Ser Jorah (Spoiler alert)

edited June 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Yes, I made a thread just to express how much I pity him.

First he was friendzoned, accused, then banished by his only love.

He finds out his father is dead, Tyrion simply just throws in that Jorah loves Dany right in front of him, which is mortifying and painful.

And he gets banished again. Oh yeah and he's turning into a stoneman? No big deal... T-T

It might be weird, because he's much older than Dany but I wanted them to get together. (I know, I know what Ramsay said is true, there's no happy ending to this)

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And he keeps trying. Sad eyes ... (Pls don't write spoilers from the book.)


  • Poor Jorah, he tried so hard to get back to Dany only to be banished again. And the worst is, SPOILER ALERT, if what I've seen about Episode 9 is true, which seemed accurate, Jorah is going to die in the fighting pit.

  • Dany knew full well Jorah is in love with her. He all but said it when he was with her. Ive always liked Jorah. I understand why Dany is mad. She trusted him and she feels betrayed. I just wish she would hear him out. Give him a chance to explain. He's dying already.

  • Well I hope not, but I think it'll happen eventually.

  • Yes, but it's still mortifying. And I don't understand why she feels so betrayed, he did spy on her in the beginning, but it seems like she forgot that he saved her life.

    KCohere posted: »

    Dany knew full well Jorah is in love with her. He all but said it when he was with her. Ive always liked Jorah. I understand why Dany is mad

  • If you read the books, you are now more like "I am not sure if they are doing it at all" than "I know what will happen next".

  • To be honest with this plot the book cant really spoil anything.

    I like Jorah as well, I wish hed get over Dany

  • Wait, Young Griff or the Daznak's Pit scene? Because there're behind the scenes footage of them recording that particular Daznak's Pit moment.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    If you read the books, you are now more like "I am not sure if they are doing it at all" than "I know what will happen next".

  • First off, the books can't spoil his fate, because its veered far off course when it comes to his character, so don't worry about that. Second, oh dear god I feel bad for this man, he is the Lord of the Friendzone. He is a emotional punching bag, he keeps getting kicked to the curb, and bad stuff keeps happening, but he keeps going on with less and less of a purpose. I feel real bad for him, I hope it gets better, but it won't, deep down I know it won't. So when his time comes, I shall say, fare thee well Ser Jorah Mormont, the great bear with a bleeding heart of stone.


    You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.

  • Correct, if you slow it down, you can see the point where his heart explodes.

    jamex1223 posted: » You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.

  • Really? It's that different now?

    To be honest with this plot the book cant really spoil anything. I like Jorah as well, I wish hed get over Dany

  • edited June 2015

    Book readers won't be able to spoil you about Jorah, because his TV series arc has now diverged from the book.

    In the book he doesn't get greyscale at all. There is another character named Jon Connington in the books that does get greyscale, and they seem to have folded his story in with Jorah in the television series. Connington doesn't exist in the TV series.

    The TV series did this with some other characters as well. For example in the books Sansa doesn't get married off to Ramsay. As of the last book, she is still in the Vale as Littlefinger's padawan. Another girl named Jeyne Poole ends up married to Ramsay. Ramsay thinks he's married Arya Stark, since Littlefinger disguised her as such and then passed her off to the Boltons. Jeyne, rather than Sansa, is the one who ends up brutalized by Ramsay in the books. The books have a ton of characters and not all can make the TV series, so the TV series cut Jeyne and combined her storyline with Sansa. (...and not without controversy)

  • Alt text

    Correct, if you slow it down, you can see the point where his heart explodes.

  • Series Jorah has GoT AIDs (which are much more deadly, of course) and has told no one. He was bannished in the first place for holding secrets, and he is salty about it. Tough luck.

  • Yeah, its all true, in the books Jorah hasn't even made it to Mereen, so your a first hand witness to everything that occurs now.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Really? It's that different now?

  • Ok then :D

    Yeah, its all true, in the books Jorah hasn't even made it to Mereen, so your a first hand witness to everything that occurs now.

  • Jorah is a stalker at this point and I can't wait for him to die.

  • You know what would be a satisfying ending for Jorah? Now that we know how important valyrian steel is and we know where to find it, or at least where it was invented (Old Valyria - where the stonemen live) Jorah could be the one to go there and get it for Daenerys/find a source for it, or at least some leftover blades. It is far-fetched of course and first Daenerys and Tyrion have to learn about the threat in the north. But Tyrion has been on the wall and I think he realised the danger for the whole of Westeros. And greyscale has to play a bigger role, it's been talked about so much. And of course Jorah has to live long enough...

  • Stannis's daughter was cured from that disease, can Jorah be saved too? He needs some purpose to live and not just die in a fighting pit.

    rousseau posted: »

    You know what would be a satisfying ending for Jorah? Now that we know how important valyrian steel is and we know where to find it, or at l

  • I would not like to see him dying in a fighting pit either. But I'm pretty sure he won't be cured. He would have to see maesters and healers and endure their treatments, I can't imagine him doing that. He's either going to do something dangerous and maybe helpful for others - because he's doomed anyway - or he will spread the disease.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Stannis's daughter was cured from that disease, can Jorah be saved too? He needs some purpose to live and not just die in a fighting pit.

  • Greyscale is much more deadly in adults than in children.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Stannis's daughter was cured from that disease, can Jorah be saved too? He needs some purpose to live and not just die in a fighting pit.

  • All hail Ser Jorah of House Mormont, King of the Nice Guys, Protector of the Like a Brothers and Lord of the Friendzone.

    Long may he reign.

  • Not really, if your a child you have a better chance of surviving, its kind of like small pox in that respect. The only option is to cut off your hand, but that doesn't always work. And its not in the classic zombie style where if you do it fast enough your fine, no even if you did cut it off right then and there, you still have a chance of still dying. Greyscale just sucks, and it seems poor Jorah is half past fucked.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Stannis's daughter was cured from that disease, can Jorah be saved too? He needs some purpose to live and not just die in a fighting pit.

  • Poor man, what a shitty way to die.

    Not really, if your a child you have a better chance of surviving, its kind of like small pox in that respect. The only option is to cut of

  • Then it's inevitable... If Daenerys is going to cry over his death I'll just hate her even more..

    rousseau posted: »

    I would not like to see him dying in a fighting pit either. But I'm pretty sure he won't be cured. He would have to see maesters and healers

  • S'what happens when you fall in love with a spoilt bitch. I like him, but god don't get with Dany.

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