Is Rodrik going to make it? (potential spoilers)

Curious what people's opinions are after the last episode - much as I like him, I think in the long run they might kill him off & have Asher take over in the end.



  • I wouldn't like that but yes, it could happen. I can also see Asher marry Gwynn and reunite their Houses together in some sort of 'happy ending'.

    We'll see.

  • Yup, I have a feeling Rodrick will die and Asher will take over, or maybe even possibly have a choice to save Asher or Rodrick in episode 5, and then having episode 6 have a determinate playable character

  • I think Rodrik will survive the series but Asher will die.

    At the very least I don't think Rodrik will die at the beginning of the next episode. It would be rather pointless to end the last episode on a cliffhanger only to have Ramsay kill Rodrik as the next episode opens. Ramsay is going to throw a wrench in the works, but I don't think it will be killing Rodrik.

  • I think all playable characters except Gared will make it, this is Game of Thrones, they do kill a lot of characters, but usually after quite sometimes and rarely on mass like TWD.

  • I hope he'll make it! I actually quite like all of the Forresters. I expect at least one to die, but it would be sad to see any of them die.

  • We riot if Rodrik doesn't make it!!

  • I doubt Rodrik or Asher will live to the end of episode 6, and I can see Talia and Gryff having to "arrange" something, not to mention Gwyn killing Ludd eventually. With any luck Rodrik doesn't get Luke's fate from TWD S2 and goes out with more than just a silent goodbye.

  • edited June 2015

    It seems like long shot but I don't think any of the playable characters will die.

  • I would actually love for this to happen, it would completely subvert out expectations, hell the game has already subverted our expectations in the amount of characters that have died so far, its been a very low body count as of late. But, I think Gared is the one going down, he deserted the Nights Watch, there is no coming back from that, plain and simple.

    Faustus posted: »

    It seems like long shot but I don't think any of the playable characters will die.

  • I really don't see Asher in charge of the house so I'm inclined to believe Rodrik lives or everyone except Ryon and possibly Talia dies.

  • Its possible that, although his scars are healing, there's some problems internally and he'll die of internal bleeding or a rupture.

  • I think Mira and Asher are gonna die. Mira is in way over her head with no allies around, and Asher has been swallowed by the GoT black hole that is Daenerys.

  • Did you fall asleep at episode 1's ending? A playable character already died. Any more makes way more sense than any since that is very late.

    Faustus posted: »

    It seems like long shot but I don't think any of the playable characters will die.

  • My money's on Gared as the player character death.

    Killing Rodrik would be killing three Forrester lords over the span of the game, plus Rodrik was already believed dead before episode 2. As much as I love his character I don't think killing him off would leave as much of an impact beacuse of that.

  • I'm not so sure on the whole "Rodrik dies and Asher will become Lord" thing, but I do agree with half of it, that Rodrik will be probably die.

  • I said Will not die didn't I?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Did you fall asleep at episode 1's ending? A playable character already died. Any more makes way more sense than any since that is very late.

  • Rodrik can't be broken, he had so many occasions to die before, losing him at the end would be a pity. Not to mention I won't sit through another funeral song by Talia.

  • If he has to have a life and death struggle I don't like his chances his injuries still seem pretty bad so if he can avoid direct combat I like his chances to live with Ramsay there though anything can happen.

  • Rodrik really is the best option for Lord, and I've really played Asher as a loose cannon killer. If Rodrik dies, I'd rather have Mira in charge..

  • Crap, I didn't read what I posted, shit. Correction, it would be nice if nobody else dies, but I won't hold my breath for that.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Did you fall asleep at episode 1's ending? A playable character already died. Any more makes way more sense than any since that is very late.

  • I think Rodrik is going to bite the dust for sure. He is a lot like Robb Stark and I think is meant to be a parallel to him. He may meet a similarly grisly fate.

  • Rodrik dies next episode. I can almost guarantee it, maybe he last till the last episode, but either way he will die this season.

  • I think Gared is likely going to die and maybe Mira be determinant.

    I hope all the others have longer arcs, (if not all of them)

    I think next episode a death is possible and maybe 1 or two in the finale. I dont want another walking dead case where they feel the need to exterminate every character

  • Gared will kill them all and become the new lord of House Tuttle (ex. Forrester).

    But seriously, I think Rodrik is gonna survive, don't really know about Asher and I think that Gared will find the North Grove and end this.
    I bet Episode 6 will be a cliffhanger and they will release Season 2.

  • I would hate to see Roderik die. But i bet my money on gared possibly dying or maybe ryon or lady forrester. Asher is going to mess up in Essos and come home and change the game while mira and lord morgryn are going to re-purchase and re-purpose the services of the sellswords that lord andos has already procured in the effort to eliminate the forresters. MWAHAHAHA goodbye whitehills.

  • I'd like a choice in the finale where we could choose between 2 things:

    1. Save Rodrik, let Asher die. Results in eradication of House Whitehill, Forresters become a dominant family in those parts, their union with Glenmores secures their reign. Until Season 2, where this choice bites you in the ass.
    2. Save Asher, let Rodrik die. Results in unification of both houses (Asher and Gwynn), somewhat peaceful times between these two houses start. Until Season 2, where this choice bites you in the ass.
  • current between the and playable makes more sense, since Ethan was a playable character and is dead.

    Faustus posted: »

    I said Will not die didn't I?

  • If he dies that's the third lord killed this season, that's a lot for just one house.

    I think Mira will die not Rodrik.

  • Mira has a lot of potential though story wise. Past Rodrik's "bringing Ironrath back from the ashes while bringing himself back" story arc I can't see him doing anything else that really sparks story wise.

    If he dies that's the third lord killed this season, that's a lot for just one house. I think Mira will die not Rodrik.

  • Yeah so did Ethan. Look what happens to potential.

    Mira has a lot of potential though story wise. Past Rodrik's "bringing Ironrath back from the ashes while bringing himself back" story arc I can't see him doing anything else that really sparks story wise.

  • I belive Mira will die in King´s Landing, all the choises the she(we) did will catch up to her. I think later this season she will die or something realy important that removes her from kings landing but also but her in a very dangerous road to ironath, her and tom alone in a road to ironath or shes dead is he final i see.

  • She's a handmaiden, she can get replaced.

  • I know she's important but i think come episode 6 she will die.

  • edited June 2015

    Do you think that maybe he could full heal? looks like hes with a permanent damaged leg or something

    Miny77 posted: »

    Its possible that, although his scars are healing, there's some problems internally and he'll die of internal bleeding or a rupture.

  • I think he will eventually be able to fight but his leg will always be an issue and honestly I prefer it that way Rodrik is just so interesting this way.

    LeoScottLee posted: »

    Do you think that maybe he could full heal? looks like hes with a permanent damaged leg or something

  • I dont know, he was so fucking badass back there, and I feel f*cking imprisioned like this, he is interesting in that way tho.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I think he will eventually be able to fight but his leg will always be an issue and honestly I prefer it that way Rodrik is just so interesting this way.

  • I am the real hound

    theHound posted: »

    I wouldn't like that but yes, it could happen. I can also see Asher marry Gwynn and reunite their Houses together in some sort of 'happy ending'. We'll see.

  • Well, I kinda called it. Not entirely correct, but somewhat correct.

    armis37 posted: »

    I'd like a choice in the finale where we could choose between 2 things: * Save Rodrik, let Asher die. Results in eradication of House W

  • You might yet be correct, a marriage between Gwyn and Asher is all but a given.

    armis37 posted: »

    Well, I kinda called it. Not entirely correct, but somewhat correct.

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