll.me/4507733 I wanna see how many people think we're gonna get it on the 9th of June. I personally think they won't make us wait longer than the 9th but hey you never know :P

  • We haven't gotten the flood of information hyping up a release, and without any hype there's at least two more weeks of waiting(allowing for more info to be teased this week and a trailer to be launched the week after... followed by release in another week)

    ^ But that's just my logic.

    Green613 posted: »

    http://strawpoll.me/4507733 I wanna see how many people think we're gonna get it on the 9th of June. I personally think they won't make us wait longer than the 9th but hey you never know :P

  • Come on, where's the Au classification? Starting to lose hope that it'll come before E3. J2 is definitely not happening, and J9 is almost impossible unless Telltale sent the episode in for classification late and Sony/Microsoft approve it EXTREMELY quickly. J16 is pretty unlikely no matter what happens since I don't think Telltale wants either E3 to overshadow ep 3 or for ep 3 to overshadow TWD/Minecraft/whatever they're showing this year. At this point my bet is J23. I REALLY hope I'm wrong :(

  • All this waiting, I'm not even angry anymore...

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  • edited May 2015

    I'm pretty sure that's called depression. Give your psychologist a visit.

    All this waiting, I'm not even angry anymore...

  • edited May 2015

    A depressing thought;

    In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 weeks between the release of Ep2 and Ep3.

    That would be only 2 weeks shorter than the wait between Ep1 and Ep2, and only 3 weeks shorter than the wait between Ep1 and Ep2 of The Wolf Among Us.

    So. In total, that equals a 30 week wait between Ep1 and Ep3 of Tales. Which is around 7 months.....

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  • edited May 2015

    Ive been waiting forever for Ep 3......

  • Whelp I guess we should pass the time then...


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I get the feeling that they are only showing one game at E3 with that being something related to TWD as they only showed TFTB last year. PAX Prime is in August so i think that is the likely time that they might show Minecraft.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Minecraft might have something to show since it's premiering this year, I mean TFTB had its first real showing around this time of year last year. As well TWD is showing whatever that "Bigger than 400 Days" thing is at E3.

  • It sounds more like a case of Soonitis...

    Not much a psychologist can do in that regard - at least a psychiatrist can prescribe 20 cc's of ep 3, stat!

    Piggs posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that's called depression. Give your psychologist a visit.

  • God, that is depressing...

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    A depressing thought; In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 w

  • So, in total, our wait has been longer than the time between episodes 1 and 3 of TWAU? Is that what I'm reading?

    A depressing thought; In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 w

  • Either that, or xanax. Just... buckets of xanax. Not much else to prescribe that'd ease the wait at this point.

    It sounds more like a case of Soonitis... Not much a psychologist can do in that regard - at least a psychiatrist can prescribe 20 cc's of ep 3, stat!

  • The wait between Ep1 and Ep3 of TWAU was 26 weeks in total.

    It will be 27 weeks tomorrow since Ep1 of Tales came out. So yes, it's been a longer wait, and will be a couple of weeks more.

    So, in total, our wait has been longer than the time between episodes 1 and 3 of TWAU? Is that what I'm reading?

  • edited May 2015

    Just sitting here waiting still...... 0:28 to 0:35 seconds is me each day waiting for release news...

  • Alt text

    Don't mind me i'm just having a tantrum.. What the hell can take this long?

    The wait between Ep1 and Ep3 of TWAU was 26 weeks in total. It will be 27 weeks tomorrow since Ep1 of Tales came out. So yes, it's been a longer wait, and will be a couple of weeks more.

  • So TftB wait is officially the worst wait ever.


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    The wait between Ep1 and Ep3 of TWAU was 26 weeks in total. It will be 27 weeks tomorrow since Ep1 of Tales came out. So yes, it's been a longer wait, and will be a couple of weeks more.

  • Episode 4: November 14th. Calling it now!

  • Nah, at this rate Christmas is more likely.

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    JackMarco posted: »

    Episode 4: November 14th. Calling it now!

  • It's getting to the stage where Feb 17 (or I guess 18th?) could actually be a plausible release date for a future episode...

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    buntingsir posted: »

    Nah, at this rate Christmas is more likely.

  • I've been hyping J23 so...

    Alt text

    A depressing thought; In the unlikely event that it doesn't come out until near the end of the month (J23), That would mean a gap of 14 w

  • I still have a bit of hope. It better be a goo- No. It WILL be a good episode! I think game of thrones comes out faster because they have a storyline set, and they may be improvising with Tales. Think of ep. 2's screen, it had Assquez holding Rhys at gunpoint in a cave. We didnt have that happen, right? There could be a whole rewrite in the script, unfortunately. So I'm hoping for #J9

  • "So I'm hoping for #J9"

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I still have a bit of hope. It better be a goo- No. It WILL be a good episode! I think game of thrones comes out faster because they have a

  • WAIT!

    We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed!

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    (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • Is it happening?

    Is it really happening??!

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

  • Alt text

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it happening? Is it really happening??!

  • We still need Au classification though. But I still believe in J9 release date.

    WAIT! We've just had a massive down-size - when that happened for Atlas Mugged the release quickly followed! (Also, it looks like a similar size to the last episode - which I'm totally satisfied with!)

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