Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • edited June 2015

    the fact that we have gotten barely anything other than i am moving on to work on minecraft is hurting me inside.. god damn it :/ (before anyone says anything i am not trying to say minecraft is causing tales to be delayed or anything)

  • I will never buy another game with their name on it

    if i got a dollar for everytime someone has said that and then turns out they buy another game from them i would be so bloody rich

    Idle_hand posted: »

    It just makes me sad... That loyal and dedicated gamers are being ignored and treated in this way.. All we want is information that isn't va

  • The reason why I've been less invested in this game than GoT is because of the long wait and lack of informtions. It really reminds me of TWAU and at this point I truly no longer remember much of what happened in the previous episodes. I know that these are episodic games but I don't think it's a good thing to use that excuse everytime to justify the late releases of the episodes.

    Let's just admit that something doesn't work in their schedule, and they are working on too many games at the same time. I like Telltale but I believe it's never a good thing to prefer quantity over quality and instead of working on multiple games, they should stick to the minimum and do everything they can to shorten the wait between episodes.

  • The first time I came onto the main community page, I scrolled down and thought 'wow, that's a lot of projects they're working on'. It's inevitable that some will take longer than others, but I'm starting to hear Jack's voice in my head and I think I'm going insane because of this wait.

    Mary5 posted: »

    The reason why I've been less invested in this game than GoT is because of the long wait and lack of informtions. It really reminds me of TW

  • So we're officially a worse wait than TWAU now, from episode one to episode three, I believe.
    Claptrap probably messed up the files again.
    Damn it.

  • And i thought that episode 1 to episode 2 was a long wait...

  • Well, ep 2 wait is still longer.

    And i thought that episode 1 to episode 2 was a long wait...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    {Speaking Russian}

    Rixel posted: »

    [cries in English]

  • Key word still, few more weeks and welcome to the longest wait ever...even TWAU won't have anything on us...

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, ep 2 wait is still longer.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Leluch123 posted: »

    Key word still, few more weeks and welcome to the longest wait ever...even TWAU won't have anything on us...

  • My god the same comments are getting posted over and over again.
    It's getting annoying to see the same thing, you guys need to understand that Tales takes longer than GoT because of the amount of work that Tales needs. Tales has choices which create different scenes, more diaiolgue , while GoT, choices don't create different scenes, they just change some dialogue. This means more animation, design, code, testing, writing.

    So, just be patient, stop badgering Telltale for it to be released, if you want a a quailty product, then you should know that it takes time.
    For the people talking about the lack of information, we got something on 27th, last week. You really don't need much more news than that. It shows that the episode is getting closer to release.

    Jeez, times like this really makes want to not be apart of this community.

  • If anything, I would have thought that GoT would take longer, due to FOUR different locations, determinant characters etc etc...

    But still, yes, the episode will be released when it's ready. You can't rush these things.

    kaza125 posted: »

    My god the same comments are getting posted over and over again. It's getting annoying to see the same thing, you guys need to understand

  • Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    GoT will be finished before Episode 3 of TftB comes out.

  • [Curses in Hungarian]

    dojo32161 posted: »

    {Speaking Russian}

  • I just finished The Witcher 3. I am now craving for my Tales from the Borderlands episode.

  • Haha so true

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I will never buy another game with their name on it if i got a dollar for everytime someone has said that and then turns out they buy another game from them i would be so bloody rich

  • GoT is about the same length of Tales (I think) and if you've noticed, in Tales there are different locations each time, because they are going on an adventure :D
    While GoT, they are in four locations, but for most of the time, each episode has the same locations, Ironrath, Castle Black etc.
    The locations have already made up, while Tales makes a new one each time. :)

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    If anything, I would have thought that GoT would take longer, due to FOUR different locations, determinant characters etc etc... But still, yes, the episode will be released when it's ready. You can't rush these things.

  • Trueeee, but I did notice that Episode 4 of Got had a bunch of new places. The Whitehill's castle, a bunch of Wildling territory, a bunch of places in Meereen, the area that Mira basically spends the whole of the episode in, and the Ironrath cellars are the others I can remember off the top of my head.

    Still, though, it does seem that Tales never really sticks to one location, and is full of new places each episode. (I do enjoy the whole adventure across Pandora!) I can understand why it may take a while to develop the episodes. I think we can all agree that we'd like the episode out by now, but I'm more than happy to wait if it means a quality episode. Besides, I always enjoy some good humor after playing an emotional roller-coaster called GoT.

    kaza125 posted: »

    GoT is about the same length of Tales (I think) and if you've noticed, in Tales there are different locations each time, because they are go

  • I understand it can be annoying for you to see the same shit over and over again. But I think our whining is valid, the waiting time between the first two episodes was exactly 4 months and now we're almost at 3 months and no actual news, so we can't expect it in 2-3 weeks (or more?) -.- It just makes us a bit frustrated, we love this game too much. It's really hard to be patient :)

    kaza125 posted: »

    My god the same comments are getting posted over and over again. It's getting annoying to see the same thing, you guys need to understand

  • Agreed :)

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Trueeee, but I did notice that Episode 4 of Got had a bunch of new places. The Whitehill's castle, a bunch of Wildling territory, a bunch of

  • With two great announcements this week, Telltale is ought to release the trailer soon.

  • Telltale can't really release the trailer without the Au classification, sadly. As far as I know, Steam/Microsoft/Sony probably needs the classification before they can approve it for release, and Telltale doesn't know when it will release until the stores they sell it on approve it. The Au classification should be soon, since we got the NZ classification a week ago, but you can't really know.

    AwkwardAlex posted: »

    With two great announcements this week, Telltale is ought to release the trailer soon.

  • Not really anything noteworthy. They're like a month old too. I wouldn't consider them a screenshot. :P

    bigdogg0821 posted: »


  • What projects do you think they're actually putting resources towards at the moment?

    The first time I came onto the main community page, I scrolled down and thought 'wow, that's a lot of projects they're working on'. It's ine

  • I never knew that, thanks for the explanation. It was a good one ;)

    Blind Sniper can do a better job at explaining this to you then I can, but I'll do my best. The way Telltale works is that not only do th

  • Fallout 4 just got announced. So that's got me pretty hyped :)

  • Fallout 4 will come out before episode 3 of TftB.

    Fallout 4 just got announced. So that's got me pretty hyped

  • Yep, that's a pretty good explanation. As Metallica said, Telltale has different teams not just for each game, but even for each episode. Despite this, people still only work on one episode at once. Since Telltale's games are more simple than others (with the focus on storytelling instead of gameplay) they can afford to expand to having multiple teams working on their own projects. The existence of one game does not detract from another - it's not Minecraft, Marvel, the Super Show, or anything else slowing down Episode 3. Whatever the cause may be, I'm guessing it's very likely something going on only with Episode 3 alone.

    Blind Sniper can do a better job at explaining this to you then I can, but I'll do my best. The way Telltale works is that not only do th

  • Alt text

    pretends I didn't jinx episode 3

  • When you finish a game 'cause you're waiting for another.

    Alt text

    I just finished The Witcher 3. I am now craving for my Tales from the Borderlands episode.

  • Sooooo, we get a Fallout 4 trailer before we get an episode 3 trailer? Thanks Telltale......

  • Im starting to feel that we will get a Half-Life 3 release date before we get TFTB episode 3 release date.

    nickyzhere posted: »

    Sooooo, we get a Fallout 4 trailer before we get an episode 3 trailer? Thanks Telltale......

  • Come ON Telltale....halfway through 2015 now, we are finishing episode 5 in 2016 at this rate!!

  • Last Guardian will release before this episode does...

    Im starting to feel that we will get a Half-Life 3 release date before we get TFTB episode 3 release date.

  • Let's just admit that something doesn't work in their schedule

    That's pretty clear by now. Telltale should have realized this after TWD S1, and invested in their process. Instead, they added another team to work on two games at a time. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, the wait between TWD S1 and TWAU was long (almost a year), so maybe they did make changes that didn't end up working. But then Borderlands came out just a few months after TWD S2 ended, so they almost certainly did nothing serious to change their process in that time. With all these future projects being announced, I don't see them slowing down to make changes in the near future either. It's very frustrating as someone who loves their games but forgets details and loses interest during long waits. Pretty much all I can do at this point is occasionally voice my concern and refuse to buy their seasons until they're fully released and on sale.

    Mary5 posted: »

    The reason why I've been less invested in this game than GoT is because of the long wait and lack of informtions. It really reminds me of TW

  • Ah. Telltale better watch out, shoving cards infront of characters might spoil too much.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Not really anything noteworthy. They're like a month old too. I wouldn't consider them a screenshot. :P https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/594312543297900545 https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/593585620523462657

  • Alt text

    You're a psychic.

    Dapnee posted: »

    pretends I didn't jinx episode 3

  • I wonder if it's some sort of NDA they sign or something.

    Idle_hand posted: »

    It just makes me sad... That loyal and dedicated gamers are being ignored and treated in this way.. All we want is information that isn't va

  • edited June 2015

    Something I've had a bit of a gripe with for a while now is the lack of information, not leading up to the episodes, but in the "previously on" segments. Rarely do I see my choices actually show up in those, and it's kind of weird. Since the wait for most episodes in these kinds of games seems to be months at this point, I honestly can't tell you the little things I did in the last episode and little context clues will be all I have to go on.
    But TftB's second episode did a pretty good job of addressing this, with the little intro at the beginning at least stating some of the choices I've made (like taking a shot at what's his face). It's more about GoT and stuff like that where most of the major choices aren't show in the "previously on" segment. Sometimes it will just show something that happened right before the choice, which throws me off a bit.

  • Sasha actually looks pretty young in that screenshot. I know they said she's 24 (I think), but she looks slightly younger in the pic.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Not really anything noteworthy. They're like a month old too. I wouldn't consider them a screenshot. :P https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/594312543297900545 https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/593585620523462657

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