Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Draw what, Rhys unlocking Fiona's vault?
    Or Gortys daughter?
    I could try ;u;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You heard the man. This needs to exist.

  • Right, I forgot. I am shame. ;_;

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    its Reese. how could you not know that?

  • This is all I hear when I look at that picture


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I googled "neck hurts" Yeah..

  • I really want to finish this today though so maybe in a bit. ;_;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Pain in the neck is a nasty thing, You should have a rest sometime (:

  • Whatever you prefer, no pressure! We'd love to see your art. :D

    OreoAnarchy posted: »

    Draw what, Rhys unlocking Fiona's vault? Or Gortys daughter? I could try ;u;

  • its Reese. how could you not know that?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    There was a name, I just forgot. Damn it. </3

  • Is it going to be another masterpiece? D:

    The best day indeed...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I really want to finish this today though so maybe in a bit. ;_;

  • Well, I hope it's decent at the very least.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it going to be another masterpiece? The best day indeed...

  • I'll try XD

    Dracu98 posted: »

    could someone out there make a rhyiona-version of this? I just love this picture

  • "Rhys?!"

    The screech made him jump out of his seat, newspaper dropping to the ground and he felt himself instinctively grab the robot on his lap so she wouldn't join it. Gortys had curled up into a ball in surprise and he tapped the top of her head, signaling her it was alright.

    "What-- what was that?" She trembled uncharacteristically as he settled her on his seat.

    "I have no idea." He shuddered. "But it doesn't sound good."

    "Sounds like you might be sleeping with Lee today, dad." Gortys sniggered.

    "You're so cheeky." He grinned at her, not offended. "And you'd be happy, to hear, huh?"

    "Not... really," she confessed, tapping her index fingers together, embarrassed, and he blinked in surprise, "but you should probably check out what mum wants."

    "Right," he winced, hearing another furious 'Rhys!' in the distance, "well, your brother's upstairs. This might take a while so go see him if you get bored."

    She nodded, clasping her hands together and turning her attention to the television and he felt it was safe to leave her.

    He had no idea how he could tell but he could feel Fiona's furious aura even before he pushed the kitchen door open, the curses spouted under her breathed muffled. He gulped and rubbed his forehead in anticipation.

    "Have mercy on me..."

    Sucking a breath in, he opened the door and did his best not to turn back and run away when she turned to face him. She looked livid, her jaw tense and lips in a tight line but her eyes accused fury and he wasn't sure what to do.

    "Oh, finally," she spat and he felt the floor was suddenly the most interesting part of the house to look at, "what do you have to say to me?"

    "I'm... sorry?" He tried, trying to lean against the table casually and almost slipping in the proccess.

    "You're sorry?" She repeated incredulously. "That's it? That's seriously it?"

    He tapped his index fingers together, reminding himself of Gortys earlier -- she wouldn't admit it, but they were more similar than she ever let on -- and tried to offer her his best attempt at sad eyes. It was expected not to work, but a try wouldn't hurt.

    "Oh, no," she waved a finger in a negative motion in front of his face, "thta is not going to get you out of this. Look around you."

    The walls were painted brown and the floor was a mess of white and yellow, sprinkles decorating the table and chairs and he laughed nervously. There was a reason he hadn't wanted to look around before she forced him.

    "Oh. That." He laughed nervously and her pupils dilated angrily at the sound. "Yeah, I might've... made a mess."

    "You might've?"

    "Okay, I did, but--"

    "Stop talking." She cut him off, shoving a broom and a wet cloth in his hands. "Start cleaning."


    "No buts. I don't care. You'll explain later. Now you clean." She shoved the apron she'd put on -- it looked better on her than it did on him the day before -- back on the drawer and disappeared, making sure the door closed noisily behind her to remind him he still wasn't forgiven.

    Rhys sighed. He had work to do.


    The kitchen was shining about an hour later and although he could feel every bone in his body aching, he still felt a sense of pride at his remarkable work. Looking over it one last time, he nodded to himself before daring to leave the room, finding Fiona leaning against the wall and tapping her foot impatiently. She'd clearly been waiting for him despite whatever anger she was feeling and the thought made him smile. She didn't miss it.

    "What are you so smug about?" She inquired dryly and he quickly reverted back to a neutral stance.

    "Uh, nothing. I just finished."

    "I noticed," she clicked her tongue, finally getting her back off the wall, "now explain. Loader Bot told me you cleaned up the kitchen. Then I come back to find that. What gives?"

    It was easy to notice that she was still trying to keep the stern tone but after knowing her for years not even her natural ability for faking could fool him and he could tell she wasn't as angry now that he'd fixed the mess.

    But he still didn't want to give her an excuse to get fired up again.

    "I was going to," he cautiously started, watching her reactions intently, "but Gortys distracted me when we started cleaning up."

    "With what?"

    He'd gotten her attention, at least.

    "She wanted to make something for you. I just-- I was going to give it to you but the little date mixup happened yesterday and... yeah, well."

    "Oh, come on." She rolled her eyes. "You know I'm not angry about that. I had a great time, alright? It was an accident. They happen, let's move on. I am interested in this though." She crossed her arms, expectantly. "It's my birthday today so...?"

    He understood and moved his hand behind his back, reaching for his backpocket and handing her a folded piece of paper.

    "She didn´t know how to colour very well, so..." he watched unfold the paper, eyes scanning the content, "so I helped her and we kinda just forgot about the kitchen in the middle of that... I'm sorry."

    He scratched the back of his head, darting his eyes from the floor to her for an instant and noticing how glossy her eyes had become, the green turning dull, before she wiped a stray tear away, hoping he hadn't noticed.

    He panicked.

    "Whoa, are you --? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--"

    "Shut up," she laughed, choking a little, "I'm happy, you moron. I'm not sad."

    The relief flooded his body and he let out the breath he'd been holding, a small smile making its way onto his features.

    "Oh," he awkwardly clasped his hands behind his back, "that´s... that´s good. I'm glad. I hope we're okay now."

    She didn't reply with words right away, moving instead to hug him, letting her head rest on the crook of his neck as he embraced her back.

    "I'm sorry." She finally breathed against his neck and he shook his head playfully.

    "Don't worry about it."

    Breaking free, she pushed him away slightly, getting on the tip of her toes to give him a quick peck before making her way back to the kitchen.

    "Well?" She gestured to the door. "I think Gortys deserves a reward. Let's see if you can not make a mess this time."

    He scoffed lightly, crossing his arms.

    "Is that a challenge? You know from the cake yesterday that I'm a great baker."

    "We´ll see." She winked at him, closing the door behind them when he walked in.

    As he got to work -- she'd force him to use the small apron, the cruel woman -- she took one last fond look at the paper, a crudely drawn (but the best she could ask for) figure of her plastered on it with the words "The best mum in the universe!" sloppily written under the picture.

    She folded it with a smile and placed it on her chest pocket, near her heart.

    Okay, this is obviously a sequel to that party/birthday story.

    I don't know what else to say.

  • Cool fact, there is an unused line of Fiona talking about how she got the Vault key, one being "I'm dating a Vault Hunter, and he gave me it as an engagement ring!"

    tessie0713 posted: »

    I started to re-watch playthroughs of episode 1 and 2 again and again to ease the pain of waiting, and I think of something when I saw this:

  • Its just, its just, perfect. Again. Again.

  • thanks sis, hope it won't make too much work :D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I'll try XD

  • I find stories about family the most touching.

    Same, actually. :) And I felt like it would be nice to explore that even for a con artist, sometimes it's not really the value of what someone gives you but what they meant with it.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yay, a sequel! This is so great, I find stories about family the most touching. She folded it with a smile and placed it on her chest pocket, near her heart. tears of happiness ;_;

  • Yay, a sequel!

    This is so great, I find stories about family the most touching.

    She folded it with a smile and placed it on her chest pocket, near her heart.

    tears of happiness ;_;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Rhys?!" The screech made him jump out of his seat, newspaper dropping to the ground and he felt himself instinctively grab the robot on

  • Damn, over 100 comments and a ton of fan art. Wowzah!

  • Thread is on fire today.


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Damn, over 100 comments and a ton of fan art. Wowzah!

  • Oh good, thenks

    an we cool now right brotha?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It´s alright, really. :P


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It would be spooky, but look at it this way: It's just the web browser confirming that Rhyiona is true. It's done it to Quiff and it's done it to me. Rhyiona is 100, 1000, 10000% confirmed.

  • U know I'm right!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    quiff pls

  • I'm sorry you witnessed that ;__;

    OreoAnarchy posted: »

    Huh, I'm curious. Going to google that now. HOLY SHIT MY EYEBALLS OH MY GOD WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK

  • u perv

    Quiff posted: »

    U know I'm right!

  • We cool. :P

    Quiff posted: »

    Oh good, thenks an we cool now right brotha?

  • A feel a day keeps the "soon"s away. ;_______;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, it's so heartwarming. Now I just can't get over how cute this is, too many feels for me today.

  • Yeah, it's so heartwarming. Now I just can't get over how cute this is, too many feels for me today.

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I find stories about family the most touching. Same, actually. And I felt like it would be nice to explore that even for a con artist, sometimes it's not really the value of what someone gives you but what they meant with it.

  • no call me a deviant

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    u perv

  • edited June 2015

    u deviant

    Quiff posted: »

    no call me a deviant

  • That... was actually a typo.

    Quiff posted: »

    Should I be offended by that?

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We cool. :P

  • Should I be offended by that?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    u deviant

  • Gosh that's darn beautiful!

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That... was actually a typo.

  • i think that arthur glenmore is also a Rhyiona shipper

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    Arthur encouraging Rhys to make a move.

    Alt text

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    i think that arthur glenmore is also a Rhyiona shipper

  • Goddammit I'm so tired of drawing this!!! It's still not ready but I don't want to look at this anymore so yeah, I'm done...

    Alt text

    (I never know what to do with the background but at least Fiona and Rhys look badass...)

  • Alt text


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Goddammit I'm so tired of drawing this!!! It's still not ready but I don't want to look at this anymore so yeah, I'm done... (I never know what to do with the background but at least Fiona and Rhys look badass...)


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Goddammit I'm so tired of drawing this!!! It's still not ready but I don't want to look at this anymore so yeah, I'm done... (I never know what to do with the background but at least Fiona and Rhys look badass...)

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